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BMW R1200/1250 GS/GSA/RS/RT/R LC - 2013->

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Dupa o tura de 7.000 km,i-am pus 200 ml ulei.

Mie mi-au dat gume Continental,care nu le recomand.

Spuneti-mi,va rog,daca stiti ce pot sa fac cu zgomotul.Ma deranjeaza,cu tot cu doape in urechi.Si nu vorbesc de vant,ci de toba.


Apropo,ofer spre vanzare toba Akrapovici(sper ca am scris corect),folosita 1.000 km.

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Nu-mi dau seama exact ce efecte practice are volanta mai grea, am vazut ca pe Adv au pus-o de la inceput in 2014.


Insa de keyless ride imi pare rau ca nu am prins... mi se pare practic sa nu mai ai treaba cu cheia nici la contact, nici la rezervor. Mi se pare practic si faptul ca alarma poate fi armata si manual din cate inteleg.

Cum zicea si colegul mai sus, inertia mai mare a volantei te ajuta atunci cand mergi foarte incet/subturat. Merge mai smooth si te scapa de nevoia de a patina ambreiajul. De ex in off, sau in oras prin coloana de masini etc.

Dezavantajul teoretic ar fi ca s-ar tura o idee mai greu motorul.

Keyless-ul suna intersant. Dar as avea 2 temeri cu el - sanse mai mari sa ramai pe drum (bateria cheii sau mai stiu eu ce nebunie). Si 2, sunt aproape sigur ca in mod constant as uita cheia in incuietoarea de la topcase sau de la sa :laugh:


Dupa o tura de 7.000 km,i-am pus 200 ml ulei.

Spuneti-mi,va rog,daca stiti ce pot sa fac cu zgomotul.Ma deranjeaza,cu tot cu doape in urechi.Si nu vorbesc de vant,ci de toba.


Apropo,ofer spre vanzare toba Akrapovici(sper ca am scris corect),folosita 1.000 km.

Ce stil de mers ai avut in aia 7000 km ? La mine nu fuse nevoie de completat cand i-am facut revizia (mers decent, 120-140 croaziera).


Cu toba, cred ca singura optiune e sa o pui inapoi pe cea stok. Pe de'oparte ma tenta si pe mine sa imi iau Akra pt un sunet ceva mai sportiv. Dar pe de alta parte imi place multisor si silentiozitatea asteia standard.

Zi-mi totusi la ce pret te gandesti, poate e prea irezistibil si cine stie :)



Si daca astia tot scumpesc benzina, apai ma apuc si imi cumpar sonda :D


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Serios? Eu mi-am pus karoo 3 acum 2 sapt si nu prea ma incanta. Se mananca mai repede decat supa de la cantina saracilor si-s si ciudatele pe curbe...motorul plonjeaza f usor iar pe bun



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Dupa o tura de 7.000 km,i-am pus 200 ml ulei.


Spuneti-mi,va rog,daca stiti ce pot sa fac cu zgomotul.Ma deranjeaza,cu tot cu doape in urechi.Si nu vorbesc de vant,ci de toba.


Si la Bia ai completat?

Iar cei 200 ml pt. ca scazuse sub minim sau doar ca sa revina la nivelul intial?

La mine, dupa 9000 km (si alergata destul), desi se vede ca a scazut ceva fata de nivelul plin de la inceput, mai are pana sa ajunga la minim... deci probabil nu va fi nevoie sa completez deloc pana la service-ul de 11.000 km.


Referitor la toba, ma gandesc ca odata cu linistea oferita de parbrizul mare, toba se aude si mai pregnant... Oricum, din cauza clapetei electronice de la toba, inclusiv cea stoc este normal sa se auda mai tare decat ce auzeai la RT, pt. ca se pare ca de fapt asta s-a urmarit, sa dea ceva zgomot in plus dar asta in mod special la turare. Pe mine de exemplu incepe sa ma deranjeze putin la mers constant pe autostrada dar abia de pe la 140-150 km/h in sus. Insa, la mine oricum este alt nivel de zgomot de la vant, avand parbrizul stock de GS.

Apropos de asta, imi place tare mult ca in actuala combinatie de casca System 6 cu parbrizul stock ridicat merg aproape permanent cu mandibula ridicata (dar cu vizorul de soare lasat, bineinteles), inclusiv pe autostrada pana pe la 140km/h si ma simt excelent. Cu casca System 5 nu pot face asta ca de pe la 80-90km/h imi trage rau capul spre spate daca am mandibula ridicata.

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Serios? Eu mi-am pus karoo 3 acum 2 sapt si nu prea ma incanta. Se mananca mai repede decat supa de la cantina saracilor si-s si ciudatele pe curbe...motorul plonjeaza f usor iar pe bun



Ma bucur sa aud ca nu-s singurul care nu agreeaza Karoo 3-ul...

Cand le termin ma intorc la TKC80 (au 1500 km si nu par a ma face sa mai astept mult).

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Maxi richiamo in officina di moto da parte della tedesca Bmw. Il Rapex (sistema comunitario di informazione rapida sui prodotti non alimentari), il 4 luglio scorso ha pubblicato la segnalazione tra i prodotti pericolosi inclusi nella lista dei “serious risk” ossia di quelli più a rischio (n° di rif. 28 A12/1016/14), dei modelli di motocicletta R12; Nome: R 1200 GS; Modello: K50; Numero di omologazione CE per tipo: e1 * 2002/24 * 0584 * della nota casa automobilistica tedesca BMW, prodotti tra il 21 ottobre 2011 e il 22 Agosto 2013, per un problema meccanico che potrebbe essere causa di un sinistro stradale. In particolare il rischio segnalato riguarderebbe testualmente la circostanza che ” A causa della variazione della pressione dell’olio, l’anello di tenuta all’uscita della trasmissione può essere spinto fuori dalla scatola del cambio. Come risultato, l’olio può fuoriuscire sulla ruota posteriore. Questo potrebbe portare ad un rischio di incidente e provocare lesioni”. A seguito di tale allerta europea Giovanni D’Agata, presidente dello “Sportello dei Diritti” evidenzia come si renda necessario un intervento da parte della storica casa automobilistica e motociclistica affinché provveda al richiamo urgente dei modelli indicati per evitare potenziali problemi di sicurezza stradale, come risulta dalla scheda di segnalazione pubblicata all’indirizzo internet In Italia i proprietari potrebbero ricevere la raccomandata con la richiesta di passare presso una officina autorizzata BMW Motorrad per l’intervento. Al momento Bmw non ha rilevato incidenti legati a questo difetto. Nell’attività a tutela dei consumatori e dei proprietari o possessori di veicoli a motore, lo “Sportello dei Diritti” ancora una volta anticipa in Italia l’avvio di procedure di tal tipo da parte delle case motociclistiche anche a scopo preventivo, poiché non sempre tutti coloro che possiedono una moto tra quelle indicate viene tempestivamente informato. È necessario, quindi, spiega Giovanni D’Agata presidente dello “Sportello dei Diritti”, prestare la massima attenzione e rivolgersi alle autofficine autorizzate Motorrad o ai concessionari della BMW nel caso in cui la propria moto corrisponda al modello in questione. Al singolo proprietario, infatti, non costa nulla tale tipo di verifica e nel caso in cui la propria moto sia oggetto del richiamo, l’intervento previsto è a totale carico della casa motociclistica.

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Maxi richiamo in officina di moto da parte della tedesca Bmw.


Nu sunt vorbitor de italiana dar citind printre randuri ma face sa cred ca este vorba de recall-ul cu posibila problema de etanseitate la iesirea din cutie despre care s-a mai vorbit aici pe topic cu cateva pagini in urma.


Si tind sa cred ca este si o greseala in text, modelul K50 (adica LC) se fabrica din octombrie 2012, nu 2011.

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New BMW R1200GS and Adventure 2015
BMW updates the BMW R1200GS now equipped motor shaft heavier in 1200 as Adventure and R1200RT. The Adventure, as an option, is available with a lower suspension. New colors

BMW R 1200 GS
As a model 2015, the BMW R 1200 GS will not be available only with new color finishes. With the aim of improving the fluidity of movement, it will be also equipped with a crankshaft with a flywheel increased as the R 1200 GS Adventure and R 1200 RT. In addition, it will also provide on request the R 1200 GS, BMW Motorrad System Keyless Ride. This allows locking / unlocking both of the handlebar is the cover of the tank. The bike is started using the button as above. With the Keyless Ride, the key can always remain in the pockets of the driver. Shift System Assistant Pro, available as an option, allowing the rider to shift gears without using the clutch, thus enabling an acceleration of fact without torque interruption . It also allows the climbing gears without using the clutch. Of the previous color finishes, the Thunder Grey metallic and Bluefire are no longer available.

The new features of the R 1200 GS:
Flywheel mass increased in the motor shaft;
Shift Assistant Pro (on request);
Keyless Ride (on request);
New color finish in Alpine white in combination with the components of the transmission and suspension in black;
New Frozen dark blue metallic color;
New color Black metallic storm.

BMW R 1200 GS Adventure
For model year 2015, the BMW R 1200 GS Adventure will be enriched by new elements that will make the maneuverability of the maxi enduro for long trips even more dynamic and comfortable. For example, the bike will fit the BMW Motorrad Keyless Ride as an option, which allows locking / unlocking both of the handlebar is the fuel tank cap. The bike will be set in motion by using the starter button as always. With Keyless Ride, the key can remain in the pocket of the driver. The system Shift Assistant Pro, available as an option, allowing the rider to shift gears without using the clutch, which allows an acceleration of the fact without torque interruption. It also allows the climbing gears without using the clutch. Always an option, the R 1200 GS Adventure can be equipped now with a lowered suspension. Due to the reduction of 30 mm height of the saddle, now of 860 mm, the R 1200 GS Adventure can now also be used by customers for which the previous height was an insurmountable obstacle. If you need a further lowering of the height of the saddle, the R 1200 GS Adventure can also mount the saddle of the R 1200 GS, a solution that reduces the height by 20 millimeters.

The new features of the R 1200 GS Adventure:
Suspension lowered by 30 mm (on request);
Lower seat as that of the R 1200 GS (on request);
Assistant Pro Shift System (on request);
Keyless Ride (on request).


Were placed 58 Comments . Comment
  • 1. Nooooooooooo! Finally, now that was a bit rammoliscono me again how the RT?!?! Not all bmwisti are retired!
    mauro200993 - 04/07/2014 10:03
  • 2. Bravely second comment for an article on GS! The bike personally like it then needs to work well, the exhaust noise of the new model is really nice, low revs, then at the top is lost, my (ADV KTM) is the opposite at low speeds almost does not feel then top it seems an airplane, however, enough with those horrible looking, Put now the rays, with the weighted flywheel seems to me to make my projects on the 125 to hold more gear, I do not know in an engine so that benefits you have, maybe you only demeans the low, however many bmwisti you have to operate on the wrist, for many sports are the best starts full throttle at traffic lights, drivers. greetings to todos
    Speedfreaks - 04/07/2014 11:05
  • 3. With all these constant updates I'll end up taking a used GS or RT. Hello Mauro.
    Foxxes - 04/07/2014 11:14
  • 4. Xi comments mauro: If you're referring to the change optionals .. then this is a not so retired, I assume that will give more satisfaction to the dynamic level of performance and sound in the case of doublets in climbing. comment 3 comment because platitudes and statements as a kid in the mood to challenges'. as there are fermoni with gs there will be fermoni with the ktm, and so with the hyper-sports bikes so what? you will belong to the category of phenomena that rivalry childish .. I guess ... if bmw engineers have made these changes because you can do without going to sacrifice the performance of the bike or a bike that stands out from years in the sales charts and magazines motion. I as the owner of GS 2013 are happily happy!
    miniaz - 04/07/2014 24:11
  • 5.'s New?? I seem to things already seen on other bikes (key less laughs) and then it is used on a touring bike as the system ADV Shift Assistant Pro .... mah?? Perhaps it would be better to solve the various problems facing the new GS
    aleb80 - 04/07/2014 24:11
  • 6. Lowered An ADV is lowered as a R1 with the plugs ... hahah that ethics mess! when I took my ADV'06 seemed too full of electronics but this is compared to an iron mechanical and enough ... but we are sure that everyone is used electronics? Anyway I also have a Suzuki DR600 Djebel 1989 ... I use a little but even if it stays in the garage for 10mesi the third part pedaling, less maintenance of the minimum and never stops ... every time I am surprised these bikes years 80 ... made her own with the aim to never stop
    Black Pearl - 04/07/2014 24:24
  • 7. Speed the spoked wheels pay them but they are there and the bike is very good for the wrist .... believe me I did not understand but bmwisti with wrist and working well so there are enough to meet or circled together ... Ktm true to silent low but high in an airplane (a bit warmer but an airplane) a greeting
    mael56 - 04/07/2014 12:39
  • 8. Updates The GS LC came out in 2013, they have updated in 2014 and now in 2015. Test it a bit 'better before launching it on the market?
    contact5278 - 04/07/2014 24:56
  • 9. Joke my clearly wanted to be a joke to do some uproar, however the gsssisti (to say so?) are a proud people, alongside the traffic lights if you are keen to do well. You repeat the bike is beautiful and seems to go well, good sound, comfortable is comfortable, holds value, so good if you have the money. The Kappone warms to the left, but the bulkheads that have propostao are indecent and cover mono is spectacular, no thanks suffer in silence.
    Speedfreaks - 04/07/2014 13:11
  • 10. GS: ..... born and already ANCIENT also my 2005 honda force has the same functions ... open and close the handlebar cap reservoirs, and set in motion without removing the key from his pocket ahaha
    trans - 04/07/2014 13:16
  • 11. Reliable quality and after-sales Ah, who knows if they can fix the problems of change, water leaks, blocks that do not work under the sun, for now the 'ADV 2014 have not yet solved, maybe in 2016? Maybe even to invent some dealer who follow the customer in trouble ....
    Enzov1100 - 04/07/2014 13:37
  • 12. @ Aleb80 Bmw .. sends out the model 2015 to market a model with the new, but not only that, the model year 2015 is put on the market for queli remove small defects that were in the previous model, not only does the BMW ;-)
    Lucas26 - 04/07/2014 14:55
  • 13. Miniaz x I'm sorry, but if nn I misread the flywheel increased to give more "roundness" or softness to the engine Sono not an option but a proper integration for the new model .. However I do not understand the very poitica BMW GS make a little more sporty and immediately return to where they started? Also, speaking of news also sull'RT: new colors? I was hoping that the news' had a motorcycle efficient, safe and free of references ... bah!
    mauro200993 - 04/07/2014 15:26
  • 14. THIRD YEAR, THE THIRD VERSION I think they are a little many changes that are made each year, are not justified, unless we decided to do the testing step by step, customers and the sound of euroni. True that BMW customers are very loyal and wealthy but I do not think this system denotes very seriously. Had it been another manufacturer, you would be fired to zero. However, their happy, I had the 2010 version, but I honestly do not buy it more than another. Now even Keyless Ride, which sooner or later will become Rideless Key blatantly leaving on foot. What will all these things? then we should go to Africa ...
    manuel 910 - 04/07/2014 15:35
  • 15. 4 comments Dear Friend, you are absolutely right. But remember that we are in a democracy, and that Your opinion is as good as mine or anyone who participates in this blog. So have faith and think about health. Available. Mauro.
    Foxxes - 04/07/2014 16:19
  • 16. Mauro the speech in my opinion is that BMW tries to have a perfect bike and rewarding as possible trying to broaden its catchment area. This is their policy and by reason for the moment. Of course, some old-fashioned Bmwista distort the nose. Then, like it or not the future are bikes with so much mail. Who buys Gs are not only those of previous versions cm ² or owners of other Bmw indeed. Many people here do not speak for owners, who may have done 30 km test, or worse, speak for the fans. I mention this because I have the new version for 2 years and 12000.00 kilometers assets without any problem. I am fine step is to go to the tourist with his wife or to do a little bit more drawn perhaps by inserting the Dynamic Change in sosp.hard and many more. it is not my case but on the steps to me I've seen people with the gs stand before hypersport and speed proportion. BMW seeks to seize those who, due to problems of height, in the past, has not taken into the consideration. What would be the scandal? only then are optionals. Specific that is my first Gs, just before I got naked. the only thing challenging, and call it the defect is stationary during operation, but then it becomes a geared bike first and then of course they are not given away.
    miniaz - 04/07/2014 16:25
  • 17 .... I thought ... when I bought my GS (2006) I did it with the idea that we can go around the world in your pocket with little more than a pair of pliers and wire. Put that in the middle of the Gobi desert me download the cr2032 pilettina the key-less! :-O joke, of course, but I think BMW is exaggerating. Lamps to all Labby
    Labby7916 - 04/07/2014 16:45
  • 18. Speed bulkheads carbon not seem bad to me indeed cover a small disorder in that area, and combined with the gel saddle doing their job, I go to leave the retained heat from bulkheads and to see a mono I removed the protection that there is between the rear wheel and the mono itself, result: the heat has more venting and fades very mono and seen from behind is a beauty, a downside: mono more exposed but in the fall when the streets are dirty and the heat also pleased remount greetings
    mael56 - 04/07/2014 16:59
  • 19. Okay. So since we are in democracy take a R65 that suits me more. Mauro.
    Foxxes - 04/07/2014 17:08
  • 20. Draft but ugly I had my first GS, then a R 1200, then a RT in 1200, the last before the present. Then just BMW, I have not 'want to accept the changes that have taken their Kraut. More and more 'big and heavy, clumsy and ugly to look at. And yet efficient and blameless, just as the Germans. As if nothing else mattered, as if they relied only tables, figures and diagrams. ARE ITALIAN! I want a nice bike that speaks my language! Now I have a Harley and a bit of 'begin' also fed up of this other stranger digression. But when I left the box next to my step Corsair 125, 72 and smile ....
    Friz15 - 04/07/2014 20:23
  • 21. Lowered suspension According to BMW're misinterpreting me in this type of bike. What I do not understand is why motorcyclists low, which would be available for ninety-nine percent of the motorcycle production, which seems designed especially for people under five feet eight inches, you insist on wanting to go up on the only bike does not suit them, even KTM has cut the legs to its ADV to meet the needs of users of short leg ... Oh how we are never satisfied ... :-)
    Yugus1142 - 07/05/2014 08:33
  • 22. 15 comments my answer was 2 for the comment and the comment mauro 1. I was wrong to write the number but it was clear that my response was not directed to your comment. health does not lose it if you get a used gs figured
    miniaz - 07/05/2014 09:50
  • 23. Never I was a "prisoner" of the BMW brand for 20 years and I've changed so many bikes that the dealer hugged me when I arrived at the salon. Now I have no more catch: this is yet another task so marketing to stimulate a little 'sales, but the problems that the recent GS suffer (see grievances above) have not even been approached, I do not say solved. The legend then that BMW would like to keep the price at resale, only applies if you buy another BMW, possibly from the same dealer ... nice stuff. And .... just to make a joke a little 'boxer' engine provocative to me like a lot, but the GS is ugly, but its ugly! period! (De gustibus). If I do I buy a enduro kappone. I have a kappone SM 990 R and even if it warms a bit 'your ass (you can' say no ass?), I keep it tight especially now that there is more! lamps to all and enjoy the bike!
    chrism - 07/05/2014 10:26
  • 24. Bmw a serious factory, builds three versions in six months, among other difettosissime. I do not understand what we find if those who purchase them. c is the stuff on the market that has been built and sold with no call no taste, also with higher performance. someone knows how to explain this dilemma?
    valerio8645 - 07/05/2014 16:30
  • 25. Response to 20 yugus1142, you could save the ... what does the height of the bike? Travel for 7 years and 93000 km with a GS 1200, 2008 and 165 cm high. after 7 years in the saddle and daily use I think the gs is the only bike that I like and would not change it for anything else. why deny that the height of the bike ... influsca use even less with the gs which is a medium that can be adapted to anyone. even with the low center of gravity the bike even more manageable. I guarantee that in the city is like riding a bike and I put the car in between 90 cm step with the trunks on the side. but I say if you are the gs and envious of those who have spoken ... and then buy for a mica should not spend 20,000 Euros to get one. there are many used and with just a few miles from ... fortunately many just use it for the Sunday ride ... greetings to all motorcyclists.
    giulio200803 - 07/05/2014 18:03
  • 26. Updates # 8 in the end, if you know this bike, you will realize that the changes made from year to year are only for commercial reasons. because BMW are masters in attracting the flies to honey. but the substance remains the same, many advantages and a few alleged defects. and after trying the ADV (already sweetened with the heavier flywheel) I can only say that my MY2013 I'll keep it tight. exciting disbursement, 15 thousand miles of pure driving pleasure, without the least inconvenience. just want to never stop. and if I keep doing the hard work to remove the key from his pocket to leave, or to get gas from the block, well, it will mean that I will try to do with reason.
    fabu - 07/05/2014 18:40
  • 27. It 's wonderful to read the various factions, blue against orange against ... I would not be too simplistic to say that the bikes today all go well, but fortunately they are not all the same! If the racing is all for you then orange is a religion. If you want to go fast, very strong, but with a little more comfort and without the bike you tear your arms (but even here we could discuss it for a long time ;-), then your bike is the GS. The crankshaft heavier makes the boxer more enjoyable ... but could not figure it out before?? Well ....
    Luk - 07/05/2014 21:18
  • 28. Congratulations to BMW marketing If you are the first in a variety of lengths from the competition there must be a reason. They are good and just, this is the explanation. Needless to owners of KTM, Multistrada, Triumph, V-Strom, etc., etc. decantino features and weave the praises of their bikes. The market is the only reliable judge. The competitors, all together, do not come to the middle dell'immatricolato BMW. It's not so much that ......................... sour?
    Sergio.Malavasi - 07/05/2014 22:29
  • 29. Departure at 7 Legnano-Gerola Alta-Val-Val Curone Borbera-Trebbia (last part only) Torriglia - Scoffera-Passo del Bracco-Ziona-Step-by-Step Borgotaro Cento Croci-Of-Brattello Pontremoli Cisa-Old-Berceto-Borgotaro-Bardi-Step Tomarlo-of Santo Stefano D'Aveto-Aveto Valley-Marsaglia-Bobbio-Step Penice-Varzi-Curone-Gerola Alta-Milan-Legnano .... duration of the tour company ... about 14 hours ... a Ktm1190 Adv, a Ducati Mts (on the Cisa and guide you on Tomarlo 'I Ktm) and this' a ride to the periziare Gs ... to understand it better, possibly with Dunlop Road Smart II, some would do .... an idea .. more 'accurate! Ps.Vi recommend you look at the map to calculate the number of miles you ....... and difficulties' (all mixed) that provides an overview of the kind carried out in one day.
    Projections - 06/07/2014 06:38
  • 30. Recommendations for future purchase this GS Dear friends, I ask you advice. Possessing three bikes x 30 years each, which have as an option the tank cap with key and all three are on track to pedal (GS also electric) I have read carefully the amazing amenities of the new muccona. It fascinates me. The point is this: if I go to the dealer in January and I can try to get out alive? Survive all the different settings and driver assistance systems? Will I be able to read the instruments on board considering that now to reset the miles around the wheel to align numerini? Do not take me too seriously, send it right away ... A grain of truth there. At the bottom is 25 that I drive only old ladies. Regards, heel.
    iltacco - 06/07/2014 09:17
  • 31. ALWAYS AND CRITICISM ONLY ............... Will it ever be possible that they are always in the usual activities which provide critical-thinking and judgments to the BMW motorcycle? To hear some concentrated under all other bikes never suffer anything ...... even the comparison with a Honda in 2005 - but for pleasure ...... The bike is a mechanical means and by definition live in dynamic condition and as such susceptible to change and especially improvements. The bike is like a woman, there is no one perfect .......... then if a particularly pleasing to many it will mean that something more has it, however, remains imperfect. Personally, I was conquered by the first boxer engine with a R1200R in 2008 and then replaced for reasons of passenger comfort, from a R1200GS in 2012. I did not understand where it is written that a BMW should not have vibrations, for example. So many criticisms raised in this way so annoyed they have the flavor of "I'd love to but for various reasons can not or do not have." I have had several bikes from 16 years onwards and I have to say with all their strengths and weaknesses - nice bike and motorcycle anonymous - sometimes I found the money spent at other times only in part. Since I have been conquered by the boxer engine for its nature and the influence it has on the chassis of the bike I think it is the bike that best meets my expectations, not because I think this is a perfect bike.
    MIKE6802 - 06/07/2014 24:50
  • 32. In my ... Current bike .. I Kipass the system (there'll never say that bike is;-D) and it works fine, salts laps and parts, the key is always on and do not need to remove it, has a slipper clutch (a rare commodity on a tourist) and a very well-calibrated ABS, if I look good is packed with electronics my bike. It 's all electronics and everything works fine, after nearly 10 thousand km YTD are enthusiastic. For all charity may fail, on Saturday a friend with his 1150 Rt has stopped, broken alternator belt. A boiata. Stop, has removed the left fairing and changed the belt (which was new with him). Broken down and all you ok.Se part of a vulgar battery're walking. Bmw (but not only does she) is investing a lot on certain things, today, Sunday, was present at a big sporting event on two wheels with electric cars and electric scooters. I've seen it go between the curves as (and perhaps meglo) of a normal scooter, the rider he was satisfied. The future passes under the nose, there may be even Italy, I hope! And the new BMW solve old problems.
    Lucas26 - 06/07/2014 18:22
  • 33. Already has become a nightmare ..... for those who possess it. how come giessisit go around with their queens put into vans. then there's the downloading and walking around. an acquaintance of mine took two years ago, adv, after that normal because this gave him much trouble, 35000 km changed with the adv. and tells me .... I have to go to head north, well, well. while you talk like that, then says, ship it with a truck and also my friends up to Copenhagen, it seems to me, .. but I'm sorry I have to leave with a bike from the garage to the house and I have to go all over the globe without the need have no problem of any kind, (there are bikes that do this) and that cost half the queen. I'm sorry but you all excited about the queen, what are we talking about? please, at staffff ..... posted this comment, if not then we are not in a democracy as a friend says above. Thank you.
    valerio8645 - 07/07/2014 06:07
  • 34. How are giessisti I read that the giessisti are strong in the mountains, the Bavarian endurona is in front of the Japanese super sports and so on. The 1200 GS came out for ten years, during which I traveled over 150,000 km on the highway and almost all of the mountain, in Italy, Austria, France, Germany and several other states. I also made trips together to GS 1200. I'm 60 years old, I've never raced on the track nor did the fool on the street, but I never found a GS that I've passed or sown on these paths, whether they had the Kawa ZX12, the K1200S or the current Ducati ST3S, which is obviously the smallest and least powerful of the lot ... What I see is that in almost all touring riders giessisti are assured, and often quite inexperienced. Someone is fine, there is no doubt but that the motion will enable him to sow anyone on winding roads seem slightly exaggerated. I, however, I have not found one yet. Several instead they did it with the reviled Japanese supersport or naked with some national. If someone sows because it is good, I think it can be done with almost every bike on the market. I'm here, you may start to stone me. Greetings to all, including giessisti.
    lucaberg - 07/07/2014 10:51
  • 35. BMW sure to change the initials ... with those wheels, that line style Jap, saddle staggered including various electronic gadgets and will also appeal to many (and for many different reasons), but it's light years from the GS and its concept. And then with this slew of models / updates have taken the habit of Jap 80s. At the end of the BMW customer, or at least so it was a time to spend buying knowing more but to buy a good a little more durable .. today is not even that, but ... finally, this elitism among the marginalized, for which we motociclistri the widespread image that people have of who "rides fast stuff, noisy and smoky with head covered and dressed in leather," is really bad. sentencing that those who do not have the wrist Mugello only has to drive the tricycle and vice versa boast their own driving skills also seems to me that GS kid stuff and I do not think I see kids on BMW
    noveundici - 07/07/2014 24:21
  • 36. Lucas 32 and 34 Lucaberg Let's see ... I guess if you have a 1400 zzr Kavasaki, if I got it right I tell you that you spent your money well, I tried it three months ago (Passo del Bracco Cento Croci and Cisa Pass-old) and e '( in my opinion) a great bike (also very funny), providing beautiful and I must say pretty handy. Lucaberg ... since you have experience I would recommend you try the Gs Lc (the new one) just on the roads of which you speak ... you could have some interesting surprises.
    Projections - 07/07/2014 12:30
  • 37. Projection but do you mean? but are you talking about
    valerio8645 - 07/07/2014 13:11
  • 38. Did not understand ... all this wonder, are all improvements or more chance, there are homes that do not listen minimally observations of their sales network and continue straight on their way with their shortcomings blind to each observation, to be sure someone will not agree in ' sweeten the delivery, but in fact was one of the more critical (for me it was perfect as it was) and there you are satisfied, another problem the height of the Adventure, if you are small there you satisfied, you do not like the change (not being the best) there you are satisfied ... for me it is no coincidence that these gentlemen sell more than others, will also be fashion but the product is up to the client to whom it is addressed.
    mael56 - 07/07/2014 15:30
  • 39. Dear Valerio, in this blog we are all a pugnettone of friends and sometimes we take around good-naturedly and without malice, so, You did not know that there is a prophet among us??? Then, if you want to keep your same somewhere I have a crystal ball to see into the future. Salutissimi. Mauro. PS: To the editor: I sent approx 12.00 today a technical comments, which spoke only of technique and guarantees. Why has not gone?? Hello and thank you for an answer anyway. Mauro.
    Foxxes - 07/07/2014 15:37
  • 40. Luk .. did not you say something banal, it is true the current bikes all have a quality and ease of driving very high, especially in the segment of each can find his favorite endurone road, both characteristics that budget. BMW vs KTM here too synthetic and non-partisan, the first intuitive and convenient, the second more challenging and less comfortable but both SO MUCH SO MUCH STUFF defects: BOTH
    mael56 - 07/07/2014 15:39
  • 41. Surprises Proie? Hello Proie, always follow your comments, and often I agree with you. On the GS I disagree. I've tried, not so much in depth for the truth, the mod. 2011 with the DOHC 110 hp, and I have to say that it is a bike that immediately gives you confidence, good curve, it is easy to handle and comfortable. On the narrow mountain curves is undoubtedly agile and in good hands perhaps difficult to overcome, but let me doubt that on the highway, on fast corners, can beat a supercar. I am an avid off-road car, I also did several races in the past, but I'm sure any terrain, even as a sporty X6 or Cayenne can not have the same traveling speed of a sports car, the Boxster type, for example. So, if I have to deal with a mixed route fast, I would not change my Ducati with a GS, any motor mounts is a matter of physics, weight distribution, suspension specifications. What then someone better than me can beat any terrain with a GS is beyond doubt, but, with the same pilot, it is possible that the endurona can win all kinds of riding ...
    lucaberg - 07/07/2014 15:40
  • 42. RT someone did the recall campaign of this beautiful bike? motion that gave him a replacement?
    Giorgio_29 - 07/07/2014 15:55
  • 43. Says that this was in many states that has made thousands of miles that is 60 years old and then? you think you are one who knows more than others? re-read what I wrote ... well stand in front does not mean go faster and sow. instead of writing had a nice trip with gs and then you'll understand why one would hear many incaxxa abated when it comes out an article on the BMW. last Saturday with people kneeling on the ground in a mixed medium tight and I behind with the bmw with the sole intent to keep up without many stunts to step greetings and then I came back to be one of those "quiet". if you believe it okay if no amen! bmw mica pay me to speak well!
    miniaz - 07/07/2014 16:00
  • 44. Lucaberg Hello Lucaberg, anchio I always read with interest your comments and share them often ... but I was talking about the 2013 version that Luke has very little to do with the previous version, this bike and 'become a road-going sports and in fact BMW is running for shelters putting the steering damper and making the delivery more 'straightforward, personally I did 26,000 km on this bike and I can say I know very well, especially for what concerns the sporty driving, when I do a comparison with the supersport and naked INTEND ALWAYS UP TO 120 KM H DRIVING CURVE, beyond this speed 'supersport (from which I come) can be put in place their chassis specification and the greater their support (of course, always with perfect asphalt), the Gs present at high levels and 'became a bike more' crap, TOSTA, RIGID personally prefer the delivery of my compared to that of 2015 (Adv I tried that already has' this change) and also I would never put the steering damper because of this bike I really like their reactivity ', check it out carefully (possibly half a day between the curves) and then give me your opinion and that' always very interesting, hello.
    Projections - 07/07/2014 16:48
  • 45. The meantime ... Hats off ... to the supremacy of refined BMW on the market year after year with attention to the demands of their audience, but to show that nobody is perfect. "Risk of oil on rear tires - Worldwide are 17,800 BMW R 1200 GS back in the workshop. Motive of the recall began in May 2014, the seal of the output shaft from the transmission. This can be pushed out of its seat by the pressure of the oil, with high probability the oil will get into the rear tire. "
    Andrea 'Arthur' Artusi - 07/07/2014 18:12
  • 46. ​​Andrea 'Arthur' Artusi Very true ... and I 'came the recommended intervention for 15 minutes (with me present to control them), but in fact if oil shoots out of the seat on the rear tire ...... one thing pericolosetta, is resolved with a double seal , surely one thing that bothers on a bike like that, I'm the first to admit it.
    Projections - 07/07/2014 18:27
  • 47. Better go ... the intervention itself is not much but the consequences not so much ....... "nobody is perfect" proverb apt and Andrea's post at the right place at the right time, and now we go ........ both in the workshop .... with the keyboard
    mael56 - 07/07/2014 18:34
  • 48. Dear miniaz I agree with you: BMW certainly not paying you, it's all of your flour sack. For the rest, allow me to continue writing my abated, and I will continue to have fun reading your.
    lucaberg - 07/07/2014 18:52
  • 49. Anger that Hello everyone. Beyond the new color, badminton etc, I have taken a 1200 gs Sabbath! last updated heralded as precise and durable ... although I've read many articles do not remember that anyone has aired a new upcoming update. what about ...
    dario.anlero - 07/07/2014 21:51
  • 50. Proie @ 36 . Did you go near, I'm a little more comfortable and repaired and no chain, I am satisfied, if necessary, it drives like a Superbike, but it is as comfortable as a GT ;-)
    Lucas26 - 07/07/2014 22:30
  • 51. Foxxes and all the others, you looking at me '. hello, friend. not only do not understand who is here the "prophet." if that's what I think, I do not think he is a prophet of anything. seems to be the "wisdom motorcycle made person," but then the reporters on this site are rookies in the "on" comparisons. goes well, I will just say that beyond any brand of bike that one buys, the thing that bothers me a bit is that it is always a question of who knows how to go faster, with the chatter. I would say that you have to walk around with that calm when they break your bones hurt. also I think that there are a certain "prophet", one takes a bike that he likes and gets it in the best way, ie trips, especially long ones, maybe in the warm months, perhaps with a bit of rain to take refuge in some nice tavern and make friends with everyone and anyone. give a smile and a bit of sweetness to make the "knight" without blemish and without pity, try to be always positive. the only thing I have to say at the end: THAT THOSE WITH BMW AND PLEASE TRY TO GREET incorporate IN THE WORLD OF ALL MOTORCYCLE BIKE AND WITH ALL BRANDS OF THE EARTH. Thank you.
    valerio8645 - 07/08/2014 08:24
  • 52. Dear Valerio8645 we are on the same wavelength in the way of interpreting the bike. As far as the "Prophet" is a good guy, who despite his 72 years feels a little boy of 27 and who has the great advantage of always wanting to pay to drink at all. Then what about the greeting lately the giessisti known that greet both when they are in groups than alone ............. definitely read Hello everyone. Mauro.
    Foxxes - 07/08/2014 10:21
  • 53. Everything is fine that ends well, the campaign to raise awareness about greeting the pilots would say that BMW has been successful, a hint of the little fingers off the hand guards to be seen. However, BMW gs great bike for everyone.
    Speedfreaks - 07/08/2014 10:59
  • 54. Dear lucaberg nothing stopping you, if not the wording, to be able to comment but figured says if you're sure of what you say. Not just your preface that he had done thousands of miles or have a certain age to mock the opinions of others. In my case, then stumps great. Obviously, in a mixture or worse off in the super sports straights I see with binoculars. If then I see the Reds or Biaggi on duty did not put me there either. I want the skin and lead to my limit and safety. my comments are not frequent but focused on things that I know I have tried it with my hands, in this case, and not for what I see around or think I know, often for bias as the many who criticize. try it for a Gs latest model and then maybe you'll enjoy riding more than to read my comments. greetings
    miniaz - 07/08/2014 24:20
  • 55. Dario .. but that anger, that comes to those who can not even desiring comprarsela, what happened to you happened to many others and can with any brand, ENJOY your new iron and forget the "pistolate" Go There you bought a great bike that will take you anywhere, even without the flywheel plus, CONGRATULATIONS
    mael56 - 07/08/2014 24:26
  • 56. MAH .... I still maintain that there is too much electronics for this type of bike. Henry Ford used to say that what is not there can not break! If you want one do not buy the big enduro tourer, but a bike more comfortable and protective, if I buy gs not try the bike that allows me to swipe the platforms to the ground, then I'll jump on others as multistrada or the like, if I want a bike that let me go anywhere but without the problems that electronics can give I'll jump on the 80gs two-valve, really three tools with the system! Going on a handyman air-cooled, according to me fundamental thing, I prefer the Stelvio, heavier, less maneuverable, but it gives me a lot more confidence. The Gs continue to see it with a hybrid, good for everything, but in the end for the bike as I see it is not good to do nothing. Personal opinion! Volebtieri would take a used 1100 and 1150!
    alexlube - 07/08/2014 13:32
  • 57., But get it over with! Please just, is not necessarily say that one buys the GS because it is the best bike in the world or on the other hand do not buy it because it is a process, things are not so. I take my example, I have the base Multistrada 1200 MY 2010, I wanted a bike comfortable enough to go to two or alone, make us fit for the holiday in a couple of about 15 days, I was not interested to go for absolutely any form of dirt ( by mistake happened to me once and I ended up swearing inside the helmet), most of the miles I get them alone in the Tuscan Romagna then the sporty side of the bike I was interested, also I came from a super sports car and I did not want to spend a motorcycle too "touristy", so I threw myself on the MTS 1200. Not that I think the GS 1200 is a bin, simply respond to other types of requirements, such as the KTM responds to others, and please just say that you complain about something just because they can afford it often happens that someone even being able to afford something do not buy it for the simple fact that it considers essential or necessary, or that it considers that the object is made to pay more than its actual value. Greetings to all bikers.
    giorgio8201 - 07/08/2014 14:30
  • 58. Foxxes but then, from now on projections will be called: "the prophet" and here we need a drink, where we meet? I'm in the south you? but really 72 years ago? but then it should take a royal enfield is so quiet, but 'could have problems with dentures to vibration. let me know, I should go to field a wild Emperor in ten days if you are in those parts so let's meet you too drunk to scrocchiamo a prophet.
    valerio8645 - 07/08/2014 17:02

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Editat de Dan Nastase
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Dane, imi esti dator cu un scrool nou la mouse :D


Si sa mai coloram atmosfera. Oleaca de joaca cu niste blitzuri :)



» Post actualizat in 18 Jul 2014 12:18

O optiune interesanta de protectie pt cei care nu agreeaza ideea de crashbar :)


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salutare! careva de prin Bucuresti sector 6 dispus sa imi arate si mie live un model gsa 2008-2011?


nu vreau sa ma plimb, ci doar sa il inspectez pe-ndelete


multumeeesc :)

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salutare! careva de prin Bucuresti sector 6 dispus sa imi arate si mie live un model gsa 2008-2011?


nu vreau sa ma plimb, ci doar sa il inspectez pe-ndelete


multumeeesc :)


Sunt la Bavaria destule modele buy-back plus cele noi , te lasa sa le si calaresti .....da parca vroiai V-Strom ?! :D

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hai ba claudiule...n.are omu voie sa testeze piata..

BMW este singura reprezentanta moto unde iti stau la diapozitie pentru DRIVETEST cel putin 6 modele......

de ce nu te ai bucura de acest lucru?????

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Pentru cei cu 1200 GS/RT/R/S, daca se intampla ca butonul de faza lunga/flash sa nu ramana in pozitia de faza lunga, se poate desface frumos si adauga o bucata mica de plastic, taiata cu preduceaua, sa intre la fix in locasul de la guma aia waterproof.


Cand o sa desfaceti, o sa intelegeti exact ce si cum ;)





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Domnilor proprietari de 1200GS, daca sunteti tentati de urmatoarea oferta, va rog sa-mi dati de stire pe PM.


In unele situatii clientii(100% straini) doresc sa inchirieze mai multe motoare decat pot eu sa le ofer. In astfel de cazuri mi-ar prinde bine sa mai am un 1200GS in plus, sau un 800GS.


Prin urmare, contactati-ma, daca luati in calcul 7 zile in care sa nu va folositi de 1200gs-ul din dotare. In schimb primiti 700 euro (bani cu care ramaneti in buzunar dupa ce platiti 100 eur pt un CASCO). Nu, nu pleaca niciun client din Australia cu motocicleta voastra in spate peste Atlantinc(dupa ce au platit un depozit de 1000eur) si nici nu vine in Romania sa o dezmembreze si sa o ia in bagajul de cala. 99% din turistii mei vin sa se dea pe Transfagarasan, Transalpina si alte drumuri de asfalt din Romania.


Da, sunt mai multe detalii de discutat decat cele 3 randuri insirate mai sus, le discutam personal, nu-mi propun sa deviez de la subiectul principal al acestui topic.

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Domnilor proprietari de 1200GS, daca sunteti tentati de urmatoarea oferta, va rog sa-mi dati de stire pe PM.


In unele situatii clientii(100% straini) doresc sa inchirieze mai multe motoare decat pot eu sa le ofer. In astfel de cazuri mi-ar prinde bine sa mai am un 1200GS in plus, sau un 800GS.


Prin urmare, contactati-ma, daca luati in calcul 7 zile in care sa nu va folositi de 1200gs-ul din dotare. In schimb primiti 700 euro (bani cu care ramaneti in buzunar dupa ce platiti 100 eur pt un CASCO). Nu, nu pleaca niciun client din Australia cu motocicleta voastra in spate peste Atlantinc(dupa ce au platit un depozit de 1000eur) si nici nu vine in Romania sa o dezmembreze si sa o ia in bagajul de cala. 99% din turistii mei vin sa se dea pe Transfagarasan, Transalpina si alte drumuri de asfalt din Romania.


Da, sunt mai multe detalii de discutat decat cele 3 randuri insirate mai sus, le discutam personal, nu-mi propun sa deviez de la subiectul principal al acestui topic.

Interesant !!!

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please? anyone?


Pai n-ai inteles ca la Bavaria au spre vanzare modele 2008 - 2011 preluate prin/pentru buy back ?

Astfel iti satisfaci curiozitatea :)

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Din motivul asta nu sare nimeni cu am patit sa dau motorul la un "prieten" sa faca o tura si asta e rezultatul.....reparatia nu a platit`o si el a ramas cu tura si eu cu paguba. Din ziua respectiva am jurat ca nu mai urca NIMENI pe motorul meu. Probabil asta e frica tuturor sa nu pateasca la fel.



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pai eu am zis ca nu vreau sa ma plimb. nici eu nu as da motorul cuiva de pe forum sa se plimbe sa vada cum e. doar vreau sa aflu mai multe de la cineva care merge pe un gsa. maxim sa stau in sa..atat..multam

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Daca este cineva interesat,vand geanta de rezervor de la Touratech si geanta sa pasager Touratech pentru BMW R1200GS/GSA in stare foarte buna.

Pret set este de 160Euro, iar separate 100 euro fiecare.

Tel.0722205893 -Klaus

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  • Vizitator changed the title to BMW R1200/1250 GS/GSA/RS/RT/R LC - 2013->

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