_andrei_ Postat August 8, 2008 Share Postat August 8, 2008 Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
Thrash_Rider Postat August 15, 2008 Share Postat August 15, 2008 Salutare lume! As vrea sa invit pe toata lumea sa asculte trupa mea : Conflict Mental! Cantam o combinatie de thrash metal/ groove cu hardcore.Pe ascultatorii de metal chiar ii invit sa zica o parere ceva. Tineti cont ca suntem o trupa tanara ...aprox un an de la infiintare, ma rog toti membrii am mai activat si prin alte trupe de-a lungul timpului si ca piesele sunt inregistrate in conditii oarecum bune pentru Romania.A si btw nimic nu este artificial, fiecare instrument este inregistrat live de catre un om.Aveti si versurile daca dati click pe lyrics la fiecare piesa. Eu sunt tobarul So here goes : http://www.myspace.com/conflictmental Sper sa va placa ! Support the underground! \m/ Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
Mjollnir Postat August 16, 2008 Share Postat August 16, 2008 Salutare lume! As vrea sa invit pe toata lumea sa asculte trupa mea : Conflict Mental! Cantam o combinatie de thrash metal/ groove cu hardcore.Pe ascultatorii de metal chiar ii invit sa zica o parere ceva. Tineti cont ca suntem o trupa tanara ...aprox un an de la infiintare, ma rog toti membrii am mai activat si prin alte trupe de-a lungul timpului si ca piesele sunt inregistrate in conditii oarecum bune pentru Romania.A si btw nimic nu este artificial, fiecare instrument este inregistrat live de catre un om.Aveti si versurile daca dati click pe lyrics la fiecare piesa. Eu sunt tobarul So here goes : http://www.myspace.com/conflictmental Sper sa va placa ! Support the underground! \m/ Mie personal imi aduceti aminte de Crowbar. Am cam multe lucruri negative de zis, dar incerc sa le spun cat mai frumos. Vocea chiar trebuie sa fie de hardcore? Suna foarte naspa, iar rimele le forteaza foarte aiurea. Daca tot mentionati thrash ca influnta incercati sa imprumutati si din complexitatea lui. Bass-ul nu se muleaza deloc pe baterie, ceea ce nu ar fi fost ceva rau daca ati fi cantat progressive sau black. Recomandari din partea mea ar fi sa gasiti o voce misto de death, sa va straduiti mai mult la chitara si sa cantati un death-thrash ca vi se potriveste. Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
Thrash_Rider Postat August 16, 2008 Share Postat August 16, 2008 Mersi Mjollnir de parere, apreciez chiar si comentarii negative cand sunt pertinente DAR : am uitat sa spun ca nu avem bassist....urmeaza sa vina din toamna, iar liniile de bass care le auzi sunt trase de chitaristi pe un bass imprumutat.Cand vom avea un bassist full-time se va imbunatati calitatea sound-ului per total, plus niste linii de bass care sa mearga.Mie personal imi place f mult timbrul vocalului si poate sa faca si growl de death, si daca am fi vrut sa abordam genul asta crede-ma ca asta ai fi auzit.Dar eu unu n-am auzit nici in thrash/groove nici in hardcore voce de death pana acum.Eu unul as vrea sa abordez un stil si mai abraziv, death-thrash cum ai spus tu dar poate nu cu trupa asta, ei nu vor stilu asta.Intr-o trupa nu e vorba de individualitati ci de o TRUPA , un intreg si deciziile se iau la comun.Ca o melodie suna mai mult ca influentele unuia( vezi "There Will Be Blood" - ale mele) sau ale altuia asta e cu totu altceva.Deocamdata inca incercam sa ne gasim un sound si un stil unic( dupa mine suntem aproape, eu nu stiu de trupa in Romania sa sune asa ca noi) si din toamna ne apucam iar de compus pana la completarea unui album( ce ati ascultat acum e demo).Vor urma si cantari live si multe altele. Oricum mersi de aprecieri, conteaza foarte mult! Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
grownup.punk Postat August 17, 2008 Share Postat August 17, 2008 uite un band despre care nu am stiut (sa-mi fie rusine ) Salutare lume! As vrea sa invit pe toata lumea sa asculte trupa mea : Conflict Mental! Cantam o combinatie de thrash metal/ groove cu hardcore.Pe ascultatorii de metal chiar ii invit sa zica o parere ceva. Tineti cont ca suntem o trupa tanara ...aprox un an de la infiintare, ma rog toti membrii am mai activat si prin alte trupe de-a lungul timpului si ca piesele sunt inregistrate in conditii oarecum bune pentru Romania.A si btw nimic nu este artificial, fiecare instrument este inregistrat live de catre un om.Aveti si versurile daca dati click pe lyrics la fiecare piesa. Eu sunt tobarul biggrin.gif So here goes : http://www.myspace.com/conflictmental Sper sa va placa ! Support the underground! \m/ suna frumos in romana, dar melodia e cam lenta pentru gusturile mele Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
icecrio Postat August 25, 2008 Share Postat August 25, 2008 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7m_MJX58qk8 Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
Mjollnir Postat August 25, 2008 Share Postat August 25, 2008 uite un band despre care nu am stiut (sa-mi fie rusine ) Avem si un membru al formatiei aici pe forum (Grivatu parca). E super formatie, nu stiam ca au si melodii mai lente. Mie imi place stilul lor viking metal in genul "early" Vintersorg. Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
Cycler Postat August 25, 2008 Share Postat August 25, 2008 Sa ma dau si eu mare, desi sunt destul de convins ca nu va place electro. Da' macar e putin mai altfel. Ete ! Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
Mjollnir Postat August 27, 2008 Share Postat August 27, 2008 Una dintre cele mai tari melodii pe care le stiu : Amon Amarth - Asator "Thunder rolls across the plains Thor rides in pouring rain He rides to Jotunheim to fight Lightning strikes when Mjollnir bites" Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
Nazi | SchutzStaffel Postat August 27, 2008 Share Postat August 27, 2008 (Grivatu parca). Crivat. Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
Mjollnir Postat August 28, 2008 Share Postat August 28, 2008 Crivat. Oups...asa e. Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
Cycler Postat August 28, 2008 Share Postat August 28, 2008 Bucovina se cheama Crivat acuma sau ce ? Anyway, daca vorbim despre aceeasi Bucovina, salut Butzi ca te-am vazut prin zona, si transmite-i salutari si lui Bogdan daca mai cantati impreuna Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
Lucretia Postat August 28, 2008 Share Postat August 28, 2008 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CODC7jxqNao Judas Priest - Revolution Inkubus sukkubus - Witches si ceva mai .. soft, sa-i spunem: http://www.trilulilu.ro/doruman/aa941b91adb598 Angel - Massive Attack http://www.trilulilu.ro/wtfcares/a6b5d3190d562f Massive Attack - Butterfly Caught http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_waQSkBReok Gary Numan 'Haunted' Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
Oryon Postat August 29, 2008 Share Postat August 29, 2008 Back to the classics: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BSEOvSU80S8 (Calitatea piesei e geniala. Se aude mai bine ca pe Winamp) Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
JCDenton Postat August 29, 2008 Share Postat August 29, 2008 Manele nu? Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
Oryon Postat August 29, 2008 Share Postat August 29, 2008 (editat) Clar. More classics (AC/DC - Back In Black): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXaZmY52gHM l.e. - n-am ce zice...trebuie vazut. Editat August 29, 2008 de Oryon Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
bogdanawo Postat August 29, 2008 Share Postat August 29, 2008 Back to the classics: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BSEOvSU80S8 (Calitatea piesei e geniala. Se aude mai bine ca pe Winamp) intrebare: ce are playerul cu rata de codare? Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
Nechifor Solitaru' Postat August 30, 2008 Share Postat August 30, 2008 Bugge Wesseltoft & Dhafer Youssef ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLoY78DcutE DJ Spooky & Matthew Shipp - Optometry .... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxgfUd71jPI Arto Lindsay - Whirlwind ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2b0YrOb6mo James Blood Ulmer - Street Bride .... Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
Biraid Postat August 30, 2008 Share Postat August 30, 2008 -Guns N` Roses-Don't cry http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JgiGrXpOhYg -Metallica-Nothing else matters http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AMGUFbsU9oY -Black Attack -Bang bang (2 shots in the head) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bl9-OFyDusM -Black Attack-It's a shame -David Usher -Black black heart Ceva mai nou,dar de care nu ma pot satura : -Duffy-Warwick avenue Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
Lucretia Postat August 30, 2008 Share Postat August 30, 2008 She Wants Revenge-Tear You Apart She Wants Revenge - I Don't Want To Fall In Love ( ignorati videoclipul ) Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
bogdanawo Postat August 30, 2008 Share Postat August 30, 2008 (editat) She Wants Revenge - I Don't Want To Fall In Love ( ignorati videoclipul ) de fapt, videoclipul face toti banii, lesbienele de la petrecere, faptul ca tipul se oftica ca o lasa pe aia cu cioroiul cu rasta.....hehe......bun videoclip. totusi, daca, in final, dupa ce ii explodeaza aluia masina, ar fi trecut un camion in viteza si l-ar fi facut carne tocata, chiar ar fi fost bestial. o mica sugestie, ignorati muzica, de fapt, zgomotul din fundal, asa e corect spus. ia luati de aici si bagati-va mintile in cap: Editat August 30, 2008 de bogdanawo Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
Lucretia Postat August 30, 2008 Share Postat August 30, 2008 (editat) de fapt, videoclipul face toti banii, lesbienele de la petrecere, faptul ca tipul se oftica ca o lasa pe aia cu cioroiul cu rasta.....hehe......bun videoclip.totusi, daca, in final, dupa ce ii explodeaza aluia masina, ar fi trecut un camion in viteza si l-ar fi facut carne tocata, chiar ar fi fost bestial. o mica sugestie, ignorati muzica, de fapt, zgomotul din fundal, asa e corect spus. Fiecare cu gusturile sale. Unele mai rafinate, altele mai putin.... imi place ca ai gusturi ... rafinate ( cu ghilimele de rigoare, bineinteles ) Editat August 30, 2008 de Lucretia Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
Kassu Postat August 30, 2008 Share Postat August 30, 2008 (editat) Tiamat Si-am zis totul! Editat August 30, 2008 de Kassu Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
bogdanawo Postat August 30, 2008 Share Postat August 30, 2008 (editat) Fiecare cu gusturile sale. Unele mai rafinate, altele mai putin.... imi place ca ai gusturi ... rafinate hmmmmm ia mai arunca un ochi: si, bomba serii, homage for Satan a celor de la deicide, subtitrata in spaniola http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wF-hRjDSNqs...feature=related numai cretinii aia de spanioli puteau sa faca asa ceva, nu e de mirare ca toti ratatii de aici fug la ei sa culeaga capsuni sa continuam, cu ceva depresiv: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vaI7eBa5430...feature=related una din capodoperele lor, in care Aaron incearca sa se destainuie.....atentie mare la versuri: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8T0Ryz-IvMY...feature=related .....si monologul unui nebun (din nou, Aaron): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H5vTGeJS6Tw...feature=related Tiamat Si-am zis totul! ei, nu ai zis chiar totul, dar ai spus mult prea mult: Brighter Than The Sun we could wander in the garden of Eden baby we could do anything tonight, maybe we could even touch the sky if we just get up on our feet and try we could wander in the garden of Eden baby will you settle for the bull`s run for the second best of fun, we're turning for the fire of a handgun burns brighter than the sun, we're burning any colour you like as long as it`s black you could have anything if you just give it back you could be a celebrity like me it won`t change anything as you will see any colour you like as long as it`s black [Lyrics and Music: Johan Edlund] sau..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSA7418QvgU...feature=related The Sleeping Beauty [Dedicated to Hannah Stjärnvind] Alone I sit, I wonder why You dream of love and so do I But in your sleep you cannot see This pain which is always haunting me What I need I'll never feel This world is for me unreal So I drink to darkness with a candle lit And through the whole night alone I sit The sleeping beauty She stops the bleeding She stops the bleeding in my soul She is fresh air in this stinking world The more I drink, the more I see That suicide could be the key To the place called paradise Where pain not dwells, not hate nor lies But if I look beyond all this I reckon something I would surely miss Because in my dreams I rule my life And the sleeping beauty is my wife The sleeping beauty She stops the bleeding She stops the bleeding in my soul She is fresh air in this stinking world. .....si, de ce nu : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ozQZZAhwYn0...feature=related Gaia [video edit] A new serum eradicates the illness. An old man rises from his wheelchair .When suffering unknown attacks the painless and common animals are becoming rare. As water spins in circles twice, spiders, snakes and the little mice get twisted around and tumble down. When nature calls we all shall drown. If the earth is dying of a growing thirst rain shall fall on dried out soil. And every kind of bud shall burst a sough of relief to insects - turmoil. As water spins in circles twice, spiders, snakes and the little mice get twisted around and tumble down. When nature calls we all shall drown. sau, un strop de ocultism? Invocation Of The Continual One [Vocals by Trey Azagthoth * Music Created in 1984] Sacred night on the Eve of May We gather before the stars Taste the Hunger of the Fire Vastness of the Continuum Heretics of a way unseen Celebrate, the Greatest of Means Beelzebub, Lord of the Flies By Your Hand the Zamanu dies Drink, drink, the Blood of the Ancients Me-Zu Me Pa-Ku-Ku-De-Hul (Your Divine Ordering Principle is a Divine Order which manifests Itself with Most Sweetness) Star encircled with the Power-Names We speak in the Broken Lines Leviathan will open the Gate To the Great Abyssous Planes Feel the icing winds of the Ab-Zu Sea below all seas Leviathan, Serpent of Truth Share with us Most Perfect Way Call to the Earth, fortify our will Come Air Spirits, be our eyes this night Primal Flames are warmth to our souls Waters of Life, Great Blessings You pour Calling on Leviathan Open the gate Link us with the Wonder of the Abyss Planes so great Lord of the rolling thunder Celebrate with us this night Rip away the veil Hear our praise Your Slumber is our Paradise You smite our enemies down For we, the few enlightened Through Your Will we break our bonds Lord Who shatters paradigms From the rubble the New shall rise Your Way presents death for them The ME-GAL-GAL do we praise Come Centaur Those Who Prance to the Hymns of Truth Come join us Come Leviathan Make passage of the Entrance we've Prepared for You this night Bil-At Kir-Zal Za-A-Kam Ki-Aga-Du Kas-Du Da-Ra-Es Mu Ga Im-Mi-In Nin-Ana-Si-Anna Ga Sa-Ga-Ar Za-A-Kam Ne-Su-Ub-Du Ne-En-Mu Ga Sa-Ga-Ar [Translation:] Lady of Splendour, It is Thine Loving Embrace, Sweet Nectar for which I forever thirst. Heavenly Lady, I hunger. It is Thine Kiss of Divinty for which I hunger. sau "adevarul" pe care majoritatea nu vrea sa-l inteleaga? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ub1OyrAeIlU...feature=related Beneath The Hollow [Music - Azagthoth/Lyrics - Tucker] Hollow lies fill weakened minds with Hollow dreams Weakened lives fill infamy with failed beliefs Shattered wills fall aimlessly beneath the Hollow Hollow words can't fill the void beneath Within they seethe Again they breed So Callous Legends swollen, Hallowed Waste is stripped away The venom growing with lust to feed the Hollow need Return from Ash, returning from a banished world To savor flesh of the Hollow, and all beneath Within they seethe Again they breed No Solace... So Callous... So Seething... In this they Feast si, tot din acelasi "adevar": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6tox7akCDCU Secured Limitations [Lyrics - Azagthoth, Music - Azagthoth] Secured limitations you created this thing you call sin A guide for the undisciplined sheep through the pain and denial the pleasure reaped a freedom contained within a shell and all that's without you call hell You scorn our existence Unclean despising our ways Shall the unclean come and infect you For our ways, disheveling your hold and the random perplexing the fled Behind the walls of concrete, they hide Secured limitations From uncertainties the god-mind knows and from the nothingness, all the wines flow The affluence, the-mother's gift but you can't, through the concrete You scorn our existence Unclean despising our ways Shall the unclean come and inflect you For the heathens have chosen a different light and the vision of the all through the inner sight For the freedoms and prisons are in the mind Secured limitations From the uncertainties the god-mind knows and from the nothingness all the wines flow The affluence, the god-mother's gift but you can't see, through the concrete sa inchei, totusi, oarecum simetric: din pacate, nu am gasit alta versiune fara idiotul ala care se chinuie la chitara oricum, versurile spun cam totul I Am No One I'm your forsaken, the fallen from grace Horror of evil, created mistake Ruthless and wicked, I feast with the damned I am the cyst on your lord's holy lamb Fuck your religion with blood on its hands Forgive the savior, forget about man Profits for heaven build kingdoms of greed Whoring redempter, embezzle the weak I am no one, without me he's unknown Darkness gives power to light up his throne Descend on earth in angelic display The time has come to undo his restrains I'm the temptation that swallowed his eve god's inhibition leave nothing to see Hatred and anger conceived from the dust I am the shame and the filth of their lust Forfeit the savior for cleansing of sins Relive the site of his crucifixion Tragedy follows the wealth of your faith Holy disorder has fell into place Banished from heaven, unsatisfied soul Out of the way of Jehovah's control Let upon earth to envoke its decay The time has come for your god to take blame [Lead: Eric] [Lead: Brian] Editat August 30, 2008 de bogdanawo Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
Lucretia Postat August 30, 2008 Share Postat August 30, 2008 Pentru cei care mai gusta si alte genuri de muzica : http://www.trilulilu.ro/bright/e68aac6b6c5578 Jully Black - Seven Day Fool Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
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