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Muzica pe care o ascultăm


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melechesh -

rudra -

the cat empire -

enisferum -

demons and wizards -

( cover ) -

punk cover - nu stiu de ce dar mi se pare simpatica asta :bounce:

liam lynch -


sper sa va placa :D


Nimic. :(

Nici n-am spus ca ar avea ceva.



Flogging Molly! Yarr.

:rock: prea tare melodia aia

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NU-mi vine sa cred ca nimeni nu a postat asta:


Merge ascultata inainte sa va dati pe circuit :D


Canon Rock TREBUIE ascultata, indiferent de ocazie...e un masterpiece al genului! :bounce:

Felicitari pentru alegere...


Prefer insa varianta asta!Nu ma intreba de ce!

Urmariti si celalalte clipuri cu interpreta asta japoneza...e incredibila! :rock:

Editat de Kassu
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Parerea mea e ca e una din cele mai reusite piese ale lor !! Oricum is mort dupa ea , chiar daca nu va place ! :bounce: :rock:



LE : Tot de la ei , Getting away with murder mi se pare iarasi bestiala !!

Editat de B!sh0p
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NU-mi vine sa cred ca nimeni nu a postat asta:


Merge ascultata inainte sa va dati pe circuit :cheers:



Pai cine se da ma pe circuit :friends: aici suntem pe forum :blbl:


Uite una care merge PE circuit si nu inainte ;)


ia mai luati ceva de la mine: Lizz Wright - My heart



enjoy this one too :banana:

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Vedeti ca a aparut un nou album Amon Amarth. I have it! Mwahahaha!

auzi, ba, teribilistule, ca tot ne certam noi pe alte topicuri, ia sa-ti dedic ceva, ce zici de asta?



Pleasure To Kill


Day turns to night as I rise from my grave

Black was the hole were I laid

Stalking the city to seek out your blood

I love when it showers from my blade

Your body is so pretty but how will it look

When my perverted lust is stilled

No one to save you no parents or friends

Because they've already got killed

My only aim is to take many lives

The more the better I feel

My only pleasure is to hear many cries

From those tortured by my steel

The colour of your blood from your open body

Is all I wanted to see

Tasting the blood from your lips as you die

Means satisfaction to me

Pleasure to kill

Hear my heartbeat as you see me upon you

Tears in your eyes I do not care

Listen now to the motor of my chainsaw

Open your eyes don't be scared

Look into my eyes do you see any love?

The only thing is agony

Now I can't wait to give you the good pain

Die now and be free

My only aim is to take many lives

The more the better I feel

My only pleasure is to hear many cries

From those tortured by my steel

The colour of your blood from your open body

Is all I wanted to see

Tasting the blood from your lips as you die

Means satisfaction to me

Pleasure to kill


Now that my mission is done

Your body forgotten has been killed

I return to the cemetery

And my bloodlust is stilled

My coffin is open for me

I lay down and rest

Nothing will set me free

And so I kill until excess

Day turns to night as I rise from my grave

Black was the hole where I laid

Stalking the city to seek out your blood

I love when it showers from my blade

Your body is so pretty but how will it look

When my perverted lust is stilled

No one to save you no parents or friends

Because they've already got killed

My only aim is to take many lives

The more the better I feel

My only pleasure is to hear many cries

From those tortured by my steel

The colour of your blood from your open body

Is all I wanted to see

Tasting the blood from your lips as you die

Means satisfaction to me

Pleasure to kill




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Salutare lume!


As vrea sa invit pe toata lumea sa asculte trupa mea : Conflict Mental! Cantam o combinatie de thrash metal/ groove cu hardcore.Pe ascultatorii de metal chiar ii invit sa zica o parere ceva.

Tineti cont ca suntem o trupa tanara ...aprox un an de la infiintare, ma rog toti membrii am mai activat si prin alte trupe de-a lungul timpului si ca piesele sunt inregistrate in conditii oarecum bune pentru Romania.A si btw nimic nu este artificial, fiecare instrument este inregistrat live de catre un om.Aveti si versurile daca dati click pe lyrics la fiecare piesa.

Eu sunt tobarul :cheers:

So here goes :

Sper sa va placa ! Support the underground! \m/


voi parca erati conflict dogma :banana:.... i-am zis si lu' razvan, schimbati vocalul!

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Una din melodiile mele preferate EVER! Kenny Loggins / Danger Zone / Top Gun


pentru un sound mai bun ( aceeasi melodie ) : Kenny Loggins - Danger Zone


:D :rolleyes: :ph34r: :D :P

"take my brother, Ray" nu-ti place? :P

Editat de bogdanawo
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Iar vorbesti fara sa fii bagat in seama. Suferi cumva de lipsa de atentie?

mneah, cu greu am vorbit dupa ce am vomitat, ca reactie la link-urile tale :rolleyes:


Hai sa vedem care o stie pe asta :


Falkenbach - Where Blood Will Soon Be Shed

da un link, ba, ca imi vine greu sa-i caut acum.....sunt la munca, by the way... :D

ce, nu se vede? :ph34r:


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mneah, cu greu am vorbit dupa ce am vomitat, ca reactie la link-urile tale :rolleyes:



da un link, ba, ca imi vine greu sa-i caut acum.....sunt la munca, by the way... :D

ce, nu se vede? :ph34r:





ai dreptul sa fi prost... ! insa tu abuzezi de dreptu asta :P

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  • ivan pedala changed the title to Muzica pe care o ascultăm

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