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Orice postat de ioio_viola

  1. o sa fie cel mai apropiat circuit de Motogp de noi. A huge step towards a #MotoGP return to Hungary in 2023! Dorna Sports CEO Carmelo Ezpeleta has met József Pacza...
  2. Frumoase jucarii au scos astia de la KTM.
  3. si pana la urma s-a intamplat :(. nu atunci cand a aparut stirea ci mai tarziu azi.
  4. pai ce astepti sa te sune transportatorul? ai aici numarul de telefon al lui, pune mana pe telefon si suna.
  5. Ce jegos, 20m mai incolo avea voie sa faca stanga.
  6. deci Morbi nu a primit ultima versiune de motocicleta ca nu are Yamaha bani pentru ea :)))))
  7. Asta a uitat cat l-a tras Vale dupa el inainte sa vina de la Suzuki la Yamaha? La fiecare antrenament si calificare era coada dupa el. Apoi normal ca nu s-au mai inteles, mosul a zis ca motorul nu se dezvolta cum trebuie, el a zis ca e ok si apoi s-a vazut unde au ajuns ... Daca FQ20 o sa stea bine mental, il rupe. Are si talent, si nervi de stat la lupta cu altii + stie sa se faca placut de fani.
  8. da, sunt doua cauze: lipsa publicului si lipsa banilor pentru reasfaltare
  9. nu se mai tin curse de MotoGP la Brno in urmatorii ani: si Tailanda nu se tine anul asta. cred ca in mare o sa avem Quatar si Europa in ritmul asta.
  10. 2022 Kawasaki KLR650 First Look The stone axe of ADV motorcycling has returned.
  11. Fara nimic oficial, doar asta se poate face. Cateodata no news are good news, dar de data asta tare mi-e ca e bad news pt el.
  12. S-a schimbat modificarea: 2021 Pre-season Testing: 5 MarchQatar Shakedown TestLosail 6-7 MarchQatar Official TestLosail 10-12 MarchQatar Official TestLosail ROUND DATE RACE CIRCUIT 1 28 March Qatar (Evening race) Losail 2 4 April Doha (Evening race) Losail 3 18 April Portugal Portimao 4 2 May Spain Jerez 5 16 May France Le Mans 6 30 May Italy Mugello 7 6 June Catalunya Barcelona 8 20 June Germany Sachsenring 9 27 June Netherlands Assen 10 11 July Finland (Subject to homologation) KymiRing 11 15 August Austria Red Bull Ring 12 29 August Great Britain Silverstone 13 12 September Aragon Aragon 14 19 September San Marino e Della Riviera di Rimini Misano 15 3 October Japan Motegi 16 10 October Thailand Buriram 17 24 October Australia Phillip Island 18 31 October Malaysia Sepang 19 14 November Comunitat Valenciana Ricardo Tormo Postponed Grands Prix: 11 AprilArgentinaTermas 18 AprilAmericasCOTA Reserve Grand Prix Venues: Indonesia (Subject to homologation)Mandalika RussiaIgora Drive
  13. :)))) a si inceput asta micu jocurile psihologice si nici macar nu a revenit pe motor
  14. Qatar Official Test schedule updated Two Official Test days and a Shakedown Test have been added to the calendar Tags 2021 Following a recent meeting between the Championship organisation and the MotoGP™ Class Teams, changes to the Qatar Test schedule have been agreed. Two extra Official Test days and a Shakedown Test day will now also be held at Losail International Circuit in March, ahead of and in addition to the previously confirmed Qatar Test, allowing the teams extra preparation ahead of the 2021 season. On the 5th of March, a Shakedown Test will take place in which participation will be limited solely to test riders and MotoGP™ class rookies. On the 6th and 7th of March, all riders may participate in two extra Official Test days. The new MotoGP™ class test schedule is therefore as follows: 3rd-4th March: Setup 5th March: Shakedown Test – rookies and test riders only 6th-7th March: Official Test 10th-12th March: Official Test Any further updates or information will be provided as soon as available.
  15. Inceputul e promitator Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, February's #SepangTest and Shakedown Test have been cancelled Full details here #MotoGP The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic and the resulting lockdowns and complications have forced the cancellation of both events, which were set to take place at the Sepang International Circuit in Malaysia in February. The Qatar Test, currently set to take place at the Losail International Circuit from March 10th to 12th, continues to be confirmed, and any further updates or changes will be provided as soon as available. Canceling this test could have implications for the test planned in Qatar. That's why a virtual meeting of the MotoGP teams has been called for on Thursday, January 14th, in order to assess the issue and whether, for example, a pre-test shakedown can be organized. We'll provide further information once this meeting takes place.
  16. Barcelona redeseneaza virajul 10:
  17. Deci Aprilia isi face echipa de uzina si o sa aibe 4 motoare pe grila.
  18. nu cred ca exista fix in oras. la Pascota in Giroc, la Ghiury in Dumbravita sau la Sergiu in Freidorf .
  19. ce faci cand vrei sa scoti pe careva din calendar sa faci loc altuia? maresti taxele si atunci renunta aia de buna voie. tiganie mare la Dorna astia.
  20. o combinatie de factori/prietenii/cumetrii si alte cele au dus la situatia actuala: e clar ca doctorii sunt vinovati pentru ca au dat ok-ul, dar la ce presiune au fost supusi nu sunt singurii vinovati in povestea asta
  21. asa zice si wikipediaárquez
  22. da, se pare ca acelasi doctor a mai dat-o in bara de mai multe ori inainte. greseala mare de echipa si strategie atunci. nu au invatat din greselile altora... dar in articol se vede si incapatanarea rider-ilor de a se da cu orice pret (cazul Miller). ... The same opinion was also shared by Livio Suppo, who in the course of his career as a manager had already experienced a similar situation with Jack Miller. I have always said that the fault in this story lies with the doctors. Something similar happened to me in 2016 when Miller fractured a vertebra. The same doctors who gave the go-ahead to Marc, Mir and Charte also gave it to him, and I was perplexed. Having experienced closely the accident of Filippo Preziosi, a friend, I asked him to point me to other doctors who could give me an opinion and they all told me that Jack should not race because in every crash the risk of paralysis was at maximum. I couldn't convince Jack right away, he raced in 3 GPs before stopping, I told him that people thought he was useless and not that he was going slowly because of the injury.
  23. Iti dai seama la ce presiune a fost pus doctorul laa sa-si dea acordul. Spui ca a fost o greseala comuna, dar nu ca doar din cauza doctorului ai patit ce ai patit...
  24. 1. mai e mult si bine pana se vindeca operatia. 2. "caracterul" iese iar la iveala: doctorii sunt vinovati Six-time MotoGP world champion Marc Marquez has admitted his attempt to return to action at Jerez just days after surgery on a broken right arm was "a mistake". Marquez crashed heavily in the closing stages of the season-opening Spanish Grand Prix at Jerez, breaking the humerus bone in his right arm which required an operation to have a plate fitted. The Honda rider tried to return for the following week's Andalusian GP at Jerez, having been cleared to do so by doctors. But he had to abort this after encountering problems in his right arm after qualifying, with the stresses of that weekend ultimately weakening the plate, leading to it breaking when he attempted to open a door at his home. Having had a second operation to fix this, Marquez wouldn't race again in 2020, with a slower-than-expected recovery forcing him to have a third operation on Thursday in Madrid. The bone graft operation took eight hours, and though a recovery time is unknown at this stage, Marquez faces a six-month period of rehabilitation - casting his participation in the start of the 2021 season into doubt. An update from Honda on Saturday revealed Marquez will remain in hospital in Madrid after an infection was found in the fracture, which will require "specific antibiotic treatment". The release also states his clinical situation post-surgery has been deemed "satisfactory". Speaking to Spain's DAZN ahead of the operation, Marquez commented on his Jerez return attempt, stating: "This year has taught me many things. "The first, that the attempt to return after the injury was hasty. My plate broke at home, opening a sliding door that I have to go out to the garden. "But the plate did not break there, it did so as a result of all the stress that was created in Jerez. "Trying to return to Jerez was a mistake. I've learned that the riders have a virtue and a defect, which is that the riders do not see fear, so they [doctors] have to make us see it. "After the first operation, the first question of every rider is: when can I get back on the bike? "And it is the doctor who has to know how to stop you, he is the one who has to be realistic. I went to Jerez with the peace of mind that the plate held because they told me so. "I am brave but not unconscious. If they tell me that the plate can break, I would not have gotten on a 300km/h motorcycle."
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