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Orice postat de petre81.

  1. Ai un suflet mare! » Post actualizat in 03 Jun 2018 18:46 Nimic mai adevarat.
  2. El a masurat daca vine curent la carbuni, nu daca incarca alternatorul. Fara sa exciti rotorul (si asta o faci inainte sa se produca incarcarea) nu ai cum sa generezi curent in stator. Daca pe un carbune ii dai minus si pe celalalt dai plus (pe direct fara releu) cand pornesti motorul alternatorul va genera curent dar nefiind controlat de releu va genera 20-30-40 de volti, in functie de turatie. » Post actualizat in 02 Jun 2018 17:36 Nu cred ca e relevant. Daca nu intelegi cum functioneaza sistemul de incarcare e putin probabil ca vei reusi sa-i dai de cap, trebuie sa ajungi la unul care stie ce face. Daca problema ta este Gen Light sau o problema de cablare ii va da de cap imediat.
  3. Macar stii o treaba, nu-ti vine curent la carbuni. Trebuie sa ajungi la un electrician auto, sistemul tau de incarcare este identic cu cele auto.
  4. M-am uitat pe net sa citesc despre M unit si se pare ca este asa cum zice superbec, nu suplineste lipsa GEN light. Problema cu Gen light este ca faca parte din sistemul de incarcare. Iata niste articole: It is absolutely essential that the (D+) terminal on the alternator be connected to a functioning "Alt" warning light in the instrument cluster. If this light is missing or defective, the alternator will NOT charge the battery! See my hand-drawn wiring diagram above. Also see Speedy Jim's diagram, which is much better than mine! The system is very simple, but it's absolutely critical that you get it right. The (D+) terminal on the alternator MUST connect to a functioning warning light in the instrument cluster. There should be just one wire (blue) from the (D+) connector on the alternator to the button on the bottom of the normal indicator light in the dash. The dash light is also wired from the (D+) (Blue) to ignition terminal #15 on the coil, which in turn is connected to the positive (+) post on the battery (Black). There is no ground wire on the light; the body of the bulb is connected to ground via the light holder (which also provides the ground connection for the other dash lights as well.) The three bulbs (ALT/OIL/TURN) all have a common connection in the socket which goes to ignition terminal #15 on the coil (which receives power from the (+) post on the battery by way of the ignition switch). The alternator must get a feedback current through the "Alt" lamp in the instrument cluster so it can sense the battery voltage; it uses that as part of the alternator's internal circuitry needed to charge the battery. In other words, with the ignition on but engine off, the indicator light sees 12 volts from the battery (via ignition terminal #15 on the coil) and glows, but with the engine running, it sees 2 volts (14 volts minus 12 volts) running the other way, from the alternator. It doesn't glow (needing more than 2 volts to do that), but the alternator still "sees" the connection to the battery. So -- If the Alternator is charging, the (D+) terminal has 12 volts on it; the blue wire from (D+) carries 14 volts to the "Alt" light in the instrument cluster. When the engine is running, there is 12 volts on the *other* side of the lamp from ignition terminal #15, so potential difference is only 2 volts and the bulb doesn't light. But, if the alternator dies or the drive belt breaks, there is no voltage on (D+) (looks like ground) and current flows from #15 thru the lamp to (D+), and the "Alt" lamp comes on to warn the driver of a problem. Trebuie sa pui un cosor la masa si unul in firul negru, trebuie sa-ti dea un curent, nu mai stiu daca 12V dar trebuie sa-ti dea ceva. » Post actualizat in 02 Jun 2018 16:46 Si ce a zis cumatrul?
  5. Zicea mai devreme ca are un M unit pe motocicleta, poate e gandita chestia aia si pt becul din bord care asigura plusul alternatorului pt excitatie la pornire. » Post actualizat in 02 Jun 2018 15:47 Trebuia sa masori daca-ti vine plus la conectorul Df cand pui contactul, este carbunele din stanga motocicletei.
  6. Vad ca la securitate v-au invatat si ceva citate celebre.
  7. La valorile astea inseamna ca nu-ti incarca deloc.
  8. Pai am promis si fiind om de cuvant mi-as fi tinut promisiunea dar eu am spus ca fac nici un comentariu daca ne va impartasi din experienta lui, ori el n-a facut acest lucru. Dar oferta ramane valabila, daca ne povesteste niste ture cu BMW-ul R100CS nu voi comenta nimic.
  9. Confirm, merg in fiecare an in Grecia si o iau pe la bulgari, sunt mult mai civilizati in trafic.
  10. Asa de previzibil... desi ai imbatranit ai ramas ranchiunos. Oamenii slabi invidiaza, eu prefer sa admir colectia lui Jay Leno, sunt si abonat la canalul lui de pe youtube. Mare diferenta intre R90S si R100CS, asa ca ai putea sa povestesti despre experientele avute pe R100CS: probleme, performante, avantaje/dezavantaje, consum, etc.
  11. Nevoia invata pe om si il face mai destept.
  12. Asta esti:
  13. Mai Laberman, din vasta mea experienta iti pot spune ca numai oamenii cu un caracter slab se lauda cu averile lor. Oamenii educati si inteligenti se lauda numai cu realizarile lor profesionale, pentru ca asta defineste cu adevarat un om. Practic intre tine si Nelson Mondialu nu e nici o diferenta.
  14. Nasol, zici ca nu se mai termina accidentele astea...
  15. Bine bre, exista. Dar stii bine ca popular toata lumea le stie de IFA BK350.
  16. Ia razi: A very interesting motorcycle produced between 1952 – 1959 in East Germany. It was first named IFA BK 350 and than renamed in MZ BK 350 in 1956 when the brand Motorradwerk Zschopau was introduced. Industrieverband Fahrzeugbau ("Industrial Association for Vehicle Construction"), usually abbreviated as IFA, was a conglomerate and a union of companies for vehicle construction in the former East Germany. IFA produced bicycles, motorcycles, light commercial vehicles, automobiles, vans and heavy trucks. All East German vehicle manufacturers were part of the IFA, including Barkas, EMW (which made Wartburg cars), IWL, MZ, Multicar, Robur, Sachsenring (which made Trabant cars) and Simson.
  17. Aiurea, toata lumea il stie de IFA BK350, nu MZ.
  18. Mai bine zi de ce pe europeni ii injuri si pe muslimi ii ridici in slavi. Ia zi, cum conduc muslimii acolo in UK? Mai intra cu dubele direct in oamenii de pe pod?
  19. Situatia juridica in care se afla cu fierul din dotare.
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