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Ken Leeeeee kitten...






Editat de dru_kl3in
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1. Project Manager is a Person who thinks Nine women can deliver a baby in One month.

2. Developer is a Person who thinks it will take 18 months to deliver a baby.

3. Onsite Coordinator is one who thinks single woman can deliver nine babies in one month.

4. Client is the one who doesn't know why he wants a baby.

5. Marketing Manager is a person who thinks he can deliver a baby even if no man and woman are available.

6. Resource Optimization Team thinks they don't need a man or woman; they'll produce a child from scratch.

7. Documentation Team thinks they don't care whether the child is delivered, they'll just document 9 months.

8. Quality Auditor is the person who is never happy with the PROCESS to produce a baby.

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>A college professor was doing a study, testing the senses of first


>using a bowl of lifesavers. He gave all the children the same kind of

>lifesavers, one at a time, and asked them to identify them by color and




>The children began to say:





>Finally the professor gave them all honey lifesavers. After eating them


>a few moments none of the children could identify the taste.


>"Well," he said "I'll give you all a clue, It's what your mother may

>sometimes call your father." One little girl looked up in horror, spit

>hers out and yelled: "Everybody spit them out! Oh My God!!!! They're


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lasa-l p-ala de la chiken factory...ala-i chiar belea...asta te sperie de-a dreptul, frate... :D :P :rose:

io m-am dat mai incolo de la boxe... :D :D :rose: :lol:


din ciclul publicitati interzise:


--- Mesaj completat în 12 Mar 2008 12:34 -------------
de berea Brahma ati auzit?:

Editat de Fram-Ursul Kevlar
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Fetita catre bunica:

- Bunico ce este un amant ?

Cand aude bunica incepe si striga disperata VAI !!! VAI !!! si fuge repede si deschide dulapul, iar de acolo cade un schelet.




Concurs de tras cu arcul.Se aseaza tinta - un gagiu cu un mar pe cap - la

50 metri. Vine primul concurent.Ocheste, trage, despica marul.Urale.Mindru,


se intoarce si declama:

- I’m Wilhelm Tell!

Runda a doua.Se departeaza tinta la 100 metri.Vine alt concurent, ocheste


trage. Marul cade despicat.Ovatii.Se intoarce si asta si zice:

- I’m Robin Hood!

Runda a treia.Tinta se aseaza la 150 metri.Vine al treilea concurent,


si trage.Ii crapa capul aluia.Stupoare.Se intoarce tipul si zice:

- I’m sorry!

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La poarta unei vile beton , opreste o masina de gunoieri . Vasile , gonoierul suna la usa , la care raspunde o blonda super , numai in halat care intreaba :

-Cine esti ?

-Vasile , gunoierul .....

Imediat blonda il trage de mana dupa usa si-i face un sex oral de zile mari , apoi il da pe usa afara.Asta , uluit se duce la masina si le povesteste ce si cum colegilor . Astia zic ca-i vrajeala . Se duce Ion - Aceeasi chestie .

Acum se duce Gheorghe , soferul:

-Buna ziua , eu sunt Gheorghe soferul ...

-A,da , poftim lei si gata !

-Pai cum vine asta doamna ? La ceilalti 2 sex oral si mie ?

-Pai da , ca sotul meu cand a plecat a zis asa : la sofer , iar la gunoieri sex oral ...........



--- Mesaj completat în 12 Mar 2008 15:40 -------------
Intr-o zi doamna invatatoare incepe sa-i intrebe pe copii ce le mai lipseste:

-Gheorghe, tie ce-ti mai lipseste?

-Un calculator.

-Ion, tie ce-ti mai lipseste?

-Un televizor.

-Bula, tie ce-ti mai lipseste?

-Nimic doamna profesoara!

-Pai cum asa?

-Pai aseara tata a venit beat acasa si s-a c***t in mijlocul casei. Dar mama a zis:

-Asta ne mai lipsea!

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Care-i diferenta dintre femeile cu varsta de 8, 18, 28, 38, 48 si 58 de ani. 8 - O duci in pat si apoi ii spui o poveste. 18 - Ii spui o poveste si apoi o duci in pat. 28 - Nu-i nevoie sa-i spui o poveste ca sa o duci in pat. 38 - Ea iti spune o poveste si te duce in pat. 48 - Tu ii spui o poveste ca sa eviti sa te duci in pat. 58 - Stai in pat toata ziua ca sa nu-i asculti povestea

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  • ivan pedala changed the title to Hai să râdem!
  • Vizitator changed the title to Hai să râdem!
  • Vizitator pinned this topic

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