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Mare figură Valentuno ăsta al nostru. În puținele zile libere a tras Âşi el o fugă acasă, la mămica lui Âşi a vrut să se dea gospodin, să facă treabă, să tragă perdelele. Cum el e obiÂşnuit cu riscurile, s-a urcat pe o masă de sticlă, dar masa ... neobiÂşnuită cu ”greutăți” de talie mondailă... s-a spart. Efect : câteva copci la mâinile Âşi picioarele lui dom' ROSSI (ROÂŞU). Detalii pe site-urile dedicate.

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baaai, aia de la scorpio-az au, cel putin in magazinul de langa dinamo, o multime de lucruri rossi si altii :scratch: related: tricouri, bluze, hanorace, sepci, palarioare, bannere, abtibilduri, de alea pentru chei... si, bineinteles, machete. mi-am luat si eu 3 :lol:) (adica toate alea mici pe care le aveau cu 46, scara 1:22). si la casa am aflat si ca mi-a redus pretul cu 25%, how cool is that? they are cool, eu de ce n-am stiut ca au acolo tricouri? nu ca m-as duce acum sa-mi cumpar dar asa... as a matter of fact. ca eu stiam numai de magazinul din mall si de ala de pe mosilor unde oricum aveau foarte putine chestii cand am fost.

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MotoGP Gossip- What really happened to Valentino Rossi?

posted: Sunday 08 February 2009 by Toni M. in: Yamaha




After Tuesday’s Yamaha release regarding Valentino Rossi’s strange home accident, rumors and speculations have been running rife in websites and forums, so I’ll just add to it.


According to one of Rossi’s close friends, Gianfranco Guareschi, younger brother of Ducati test rider Vittoriano Guareschi, the accident happened more or less as described in the release.


Guareschi who also happens to be an endurance racer and two times winner of the Battle Of Twins Trophy at Daytona on a Guzzi MGS01 said during an Italian TV show that he and Rossi had spent Saturday (day of the accident) training on motocross bikes after which they headed back to Rossi’s home.

Rossi entered the room without turning on the lights, and after closing the curtains tripped over and onto a glass table that shattered cutting Rossi’s foot and finger. Guareschi didn’t know what to do so he decided to disinfect the cuts with a bottle of Tequila that just happened to be on another table and then drove Rossi to Imola where the Clinica Mobile has its headquarters. Unfortunately for Rossi, Dr. Claudio Costa happened to be in Valencia and the other doctors on holidays, and after talking to Costa on the phone sent the two riders to the Imola hospital where an orthopedic surgeon stitched the Italian rider up after checking out that the shards hadn’t cut Rossi’s tendons.


Guareschi also said he had a hard time explaining to the doctor why Rossi’s foot and hand smelt like Tequila.


I’d like to thank Lucy and RatsMC for this great pic and apologize for ripping it off, it was to good to pass up.

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baaai, aia de la scorpio-az au, cel putin in magazinul de langa dinamo, o multime de lucruri rossi si altii :scratch: related: tricouri, bluze, hanorace, sepci, palarioare, bannere, abtibilduri, de alea pentru chei... si, bineinteles, machete. mi-am luat si eu 3 :lol:) (adica toate alea mici pe care le aveau cu 46, scara 1:22). si la casa am aflat si ca mi-a redus pretul cu 25%, how cool is that? they are cool, eu de ce n-am stiut ca au acolo tricouri? nu ca m-as duce acum sa-mi cumpar dar asa... as a matter of fact. ca eu stiam numai de magazinul din mall si de ala de pe mosilor unde oricum aveau foarte putine chestii cand am fost.



Multam pt informatie:D super topicul! Bv gixxxer :P

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cat de tare e pozaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :)




da.....e super poza, si mie imi place....



































oups, cred ca m-am udat.... :cheers:

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Una valanga di auguri per Valentino Rossi

pubblicato: luned? 16 febbraio 2009 da Gianni C. in: Varie Curiosit? Interviste Yamaha Personaggi Motomondiale




Valentino spegne 30 candeline proprio oggi, lunedi 16 febbraio. 14 stagioni trascorse nel motomondiale ed un palmares da far invidia a piloti ben pio '?anziani" di lui: 97 vittorie e 8 titoli iridati, numeri da capogiro.


Eppure lui si sente ancora un ragazzo con tanta voglia di correre, ma soprattutto di divertirsi e vincere. Amici, colleghi, familiari, fans piu o meno famosi, hanno voluto dedicare un pensiero al fuoriclasse pesarese. Le parole di Davide Brivio, Cesare Cremonini, Colin Edwards, Carmelo Ezpeleta, Marco Materazzi, Guido Meda, mamma Stefania, papa Graziano, Carlo Pernat, Uccio e Marco Simoncelli.


Davide Brivio: "Il momento piu bello con Valentino che mi viene in mente e forse la vittoria in Sudafrica nel 2004: la sua prima gara in Yamaha. Dichiare di voler vincere al primo tentativo e tra mille difficolt? incredibilmente ci riusce. Festeggiammo con una bottiglia di vino tra urla di gioia e tanta emozione. Momenti davvero indimenticabili. Auguri campione".



Cesare Cremonini: "Vale e un combattente armato di sorriso. Non l'ho mai visto perdere il suo ottimismo la sua voglia di scherzare, neanche due minuti prima di una gara decisiva. Quando mette la tuta si trasforma e li sono problemi per i suoi avversari."


Colin Edwards: 'Ho vinto con Rossi la 8 Ore di Suzuka prima di diventare suo compagno di squadra e trascorrere con lui momenti indimenticabili. Cosa posso dire E' semplicemente il piu grande di tutti i tempi. Buon compleanno vecchio!".


Carmelo Ezpeleta: ?Il ricordo pi? bello che ho di Rossi ? stranamente legato alla vittoria nel mondiale di Nicky Hayden. E? facile comportarsi da signori quando si vince. Lui fu un grande anche quel giorno?


Marco Materazzi: ?Ci siamo conosciuti grazie all?Inter, siamo diventati qualcosa di pi? che conoscenti grazie alle moto: le nostre due grandi passioni. Gli stadi e i circuiti, adesso, sono occasioni per fare un po? i tifosi e provare a portarci fortuna, tu a me e io a te: ma il momento in cui ci sentiamo davvero pi? amici credo sia quando ci troviamo a cena a casa mia, seduti allo stesso tavolo. L? siamo solo Marco e Valentino, due che per tante cose vedono la vita allo stesso modo. Oggi voglio fare come te, che quando corri porti addosso il numero che ? doppio rispetto a quello che porto io quando gioco: per i tuoi 30 anni ti faccio gli auguri doppi. Pi? uno speciale: di riuscire a mantenere la nostra promessa segreta, quella che racconteremo solo quando si sar? avverata?Buon compleanno, Vale.?


Guido Meda: ?Fine prove, giro di rientro. Valentino ti vede a bordo pista e ti fa un saluto con la mano. Succede. E? uno stacco fulmineo, banale in apparenza, che ? per? una firma: il segno di un?attenzione desta, alla moto finch? serve, all?uomo quando pu?. Separa i momenti, li scioglie, cambia, ragiona. E? cos? che chiunque, da sempre, vuole il suo campione da poster. Il Valentino che conosco prima di tutto batte la banalit? nella quale un mito pu? scadere. Ora ha trent?anni. Dico: e allora? E? come prima, gi? qui, sulla terra. Spietato e perfezionista a trecento, custode affabile e curioso del proprio gusto per una vita interessante, ma normale. Dopo 8 titoli e 97 vittorie vorrei essere sicuro di raccontarlo come ? giusto che si racconti un mito eppure continuo a non trovare che parole semplici?.


Mamma Stefania: ?Ho pensato cosa dirti attraverso la stampa per i tuoi trent?anni? Potevo parlarti di sole di luna di stelle di montagne di amore di gioia? ma mi sembra pi? giusto? semplicemente? BUON COMPLEANNO?


Pap? Graziano: ?Semplicemente vorrei augurare a Valentino di arrivare a 40 anni senza crescere. Poi, si vedr?!?


Carlo Pernat: ?Come si fa a non volerti bene, Vale. I campioni fanno sempre quello che vogliono, a pelle. Ricordo il 1997, quando girasti il tuo primo spot televisivo. Doveva durare un giorno ma un regista pignolo, logorroico, non lo fin? e lo rimand? l?indomani. Tu te ne andasti e il tuo amico Uccio mi telefon? avvertendomi? ma da casa tua, dove gi? eri e dove rimanesti, anche il giorno dopo. Straugurissimi, mito! Carlo Pernat??


Uccio: ?Spero che Vale anche i prossimi 30 anni sia veloce come i primi 30 e che ci regali altri sorpassi ed emozioni come quelli di Laguna Seca. 30 di questi Cavatappi!???


Marco Simoncelli: ?Buon compleanno, Bomber! Anche se adesso hai 30 anni, cerca di darci ancora tante emozioni come ce ne hai date finchĂŠ ne hai avuti 29! Auguri! Sic58



LA MULTI ANI VALE!!!! :laugh: :crack:

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Valentino Rossi turns 30 today, on the 16th of February 2009. With 97 race wins and eight world championships (including six premier class world championships) over 14 years of racing, the man is phenomenally successful. And unlike some other immensely successful men who have their heads stuck up their own a****s most of the time, The Doctor remains humble, affable and genuinely likable. Yes, we love him!!!


Here are some people wishing Rossi a very happy birthday. Read on - some of these messages are quite interesting...



"I don't really have a favourite memory of Valentino, or at least it's difficult to choose the ‘absolute best!' The first one that comes to mind however is just after the Welkom race in 2004, his famous first MotoGP race with Yamaha. Before Valentino finally joined Yamaha, during one of the meetings the previous September, he said that he wanted to win his first race with Yamaha! This immediately created a lot of pressure for me and for Yamaha, but anyway I promised him that we would all try all our best. Honestly at that time I felt that it was going to be a very difficult thing to achieve! During the final few pre-season tests the chances of doing it began to look better and better, but in a race itself anything can happen. Incredibly, he won that race in Welkom and just after it, after the technical meeting had finished, we were alone in his changing room. Somebody had left a bottle of wine in the fridge and we opened it and raised a toast to that day way back in September, when he had first said that he wanted to win this race. "We did it!" I said to him. It was a very emotional moment for me because it was the moment we achieved our very first target together. Happy Birthday!"



"Vale is a fighter, but armed with a smile. I've never seen him lose his humanity, even in the most difficult moments. One time I found him making gags and jokes as if he was at home with friends, when in fact he had just a couple of minutes to go before a decisive race. While he was putting on his leathers, ready to go out and challenge the world, he transmitted a joy for life, listening to a song on his ipod. "Ciao Ragazzi! See you later!" He said. Then came a sweeping victory at the limits of possibility and a long night of partying together! Happy Birthday, Vale!"



"Valentino, You are a true champion. You keep raising the bar, relentlessly pursuing the next race, the next challenge, the next championship. I also know that the victories don't necessarily become easier. You have to dig deeper, work even harder, become more focused to overcome the distractions. That's what you do. And I, like countless others, know that when you're on that track anything is possible. It was my great pleasure to be there at Laguna Seca and see you take that victory. I can honestly say I've never seen anything like it! You certainly don't disappoint! Thank you for all the great races you have given us, and for all the great races yet to come. Happy Birthday."



"Every race, every win, every championship! Vale the kid in the portaloo is an old favourite, always irresistible in victory and gracious in defeat (not that he had to prove it very often!) But the all-time favourite memory for me would be him at Laguna Seca going inside Stoner through the dirt. Death or glory; the whole race an answer to those daft enough still to have a question. And to have shaken the hand of that man - that I won't forget either."



"Cattolica, August 1996, 2pm, very hot. I'm travelling by motorbike on a deserted road towards the sea, when a small and colourful outline appears from an intersection ahead, going very fast. A young boy on a scooter ‘closes' the corner, accentuates the bend, runs around the pavement, straightens up and pulls a wheelie... he holds the wheelie on the aqua-green Zip for more than 200 metres, still on the gas. I accelerate and catch him up. The boy lets go of the left handlebar and lifts the left hand in a sign of victory. I recognise him and follow him. Finally he lowers the wheel and with his feet on the footrests he throws embraces and salutes all around the road to his imaginary fans. He notices me, right beside him, and smiles. Happy Birthday Vale!"



"I have a few fond memories of Vale starting from 2000. Our 2002 victory at the Suzuka 8-Hour was something special, but I'd have to say my one memory that stands out is Laguna 2005. Basically, we were both healthy and fighting for every inch. I did have a slight advantage knowing the track since 1992. As I can recall, it was the first time we were together on track racing close; as most would confirm, he was usually ten seconds in front of me leading by this point in the race! Then he mounted a charge on the last two laps that came up just short...I was happy we didn't have one more lap! Haha!!!! It's not really a memory that I beat him, it's more of a memory of racing side by side with what I consider "The Goat", which translates as The Greatest Of All Time. Happy birthday, you old man!"



"My favourite "Valentino moment" is remembering the unique human quality that he showed after his battle with Nicky Hayden for the 2006 MotoGP Championship. It is very easy to behave like a champion when you win, but Rossi's attitude after losing was admirable and impressive."



"It's difficult to think of a single moment but I guess one of the most memorable moments was during the 2003 season when Valentino had his first meeting with the Yamaha YZR-M1. We had started our secret discussions earlier that year for a possible future move to Yamaha. Vale said he wanted to have a real look at the Yamaha M1 bike so we agreed to organize a secret rendezvous in the paddock at the Donington GP. To keep it secret we arranged to meet on Saturday night in the Yamaha Factory Team pit box. After midnight Vale arrived in a dark parka jacket with the hood up. He looked like a burglar coming to steal our stuff! Once inside he greeted everybody there and introduced himself and then took his time to look at Carlos Checa's M1 from every angle before asking our permission if he could sit on the bike. We were so surprised by his humility and modesty and even more surprised when he paid a complement to us by stating that it was "not so bad" after all. His attitude on that first night time meeting said a lot about the man. Since then I have seen a hundred more examples... Happy Birthday, Vale!"



"I want to say Happy Birthday to my team-mate Valentino. It is great for me to be racing with a legend like him, but maybe now he's 30 he might slow down a little bit!"



"We met thanks to Inter, but we became friends thanks to motorbikes: our two great passions! Now the stadium and the circuit are occasions to be fans for one another and to try to bring good luck; you for me and I for you. But the moment in which we feel the truest friends is when we're having dinner together at my house, sitting together at the same table. There we are just Marco and Valentino, two who for many reasons see life in the same way. Today I am just like you, when you put your number on to race it is the double of me when I put mine on to play, because I have 23! For your 30th I give you ‘double' greetings. And one more special thing to remember, to succeed in keeping our ‘secret' promise, the one which we can only tell when we've achieved it! Happy birthday Vale!"



"The end of testing, the slow-down lap. Valentino sees you from the track and goes to wave at you. It's a quick movement and it seems trivial, but it's a sign, a sign of how he focuses his attention; on the bike while he needs to, on the man when he can. He separates the moments, detaches them, changes and reasons. This is why everyone always wants him as their poster boy. The Valentino I know above all defeats what is normal while the legend grows. Now he turns 30, what can I say? As before, he still has his feet on the ground. He is ruthless and very much a perfectionist. He is easy-going and always curious with his own taste for an interesting life, but he is normal. After eight titles and 97 victories, I would like to be sure that I tell the story in the right way and, although the legend continues to grow, I can always find simple words."



"I have thought about what to tell you through the media for your 30th birthday... I could have dealt with sun, stars, mountains, love and happiness... but I feel it is more right to say, simply... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!"



"How could I not love you, Valentino? The champions know exactly what they have to do, instinctively. I remember in 1997, when we were making your first TV advert. You had to endure a day with a fussy and long-winded director, who couldn't finish and had to adjourn until the next day. You left and, with your friend Uccio you called to warn that you were already home at your house, and where you were staying also the next day! Straugurissimi, Legend!"



"Happy 30th birthday Valentino! I love to watch when the odds are against you, the battle is on. Your passion to win is visible and I respect that very much. 30 years is just beginning for you!"



"Valentino, when I first saw you ride at the ranch in Barcelona... I thought Kevin Schwantz was tall and skinny! You were very impressive then as you are now! Good luck and Happy Birthday!"



"Simply... I would like to wish him to get to 40 without growing up anymore and then after 40... let's see!"



"Am I asking too much if I ask for 30 more years of excitement? Well, I can live with half!



"I hope that for the next 30 years Vale will be as fast as he has been in the previous 30 and that he gives us more passes and excitement like we had at Laguna Seca 2008. 30 more Corkscrews, Vale!"



"Happy Birthday, Bomber! Although you are now 30, try to give us as much excitement as you have given to us until you were 29! Auguri! Sic58"



"I know that every time I work with him something different will happen once again. One more time his image is in front of my lens and once again I have a different feeling and taste to be working with him. His little wrinkles, his determined gaze with his piercing eyes, which look right through you if you are not quick to change the shot. We play a game and by now he knows what expression I want before I have even asked, just like a team-mate in a match. The expressions stay in my mind as memories. This is what having Vale in front of the camera means, every time. I am always happy that I have the good fortune to work with him. Today he is posing for me with a chocolate cake to celebrate his 30th birthday. I shoot it as simply as possible; It's not necessary to have anything else to make it a unique shot. A white background is enough, and once again we relax into the ‘groove'. A song comes into my head: "When you have a sunny day in December, you can say that summer is already here! Congratulations, Vale!"



"30 is a big milestone for a racer because, even though you're not really old as a person, you're starting to be one of the older ones in professional racing and you start to feel that you can't go on forever! I don't think it's a problem for Valentino however, he seems to still feel 25 so as long as that continues he'll be just fine! Happy Birthday and have a great party!"

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la multi ani, vale!

cobra, cu draga inima veneam daca intrebai din timp. aseara doar ce-am apucat sa vad postul tau si mi-a picat netu'. centi zero, net pana in seara asta picat, hai ca de bani de bere faceam rost dar la 10 juma trebuia sa plec de acasa spre work. deci... :crack:

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  • 2 weeks later...



gata de manine doar nutella mananc :friends:

glumesc... de la nutella te faci cat porcu de e nesanatoasa.

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sigur o sa fim multi ...

cine nu a fost sa vada live o cursa sa mearga odata sa vada ce diferenta e intre tv si a urmari live o cursa.

sunt sigur ca o sa fim peste 1000 de romani acolo.o sa fie ca o cursa "acasa" :cheers:

heheh iata ce am gasit :friends:




anu asta nu avem nici o sansa ... chiar daca e trecut in program nu va fi acel concurs ... la anu poate .

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Compania italiana AGV a lansat ieri site-ul Valentino's Face, ce ofera tuturor clientilor posibilitatea de a-si personaliza viitoarea casca AGV in acelasi stil cu una din cele mai renumite casti purtate de Rossi la Mugello, sezonul trecut.


Noul site se prezinta cu o grafica atractiva realizata in flash si este un instrument unic de personalizare pe cat de interesant, pe atat de distractiv. Astfel puteti alege din mai multe culori de baza peste care puteti aplica orice imagine doriti dar si un text de maxim 30 de caractere. Ideea originala a celor de la AGV este un adevarat avantaj competitiv fata de ceilalti producatori si poate veni in ajutorul celor care cauta sa daruiasca un cadou foarte original.


Pe site mai puteti vedea o galerie interesanta cu toate modelele de casti AGV purtate de Valentino Rossi din 1995 si pana in prezent, fiecare cu o mica descriere, dar si o galerie a castilor personalizate de alti vizitatori.


Valentino's Face

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Doctor's Colleague: Uccio:

by dean adams

Wednesday, April 08, 2009 Uccio: Valentino Rossi's best friend, driver, confidant.

image by dean adamsSitting in the Fiat Yamaha hospitality unit interviewing Valentino Rossi's confidant, Uccio, I become aware that the table we are sitting at is shaking.

The pulses are uneven and I can't figure out where the chatter is coming from. Once, when Uccio looks away searching for words, I peer quickly under the table and realize that he is so nervous about the interview that his legs and hands are shaking, that he is grasping the table to stop his hands from gyrating.

Uccio is Rossi's best friend, has known him since they were children and is the nucleus of the Rossi inner circle. They are together 24/7 for weeks and months at a time. Even though his friend and boss is a worldwide media sensation, Uccio is not a willing participant in the glitteratti; a simple interview request has his brow wet with sweat and his hands shaking like he needs Methadone.

Uccio is speaking in Italian and English, with a pretty translator from Fiat drafted in at the last moment to help. I ask a question, she translates it to him, he answers her in Italian. Then she and he then answer in Italian and English. At the same time.

I tell him that his life must be much like the characters in the HBO series Entourage. He stares back, says he has never seen a television program named Entourage.

Earlier in his career, Rossi raced with an Italian phrase on his leathers, one which loosely translated meant something like "Bring on the pussy". There is a near-constant swarm of girls hovering around the Rossi camp, the romantic possibilities must be alluring for Uccio. In rock and roll, it is said, the roadies get all the girls.

In obvious disappointment, he shakes his head slowly, like the reality is more painful than anyone can imagine. "No. Even at the end of the night they want Valentino. Only Valentino," he says glumly.

The shaking and sweating continues. His devotion to his friend and the innocence that radiates from him instill sympathy. I decide to cut the pain short and get him on his way before he becomes ill. I ask for his best Valentino Rossi story.

Uccio runs his hands through his brown hair nervously, peers out the garage door, looks back, mulls for a moment and then says:

"When we were kids, young kids, we had a scooter, Valentino and I. We rode it all day and every day, very fast in our little town of Urbino. Sometimes we were with our other friends on their scooters and we were menaces in the street. The police were chasing us almost every day and people were complaining about us and Graziano (Rossi's father) was getting more angry every day. We always said that it would never happen again, but it did and was getting worse.

"So, one day, we wake up in the morning and go outside and are going to get on the scooter and we see that while we were sleeping, Graziano had removed the engine from the scooter."

"I was so upset; I don't remember being more disappointed ever in my life. It just took something ... from you," he says as he motions to his body.

"Valentino, though, was only sad for a moment. He looked at the bike and thought for a second and he said 'Come on Uccio, help me push this bike."

"So we push it to the a very tall hill and we get on the bike with no engine and we start down the hill. Instead of using brakes, this time Valentino uses no brakes almost and we are soon going down the hill very fast, faster than ever before. It is quiet and the wind is smashing our faces."

"I remember then, and can see it now in my brain, Valentino looking back at me as we rushed down the hill and him saying, "See! It's even better!"

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The Doctor's Colleague: Uccio:

by dean adams

Wednesday, April 08, 2009 Uccio: Valentino Rossi's best friend, driver, confidant.

image by dean adamsSitting in the Fiat Yamaha hospitality unit interviewing Valentino Rossi's confidant, Uccio, I become aware that the table we are sitting at is shaking.

The pulses are uneven and I can't figure out where the chatter is coming from. Once, when Uccio looks away searching for words, I peer quickly under the table and realize that he is so nervous about the interview that his legs and hands are shaking, that he is grasping the table to stop his hands from gyrating.

Uccio is Rossi's best friend, has known him since they were children and is the nucleus of the Rossi inner circle. They are together 24/7 for weeks and months at a time. Even though his friend and boss is a worldwide media sensation, Uccio is not a willing participant in the glitteratti; a simple interview request has his brow wet with sweat and his hands shaking like he needs Methadone.

Uccio is speaking in Italian and English, with a pretty translator from Fiat drafted in at the last moment to help. I ask a question, she translates it to him, he answers her in Italian. Then she and he then answer in Italian and English. At the same time.

I tell him that his life must be much like the characters in the HBO series Entourage. He stares back, says he has never seen a television program named Entourage.

Earlier in his career, Rossi raced with an Italian phrase on his leathers, one which loosely translated meant something like "Bring on the pussy". There is a near-constant swarm of girls hovering around the Rossi camp, the romantic possibilities must be alluring for Uccio. In rock and roll, it is said, the roadies get all the girls.

In obvious disappointment, he shakes his head slowly, like the reality is more painful than anyone can imagine. "No. Even at the end of the night they want Valentino. Only Valentino," he says glumly.

The shaking and sweating continues. His devotion to his friend and the innocence that radiates from him instill sympathy. I decide to cut the pain short and get him on his way before he becomes ill. I ask for his best Valentino Rossi story.

Uccio runs his hands through his brown hair nervously, peers out the garage door, looks back, mulls for a moment and then says:

"When we were kids, young kids, we had a scooter, Valentino and I. We rode it all day and every day, very fast in our little town of Urbino. Sometimes we were with our other friends on their scooters and we were menaces in the street. The police were chasing us almost every day and people were complaining about us and Graziano (Rossi's father) was getting more angry every day. We always said that it would never happen again, but it did and was getting worse.

"So, one day, we wake up in the morning and go outside and are going to get on the scooter and we see that while we were sleeping, Graziano had removed the engine from the scooter."

"I was so upset; I don't remember being more disappointed ever in my life. It just took something ... from you," he says as he motions to his body.

"Valentino, though, was only sad for a moment. He looked at the bike and thought for a second and he said 'Come on Uccio, help me push this bike."

"So we push it to the a very tall hill and we get on the bike with no engine and we start down the hill. Instead of using brakes, this time Valentino uses no brakes almost and we are soon going down the hill very fast, faster than ever before. It is quiet and the wind is smashing our faces."

"I remember then, and can see it now in my brain, Valentino looking back at me as we rushed down the hill and him saying, "See! It's even better!"

foarte misto :wacko:


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foarte misto :wink:



Nu cred ca exista vre-un impatimit al motogp-ului sa nu-l respecte pe DOTTORE, uite eu la Romexpo cred ca trebuia sa stau pe r1 dar replica lui Rossi m-a cucerit instant :wink:




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