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Rossi's Fan Club 46

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cu totii suntem fani moto... de aceea suntem aici.

sa tinem totul in limita bunului simt.posturi la obiect si ontopic.daca vreti discutii de genu rossi vs stoner sau rossi vs satan face-ti topic si continuati acolo.aici va rog sa tineti cont de titlul topicului si cu atat mai mult de limbaj indifernt de pilotul favorit.

va multumesc.

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vlad pyn, te rog sa-i dai ignore lui 9 degete. daca pentru atata lucru te-ai deranjat sa scrii pe topicul asta... e trist

Sunt sigur ca tu il ai pe ignore. O fapta buna,demna de un motociclist de tastatura.


@gixxxer : 10x! Mult mai cerebral decat o gramada de asa zisi fani de aici.

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Vizitator 9fingers
Sunt sigur ca tu il ai pe ignore. O fapta buna,demna de un motociclist de tastatura.


@gixxxer : 10x! Mult mai cerebral decat o gramada de asa zisi fani de aici.


A luat masuri doar dupa ce am raspuns (civilizat) la un indemn din partea lui fannyflint. Genul de mesaje, pe care doar fanii Rossi pare ca sunt in stare sa le.....compuna, par a fi tolerate aici.

Dar, daca a sters mesajul meu, care era un raspuns pt fannyflint (postul ei il citam), de ce nu a disparut si mesajul ei?







P.S. Nu stiu cum a ajuns chiar gixxxer :goodposting: moderator aici. Nu demult, el era unul dintre cei care intretineau genul asta de dispute, cu raspunsuri la afirmatii inchipuite doar de el...

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A luat masuri doar dupa ce am raspuns (civilizat) la un indemn din partea lui fannyflint. Genul de mesaje, pe care doar fanii Rossi pare ca sunt in stare sa le.....compuna, par a fi tolerate aici.

Dar, daca a sters mesajul meu, care era un raspuns pt fannyflint (postul ei il citam), de ce nu a disparut si mesajul ei?







P.S. Nu stiu cum a ajuns chiar gixxxer :goodposting: moderator aici. Nu demult, el era unul dintre cei care intretineau genul asta de dispute, cu raspunsuri la afirmatii inchipuite doar de el...


pentru ca se degenereaza si se ajunge la flame.

Mesaj completat

cu totii suntem fani moto... de aceea suntem aici.

sa tinem totul in limita bunului simt.posturi la obiect si ontopic.daca vreti discutii de genu rossi vs stoner sau rossi vs satan face-ti topic si continuati acolo.aici va rog sa tineti cont de titlul topicului si cu atat mai mult de limbaj indifernt de pilotul favorit.

va multumesc.


fi amabil si citeste ce am scris.

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P.S. Nu stiu cum a ajuns chiar gixxxer :blink: moderator aici. Nu demult, el era unul dintre cei care intretineau genul asta de dispute, cu raspunsuri la afirmatii inchipuite doar de el...


Da bre report daca nu-ti convine. Fa-o civilizat si poate ti se va raspunde. Apoi, asta e un topic fani Rossi :D Aici scrii de obicei daca esti fan sau ai ceva bun/neutral de zis despre Rossi :goodposting: E simplu.

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Vizitator 9fingers
Da bre report daca nu-ti convine. Fa-o civilizat si poate ti se va raspunde. Apoi, asta e un topic fani Rossi :D Aici scrii de obicei daca esti fan sau ai ceva bun/neutral de zis despre Rossi :goodposting: E simplu.

Nu, e chiar mai simplu decat atat. Ca in orice topic, poti sa comentezi un mesaj, o parere, a interpretare a unei declaratii...

...prezenta(ta) aici. Eu m-am referit la ce s-a spus in acest topic, that's the meaning of the term ON topic. Doar daca nu cumva, acele mesaje erau deja off topic :blink:

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scumpa cazarea in doha, peste 40 de euro pe noapte la hostel, plus ca ai nevoie de viza, avionul e peste 2000 de lei (nu am cautat prea mult)...


Facem juma-juma la cazare? :laugh:


Gixxxer ruuuuuuuulz!!!!! (bre, parca la Brno nu era asa gimnast, chiar daca n-am apucat sa-l vad la chilotelul gol :) )



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  • 1 month later...

Speaking at a packed auditorium at the Madonna di Campiglio ski resort in Italy, Rossi spoke at length of his struggle to regain full fitness from the shoulder surgery he underwent in mid-November.


The 31-year-old needed serious tendon and ligament damage to be repaired after he injured the shoulder in April when falling off his motocross bike in a training incident.


He spent the entire season riding in discomfort but hopes that he will be fully recovered in time for the start of his first Ducati campaign in Qatar on March 20 appear to be fading fast.


Rossi is behind schedule in his recovery process and reckons it could be April or May before he recovers full strength and movement in the shoulder.


The nine-times world champion said: “I have to say as far as the shoulder is concerned, there’s still a lot to do. Everything is going well but it’s a race for me to get in shape before the first test in February. It’s not going to be easy for me. Usually you need five or six months to be perfectly fit at 100 per cent and to have also the right strength.


"What I’ve seen, and this was explained to me also before, is that when you have a broken bone a lot can change in the times of recovery and as a rider, we’re good, we’re courageous and we’re experts in accidents and we can usually recover slightly faster in going back to a bike from a fracture.


"But unfortunately when you have to suture a tendon you cannot improve too quickly. You have to adjust yourself to the normal time for recovery. I hope to be in shape for the first race on March 20 at 100 per cent but it could be more April or May. That’s when I should be 100 per cent.”


Rossi denied regretting not undertaking surgery last season while he was out for four races with the broken right leg he suffered in Mugello. And he said he didn’t want to end his factory Yamaha career prematurely by having an operation before the end of the 2010 season to give himself more time to recover.


The former Fiat Yamaha and Repsol Honda rider added: “Unfortunately when the surgeons entered into the shoulder it showed that the damage was worse than expected. So after the surgery they told me that a bit more time would be necessary to recover. And I had two possibilities last year. I could have undergone the surgery after I hurt my leg.


"But it was not possible because with the shoulder I would have to stay in bed for one month without even moving with crutches, so I could not have done that. The other possibility would have been skipping the last two races of the season to undergo surgery after Australia.


"I would have some in better shape for the first tests in February, but I didn’t want to stay home and skip four races. I knew that in Portugal and Valencia I could do two good races, and I was sorry at not being able to race the last two races.


"Also I had the possibility of testing also the Desmosedici even if I was not at 100 per cent physically, but I tried at Valencia. So at the end the perfect solution did not exist so this was perhaps the best one that I took, hoping of course that I’d be in shape for February 1.”

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Valentino Rossi finally was able to speak during this morning?s Ducati press conference, to a packed house at the Palacongressi auditorium at Madonna del Campiglio, the attention was focused around Rossi?s shoulder injury, that hindered his 2010 season and the post season test at Valencia, much more than his broken leg did.


Here?s what he said during the conference: ?There?s still a lot of work to do, but everything is going well, I?m a little ahead on the recovery process, but it?s race against time to be in shape for the 1st of February. Yes, the test was very important and we got a more precise idea ? important and difficult to set-up, unfortunately at Valencia I couldn?t ride, I didn?t have any strength left in my right arm, I wasn?t fit, I?ll have to try to ride this bike when I?m back in shape, when I?m 100% fit.?


?We?ve got an important job to do on the Desmo16, but naturally I?ll have to be healthy, that?s the most important thing. Obviously I won?t be in great shape for the test in Malaysia, but we?re working hard to recover shoulder mobility that I?ll need to ride and to tuck in on the straightways. I hope to be okay, but it?ll be almost impossibile to have a lot of strength, I?ll need more time, so it?ll be a race against time. It would have been better to be fit immediately, but I probably won?t be. Unfortunately my shoulder situation was much more serious than we were expecting it to be. From the check-ups I did during the season, it seemed less serious, instead it was much bigger than we thought, the doctors told me that my shoulder will recover 100% but it will take a little more time. Not only do we have to fix the Desmo, we have to fix me.?



?The first thing that we did on the bike was the basics. The Ducati is very different from other bikes, different from Yamaha and from theHonda, because this bike under all it?s aspects. is a prototype. Different from the Japanese bikes which are production bikes, ?transformed? into MotoGP bikes. The Desmosedici is conceptually speaking totally different and must be used in a totally different way. At the moment we haven?t done anything radical for the Malaysia test. We just changed the riding position and made certain changes to make me feel more comfortable so I can ride a bit more like I how to ride. However I think we?re going to need to find more solutions, meeting each other halfway. We have the improve the Desmosedici to make a bike that is not only fast as it is now, but it should become also easier to ride, where we can interpret the changes and on the other hand I?m going to have to adjust to the bike and change also my riding style so as to exploit it .?


?Regarding winning or losing we?re going to try our best, it?ll depend on how fast I?ll get fit and if I can be fit for the start of the championship. In Valencia the situation was different, the should was free and I could tuck in behind the fairing, but I didn?t have any strength, and on the second day I couldn?t even brake how I wanted to and couldn?t even bring the tires up to temperature, I was having a lot of problems. Now the shoulder is holding up mechanically, but I don?t have full mobility to put myself in a tuck position, that?s the biggest problem I?m having and what I?m working on, so I can be in good enough shape on the 1st of February. At least to be comfortable on the bike and be able to ride.?


?Stoner even at the end of season on this bike, was very strong and fast with his very particular riding style. He?s very good at adapting to all types of conditions and set-ups. A big talent. He was with Ducati for four years and had a great feeling with this bike, which I don?t have yet. We have to find the set-up and run a lot of laps to understand how the Desmosedici works.?


?For sure I?m not twenty years old anymore, unfortunately, but that?s not really relative and the accident that I had with my motocross bike and the one at the Mugello could have happened in any other season, but naturally when you?re younger you recover faster and when you?re older you have to train and work a lot harder. I never thought of retiring, I think I have another couple of years to be fast and competitive. I still want to ride and this change has given me more motivation and I think I can still be on top for a few more years.?


?Stoner and Lorenzo are the favourites for this season. Lorenzo knows the bike, has experience and last season rode perfectly and almost never made a mistake. I think if Stoner wants to compete against Lorenzo, he?ll have to be more constant, but he?s now got a Honda, which at the moment is the bike that scares everyone the most, it?s faster than the Yamaha, it also could have a slight technical advantage, it?s going to be an interesting fight.?


?The Ducati like I said before is completely different from the M1, you have to ride it a little dirtier, the corner entry is different and you have to adapt to it?s style. I?m counting on bringing the D16 closer to me, because it?s a bike that can be modified. I think we can make this bike easier and make it more competitive from the start to the finish of a race. With Nicky at the moment I?m going to be looking at his data, so I hope we won?t be divided. We?ll be working together to better the bike, because he already has experience on the D16 and he can teack me important little tricks.?


?The situation regarding data sharing with Lorenzo, was based on the story of what happened in the past. In 2007 and 2008 we had a bike with a lot of problems, we had to work a lot and the only thing that changed between those two years was that he was only a team mate. I tried to take care of myself and try to do my job, but it was impossible. The separation was only virtual, but it went that way. It was nice anyway. I think Lorenzo didn?t care if I was healthy or half healthy, it was his first Motogp title and it doesn?t count how you won, but that you won it, and he deserved it 100%. He was fast, lucky in certain occasions, first with me and then Pedrosa got hurt, but he was always in front. He took the M1 to the max, so he deserves it.?


?For the rest, we?ll need time, which our fans probably won?t give us, a lot of people want me to be fast right away with the Ducati from the first test and first race. Unfortunately it?ll take a little more time and hopefully the fans will be patient and wait for us. My favourite championships were in 2001 with the Honda 500 and the first season with the Yamaha in 2004 with a win at my debut, but 2008 was also wonderful because it?s the closest, but 2004 at Welkom was the best.?

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da... nu prea merge cu atat de mult rosu.

eu preferam sa fie rosu cu negru si putin fluorescent.

motoru totusi arata mai ok.acceptanbil.

dar echipamentul lui vale nu imi place nici mie.

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  • 1 month later...

38,000 fans showed up at Bologna for the Ducati send off party with Valentino Rossi as the main attraction, and since Italy just seems that it can?t get enough of the ?The Doctor,? he gave long interview to Piero Chiambretti (one of Italy?s top talk show hosts) that will be aired this Friday and Saturday night on Channel 5. has picked up an extract from the show (which we?ve translated for you) and Rossi?s replys will send his detractors into a tizzy and his fans into the usual defense mode.


Regarding his eventual switch to World Superbikes, Rossi confirmed it, but his reply will not go down well with the aficionados who are always arguing about which championship is better.



?I hope to stay a few more years in MotoGP, then ?retire in Superbikes, which is the B series of MotoGP, but it?s fun. At 17 I wanted to open a kiosk, and maybe I?ll do it when I definitely retire.?


About his switch to Ducati: ?I thought about staying in Yamaha or going to Ducati which I thought about for some years, this was the right time. Sorry ? No, we have not even started. How will the Japanese take it? We have to see how it goes, if I?m in front of them, then they?ll take it badly, otherwise they?ll be happy. ?


His shoulder problems: ?The shoulder still hurts, today I saw the doctor who operated on me and it turns out that the biceps tendon still isn?t back in place where it should be. Bones are much nicer, they heal up faster, instead the shoulder ?? On his lack of serious injuries until now Rossi has his own theory, ?Fear is important because it keeps you from overdoing it, even if we have a higher limit, but every time you fall you?re afraid. They say that I know how to fall, but I don?t think so, it?s just plain luck.?


Rossi?s predictions and on rivals: ?Stoner is the favourite for the title, but I?m saying this to bring him some bad luck. I give him a 10 on speed and talent, but a little less on tatics and cunning, he?s crazy because he keeps repeating the same mistakes. Lorenzo? ?He?s great, because everyone agrees on it, in the sense that everyone thinks he?s unpleasant. He?s strong, I give him a 9.5.? also adding ?I don?t think he?s intelligent because that?s a big word, let?s say he?s cunning? ?Hayden is strong and fast and my team mate, so he?s the first rival I have to beat, I give him an 8. The wall? With Hayden it won?t be there, while with Lorenzo, I didn?t want to reveal all my tricks, it was controversial, but data passed anyway.?


On Simoncelli: ?He deserves an 8.5, he still has to show a lot of things, but he?s got a very fast Honda, and he?ll give us a hard time.?


His rivalry with Max Biaggi: ?I see our past battles with fondness, outside the track he used various tricks to try to annoy everyone. Knowing how to lose is really difficult and Biaggi wasn?t very good with that.?


His tax evasion story: ?At the time I was wrong, when I realized what was going on I didn?t pull back, I changed all the people who were involved that put me into that situation, but I found out I lot of things.? The famous video (a personal video which was broadcasted on all the national news stations denying the allegations of tax evasion)? ?It was a mistake.?


On the stalking case: ?He used to send me emails with a lot of insults and threats - maybe he was a friend of Lorenzo?s,? said a laughing Rossi. ?It happened before the Mugello where I got hurt, so I had other things to think about, but I know that they caught him.?


And on the gossip that he dumped his old girlfriend Arianna back in 2007 for Elisabetta Canalis (George Clooney?s current squeeze) ?I can confirm, that she never put out for me, and it?s not true that I?ve got that many women, I?m careful.?

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