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1 oră în urmă, PzKpfW a spus:

KTM se pare că încearcă să "fure" echipa LCR de la Honda; asta le-ar permite să le ofere cele două locuri lui Pedro Acosta și... Marc Márquez.


Iar Álex Rins pare să fie din ce în ce mai aproape de locul lui Morbidelli la Yamaha.


Dacă mișcările se concretizează, cel care va fi tras paiul scurt pare să fie Joan Mir.

Senzatia mea era ca Mir se doreste afara de la Honda dupa ce si-a rupt oasele constant. Doar ca din cum sunt asezate lucrurile s-ar putea sa fie afara de tot.

Acum 45 minute, frigider a spus:

+ taka

Taka oricum a fost acolo din diferite motive in locul altcuiva mai capabil. Si maine daca e pus pe liber tot pe plus ramane.

Filip Salac se muta sezonul viitor la Marc VDS in locul lui Sam Lowes. 

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cateva declaratii interesante a lui Pierer:

KTM answer key questions on Marc Marquez, Pedro Acosta, Augusto Fernandez, Pol Espargaro, and their 2024 line-up


21 Jul 2023


KTM have delivered a bold and fascinating insight into their 2024 plans which Marc Marquez has been constantly linked to.

The manufacturer were reportedly trying to bring the LCR satellite team into their group, creating two spaces for Marquez and Pedro Acosta.

But now Stefan Pierer, CEO of the Pierer Group which owns KTM, has explained their plan.

About recruiting Marquez, Pierer told Speedweek: "I'm not saying it's out of the question. But that doesn't suit us.

"How many times do you think he’s been offered to us in the last few months?

"This is a stuck situation- he is not entirely innocent. His riding style now doesn't really suit these aerodynamically defaced bikes. That's why he falls so often.

"We want to be world champions one day. But signing a Marquez is not our way. We build the riders ourselves, from Moto3 to Moto2.

"I also believe in Brad Binder and Jack Miller, who fought for the Moto3 World Championship title with us in 2014 and has now returned."

Binder and Miller are contracted for next season already, and so is Tech3 GASGAS rider Pol Espargaro.

However, Espargaro has missed the whole season so far due to injuries sustained on the first Friday leading to speculation about his future.

Augusto Fernandez was contracted until the end of this season so, despite his impressive performances, he is clearly at-risk of Acosta who will step up from Moto2 to MotoGP within the KTM group.


Pierer has insisted that he will somehow find space for Espargaro, Fernandez and Acosta on KTM machinery in the premier class next season.

He revealed that Fernandez has been given a new deal: "That's why we've already extended his contract. He already has a contract. 

"And Pedro Acosta has one too. And we guarantee that he will be on a MotoGP KTM in 2024.

"It will all work out. First of all, we have to give Pol another chance to show how well he's recovered. He wasn't there for half a year. 

"The fact that he will be a test rider is currently not an issue. It depends on Pol how he is doing.

"If he performs as expected, he will drive a full season next year. We have a contract with him.

"The fact is that Pedro Acosta will be riding a MotoGP-KTM in 2024. Wherever that will be.

"And if I need an extra place, everything will be arranged."

Pierer admitted that he is still trying to acquire one of the existing satellite teams.

"Basically, the Gresini team was not an option for me," he said.

"The current economic situation will not make things any easier for the private MotoGP teams. 

"I hear the second Aprilia team is already having financial difficulties; it must be supported by Aprilia.

"One or the other, a place will surely fall down. I bet you!"

Pierer said KTM will try to buy any satellite team that is available: “Certainly, if something comes up, we will adopt it. 

"I'm assuming that one or the other MotoGP spots will become available and that we will compete with all five riders.”

He added: "I'm very concerned that Honda will also drop out after Suzuki."


Si alte zvonuri de pe piata transferurilor:


A seat is expected to become free if they dispense with Fabio di Giannantonio, but Mir is not the only candidate to fill it.

Tony Arbolino is linked with a step-up from Moto2, and Johann Zarco is also rumoured as part of a reshuffle involving Marco Bezzecchi perhaps moving to Pramac.

“It is not certain that Mir will win it,” the report states, however his interest gives Ducati another fascinating option for their 2024 rider line-up.

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1 oră în urmă, apriliacluj a spus:

eu sunt curios ce salar minim ar accepta MM la viitoarea echipa, stiind ca acum are 20-25mil...

plus ca si pt 2024 sunt asigurati acesti bani, daca ramane la 'Onda

Probabil si asta ese un motiv pentru care toti se feresc sa il ia. Este scump. Ducati plateste putin, iar la KTM salariile sunt de-a dreptul infecte. Nici unul dintre acesti doi constructori nu mi se pare un deal pentru el, din punct de vedere financiar. Nici din cel al performantelor, niciunul nu ofera garantii: KTM, cu toate progresele facute, nu este inca o motocicleta castigatoare, iar la Ducati, daca vrea titlul trebuie sa ajunga in echipa de uzina si sa il demoleze pe Bagnaia din pozitia de pilot nr.1. Sa ia titlul cu o motocicleta de client este un vis umed care nu are nici o legatura cu realitatea. Cea mai logica decizie, in cazul lui, este sa ramana cu Honda si in 2024. 

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despre "viitorul" in MotoGP. am extras cateva pasaje care mi se par mie interesante. e destul de lung "interviul", dar pare fara ceva concluzii clare a ce ne rezerva viitorul.


It’s the weekend of the German Grand Prix at Sachsenring and I’ve requested an interview with Corrado Cecchinelli, Dorna’s director of technology, who used to be technical director of the factory Ducati team.

I want to talk to Cecchinelli about MotoGP’s technical direction and a few other things.

On Friday morning I show up at Dorna’s portable paddock office block and meet Cecchinelli, who tells me that my questions (emailed in advance) are too wide-ranging for his sole attention, so leads me to the office of Dorna’s chief sporting officer Carlos Ezpeleta, son of Carmelo, the man who led Dorna’s buyout of MotoGP in 1992.

Ezpeleta junior is now responsible for the sporting and technical areas of MotoGP. He is qualified for this role, because he has a degree in mechanical engineering.

What follows is a somewhat strange interview, in fact it’s less of an interview and more of a philosophical discussion about racing, but this is my fault.


The idea behind giving this power to the manufacturers was to give them a stake in the series, otherwise why would they want to invest hundreds of millions in GP racing?

In fact Dorna has tried to do something about some of these new technologies. Last year it put two options to the MSMA: ban all ride-height devices from 2025 or ban front devices from this year.

“They all voted for option B,” says Ezpeleta. “What we want to do with the rules and what we can do are two different things, like everything in life.

“Fortunately and unfortunately MotoGP isn’t a dictatorship, so we have to see what the industry wants. As much as we’d like to implement changes in the regulations, by closing some doors or whatever, that’s still changing the rules.”


“I did this exercise,” replies Ezpeleta. “I worked out how many times FP1 was faster than FP2, before this year [when it didn’t count towards qualifying], and it was less than 2% at all events. So clearly you could test in FP1 98% of the time and not be damaged.

“Even before the sprint format some riders wanted all practice sessions to be free practice. I said, ‘Perfect, no one will watch!’. Have you watched Fridays in F1? They’re abysmal!”

Which brings us to what was a scoop at the time of the interview but isn’t anymore.

“Of course! I’m worried sick about losing Honda and Yamaha”

“If your question is, ‘Do we want to revise the concession points system?’, that’s a different question,” adds Ezpeleta, who went public with this information two weeks later.

“I personally think concession points is one of the items we will need to speak about.”

I assume Ezpeleta is worried about MotoGP losing Honda and Yamaha.

“Of course! I’m worried sick,” he says. “And not only about that – I’m worried about their top riders saying, ‘I’m out of here’. So there’s a concern about those factories and there’s a concern about some factory teams not having top riders.

“But the regulations are what they are and we can’t change them until 2027, unless all the manufacturers agree.”


“It’s not a big secret that we’re working on new regulations for 2027, which will have a number of performance-decreasing factors,” Ezpeleta continues. “I think there will be a significant performance drop in 2027, then the factories will start regaining that performance and in ten years’ time you’ll come back to me and we’ll be having the same conversation!

“But how much of a downgrade do we want? We’re not five seconds faster than World Superbikes and, compared to five years ago, we’re only 1.5 seconds faster than we were then.

“Clearly, I feel there’s room for improvement. I think power is one conversation, aero is another, ride-height devices is clearly another and tyres too.”


“For me, good racing comes when there’s tyre management,” affirms Ezpeleta.

In other words, when the tyres are worse!

“About aero, maybe from the outside it seems very easy – just get rid of wings,” Ezpeleta goes on. “But at this point it’s quite straightforward – there’s no getting rid of the wings when you can already buy street bikes with wings, which are racing in World Superbike.”

Fair enough, I say, but ban ground effect, because most people I know in car racing have been shouting this at me for the last few years, “Don’t let MotoGP go down the ground-effect road because it’s a disaster!”.

“We are only in the current situation because all the factories have tried to go faster,” says Cecchinelli. “There was never any goal to make the show worse!”



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Acum 2 ore, ENEOS a spus:

Se poate înlocui peretele (wall) din text cu orice altceva, cum ar fi alt(i) concurent(i)...

Asa se explica faptul ca trece (la propriu) prin ceilalti concurenti.  Cum spuneam si cu altra ocazie, am mari semne de intrebare cu privire la intelectul baiatului asta... iar afirmatia asta, chiar si cu sens figurat, imi confirma indoielile. 

O stire importanta din curtea Yamaha:


si aici:



De la Silverstone incep sa se aplice penalizari pentru nerespectarea presiunii in pneuri:

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În mod surprinzător, Bezzecchi a ales să continue cu VR46 în 2024 în detrimentul unei mutări la Pramac. Piloții vor rămâne deci neschimbați la cele două echipe client Ducati.


Asta reprezintă o problemă pentru Morbidelli, care va fi cel mai probabil înlocuit în 2024 la Yamaha de către Álex Rins; ar fi sărit probabil cu nerăbdare pe motocicleta lăsată liberă de Bezzecchi dacă pleca la Pramac. Așa are doar un loc teoretic disponibil la Gresini (care va renunța la Di Giannantonio), dar un loc disputat și de către Tony Arbolino. Ca ultime soluții ar avea posibilitatea să meargă la LCR în locul lui Rins (deși nu cred că a avut discuții în acest sens) sau în locul lui Razgatlıoğlu la Yamaha în WSBK.


Având în vedere refuzul declarat al lui Lucio Cecchinello de a trece la motociclete KTM (o abordare rațională dealtfel), orice mișcare din partea lui Marc Márquez pentru 2024 este cam exclusă. La fel, asta înseamnă vești proaste și pentru Augusto Fernández care a cam rămas fără posibilități având în vedere decizia lui Acosta de a merge în MotoGP la anul (1) și faptul că, spre deosebire de el, Pol Espargaró are contract ferm cu Tech3 pe doi ani (2).

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18 minutes ago, frigider said:

KTM merge mai bine ca honda dupa mine.


Absolut. Dar pe termen lung, 2 echipe client sunt greu de întreținut. Cecchinello are o relație bună și lungă cu HRC, și știe că dacă și japonezii se vor conforma trend-ului actual de "parteneriat" între o echipa oficială și o echipă client (așa cum au Ducati cu Pramac, KTM cu Tech3 și Aprilia cu RNF), va fi primul pe lista celor de la Honda. Invers, dacă trece la KTM și dintr-un motiv sau altul austriecii decid (sau se schimbă regulamentul în acest sens) să rămână cu o singură echipă client, ar fi într-o poziție precară.


Și Ciabatti spunea recent că ceea ce are Ducati acum (3 echipe client) este nesustenabil pe termen lung - o indicație clară că italienii caută să-și reducă numărul de motociclete de pe grilă în viitorul apropiat.

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1 oră în urmă, PzKpfW a spus:

În mod surprinzător, Bezzecchi a ales să continue cu VR46 în 2024 în detrimentul unei mutări la Pramac. Piloții vor rămâne deci neschimbați la cele două echipe client Ducati.


Asta reprezintă o problemă pentru Morbidelli, care va fi cel mai probabil înlocuit în 2024 la Yamaha de către Álex Rins; ar fi sărit probabil cu nerăbdare pe motocicleta lăsată liberă de Bezzecchi dacă pleca la Pramac. Așa are doar un loc teoretic disponibil la Gresini (care va renunța la Di Giannantonio), dar un loc disputat și de către Tony Arbolino. Ca ultime soluții ar avea posibilitatea să meargă la LCR în locul lui Rins (deși nu cred că a avut discuții în acest sens) sau în locul lui Razgatlıoğlu la Yamaha în WSBK.


Având în vedere refuzul declarat al lui Lucio Cecchinello de a trece la motociclete KTM (o abordare rațională dealtfel), orice mișcare din partea lui Marc Márquez pentru 2024 este cam exclusă. La fel, asta înseamnă vești proaste și pentru Augusto Fernández care a cam rămas fără posibilități având în vedere decizia lui Acosta de a merge în MotoGP la anul (1) și faptul că, spre deosebire de el, Pol Espargaró are contract ferm cu Tech3 pe doi ani (2).

Poate FM21 merge direct la Pramac. E clar ca MB72 priveste spre un loc la echipa de uzina incepand cu 2025, iar daca Ducati ii ofera Factory Spec atunci VR46 este locul in care poaate face performanta pe mai departe.

FM21 are deocamdata rezultate mai importante la clasa mare decat JZ5 sau JM89. JM89 ramane, dar ramane semnul intrebarii in legatura cu JZ5. 

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2 minutes ago, therocketscientist1 said:

iar daca Ducati ii ofera Factory Spec atunci VR46 este locul in care poaate face performanta pe mai departe.


Nu cred că Ducati are posibilitatea (și dorința) de a pune 5 motociclete factory-spec pe grilă.

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Casey Stoner confirma ceea ce banuiam demult: 

"I don't think Honda and Yamaha are to blame for the current situation,” he is quoted by Speedweek. 

“Rather, I think the rules have been changed to help European manufacturers with their aerodynamics.

"A few years ago it was actually decided to ban all aerodynamic aids, but then this plan was suddenly overturned again. 

“That's why Suzuki left MotoGP and I'm concerned that Honda and Yamaha will also leave because what we have now is not what they committed to.



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Tind să cred că Stoner, un actor obiectiv, are absolută dreptate. Mai mult, cred că e o conspirație globală împotriva producătorilor japonezi. Sunt interese mari la mijloc. Se știe clar că ei nu se pricep deloc în arta obscură a aerodinamicii și se feresc de ea ca de doamne ferește.


image.thumb.png.3bc00c4ad024f7d74952e147ecc85cf0.png image.thumb.png.e4a4155d552beebe7a9555559976cb87.png image.thumb.png.c51a9acefb1ca2f418208d96ab60168e.png image.thumb.png.fd721e23227cce1c7427b60a173993bb.png

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Sito Pons: 

How do you rate the current World Cup from a sporting point of view?

From a sporting point of view, MotoGP is not very interesting at the moment. Ducati dominates this World Championship. They have clear advantages over the other manufacturers and field eight motorcycles at the same time. Ducati's dominance is making MotoGP atrophy to a mini World Championship.

Acum 41 minute, PzKpfW a spus:

Mai mult, cred că e o conspirație globală împotriva producătorilor japonezi. 


image.thumb.png.3bc00c4ad024f7d74952e147ecc85cf0.png image.thumb.png.e4a4155d552beebe7a9555559976cb87.png image.thumb.png.c51a9acefb1ca2f418208d96ab60168e.png image.thumb.png.fd721e23227cce1c7427b60a173993bb.png

Si totusi specialistii au aparut... :D 


Si Sito Pons vorbeste prostii, nu numai pescaru'  Oameni rai, dom'le! 

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