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Tirbusonu" s-a infipt direct intr-un dop deja gaurit...
Ptr 2025, KTM-ul ce va face? https://ziarulromanesc.at/productia-de-motociclete-se-opreste-temporar-fabrica-austria/
Ai grija ce iti doresti...in aceeasi nota nea Toto era cam sceptic, nu parea tocmai incantat, si nici Fred: "Q: (Jenna Fryer – Associated Press) Finally, the woman. A little bit of an American question. There’s been a significant restructuring at Andretti Global that has sparked conversation that potentially there could be an 11th team announcement coming. Has any of your positions changed on expanding the grid? Toto Wolff: We have an obligation, a statutory obligation as directors to present the standpoint that is the best for our company and for our employees, and we’ve done that so in the past. I think if a team can add to the championship, particularly if GM decides to come in as a team owner, that is a different story. And as long as it is creative, that means we’re growing the popularity of the sport, we’re growing the revenue of the sport, then no team will be ever against it. So I’m putting my hope in there. No one from Andretti or Andretti global or whatever the name will be has ever spoken to me a single sentence in presentation of what the accretive part is. But they don’t need to because the teams don’t decide. It is the commercial rights holder, with the FIA, we have no say. We can have an opinion, like I’m having here now, it’s just if i want to be invited to a party and going to the party, I’m sitting down on the table and telling who I am and why I’m really good fun and sitting here and everybody will enjoy my presence. That hasn’t happened, but you know, that’s now my personal point of view, not a professional, because there’s nothing we can do, nothing we can say. And I don’t know the people. I’ve obviously spoken to Mario. Yeah, I’ve spoken to Mario once. I didn’t speak to his son. I didn’t speak to any other people that are behind that. I don’t know who they are. So I know GM. GM is great. Fred Vasseur: At the end of the day, I’m not sure that we have our word into the discussion. The discussion is between FIA, the team, and FOM. It’s not our choice. For sure, as Toto said, that if it’s good for the sport, good for the show, good for the business, and add value on the sporting side, that we are all okay. But again, the decision is with FOM and not with Toto, myself or Ollie. Oliver Oakes: I think they’ve covered it all. I think FOM was also pretty transparent in their decision and the value they’d need to bring." dar nu au ce face. fragment preluat din: https://www.autoracing1.com/pl/438054/f1-news-vasseur-and-wolff-would-welcome-cadillac-f1-entry/ Dealtfel si Putinica a zis ceva pe comentariul din Vegas...
Postati cele mai faine poze moto d-ale voastre
topic a răspuns lui Lup69 în Kristianul Motociclisti in timpul liber
Cheia? -
Pacat ca pleaca Sainz de la Ferrari, cu bronzatu' ar fi fost ceva ca la Ducati Lenovo....eh?
Ar fi o posibilitate sa il "tavaleasca" din primele etape ca sa il "dezafecteze" fizic? Nu cred, Peco e prea Mr Nice Guy....prea elegant, doar sa nu se intample viceversa si sa iasa urat ptr MM... Totusi MM pare mult mai "civilizat", poate fi si doar o aparenta, sa ii mangaie la outze pe boshii de la Ducati/Audi, sau vreun megasponsor ...
Curat Alex Velea....prins cu hainele Antoniei...
Problema lui e ca incearca sa afle "de ce merge cateodata atat de bine ca nu isi poate da seama..." nu? El cand reusea si se aliniau 11 planete, mereu spunea ca nu stie ce si cum anume a facut sa mearga...Probabil nestiind ce este cu adevarat sub carena a incercat sa sparga sa se convinga singur...nu luati ca atare, e doar caterinca...scuze fanilor Maverick-ului!
Pentru "bobocei", numarul de cazaturi se va contabiliza de la acest test sau de la anul?
https://www.facebook.com/share/18FaGctSg5/ https://www.facebook.com/share/1896m8qy5g/
Ai dreptate: https://www.shell.at/tanken/shell-tankstellensuche/standorte.html#10022723-nickelsdorf-nord-a4-autobahn-nic si https://map.bp.com/de-AT/AT/tankstelle/braunau-am-inn/braunau-neue-innbrueckenstrasse-2/537428986 de exemplu.... bineinteles, e mai bine sa faci comanda si sa platesti online....
Eu de cand ma duc si vin prin Austria/Ungaria, am luat mereu de la prima benzinarie de pe drumul respectiv, in oricare dintre directii mergeam, nu am avut niciodata vreo problema...este valabil si pentru autostrada si pentru nationale...
20. Motul Solidarity Grand Prix of Barcelona ("Valencia")
topic a răspuns lui Lup69 în ioio_violaul Competitii Internationale
Cum a fost cursa celor mici de astazi.... -
20. Motul Solidarity Grand Prix of Barcelona ("Valencia")
topic a răspuns lui Lup69 în ioio_violaul Competitii Internationale
Nenea, un sprint, ceva link? -
https://www.facebook.com/share/17qxmPxqxX/ https://www.facebook.com/share/r/1AzyQVbjwL/
20. Motul Solidarity Grand Prix of Barcelona ("Valencia")
topic a răspuns lui Lup69 în ioio_violaul Competitii Internationale
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