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Orice postat de ZIDU'

  1. firma este M+S. am tradus cu un program niste instructiuni: Fitting instruction for M + S Motorcycle alarm installation TG 400 !!! Ask fitting instruction before the installation read completely. Thanks!!! For the installation of the alarm installation is electrotechnical basic knowledge of advantage. If necessary the alarm installation should be inserted by a Kfz Elektrikfachbetrieb. The M + S Motorcycle alarm installation TG 400 became after the newest realizations the electrical technology develops. The alarm installation for motorcycles and scooters possesses a high techni and offers schen standard the following functions and extent: ⢠alarm release by vibration ⢠"stirring" the alarm up by remote maintenance ⢠"defusing" the alarm installation by remote maintenance ⢠emergency power supply by battery emergency operation ⢠inserted siren with extreme volume ⢠"Schlummerzustand" with longer service life (winter break) of the motorcycle, activation over Remote maintenance ⢠panic alarm function over remote maintenance ⢠tax exit for a Pager available as optional accessories ⚠additional alarm SI gnalisierung at a funkempfaenger, which by belt tie-clip at the "man" carried who that can do. Option Pager please with your specialist dealer inquire. ⢠complete installation period with detailed fitting instruction Technical data: Dimension alarm installation: 11 cm x 6 cm x 3.5 cm Current consumption: approx. 4 mA "Schlummerzustand": approx. 0.0002 mA Alarm duration: approx. 30 seconds Siren: built in the housing Current supply: 12 V electrical system and battery in the housing Frequency of the transmitter: 433 MHz Supplied accessories: 1 remote maintenance, 1 cable and assembly set, 1 tracer for RESET "Schlummerzustand" Range of the transmitter: approx. 20 m , however by installation position causes Notes to the installation: ⢠the alarm installation in the proximity of the exhaust do not install. ⢠the alarm installation in splash-water cannons a place install. ⢠the installation should take place if possible in a place inaccessible of unauthorized ones. Oh ten yourselves on it that the top side of the alarm installation directly nothing rests upon, there here those inserted siren finds. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PAGE 2 1. Before the attachment of the alarm installation you separate please the set of cables (if this ange is is) from the alarm installation. Additionally you separate the tracer RESET "Schlummerzu stood "from the wiring harness, if this is attached. 2. Insert the 9 V battery into the alarm installation. Please to polarity pay attention. 3. Fasten with the attached double-sided tapes or both screws the alarm installation with the lower surface (not siren side) at your motorcycle. 4. Connect the thick red cable, which over a fuse holder (safeguard type 6 x 30, 15 A) orders, with the positive terminal of your 12V-Batterie. 5. Connect the thick black cable with the negative pole of your 12V-Batterie. 6. Connect now the plug with 6 pins (female) with the socket with 6 pins (male) for that Alarm installation. 7. The provided tracer (RESET "Schlummerzustand") fasten to more suitably and for Unauthorized one of inaccessible place (borehole diameter approx. 6.5 mm). 8. Connect now the small 2-poligen plug (female) with the small 2-poligen book SE (male) of the set of cables. 9. Press now the tracer button RESET "Schlummerzustand ", around the alarm installation to switch impulse ready. 10. The green line, which comes from the alarm installation, is the antenna and may not ge shortens become. This line should run in inaccessible place as perpendicularly as possible and directly against the framework and/or metallgegenstaenden do not rest. 11. The large socket (male) of the wiring harness is for the connection one in the specialized trade available Pager kits meant. Function: During alarm release becomes by means of radio at the Pager, which is carried at the "man", additionally alarm released. Function and operation: Sharp-switch the alarm installation Taken place by means of the radio hand transmitter button A. thereupon a short acoustic signal takes place. After approximately 3 seconds is sharp and ready for use the alarm installation. Defuse the alarm installation Taken place by means of the radio hand transmitter button B. thereupon a twice acoustic takes place Signal and the alarm installation are defused. Release of the panic alarm Taken place by means of radio hand transmitter button C Alarmdauer approx. 6 seconds amount to. Before expiration that max. Alarm duration can the panic alarm by manipulation of the radio hand transmitter button B under brochen become. Activate the "Schlummerzustandes" At defused alarm installation you pressure the radio hand transmitter button B and D at the same time (however really at the same time). Afterwards a threefold acoustic signal sounds. Now is the alarm installation in the "Schlummerzustand". Examination of the "Schlummerzustands" through pressures serving button A IE alarm installation cannot scharfgeschalten to become. RESET "Schlummerzustand " By pressures of the push-button. Afterwards a twice acoustic signal sounds. Ueberprue fung RESET "Schlummerzustands "through pressures of the remote maintenance button A IE alarm - plant can scharfgeschalten to become. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PAGE 3 Attitude of sensitivity Operate in the defused condition of the alarm installation the remote maintenance button A and B at the same time (however really at the same time). Afterwards a twice acoustic signal sounds. By pressures of the key A (within 5 seconds) sensitivity in maximally 8 can Stages to be adjusted. When input tracing longer than 5 seconds the adjusted becomes Worth automatically stored. After the key A a twice sounds to first pressures acoustic signal. This means that the sensitivity stage 1 (maximally) is adjusted. By repeated pressing of the key A the next sensitivity stage can adjusted become. After each pressing to stage 8 a unique acoustic signal takes place. The stage 8 (minimum sensitivity) is reached and becomes the remote maintenance button A however mark pressed, a twice acoustic signal and it sound are again in stage 1 (on maximum). The adjusted sensitivity value is stored through pressures of the key B or it he follows, as far as no further key is pressed, after 5 seconds the automatic spoke rung. This is indicated by a twice acoustic signal. The stored value of sensitivity becomes by the battery change or the activation the "Schlummerzustandes" deleted and must if necessary again be programmed. Battery change In order to ensure the working reliability of your alarm installation, it is advisable the battery (9 V-block) to change once annually (please to polarity pay attention). Thus it is ensured that by clamping and/or by separation of the supply line the alarm installation further radio tioniert. Reference to the range of the remote maintenance: there the approved frequency by many other applications, e.g. wireless music over carrying etc., in completely Europe is very overloaded, can substantial range losses arise. The operation through third is the radio communication system that however impossible there Alarm installation is coded! Note: The remote maintenance (key trailer) is not spritzwasserge protects; always protect therefore the transmitter against humidity. pagina originala a fost luata de aici: asta e pagina producatorului:
  2. ZIDU'

    Ajutati-ma un pic

    Un filtru de aer sport afecteaza buzunarul Rolul lui e sa lase aerul sa treaca mai repede. tre refacute reglajele la carburatie. Nu aduce un castig mare de putere, mai degraba un raspuns mai rapid la acceleratie. Oricum nu o sa faci racheta din el
  3. Sigur la tara mai faceau asa ceva. Stiu un caz in naipu.
  4. ZIDU'

    Ajutati-ma un pic

    eu nu as risca tunning la un scooter chinezesc. daca nu tine motorul dupa aia stai pe bara. Trebuie sa tii cont ca orice tunareala scade dramatic durata de viata a motorasului.
  5. de mers merge ok cu aprinderea asta, dar problema sunt reglajele fine. Nu am timp sa stau langa ea sa o invat la capitolul reglaje fine. De pus pe drum o pun cu ochii inchisi, dar pt restul trebuie sa ajung sa o simt, lucru imposibil in perioada asta si intre blocuri , de aia prefer sa apelez la un cunoscator si sa fur meseria . exemplu de probleme: cum se regleaza nivelul de benzina la k63? la cat? mie imi ramane turata in blana si imi da in nas la frana de motor (suspectez ca ramane fara benzina in camere) Cum se face la ambreiaj? La rece nu debraiaza corect, La cald patineaza - si de la 70 in sus daca dau gaz scapa ambreiajul (da, MERGE si mai tare). Ori am pus ulei nasol in cutie (t 90) ori nu am tensionat corect cablul.
  6. DA mai multe informatii despre producator si model. TG400 simplu este doar un generator de tonuri (probabil generatorul alarmei)
  7. de ce nu mergi tu la un service auto care vopseste bine? sa iti faca si tie casca cand au o masina rosie? Matuiesti tot si vopsesti tot . Aia stiu sa vopseasca si plastic (bari auto). Le dai si tu de o bere. Altfel acasa nu cred ca iti iese.
  8. Vezi ca sunt unii cu desmembrari de scootere. Mergi la ei si ia una de piaggio. Iesi mai ieftin. Oricum 1 piston si 4 timpi are nevoie de scanteie la fiecare 2 ture pe cand un piston si 2 timpi are nevoie de scanteie la fiecare tura. Deci daca aprinderea aia nu mere la 4t cu scanteie pierduta, la tine nu o sa mearga.
  9. ZIDU'


    MOAAAAAAAAA am vazut pe unul prin victoriei cu un chopper din ala de 49 ca in adoua poze (modelul din carrefour). Eu nu as avea curaj cu unul din ala. Cu moped da, am mers destul dar cu o caterinca din aia NU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. ZIDU'


    Incearca la orice firma care face balustrade de inox. Aia le indoaie, taie si le sudeaza de zici ca sunt dintr-o bucata. Si le ies toate formele. Tot aia de la care cumperi inox ii stiu si pe astia, ca doar le furnizeaza materie prima
  11. nu o sa intelegi niciodata ce frumos suiera decompresorul, pana nu folosesti unul
  12. a facut clantz si a oprit motorul sau doar a atins in piston? Daca a facut clantz e posibil sa fie si biela. Daca nu, mai repede bucsa din biela sau nitel pistonul deformat, Desi cred ca tacanitul se aude de la ceva detonante provocatede ciocurile ascutite
  13. am vazut au motorul (5 min, ca aveam probleme cu al meu) Scanteie buna ii da, bujia arata ok, am micsorat eu nitel distanta la electrozi ca era cam 1mm Problemele sunt de la carb (a zis ca in ultimele zile pornea din ce in ce mai greu si acum nu mai porneste deloc), probabil ii vine prea multa benzina ca nu ii mai inchide plutitorul. ar mai fi de verificat secundarul bobinei, ca poate scanteia e ok doar in aer. Nu am avut timp sa il ajut ca eram si eu cu ijul pe pana pe spate si incepuse sa ploua+seara.
  14. Eu sunt ala cu ijul pe pana incearca fara filtru de aer pentru inceput apoi trebuie verificat plutitorul daca mai inchide, Banuiesc ca se inneaca de la faptul ca plutitorul nu mai inchide corect avand in vedere felul in care ziceai ca s-a comportat pana nu a mai pornit
  15. supapa aia are o crestatura in cap, care se cracaneaza nitel cu surubelnita dupa ce insurubezi placuta peste arc Oricum, lustruieste ciupiturile din chiulasa si piston, sa nu iti faca detonanta de la puncte fierbinti.
  16. umpli cutia cu ulei ieftin o lasi o zi sa se inmoaie si incepi sa o rulezi usurel (scoti bujia si o impingi pana isi da drumul. in fiecare viteza ) apoi incerci sa o rulezi cu motorul pornit, dar usor, cu mare atentie. Apoi desfaci cutia si speli bine cu motorina. Pui ulei si dupa 1000 de km repeti spalatura. Sunt unii mosi care foloseau APA in cutia de viteze in loc de ulei. asa se explica rugina ta. Oricum pinioanele sunt compronise dar o sa mai mearga ceva.
  17. Pai mai marius pune si tu niste preturi, macar estimative, sa vad daca imi permit serviciile tale.
  18. Si unde dreaq am vazut eu ca exista si de 250? oricum nu am studiat prea mult, ca nu imi palce. Probabil am vazut ca si sova de 200 sunt facute in aceeasi fabrica . Totusi ce mi-a atras atentia a fost un piston+camasa de la varianta sport, care avea o gramada de porturi de admisie.(erau cu role de la bolt infipte in ele cand le-am vazut)
  19. tzeapa. Un set uzat etanseaza mai bine la cald. mai ales la broasca ta cu racire pe aer(am oltcit, de asta stiu, in mod sigur la rece se comporta ca si cum ar fi setul uzat, iar la cald e ok. DAR aici is nitel off topic). Sigur belele de genula asta sunt de la aprindere sau foarte rar, mai ales la masini pe carburatie - jiglere de relanti partial infundate. La broasca ta ai probleme pt ca probabil ai uitat niste garnituri izolante la flansele de la carburi si se incing prea tare si iti ineaca motorul cu benzina evaporata
  20. aprindere naspa. daca erau bujii pornea si mergea neregulat.Niciodata nu pica 4 bujii in acelasi timp. La fel si la benzina - ai mai multe carburi, nu se belesc toate in acelasi timp. Si pe viitor, primul lucru care il faci sa vezi daca e de la carburatie e sa desfaci o bujiile si sa vezi daca sunt ude sau nu Vezi bobina de inductie sau modulul de aprindere sau senzorii
  21. La 300 E minskul ar trebui sa fie in stare perfecta. Piese ieftine, fiabila(daca nu abuzezi de ea am auzit sa tina pana la 30000 setul) daca te simti bine pe ea ca dimensiuni e ideala Voshod - partea electrica foarte buna, la fel ca la minsk. Consum ceva mai mare, putere nu e nimic spectaculos. Piesele mai scumpe, dar in bucuresti se gasesc la tunaru si se pot comanda prin posta. Sunt ceva mai mari ca minsk la dimensiuni, dar am auzit consum pana la 4l/suta de km pt aia de 250. Sunt si ceva mai scumpe ele ca motociclete
  22. Eu am pus pe un ij 56 o aprindere completa de minsk si merge super bine. daca vrei sa o vezi iti stau la dispozitie, sunt in bucuresti.
  23. rs are plaja mare de turatie. Nu merge cu avans fix. El are carb infundat. Daca era cdi nu mergea in ture mari si avea bujia UDA DUPACE SE OPREA - se ineca in lipsa scanteii. Ii mere la 6000 pt ca atunci vacumul produs de motor e suficient de mare sa suga benzina prin jiglerul partial infundat sau trece pe alt circuit de benzina. dar nu ii trage de 6000, probabil mere cu amestec saracit.
  24. shi daca exagerai cu pretentiile ti-o dadea in mana (asigurarea ) Sau se dadea la tine baba
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