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Rossi's Fan Club 46

P   T   R

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Da, ok, n-am crezut ca se supara lumea asa de tare ca la gradinita.


Eu fac eforturi sa-l plac pe Rossi, dar de fiecare data cand il vad ma enerveaza de numa-numa. In declaratii in schimb e simpatic.


Mi-a placut in conferinta de prea de la Laguna Seca, cand un reporter i-a adus in vedere ca pe doctorul circuitului (sau cel desemnat) il cheama Rossi si cam ce-ar face el daca ar fi medicul cursei, le-ar da voie sa concureze lui Pedrosa si Lorenzo? Si el a zis: "aa.. Lorenzo si Pedrosa are unfit! Of course!" :D

mama ce imi vine sa oameni dinastia ca tine @B.B. pai cum mai scamatorule pana acum spuneai ca nu ai nimic cu Rossi,ci doar cu fanii lui(funboy-smul Rossi) si acum iti arati adevaratul faci in toate felurile si ai boala pe el. hai sictir ca-mi faci scarba.

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am mai zis-o pe topicul asta si o repet. ce faci tu aici este foarte urat. este ca si cum ai intra in echipament Real Madrid intr-un bar FC Barcelona si ai incepe sa critici jucatorii barcelona (intr-un mod grosolan si urat dupa cum vad ca faci aici). chiar daca la unele chestii poti sa ai dreptate (sau nu), este lipsa de respect si de consideratie pentru ceialalti care sunt in bar si sunt supoerteri ai echipei favorite. aaa, dar stai, am uitat, asta nu e un bar, e internetul unde toti sunt zmei si arunca cu (cuvant urat) in toata lumea, unde nu exista respect pentru ceilalti forumisti. topicul se numeste totusi

Rossi's Fan Club 46


te rog, nu mai intra aici daca rossi te face sa vomiti. dai impresia ca tu cauti doar cearta, alt lucru urat.

ce am scris mai sus e valabil si pentru altii, se simt ei.

Eu as zice ca a intra intr-un bar FC Barcelona, in echipament Real Madrid, nu este un lucru urat, este de-a dreptul stupid. Cel mai stupid lucru pe care il poate face cel mai stupid suporter al Real-ului.. :crack:

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Eu sper sa il vedem pe podium la misano.sunt curios ce desen ve avea pe casca .eu am avut norocul sa mi-o schimb si acumm o am pe asta.modelul din presezon/teste iarna

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Am citit la niste spanioli care cam nimeresc ceea ce spun (motocuatro).

Am dat mai multe detalii pe thread-ul cu cursa de la Misano.

dupa ce au testat in august au preconizat ca o vor folosi dar nu se stia nimic clar.

vedem vineri :)

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Apropo de seamless - ma uitam la clipul de pe youtube de pe canalul oficial motogp, cu Yamaha on-board la silverstone. Suna cam ciudat motorul, si se cunostea clar sunetul cutiei seamless la schimbarile de treapta................ pana mi-am dat seama ca defapt e o Honda. :) Au gresit si au pus imagini on-board tot cu o Honda, iar in titlu au scris Yamaha. Clipul e aici:

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La Misano, Rossi si Lorenzo vor avea pe M1 cutiile seamless!


super vesti! speram doar sa nu fie probleme cu fiabilitatea


Eu sper sa il vedem pe podium la misano.sunt curios ce desen ve avea pe casca .eu am avut norocul sa mi-o schimb si acumm o am pe asta.modelul din presezon/teste iarna


tare casca :D sa o porti sanatos! si eu trebuie sa mi-o schimb curand. e o corsa? de unde ti-ai luat-o? eu urmaresc de ceva timp si ebayul insa inca nu sunt foarte multumit de pret, as mai astepta sa scada nitel cam cat ai dat pe ea? daca e, scrie-mi pe PM te rog, sau aici, cum vrei.

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Apropo de seamless - ma uitam la clipul de pe youtube de pe canalul oficial motogp, cu Yamaha on-board la silverstone. Suna cam ciudat motorul, si se cunostea clar sunetul cutiei seamless la schimbarile de treapta................ pana mi-am dat seama ca defapt e o Honda. :) Au gresit si au pus imagini on-board tot cu o Honda, iar in titlu au scris Yamaha. Clipul e aici:

Hondamaha :crack: cum ziceau ficiorii la comments.

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tare casca :D sa o porti sanatos! si eu trebuie sa mi-o schimb curand. e o corsa? de unde ti-ai luat-o? eu urmaresc de ceva timp si ebayul insa inca nu sunt foarte multumit de pret, as mai astepta sa scada nitel cam cat ai dat pe ea? daca e, scrie-mi pe PM te rog, sau aici, cum vrei.



e primit-o cadou de ziua mea.

E scumpa tare.Nu iti recomand sa o cumperi de pe net, pentru ca trebuie sa iti fie fixa.Vezi ca marimile sunt putin diferite la modelele astea.XS,S,SM,MS,MD,ML,LG,2XL


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cel putin pe fcmoto nu vad marimi intermediare, doar S,M,L, etc. eu am un ti-tech MS care imi vine la fix, dar stiu ca cei de la AGV au renuntat la marimile astea intermediare. am prieteni cu gp-tech M care imi vine f bine, asa ca presupun ca si pt o corsa tot M trebuie sa fie. ce casca ai avut inainte? cum ti se pare asta in comparatie cu cea de inainte? cum ti se pare nivelul de zgomot? merci de informatii! :D

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Valentino Rossi to enter VR46 Racing team in Moto3 in 2014


Published on Friday 20 September 2013 by Toni M.Despite the usual denials in the last few weeks from Valentino Rossi regarding his entering a Moto3 team in the World championship team in 2014, his project, according the Gazzetta dello Sport has been officially formalized.Rossi and his VR46 Racing Team or Team VR46, is one of the 17 applicants that submitted their requests last Friday at the San Marino Grand Prix, that have been provisionally accepted.Rossi’s new team will however have to lodge a security deposit, by October, in order to guarantee their entry with details regarding their proposed riders.VR46 Racing team is a new step forward for the former World champion after creating the VR46 Riders’ Academy at his Motor Ranch in Tavullia in order to prepare young racing talents.For the debut season, the new two rider squad is expected to field two competitive KTM Moto3 machines, and with all probability Romano Fenati will be at the helm of one of the bikes while Rossi’s step brother Luca Marini could be riding the second, if he doesn’t decide to continue to ride in the CEV to gain more experience, with a couple of programmed wildcard appearances in Moto3.Rossi will also be collaborating with the Italian Motorcycle Federation to also find new budding Italian racing talents.

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Valentino Rossi to enter VR46 Racing team in Moto3 in 2014


Published on Friday 20 September 2013 by Toni M.Despite the usual denials in the last few weeks from Valentino Rossi regarding his entering a Moto3 team in the World championship team in 2014, his project, according the Gazzetta dello Sport has been officially formalized.Rossi and his VR46 Racing Team or Team VR46, is one of the 17 applicants that submitted their requests last Friday at the San Marino Grand Prix, that have been provisionally accepted.Rossi’s new team will however have to lodge a security deposit, by October, in order to guarantee their entry with details regarding their proposed riders.VR46 Racing team is a new step forward for the former World champion after creating the VR46 Riders’ Academy at his Motor Ranch in Tavullia in order to prepare young racing talents.For the debut season, the new two rider squad is expected to field two competitive KTM Moto3 machines, and with all probability Romano Fenati will be at the helm of one of the bikes while Rossi’s step brother Luca Marini could be riding the second, if he doesn’t decide to continue to ride in the CEV to gain more experience, with a couple of programmed wildcard appearances in Moto3.Rossi will also be collaborating with the Italian Motorcycle Federation to also find new budding Italian racing talents.

Foarte tare..asta ii place..asta stie..asta face...un om fericit...ce poate fii mai frumos decat sa traiesti din ceea ce te face fericit.

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Valentino Rossi’s bid to end a frustrating succession of fourth place finishes in MotoGP will be boosted if he can match factory Yamaha teammate Jorge Lorenzo’s electrifying early pace.Lorenzo’s fast starting strategy has become a key tactic of the Spaniard’s quest to defeat Honda duo Marc Marquez and Dani Pedrosa in 2013.The reigning world champion delivered an exhibition in aggressive riding on brand new tyres in Misano earlier this month when he opened up an advantage of over two seconds after just three laps.After setting a stunning pace right from the off, Lorenzo’s fifth win of the campaign never looked in any doubt.Rossi has finished fourth in the last four races and one area to help the nine-times world champion pose more of a threat to the Spanish’s trio monopoly of the podium will be aided by quicker starts.That's the view of his long-serving crew chief Jerry Burgess, who told MCN: “One thing we have to do is make a start like Jorge does. That is a whole new psyche to start like that. Drifting off around the track and then after the second lap getting into the race is not how it's done anymore."This is a different generation and it is not as easy as saying this is what we have to do. When a rider can pull a 1.2s gap on the first lap and races are won by smaller margins than that, you have to be on record pace on the first lap."Burgess reckons the advantage Lorenzo currently has in the critical opening laps is his supreme confidence to push on brand new Bridgestone rubber.He added: "It is the biggest string in his bow and more a rider thing to have this first lap confidence."We looked at Valentino’s first lap data (from Misano race) and from the exit of Turn 5 onto the back straight we matched Jorge for the rest of that lap but we had lost the advantage being behind (Aleix) Espargaro who jumped the start.”One advantage that Lorenzo’s factory Yamaha YZR-M1 currently has over the Honda RC213V is on edge grip in the early laps.Pedrosa said his main issue in recent races has been a lack of edge grip and Burgess said: “After what Dani said, Honda has to negate that advantage, which is both a psychological advantage and also an advantage on time in the race."Dani said that one of the things they have to do is use the edge of the tyre like Jorge does in the first couple of laps. We’ve seen this before from guys like Max (Biaggi) who came from 250s. They could lay it over and use that edge grip."Honda is not happy with the starts their bikes are making where the Yamaha is brilliant. Honda would be looking at how their clutch systems are working to get the bike off the line better. And the riders need to play their part and look for a set-up that gives them that maximum grip and lean angle on the first lap. It is a combination of all things."



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Mai nou, invata Rossi de la Lorenzo cum trebuie sa procedezi ca sa faci o cursa buna :D Dar mie nu mi se pare ca Rossi se descurca teribil in primele tururi. Ba chiar reuseste de multe ori sa fie peste cel putin un pilot Honda. Problema apare dupa aia, cand il vezi cum dispare in peisaj. (mai ales la ultima cursa, cand in primele 10 tururi, Rossi a avut timpi mai buni decat Pedrosa. Apoi a trecut in fata lui Marquez, deci totul era in favoarea lui).


Problema la Rossi mi se pare ca nu poate sa fie la fel de constant ca Lorenzo. Ba are probleme de setup si merge prost la inceput de cursa iar apoi incepe sa recupereze cand gumele se mai tocesc, ba ramane in urma in partea a doua a cursei. Lorenzo in schimb, merge ceas cap-coada. Nu il scoti din ritmul lui.

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Nu cred ca problema nu e de ordin tehnic,strategie ci psihologic,si-a pierdut increderea in proprile forte,curajul si forta propriuzisa.curse bune va mai face dar nu se va mai bate pt titlu.

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Valentino Rossi has spoken for the first time about a new Moto3 project he will be heavily involved in next season to develop and nurture young Italian talent in the GP world championship.The nine-times world champion’s VR46 brand will be involved in a new two-rider Moto3 project next season with backing from Italy’s Sky TV.The team will run the dominant KTM machine and one rider already signed is Romano Fenati, who has struggled to make an impact on an FTR-Honda machine in 2013 after promising rookie campaign last year.The second rider has not been selected yet but rumours have linked Rossi’s half-brother Luca Marini with the seat.Marini had a baptism of fire on his GP debut in Misano earlier this month when he crashed out of last place at the first corner.When asked by MCN for his thoughts on the new Moto3 project, the 34-year-old said he had initially been reluctant to get involved with the running of his own team.But he said: “We will make the team in Tavullia. We have Sky as a sponsor. They came to us and said they had this project to help young Italian riders and they were very keen to make collaboration with us. At the beginning we said no but in the end it became a good option and a good project that we will start next year using KTM. We will have Romano Fenati and we have to decide the other rider.”

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Vale se arata plin de sperante pentru cursa de maine, dupa calificarile de azi.

In sfarsit, dupa mult timp, este si el cam in acelasi ritm cu primii trei.

Se pare ca noul motor si cutia seamless, plus un set-up asa cum isi doreste au facut ca mobra sa fie mai pe gustul lui.

Sa vedem ce va face maine-n cursa.

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sa vedem.

eu zic asa.

in trecut a castigat pedrosa, deci are sanse maine clare la podium

Lorenzo e cel care emite pretentile cele mai mari alaturi de marquez, eu cred ca cei doi se vor bate pentru locul 1.

Asa ca rossi sa se bata pt locul 1 ,2 sau 3 va fi greu de realizat.

daca prinde locul 2-3 e super.


si o poza de azi.

mie imi pare ca a tras mai brutal de motor, mai sigur pe el.


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