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Poland → Romania


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Hello there!

We are three guys from Poland and we plan on a trip to Romania this holidays, maybe you could help us.

We are thinking of taking three bikes on a small truck and travel from Poland to Romania. Then we want to leave the truck in a safe place for two weeks and ride the bikes throughout Romania.

I will be thankful for any advise on a safe place where we could leave it. Maybe you know somebody with a big fenced parking lot next to their company.. who would let us park this car for some time.

Or maybe you know someone, who may know someone, who knows someone...

We will be entering Romania from Hungary, so we will be looking for anything close to this border.


This is the first time we are trying to organize our trip this way... but my friends don't want to spend two days riding on boring highways from Poland to Romania anymore 🙂


Any help or hints greatly appreciated 🙂





PS. Please forgive me if I posted this message in a wrong thread.

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It would be helpful to drop here what your journey would look like, what you have in mind, and so on.
What part of Poland are you coming from, just asking as you can drive from Warsaw to the West of Romania in one day, and there are also options of roads that have up to no highway at all involved, with nice enough scenery.

Keep in touch,

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Hi Tomek;


What do you mean by "small truck"? It's an open one or kind of VW Transporter? 

I'm admin here and also on FB group and I will try to help you. Please send me a pm with your phone number. 





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So, here is a list that I have shared with tho other (in different situations) polish guys, in both cases the feedback was very positive; dig in:

Roads to try out

TransSemenic (S-W Ro, small mountains, heals, not far from the Serbian and Hungarian border, close to the Danube)

MountainPass  (S-W Ro, small mountains, close to the Danube)

Section of the Danube

TransFagarasan (goes towards the middle of the country, pay attention in the forest section for bears!)

TransApuseni (N-W Ro, mountains)

MountainPass (pretty much in the middle of the country, mountains)

TransAlpina (center-W Ro, mountain pass, have the proper gear for cold and watch for snow and ice)  

MusatPass (N-E Ro, mountain pass)

Sibiu - Sighisoara (center Ro, the connection between two touristic cities)
Sibiu - Sighisoara

Sibiu - Brasov  (center Ro, the connection between two touristic cities, avoid weekends)
Sibiu - Brasov

CheiaPass (Brasov-Ploiesti, mountain pass, avoid weekends)

Resita - Orsova (mountain pass, goest to the Danube, the road where I have learned riding :)
from the Mountains to the Danube

Targu Mures - Poiana Largului (N Ro, mountain passes and going North)
TgMures - Poiana Largului

Bicaz Damn - Vatra Dornei (N Ro,mountain pass)
Bicaz Damn - Vatra Dornei

Vatra Dornei - Satu Mare (crossing North of Ro)
Vatra Dornei - Satu Mare


And of course, they are mo many more, I recommend all of them from the above list.
A map with the quality of the road surface, you have the color code explained under the map

Places to check out, not in order:

Bigar fall  :)

Turda Salt Mine

Praid Mine

Ride this old train

Red Lake\

Voronet Monastery 

Decebal on the Danube 

Bears Cave

Fortified Prejmer Monastery

Scarisoara Undeground Glaciar


Peles castle you will be in a long line to enter

Corvinilor Castle

Bethlen-Haller Castle

Bran Castle

Popenari Ruins

Hristia Ruins

Sarmizegetusa Regia

Rasnov Fort

Deva Fort

Alba Iulia Fort


Cities and villages:








Bucharest aka NYC of EU

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Hello Luigi, good point.

We tried to fit the bikes in a cargo van, but the three big bikes take just too much space.


However, one of our friend has an open tow-truck, like the one I attached.

He is going to give it to us for the time of the trip 🙂 Sounds like fun.


hora09 thank you for the list! My humble question was only about a place to leave the truck, but I will definitely make good use of your list.

Some of the places are already on our route.

Btw. is a great site! I also love the TET routes.


Take care,




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Acum 1 oră, hora09 a spus:

TransFagarasan (goes towards the middle of the country, pay attention in the forest section for bears!)


Acum 4 ore, bearl a spus:

We are three guys from Poland and we plan on a trip to Romania this holidays,


Transfagarasan may be closed. All depends on when this holydays is. You can check here the status of it


On the other hand I try to do something similar - a trip to Romania. You can inspire from this map

Where red lines are interesting roads - there are also sights marked there. Blue ones are sketch for myself so don't really consider them - just use the red one


Note that this note my work - I've just bought this - - and aggregated them into one place. 


In which period of year do you plan to visit Romania?


Also, as hora says, there are few roads that are best to be avoided at all cost in weekend. You'll just find a lot of cars and angry people. Maybe once you are done with the route you'll post it here so that we give you advice on what roads to avoid, if is the case.



Editat de tzunoi
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Hello, Tomek!

I would leave it parked in the parking lot of a supermarket (without having to ask anyone) or even better at a gas station, but here I would recommend you to ask prior one of the employees if it's ok to leave it there. 

Cheers and I hope that you will have nice memories here! 

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10 hours ago, Flower-Power said:

I would leave it parked in the parking lot of a supermarket (without having to ask anyone)

Do not do that! First, most of these places have had limit the parking time to 2-4 hours. Albeit some local guys leave their vehicles for days or weeks, I wouldn't recommend this to a foreigner let alone the foreign registration plates of the vehicle.


Tomek, give it a try and start a topic on this matter here:

Perhaps some of our colleagues from the area will see it and lend you a hand. It would also be useful to specify the approximate time span of your planned trip.

Good luck!


Later edit: @george05, I know you are not quite close to the border, but perhaps you know some bikers there. Thanks!

Editat de The Flying Dutchman
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Indeed , sorry about that please disregard previous information sent. I searched on internet and it seems that information provider by The Flying Dutchman is accurate. In this case , I would try the other option, in case you will not find other solution, to discuss upfront with a gas station employee.

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Hello there!

If you don't find out a solution before the start of your trip there is always a last option. As you are aware, Romania is not part of Schengen. Therefore when you enter the country you will be checked the documents and so on. There is the place where you may ask a border police or custom officer to assist you guys with suggestions where to leave your truck while you enjoy the tour. Regardless of the place where you cross the border 9 out of 10 of these guys have their residences in the nearest city and I am sure one of them will finally give you a positive feedback and solve your little trouble hosting your vehicle in their place or at their relatives or friends.


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I posted a link to this topic in local community area, may be helpful I supose:


Translated from romanian: 3 riders from Poland need help to accomodate their truck for 2-3 weeks in Satu Mare area, while having a motor-trip in Romania.

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Guys, thanks a lot.

Not only for the advice but also for route recommendations. No doubt that will be helpful too.

Let's see how the fb posts work out, the hint about asking custom officers makes great sense to me.


Honestly, I can't wait to be on the road again 🙂

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I think it's good to know when you intend to make this trip in Romania. 

There is also a holliday period here 😊 and people need to know when you suppose to arrive here 😏

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I think the best solution it is to call Marius Oprea in Tășnad (25 km from Carei) 

0740 486 553. 

It's a Policeman, family guy, with a large courtyard near his house.

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  • 3 weeks later...


We had a great time in Romania 🙂
Many THANKS to @THE VADER for providing us with a parking space on his own property! It made everything so much easier to us!

Vader - we owe you! 🏆


Also thank you guys for posting your own favorite POIs and the map with interesting routes. We included some of them in our plan 🙂

We met so much friendly and helpful people on our way and we definitely can't wait to get back to your beautiful country!



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