P T R Postat Mai 12, 2011 Autor Share Postat Mai 12, 2011 (editat) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FoOdCY4DVJk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwiH49-9aZs Editat Mai 12, 2011 de gixxxer Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
Valentino Rossi VR46 Postat Mai 16, 2011 Share Postat Mai 16, 2011 http://www.motogp.com/en/videos/2011/Feature+interview+with+Valentino+Rossi Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
P T R Postat Mai 17, 2011 Autor Share Postat Mai 17, 2011 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0S0U45mZ5sM It was a virtual who’s who of motorsports personalities at the Silverstone Circuit for the inauguration of the Silverstone Wing, the new paddock structure. Valentino Rossi was also present and who got the chance to turn a few laps on a track he’s never seen up close, as he was lying at home in bed with a broken leg when MotoGP debuted for the first time at the English circuit in 2010. Rossi started on a World Superbike 1198 which broke down and then Ducati UK hurriedly brought him a standard 1198 decked out the obbligatory mirrors and license plate, and rumors had it he was lapping in the 2′o6s. “I really had fun,” said Valentino Rossi. “After a few laps with the 1198 Superbike, we had a problem with the electronics and decided to use the 1198 street bike that Ducati’s UK affiliate rushed to us. I really liked riding that bike here. The track is nice—difficult and very technical. It makes you work hard because there are very fast sections where having the right trajectory is important, and others that are very narrow where you have to have good grip under acceleration. The first turn is completely blind, and you must hold a very precise line, and in general the entire first section is really great, definitely the part I like most. In short, I enjoyed it, especially because there were many drivers and riders who have great histories in motorsports, like John Surtees, who told me that he raced here in the ’50s. I wasn’t following racing then,” joked the Italian, “but he was great.” Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
Sinner- Postat Mai 26, 2011 Share Postat Mai 26, 2011 na si in romaneste articolul ducatiblog.ro uite si o stire de.. tabloid cu Valerica Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
Trotinel Postat Mai 26, 2011 Share Postat Mai 26, 2011 na si in romaneste articolul ducatiblog.ro uite si o stire de.. tabloid cu Valerica Nu functioneaza linkurile. Cine vrea sa citeasca poate oricum sa intre direct pe ducatiblog.ro Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
xt600 Postat Mai 27, 2011 Share Postat Mai 27, 2011 Rossi a testat din nou modelul GP12, la Mugello. Declaratiile sunt, ca intotdeauna optimiste, dar nu spun mare lucru... "I’m pleased, because it was a positive test,” said Valentino at day’s end. “We took full advantage of the time we had, because the track and weather conditions were perfect. I liked the new asphalt a lot. The surface is smooth, those holes that I knew so well are now gone, and the grip is fantastic. I must say they’ve done a great job, because if it’s possible, riding here at Mugello is now even better than before. I’m happy to have come back here to test after my injury last year, because it was a nice feeling and a good day. We started around 11:00 this morning, and we completed sixty laps in all—many kilometers without any problems, either physical or with the GP12. We tested everything that Filippo had planned to try, and we’re satisfied because, although we’re still at a pretty early stage, we’re going in the right direction.” Si declaratia lui Preziosi: “We completed our second day of testing the GP12 with Vale,” said Filippo Preziosi. “I must say it’s a strange sensation, but also a really nice one, to be here at Mugello with Valentino, on a track where we’ve been rivals so many times in the past. We worked on the electronics and various other updates to next season’s bike, some of which were made following the requests that Vale and Nicky had given us during their first outing with the bike about a month ago at Jerez. It was a useful and positive test that will enable us to continue with the development of the GP12, which has some new details coming soon. Working with Valentino is always very nice from a technical perspective, and we were lucky with the weather, as we had perfect conditions. Vale also really appreciated the new asphalt: we have to compliment the folks at Mugello, because they really did a great job.”b]TAGS Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
P T R Postat Mai 27, 2011 Autor Share Postat Mai 27, 2011 (editat) nu da detalii prea multe.dar cred ca va fi mult mai competitiv rossi la anul.parerea mea Editat Mai 27, 2011 de gixxxer Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
xt600 Postat Mai 28, 2011 Share Postat Mai 28, 2011 nu da detalii prea multe.dar cred ca va fi mult mai competitiv rossi la anul.parerea mea Asta imi doresc si eu, dar o sa vedem. Pana la urma,e foarte important ca inca sunt optimisti. Uite aici interviul cu Uccio: How did the friendship with Valentino begin? “It’s been a long time, it’s hard to remember! Vale’s been there since my earliest memories, our parents were friends and we practically grew up together. We’re from a little village and went to the same nursery, schools… we’ve always been very close.” What are your earliest memories of Valentino? “I have plenty! I remember that in nursery our friends often played football, but we would go to a downhill slope we knew and ride a tricycle down it! A group of us would go, me and three friends, one of whom was Valentino. It’s a memory that is well fixed in my mind, even at that age we were taking big risks – there was a big turn to the left!” How did the passion for bikes start? “I was born around motorbikes, I have always loved them since I was a child. I didn’t like football, I liked (Kevin) Schwantz. It’s thanks to my father. In Pesaro everybody was a fan of Graziano (Rossi, father of Valentino) and because of this two-wheeled sport was more important than any other. I did like F1, but I chose bikes because that was the path Vale took.” What do you do during a GP weekend? “My main role is to drive the motorhome to the races, even if this year it isn’t a motorhome but a truck used as a home as the old motorhome became too small. Over the winter we worked a lot on this new truck and I take care of it. It’s a big job as it’s more or less like a hospitality suite. I also take care of the leathers, gloves, boots, helmet… every detail so that Valentino can concentrate fully on racing.” What’s paddock life like? “My experience of the paddock is a very positive one. When I was a kid it was my dream to enter the paddock just once. I remember one time, with Valentino, we waited for four hours outside Mugello for two passes from Maurizio Vitali. Now life is perfect, I couldn’t live in another way. I get along well with everyone.” What’s changed in the past year, following the switch to Ducati in 2011? “My role hasn’t changed too much because I work for Valentino. Some of the personnel has changed in the team, but not too much because 15 people followed from Yamaha. The atmosphere in Ducati is amazing. I have met a lot of people with a great passion here, Italians with a fantastic spirit of victory and with racing firmly in their hearts, perhaps more so than at Yamaha because the Japanese have a different approach.” Valentino’s partnership with Jeremy Burgess has been a long and successful one… “Jeremy doesn’t speak a word of Italian, which annoys me a bit! I had to adapt myself to learn English and we speak in English. He’s known me since I was 20 and now I’m 32, and he’s seen me grow up. He’s given me a lot of advice and I have always listened because I admire him greatly. To me he is a legend.” And what about the future? “I hope to be here for another 10 years with Valentino. Without him here my motivation would be zero. I’m here thanks to him, and also for him. Having said that, I would like to remain here for the rest of my life, until the age of 60. That’s why I’ve started to look around, and I’ve had the chance to take part in this project with Andrea (Iannone, Moto2 rider). Perhaps in the future I’ll continue with him, but I hope it’s in the distant future because apart from the shoulder I see Valentino in great shape, both physically and mentally, and with this challenge here at Ducati the motivation is even higher.” Were there ever any doubts that Valentino had made the right decision to go to Ducati? “Honestly yes, most of all when he tried the bike in Valencia and said: ‘Crikey, this bike is complicated’. Then, in my opinion, he quickly understood that that shoulder was the real problem because he still hadn’t had the surgery, so I’d say the injury more than the decision to switch was what the issue was. Now he is thinking: ‘It’s not a bad bike, we can do it!’, but yes, you could say he was a bit concerned after the first test.” And what about the injury at Mugello last season? “This was a terrible moment, a difficult one. We had just gotten through a shoulder injury and then that happened. They were terrible days, especially the first two. When you see a friend suffering you almost want to put yourself in their place to take the pain off them. Vale is a legend because even on the Saturday evening he was already making jokes to try and relax everybody. It was him calming us down!” When do you think Valentino will be capable of winning his first race on the Ducati? “I think after the Sachsenring round. After that race there will be a big step up. I’m a realistic guy, he is not at 100% and to win you must be. He will be after Sachsenring, and I think then it will be possible to win.” Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
Sinner- Postat Iunie 3, 2011 Share Postat Iunie 3, 2011 (editat) Ducati-ul pe care s-a dat Rossi la Silverstone urmeaza a fi licitat. CITESTE MAI DEPARTE Editat Iunie 3, 2011 de Sinner- Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
Robert Rmh Postat Iunie 12, 2011 Share Postat Iunie 12, 2011 vreun fan inflacarat valentino Rossi pe aici care vrea o sapca originala yamaha cu valentino rossi scris pe ea?? a fost editia cand era el la yamaha,eu nu prea port sepci,este albastra cu alb si cu galben daca e careva interesat sa dea pm Inca nu iam facut poze asta e luata dupa net,in cealalta jumatate este alba si scrie cu albastru valentino rossi si in interior are dungi galbene cu nr 46 si cu yamaha Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
Valentino Rossi VR46 Postat Iunie 14, 2011 Share Postat Iunie 14, 2011 Cat costa ? Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
Robert Rmh Postat Iunie 14, 2011 Share Postat Iunie 14, 2011 sa dat imi pare rau Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
Valentino Rossi VR46 Postat Iunie 16, 2011 Share Postat Iunie 16, 2011 Nu-i nimic Ducati's Mugello test ends with Rossi back on the GP12 Ducati’s Mugello test ended with a beautiful, sunny day and ideal conditions. Wednesday was Valentino Rossi’s turn back on the Ducati GP12, as he completed his third day of testing with the bike by turning 80 laps between 11:00 a.m. and 6:30 p.m., when the Tuscan circuit closed. Franco Battaini completed a series of tests with both the GP11 and the G12, while Vittoriano Guareschi followed Valentino’s progress from the box, along with Filippo Preziosi. “It was another positive test,” said Rossi. “We had a number of things to try, including a new step with the frame that I liked. The general feeling was good. I was already happy with the engine the first time I tried it, and now we’re also making progress with the rest of the bike. Naturally, we’ll have to see when the others try their 2012 bikes, but as far as we’re concerned, for the moment we’re satisfied; our bike is already good. Riding at Mugello is always a pleasure. On top of everything else, the conditions today were perfect, so in addition to the good work we carried out—because I did 80 laps—I enjoyed my time riding. Compliments to the circuit for the new additions; the main grandstand is really nice, and of course I hope to see Mugello filled with fans for the race.” “For this test we brought an updated frame for Valentino to try,” echoed Filippo Preziosi, “along with several other interesting things, and I’m pleased to report that we received positive feedback. The lap times were better than at the last test, which is additional confirmation that we’re working in the right direction. A big thank-you to Valentino and Nicky, to all the guys on the Team, and Ducati, where they’re extremely committed and are working really hard.” Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
wtf? Postat Iunie 17, 2011 Share Postat Iunie 17, 2011 Uuuuuuuuuu vesti buneeee ! Hai cu revenirea ! Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
Vizitator 9fingers Postat Iunie 17, 2011 Share Postat Iunie 17, 2011 Uuuuuuuuuu vesti buneeee ! Hai cu revenirea ! P.S. macar GP12 arata chiar bine, cu bascula inversata, si o configuratie traditionala a monoamortizorului. Asta pare singura diferenta in design, fata de modelul actual. http://image.sportrider.com/f/33361381/146-1106-+valentino-rossi-tests-ducati-gp12-1000cc-prototype-at-mugello+2.jpg Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
P T R Postat Iunie 18, 2011 Autor Share Postat Iunie 18, 2011 (editat) P.S. macar GP12 arata chiar bine, cu bascula inversata, si o configuratie traditionala a monoamortizorului. Asta pare singura diferenta in design, fata de modelul actual. http://image.sportri...t-mugello+2.jpg eu tind sa cred ca va fi o motocicleta care nu doar ca va arata mai bine ci va fi mult mai competitiva ca actuala. Editat Iunie 18, 2011 de gixxxer Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
Adventurer Postat Iulie 19, 2011 Share Postat Iulie 19, 2011 Exista probabilitatea sa se rezilieze contractul dintre Rossi si Ducati???? Daca se intampla asta..............pe ce o sa alerge in 2012??? Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
P T R Postat Iulie 19, 2011 Autor Share Postat Iulie 19, 2011 Exista probabilitatea sa se rezilieze contractul dintre Rossi si Ducati???? Daca se intampla asta..............pe ce o sa alerge in 2012??? nu exista posibilitatea, stai linistit si la anul tot cu ducati ramane. Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
alexxx Postat Iulie 24, 2011 Share Postat Iulie 24, 2011 In amintirea celui care a fost ... Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
Sinner- Postat Iulie 26, 2011 Share Postat Iulie 26, 2011 cat s eplictisesc unii fratie.. Problema va fi daca nu va fii competitiv la anu', pt k 2011 este mana moarta - este ultimul an de 800cc, ducati ar eniste probleme car enu pot fi remediate cu solutii de adaugire sau inlocuire simpla ce fac ei acum, chiar daca se chinuie. La anul intr ain joc ALTA motoreta. Totul trebuie marjat pentru 2012. Cu toate astea oamenii se straduiesc si persevereaza cu GP11 sa il scoata la lumina, eu insa fac pariu pe 10 000 euro ca nu vor reusi pana la final de sezon unloc mai bun de 4 in orice cursa cu desfasurare normala.. nu ploaie, nu cazaturi ale protagonistilor. Stoner => smeker grav, a putut sa castige cu motoreta asta, vale se kinuie grav. Stiluri diferite. Talente diferite. Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
xt600 Postat August 10, 2011 Share Postat August 10, 2011 Zvonuri, zvonuri... iata aici o stire cel putin interesanta: http://www.visordown.com/motorcycle-racing-news-moto-gp/rumour-rossi-wants-a-honda/18789.html#ixzz1UX9cIiQj Si aici o stire si mai interesanta: http://www.motorcyclenews.com/MCN/sport/sportresults/MotoGP/2011/July/jul2711-rossi-cautious-of-aluminium-chassis-switch/ Ceea ce spuneam de mai mult timp, anume ca conceptul motocicletei Ducati este unul gresit din start, este confirmat si altii, care stiu cu ce se mananca o motocicleta Ducati de Moto GP: The Pramac Ducati rider told MCN: “In my opinion Ducati is already working on making a different bike. We have asked Filippo to make a real chassis on that bike. The problem with the Ducati is the rigidity. You don’t make the rigidity with the swingarm and the front-end. "The most important part is the middle and the engine you can’t change rigidity. You can work a little bit with the front and rear but you can do nothing with the engine. There is no flex in the middle part of the bike.” Si mai jos: Ducati has used a carbon fibre monocoque frame since 2009 having abandoned its traditional tubular steel trellis frame it ran since it entered MotoGP in ‘03. But Capirossi said the current concept wasn’t working because of the lack of front-end feel, and he explained to MCN what the issue was. “You don’t feel nothing. You don’t feel the tyres and you don't feel the ground. I don’t know what is happening, I don’t have any feeling and I don’t know where the limit is. You try and think the feeling is not too bad but then you try a little bit more you lose the front. This is the biggest problem. "When you have a problem with the rear then you can control and slide but with the front you can’t do anything. And when you try harder the bike turns even less, “added Capirossi, who is expected to announce his retirement during the next round in Brno when the campaign resumes after a short summer break. Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
Vizitator 9fingers Postat August 11, 2011 Share Postat August 11, 2011 (editat) ...................................................... Ceea ce spuneam de mai mult timp, anume ca conceptul motocicletei Ducati este unul gresit din start, este confirmat si altii, care stiu cu ce se mananca o motocicleta Ducati de Moto GP: ...................................................... Ce descoperire. Cel mai slab pilot Ducati, de la introducerea (2007) acestui concept incoace, spune ca exista o problema cu motocicleta. A existat o problema pt toti pilotii care au evoluat la Ducati in era 800cc, cu o singura exceptie. Motocicletele de GP sunt pline de probleme si solutii de compromis, mai ales "din start". Lipsa unui cadru care sa uneasca direct furca de bascula, este o problema (la care se refera atat de stangaci Capirossi) dar si un avantaj. Avantaj fara de care Ducati nu ar avea acum niciun titlu, si nu s-ar putea lauda cu cele mai multe victorii/pilot in era 800ccc. Orice solutie tehnica care aduce un avantaj, are un cost (cuplu vs turatie; acceleratie vs vmax; stabilitate vs agilitate; aderenta vs rezistenta...) Si cu cat este mai "fundamentala" aceasta problema de design, cu atat mai genial va aparea Stoner. Editat August 11, 2011 de 9fingers Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
xt600 Postat August 11, 2011 Share Postat August 11, 2011 (editat) Ce descoperire. Cel mai slab pilot Ducati, de la introducerea (2007) acestui concept incoace, spune ca exista o problema cu motocicleta. A existat o problema pt toti pilotii care au evoluat la Ducati in era 800cc, cu o singura exceptie. Motocicletele de GP sunt pline de probleme si solutii de compromis, mai ales "din start". Lipsa unui cadru care sa uneasca direct furca de bascula, este o problema (la care se refera atat de stangaci Capirossi) dar si un avantaj. Avantaj fara de care Ducati nu ar avea acum niciun titlu, si nu s-ar putea lauda cu cele mai multe victorii/pilot in era 800ccc. Orice solutie tehnica care aduce un avantaj, are un cost (cuplu vs turatie; acceleratie vs vmax; stabilitate vs agilitate; aderenta vs rezistenta...) Si cu cat este mai "fundamentala" aceasta problema de design, cu atat mai genial va aparea Stoner. Hai ca esti praf.. ca sa nu spun ridicol. Adica tu stii mai bine cat de buna/rea este o motocicleta de moto Gp, decat un pilot angrenat atatia ani in aceasta competitie si cu rezultate pe care tu nu o sa le ai niciodata, nici macar pe play station. Capirossi este unul din pilotii care, desi nu mai are rezultate(varsta iti spune ceva?), chiar stie cu ce se mananca dezvoltarea unei motociclete. Negativismul tau depaseste orice limita a bunului simt si chiar incep sa cred ca esti bolnav cu capul. De fapt ce sa mai zici si tu.. vine un "neica nimeni" care mai este si pilot in motomondial, cunoaste motocicletele Ducati si din doua vorbe iti darama toata teroria aberanta. Si mai "curios" este ca el spune aceleasi lucruri pe care intr-un fel sau altul l-au spus si Rossi, si Hayden si Melandri, chiar si "genialul" tau Stoner. Mai las-o moarta, prietene, nu de alta, dar risti sa devii mascota forumului, daca nu ai devenit deja. Eu cel putin mi-am pierdut rabdarea cu tine. Editat August 11, 2011 de xt600 Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
Vizitator 9fingers Postat August 11, 2011 Share Postat August 11, 2011 (editat) De fapt ce sa mai zici si tu.. vine un "neica nimeni" care mai este si pilot in motomondial, cunoaste motocicletele Ducati si din doua vorbe iti darama toata teroria aberanta. @xt666 Inteleg de ce te exprimi asa agresiv, de ce ataci fara nicun sens sau directie in loc sa te referi la ceea ce spun. Altfel nu ar mai ramane decat cateva randuri irelevante, din toate posturile tale. Chiar m-am obisnuit cu replicile astea si le ignor de obicei. Cum as ignora si acum daca nu ai fi facut eroarea subliniata mai sus. Nu am spus ca greseste, Capirossi. Am spus ca are intradevar o problema cu acest prototip. De la debutul modelului de 800cc, Capirossi a cazut brusc in coada clasamentului. La fel sum s-a intamplat cu toti ceilalti piloti Ducati care i-au urmat (inclusiv Rossi), mai putin Stoner. Cum sa imi darame, problema lui Capirossi, toata "teoria" cand eu am spus nu demult (intr-o dicutie in care te-ai bagat si tu, aici pe forum) ca tipul de cadru si materialul din care este construit, reprezinta o problema pt Ducati? Dar, ca de obicei, dai dovada unei memorii selective si surprinzator de scurta. Si confunzi lipsa de feedback pe care o acuza constant pilotii Ducati, cu o problema fundamentala de design. [Poblema este prea complexa pt a fi transata de noi sau de vreun pilot. Asta nu inseamna ca nu putem sa o consideram. Un design cu motorul ca element structural pe care se prinde un subcadru/jug scurt, din metal, anterior, si o bascula posterior, s-a dovedit limitat in 2008. Lungimea prea mica si lipsa conexiunii directe intre puntea fata si spate, face insurmontabil chatter-ul care apare in diverse configuratii pe unele circuite MotoGP. Adoptarea fibrei de carbon a fost solutia Ducati, pastrand designul foarte eficient aproape identic. Proprietatile fibrei de carbon sunt radical diferite de cele cu care sunt obisnuiti contstructorii de cadre. Acest material este special datorita posibilitatii de a controla orientarea fibrelor din straturi succesive (variaitii de rigiditate dincolo de cele datorate formei). Si, datorita acestei variatii, spre deosebire de materialele omogene din care au fost construite pana acum cadrele moto, are o proprietate foarte valoroasa -amortizeaza/absoarbe vibratiile de frecventa inalta- pe cand aliajele de Al tind sa rezoneze/amplifice aceste vibratii (provocand chatter ul). Ceea ce spune Capirossi este adevarat dar nu are nicio greutate in aceasta discutie. El, ca si restul pilotilor Ducati, se plange de lipsa unui feedback din partea rotii fata. Rezolvand problemele legat de chatter, Ducati a sarit din lac in put -ceea ce nu este deloc rau in competitii-. Tocmai proprietatea de a abosorbi aceste vibratii, priveaza pilotul de feedbackul trenului fata. Dar aceasta este o problema datorata lipsei de experienta cu acest material. Modificand forma/lungimea si structura/orientarea fibrei de carbon, se poate modifica flexibilitatea si raspunsul pt un interval larg de frecvente. Cea mai mare problema pt Ducati, este lipsa unui pilot adaptabil, care sa poata discerne intre aceste vibratii. Un pilot de tipul lui Stoner. Un pilot care ar putea sa dezvolte puntele forte ale acestui proiect. Clonarea modelului japonez si adoptarea unui cadru pod din Al, unde acestia se bucura de un avans de cel putin 10 ani, nu da mari sperante celor de la Ducati. Mai ales cand aveam exemple ca Suzuki si Kawasaki...] Editat August 11, 2011 de 9fingers Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
skvj Postat August 23, 2011 Share Postat August 23, 2011 Am postat-o si la fun. Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
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