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This is a true story, proving how fascinating the mind of a six year old is.

They think so logically.


A teacher was reading the story of the Three Little Pigs to her class. She came to the part of the story where first pig was trying to gather the building materials for his home. She read ... 'and so the pig went up to the man with the wheelbarrow full of straw and said: 'Pardon me sir, but may I have some of that straw to build my house?'


The teacher paused then asked the class:


'And what do you think the man said?'


One little boy raised his hand and said very matter-of-factly ...'I think the man would have said - 'Well, f*ck me!! A talking pig!'


The teacher was unable to teach for the next 10 minutes

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Turnul din Toronto :crack:


--- Mesaj completat în 06 Dec 2007 11:54 -------------


Oamenii se descurca mai bine :crack:


Editat de nice_sun_man
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Famous Words in the Moon


When Apollo Mission Astronaut Neil Armstrong first walked on the moon, he not only gave his famous "One Small Step for Man, One Giant Leap for Mankind" statement, but followed it by several remarks - usual com traffic between him, the other astronauts and Mission Control. Before he re-entered the lander, he made the enigmatic remark "Good luck, Mr. Gorsky."


Many people at NASA thought it was a casual remark concerning some rival Soviet Cosmonaut; however, upon checking, there was no Gorsky in either the Russian nor American space programs.


Over the years, many people have questioned him as to what the "Good luck, Mr. Gorsky" statement meant. On July 5, in Tampa Bay, FL, while answering questions following a speech, a reporter brought up the 26 year old question to Armstrong. He finally responded. It seems that Mr. Gorsky had died and so Armstrong felt he could answer the question. When he was a kid, Neil was playing baseball with his brother in the backyard. His brother hit a fly ball which landed in front of his neighbors' bedroom window. The neighbors were Mr and Mrs. Gorsky. As he leaned down to pick up the ball, he heard Mrs. Gorsky shouting at Mr. Gorsky, "Oral sex? Oral sex you want? You'll get oral sex when the kid next door walks on the moon!"

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Request for sick leave


Thought you might enjoy this article from the Toronto Star newspaper. Think of using it the next time you need a sick day!!


One hour after beginning a new job which involved moving a pile of bricks from the top of a two-story house to the ground, a construction worker in the town of Peterborough, Ontario, suffered an accident which hospitalized him. He was instructed by his employer to fill out an accident report. It read:


"Thinking I could save time, I rigged a beam with a pulley at the top of the house, and a rope leading to the ground. I tied an empty barrel on one end of the rope, pulled it to the top of the house, and then fastened the other end of the rope to a tree. Going up to the top of the house, I filled the barrel with bricks.


"Then I went down and unfastened the rope to let the barrel down. But, unfortunately, the barrel of bricks was now heavier than I, and before I knew what was happening the barrel jerked me up in the air.


"I hung on to the rope, and halfway up I met the barrel coming down, receiving a severe blow on the left shoulder.


"I then continued to be pulled to the top, banging my head on the beam and then jamming my fingeres into the pulley.


"When the barrel hit the ground, the bottom burst, spilling the bricks. As I was now heavier than the barel, I started down at high speed.


"Halfway down I met the empty barrel as it was coming up, receiving several cuts from the sharp edges of the barrel boards.


"At this point I must have become confused, because I let go of the rope. The barrel came down, striking me on the head, and I woke up in the hospital.


"I respectfully request a day of sick leave."

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Request for sick leave


Thought you might enjoy this article from the Toronto Star newspaper. Think of using it the next time you need a sick day!!


One hour after beginning a new job which involved moving a pile of bricks from the top of a two-story house to the ground, a construction worker in the town of Peterborough, Ontario, suffered an accident which hospitalized him. He was instructed by his employer to fill out an accident report. It read:


"Thinking I could save time, I rigged a beam with a pulley at the top of the house, and a rope leading to the ground. I tied an empty barrel on one end of the rope, pulled it to the top of the house, and then fastened the other end of the rope to a tree. Going up to the top of the house, I filled the barrel with bricks.


"Then I went down and unfastened the rope to let the barrel down. But, unfortunately, the barrel of bricks was now heavier than I, and before I knew what was happening the barrel jerked me up in the air.


"I hung on to the rope, and halfway up I met the barrel coming down, receiving a severe blow on the left shoulder.


"I then continued to be pulled to the top, banging my head on the beam and then jamming my fingeres into the pulley.


"When the barrel hit the ground, the bottom burst, spilling the bricks. As I was now heavier than the barel, I started down at high speed.


"Halfway down I met the empty barrel as it was coming up, receiving several cuts from the sharp edges of the barrel boards.


"At this point I must have become confused, because I let go of the rope. The barrel came down, striking me on the head, and I woke up in the hospital.


"I respectfully request a day of sick leave."

Bai nenica ,ori esti dac motors(am gresit si am pus litere mici)si limba dacilor sau a urmasilor acestora,ori baga in alta parte ca sa ta inteleaga numai cei de o LIMBAAAAAAA cu tine. :crack:

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Bai nenica ,ori esti dac motors(am gresit si am pus litere mici)si limba dacilor sau a urmasilor acestora,ori baga in alta parte ca sa ta inteleaga numai cei de o LIMBAAAAAAA cu tine.

Asta e forum de interes international :crack:

Pot sa persupun ca macar 50% din cei care intra aici pricep engleza si nu cred ca e cazul sa traducem fiecare banc in limba noastra draga..

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Bai nenica ,ori esti dac motors(am gresit si am pus litere mici)si limba dacilor sau a urmasilor acestora,ori baga in alta parte ca sa ta inteleaga numai cei de o LIMBAAAAAAA cu tine. :crack:

frustrat...poate intelegi franceza? :lol:


ontopic: vin pe usb


astept versiunea firewire :crack: (sa vina tuica fiarta direct :D)

Editat de sharpe
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Bai nenica ,ori esti dac motors(am gresit si am pus litere mici)si limba dacilor sau a urmasilor acestora,ori baga in alta parte ca sa ta inteleaga numai cei de o LIMBAAAAAAA cu tine. :crack:


off-topic: man, daca vrei si ai timp, iti dau link-ul de unde am pus ultimele 2 chestii fun. Eu NU am timp sa traduc. Plus ca suntem o tara membra UE si ar trebui sa stim macar o limba de circulatie internationala, iar cea mai raspandita e engleza. Daca vrei sa stii, lucrez intr-o firma cu capital frantuzesc, dar cu toti francezii care nu stiu romana vorbesc in engleza.


Si ca sa nu fiu total off-topic.....


urmariti-l pana la capat, inclusiv dupa partea de credite....



si inca unu:

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O mama isi surprinde fiica de 35 de ani jucandu-se cu un vibrator. - Ce faci? o intreaba mama. - Mama, am 35 de ani, sunt urata, nu o sa ma pot marita niciodata, asa ca de acu incolo, asta va fi sotul meu. A doua zi, tatal, auzind in camera fetei zgomote ciudate, intra si primeste aceeasi explicatie. O zi mai tirziu, intorcandu-se acasa mama, isi gaseste sotul cu o sticla de bere intr-o mana si cu vibratorul in cealalta. Socata, il intreaba: - Barbate, ai inebunit? Ce faci? La care sotul raspunde: - Nu vezi? Stau si eu la o bere cu ginerele...

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Vine unu la doctor si spune:

- Dom' doctor am o problema.

- Spune ca de-aia sunt aici.

- Sunt un om de afaceri cu succes, merg cu afaceri in tara si cand ajung acasa o vad pe nevasta mea cum ma insala cu cel mai bun prieten.

- Bine domne dar eu sunt doctor...

- Lasa-ma sa termin. Scot pistolu sa-l impusc si ea spune: 'stai calm

nu te enerva ca daca-l omori faci puscarie si eu cu cine te mai insel? Mai bine stam la o cafea si discutam problema'.

- Da domnle dar eu sunt doctor...

- Lasa-ma sa termin. In urmatoarea saptamana la fel. Dupa doua

saptamani la fel dom doctor. Ajung acasa o vad cum ma insala eu furios scot pistolu ea spune: 'stai nu te enerva ca daca-l impusti ajungi la puscarie si eu cu cine te mai insel? Mai bine stam bem cateva cafele si dicutam problema'.

Asa ca dom' doctor, vroiam sa intreb, e sanatos sa bei atata cafea?

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Doi prieteni se intalnesc la scurt timp dupa ce unul dintre ei tocmai se casatorise.

- Si cum a fost noaptea nuntii?

- Un dezastru!

- Ei, cum asa? De ce?

- Dimineata, cand m-am trezit, din obisnuinta, i-am lasat pe perna o bancnota de 500.000 de lei (50 RON)...

- Si ea ce a zis?

- Adormita cum era, a vrut sa-mi dea restul!




La o conferinta de presa, un jurnalist il intreaba pe un politician cunoscut, inscris in cursa pentru presedentie:

- Secretara dumneavoastra a declarat in public ca aveti un mic. Cum comentati?

- Adevarul este ca are o gura mare!

:crack: :crack: :lol:

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Maria spala rufe la rau,Ion statea scarbit pe pajiste.La un moment dat o stanca se desprinde din munte fix pe Maria si o striveste. Ion scarbit se uita,si zice:Inca o masina de spalat distrusa de calcar....

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