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Acum 14 minute, tourist1 a spus:

Acosta e pus pe batut recorduri.


Bagnaia n-a cazut de multe ori, dar si cand a cazut era pe podium. 

Bagnaia n-a cazut de multe ori, dar si cand a cazut nu era cazu sa cada. 

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Acum 10 ore, Cavaleru a spus:

Bagnaia n-a cazut de multe ori, dar si cand a cazut nu era cazu sa cada. 

Daca te uiti pe clasamentul asta iti dai seama cat bulan a avut JM anul asta sa ia titlul. 

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Acum 5 ore, damager a spus:

Daca te uiti pe clasamentul asta iti dai seama cat bulan a avut JM anul asta sa ia titlul. 

Nu mai mare decat "bulanul" avut de Pecco ca sa castige titlurile din precedentele editii. 

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Acum 13 ore, damager a spus:

Daca te uiti pe clasamentul asta iti dai seama cat bulan a avut JM anul asta sa ia titlul. 

32 de podiumuri din 40 de curse numa bulan nu e.

si a cazut de 2 sau 3 ori de pe 1.

Acum 7 ore, xt600 a spus:

Nu mai mare decat "bulanul" avut de Pecco ca sa castige titlurile din precedentele editii. 

beau pt asta.


1 sezon a cedat psihic Q

2 sezon a cedat yamaha

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Suzuki President Toshihiro Suzuki has dropped a bombshell, hinting at the company’s plans to rejoin MotoGP and World Superbike but not without meeting a key condition first.  

🗣️ “We will return to racing, and we will win again.” 

This statement has set the racing world abuzz. Could Suzuki bring back their iconic Inline-4 engine, or will they surprise us with something entirely new? With Yamaha considering a V4 configuration, could Suzuki follow the trend or stick to their roots?  

However, the road to a comeback won’t be easy. Suzuki’s former MotoGP dream team—like Davide Brivio and Ken Kawauchi has dispersed to other ventures. Reuniting that talent would be a monumental task.  

And what about their star riders? Could Joan Mir and Alex Rins be waiting for the perfect moment to return to the Suzuki camp and restore their winning legacy?  

It’s a tantalizing thought: Suzuki back on the MotoGP grid, battling for championships. What’s your take? Will they rise again and dominate the track? Or is this dream too far out of reach?

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Suzuki President Toshihiro Suzuki has dropped a bombshell, hinting at the company’s plans to rejoin MotoGP and World Superbike but not without meeting a key condition first.

“We will return to racing, and we will win again.”

This statement has set the racing world abuzz. Could Suzuki bring back their iconic Inline-4 engine, or will they surprise us with something entirely new? With Yamaha considering a V4 configuration, could Suzuki follow the trend or stick to their roots?

However, the road to a comeback won’t be easy. Suzuki’s former MotoGP dream team—like Davide Brivio and Ken Kawauchi has dispersed to other ventures. Reuniting that talent would be a monumental task.

And what about their star riders? Could Joan Mir and Alex Rins be waiting for the perfect moment to return to the Suzuki camp and restore their winning legacy?

It’s a tantalizing thought: Suzuki back on the MotoGP grid, battling for championships. What’s your take? Will they rise again and dominate the track? Or is this dream too far out of reach?

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Acum 46 minute, Cavaleru a spus:

asta nu e fiul lui Sito Pons? interesanta schimbare .. fiecare isi vede de propriul drum in viata si si-l croieste singur. Bv lui pentru calatoria pe care o face

Da, e fiul lui Sito Pons. Daca este o decizie luata constient si nu este consecinta unor tulburari de natutra psihologica, atunci toata stima pentru hotararea lui. Trebuie mult curaj sa faca o schimbare atat de radicala in viatata lui. 

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Acum 2 ore, Cavaleru a spus:

Bv lui pentru calatoria pe care o face

nush frate, macar niste sandale :) 


nu pot sa nu ma-ntreb cum ar fi aratat echipa ducati daca JM ar fi luat titlul si anul trecut.

pacat ca nu vom afla niciodata.

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Acum 7 ore, Lup69 a spus:

auzisem ca au primit niste fonduri si ca proj de gp ar fi ok, dar nu suna deloc in regula ce se intampla.

parca vad ca ramane pedro somer.. bine ca e tanar.

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Acum 18 minute, frigider a spus:

auzisem ca au primit niste fonduri si ca proj de gp ar fi ok, dar nu suna deloc in regula ce se intampla.

parca vad ca ramane pedro somer.. bine ca e tanar.

Ma indoiesc ca ar ramane somer. Sunt sigur ca in secunda 2 va avea oferte.

deocamdata ktm a intrat in insolventa.... partea buna e ca vor scapa de niste datorii, partea proasta ca o sa aiba un adminstrator judiciar, deci papa investii in dezvoltarea prototipului. Nu imi este f clar cum e organizata echipa de motogp, dar, daca este parte din ktm... vom avea o perioada in care fie se va retrage, fie va merge pe burta. 

Ktm a refuzat ajutor atat de la redbull cat si de la indieni. Ceva e putred acolo de au vrut insolventa. Probabil ca vor sa scape de niste datorii....

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