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Copii ce ati vrea sa se vorbeasca la inmormantarea voastra ?? intreaba profesoara...

Ionel - vreau sa zica popa ca am fost un bun presedinte, am dus tara in culmile prosperitatii, am ajutat pe cei nevoiasi, ce mai un presedinte al Romaniei erou.

Maria - vreau ca la mormantarea mea sa zica popa ca am fost cea mai buna doctorita, am salvat multe vieti si ca am descoperit leacul la multe medicamente.


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Copii ce ati vrea sa se vorbeasca la inmormantarea voastra ?? intreaba profesoara...

Ionel - vreau sa zica popa ca am fost un bun presedinte, am dus tara in culmile prosperitatii, am ajutat pe cei nevoiasi, ce mai un presedinte al Romaniei erou.

Maria - vreau ca la mormantarea mea sa zica popa ca am fost cea mai buna doctorita, am salvat multe vieti si ca am descoperit leacul la multe medicamente.



Ion vine acasa. Marie am un stil nou de a te f.u...e. dezbracate Marie si urcate pe dulap. Marie, zis si facut. Si acum sari zice Ion. Marie sare Ion se fereste si zice. MA MARIE TE-AM F.U...UT

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Copii ce ati vrea sa se vorbeasca la inmormantarea voastra ?? intreaba profesoara...

Ionel - vreau sa zica popa ca am fost un bun presedinte, am dus tara in culmile prosperitatii, am ajutat pe cei nevoiasi, ce mai un presedinte al Romaniei erou.

Maria - vreau ca la mormantarea mea sa zica popa ca am fost cea mai buna doctorita, am salvat multe vieti si ca am descoperit leacul la multe medicamente.


cum vine asta cu leacul la medicamente? loool :)

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la mine a iesit I killed a horse because I'm sexy

iar la doi colegi I need a drunk Mexican because I hate my life


i ran naked with a piece of shit because that's what i'm :)

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la mine a iesit I killed a horse because I'm sexy

iar la doi colegi I need a drunk Mexican because I hate my life


i ran naked with a piece of shit because that's what i'm :)

I took a crap on Michael Jackson Because I'm Sexy :)

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-Ma duc dimineata la pescuit, si stau, si stau, si seara prind un amarat de pestisor galben...

Ma uit in galeata: goala, manca-ti-as...

Zic: - Du-te-n amaru tau, amaratule!

Ma duc spre casa cu bicicleta, ce sa vezi: se face'un Mertzan asta, de zic toti ca l-am furat; ajung acasa, o vila , manca-ti-as...

O intreb pe phiranda: De unde-i vila asta tu, ca-ti mananc pipota!

- Nu stiu, ma tigane!

Ii povestesc ce-am patit, si-atunci imi zice tiganca: Ia o oala cu vermusi, si-i du la peste si-i multumeste!

Si-ajung la lac, il strig pe pestisor, si-l intreb: Cum sa te rasplatesc, pestisorule?

Si el zice ca are tot ce vrea, ca-i fermecat, manca-mi-ar, da' zice ca ar vrea o partida de amor.

Si se da de trei ori peste cap, si se face o mandrete de fata de 14 ani... onorata instanta...

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A pus cineva episodul 0...

azi pun eu episodul 1 :)

Mesaj completat


la mine a iesit I killed a horse because I'm sexy

iar la doi colegi I need a drunk Mexican because I hate my life


i ran naked with a piece of shit because that's what i'm :)



"I pissed on a robot because i'm sexy"

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Într-un bar intra un tip foarte fericit:

- De baut la toata lumea. Fac cinste! Am un baietel !

- Ce greutate?

- 4 kg!

- Lungime?

- 53 cm!

- Cum se simte soția?

- Ea inca nu stie!

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What's the worst thing to give a blind deaf kid for xmas?



How do you get 30 dead babies in a bag?

A blender


How do you get them out?



What is better than fucking an 8 yr old girl?

Flipping her over and pretending she's an 8 yr old boy


What's better than fucking an 8 yr old boy?

Fucking a 5 yr old


What's better than that?



What's better than fucking 2 18 yr old girls?

Fucking 18 2 yr olds


What do you do if you're fucking a 5 yr old and her pelvis pops?

Stop because if that doesn't get you off nothing will


What do you call a parapalegic in a pool?



What do you call a parapalegic on a wall?



What do you call a parapalegic in front of a door?



How do you piss Helen Keller off?

Give her a golf ball


How did Helen Keller lose her virginity?

Someone left the plunger in the toilet


How did Helen Keller burn her face?

She picked up the iron thinking it was the phone.


How did she burn the other side of her face?

The person called back.


How did her parents punish her?

Rearrange the furniture


How did she lose her arm?

Tried to read the speed limit on the interstate


Why did Helen Keller's dog kill itself?

You would too if your name was muahmhuhmauh


Why couldn't Helen Heller drive?

She was a woman


Why did OJ Simpson want to move to Alabama?

Everyone has the same DNA.


Customer: Hi. I use Windows.

Hotline: Yea...?

Customer: My computer does not work..

Hotline: You said that already.


Why is it not advisable for women to ski in skirts?

They get chapped lips.


Why should women skydive naked?

They'll whistle all the way down.


Whats read and falls out of trees?

A monkey's miscarrage.


What the abortion clinic motto?

You rape 'em, we scrape 'em. No fetus can beat us.


How do you get a woman to scream twice?

Fuck her in the ass and wipe your dick on the curtains.


What's the difference between a prostitute and a drug dealer?

The prostitute can wash her crack and sell it again.


What do you call 5 lepers in a hot-tub?



What does a redneck say after sex?

Thanks Mom.


What's the difference between a truck load of dead babies and a truck load of bowling balls?

You can't use a pitchfork to unload the bowling balls.


What's the worst part about fucking a 5 year old?

Getting the blood off of your clown costume....


What's blue and fucks old people?



How do you circumcise a redneck?

Kick his sister in the chin.


What is a redneck virgin?

A seven year old that can run faster than her brothers.


What's the only kind of meat a priest can eat on friday?


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am zis CRED. nu faceam dar in ziua de azi nimik nu e exclus. nu eram sigur de ce se vede. sorry pt offtopicc

:) e datata 1998...FAIL

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Saracul R6... i-au facut imaginea de ras :) :



Nu prea e FUN, dar nu m-apuc sa deschid topic special pt un clip vai de el, asa ca am postat aici.


vezi ca or sa te arate unii cu degetu' ca esti manelist,daca pui clipuri de genu' :) .ca astia nu stiE de gluma

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  • ivan pedala changed the title to Hai să râdem!
  • Vizitator changed the title to Hai să râdem!
  • Vizitator pinned this topic

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