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BMW R1200/1250 GS/GSA/RS/RT/R LC - 2013->

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Final Drives


by Anton Largiader


The intent of this article is to augment the information that has been written recently regarding the design (and failures) of the final drive gearboxes used on K and R models from the 1980s through the last R1150 models.


There are basically two moving parts within a final drive. The pinion gear is driven by the driveshaft and usually has ten to twelve teeth. The ring gear (sometimes called the crown gear) is driven by the pinion gear and has about thirty teeth. Each is machined as a shaft which is supported by a bearing on each side of the gear.


When the R80G/S was launched, it brought with it a new final drive design which immediately became as significant a recognition feature as the opposed cylinders had been. The single-sided swingarm, where the wheel bolts on as it does in a car, was here.


Prior to this, the wheel had ridden on an axle which was supported at each end. The power was delivered by a hollow spline which fit around the axle and was supported by its own bearings within the final drive. With the new Monolever design, the drive spline was gone and the wheel fastened directly to the ring gear of the final drive. The axle was eliminated, or more precisely, the ring gear now served as the axle. This meant that the bearings supporting that gear now needed to be strong enough to support the weight of the bike. The Paralever bikes, which started in 1987 and continued through the R1150GS Adventure, used the exact same design.


Bearing layout


ring-pinion.jpgHere's how the bearings are arranged in these final drives:


The pinion shaft is held by needle bearings on the inner end and a heavy roller/ball combination bearing on the outside. Because the teeth are helically cut, there is some axial* load on the pinion shaft as it tries to screw itself in or out, but most of the load is sideways: it pushes up and down on the ring gear and tries to push itself away from it due to the angled gear teeth. Since needle bearings cannot resist any axial load, the large bearing is the only thing keeping the pinion from sliding back and forth.


The ring gear is supported by a tapered roller bearing on the inside and a heavy ball bearing on the outside. The main loads are borne by the ball bearing, and the tapered bearing holds the end of the shaft in alignment. In order to properly maintain the gear mesh, it's vital that the ring gear stay at a controlled distance from the pinion, so it is slightly compressed between these two bearings when the drive is assembled.


There is a problem, though. As it is compressed between the housing and the housing cover during assembly, the ball bearing is axially loaded. Ball bearings generally do not withstand axial loads very well, and most failed bearings show signs of excessive axial loading. Some of this is inherent in the fact that the ring gear is compressed, or preloaded, on assembly, some of it is due to the axial forces from the pinion shaft, and some is from the reaction at the tapered bearing when load is placed on the wheel. Why do we hear more about failures now, if the same design has been used for more than two decades? Let's take a closer look at the forces on the bearings as bikes get heavier and tires get wider.


Bearing forces


loads.jpgThe arrows marked "Wheel force" are from the static load of the bike. There is an upward force from the ground acting through the wheel, several inches away from the final drive. This is countered by a force acting downward on the large bearing (think of this as the weight of the bike) and another force at the tapered bearing, countering the twisting effect which results from the contact patch not being directly under the big bearing. As tires get wider, the contact patch gets farther away and this last arrow gets larger. As it gets larger, the axial component of the force on the tapered bearing grows also, which results in a corresponding axial load on the ball bearing. For a 400-pound load on the wheel of an R1100RT, the horizontal component is about 175 pounds.


The arrows marked "Preload" are the compressive forces resultant from the specified assembly stress. These are constant, and I estimate them at several hundred pounds.


The "Pinion force" arrows represent the force of the pinion gear pushing on the ring gear to make it turn. This is angled due to the shape of the gear teeth, and therefore exerts an axial force on the ring gear which is resisted by the big bearing. When coasting, this force is nearly nothing, but under full acceleration it can be well over 1000 pounds.


This can be seen by looking at the three loads on the far left of the diagram. Each of them tries to push the ring gear to the right, which beans the ball bearing has to push back.


So the big bearing has to resist three different lateral loads for which it isn't so well suited. Are we doomed to suffer bearing failures because the design places axial loads on a ball bearing? No. This is a lifetime (200k mile or more) bearing in most bikes. When it isn't, something is wrong, and the main variable in the system is the amount of preload on that bearing. The preload is set by shims which fit between the cover and the bearing, and BMW specifies that there should be 0.05~0.10mm of interference when assembling the final drive. If there is too much, you will place excessive side loads on that bearing. What happens to this interference when the unit is assembled? It causes a minute amount of 'stretch' of the housing and cover, which is in turn relieved by expansion as the final drive heats up in use.


After the Tacoma Narrows Bridge collapsed, local engineers proposed strengthening and reusing the same design. Theodore von Karman, whose work in aerodynamics showed the design's flaws, responded "…and it will fall in the same place."Many articles have been written about replacing the bearing, but most of them suggest replacing the shims exactly as found. I don't understand this at all; here is an assembly which has failed and we're going to replace the damaged component and pretend it never happened? It didn't go bad by itself. The new 17-ball bearing is undoubtedly better, but it's not a cure for improper assembly. Any time a final drive is rebuilt, it should be thoroughly checked out.




What does the all-important shimming do? On the standard Monolever and Paralever drives, there are three areas that need to be shimmed to provide the correct fit between parts.



1. Pinion

The teeth on the ring and pinion gears are cut in what is known as a Klingelnberg profile. These are essentially bevel* gears with a helical cut, but the helix has a pronounced curve. If you fit the two parts together, you can see that as you slide the pinion towards the center of the ring gear it will rock counterclockwise, and as you try to slide it away it will rock clockwise.


In the diagrams below, the light colored teeth are the ring gear and the dark teeth are the pinion. Notice that if the pinion is not centered, the teeth make contact at the upper left and lower right (too far in) or the upper right and lower left (too far out). In the middle diagram, there is even loading across the tooth face.


in_tn.gifcenter_tn.gifout_tn.jpgToo far in - pressure is on the ends of the teethCentered - pressure will be even across the tooth face. The gap represents the backlash.Too far away - pressure on the ends of the teethThere is only one distance (from the center of the ring gear) where the pinion is aligned properly, and the pinion shim holds the pinion in that one position. Positioning the pinion too close or too far from the ring gear will place all of the load on the edges of the teeth.



2. Backlash

With the pinion meshing properly, there should be a small amount of free play between the two gears.




This is measured by immobilizing the pinion, rotating the ring gear and measuring the amount of movement. A shim under the tapered bearing controls the depth to which the ring gear seats in the housing. The closer it gets to the pinion, the less free play there will be. The specified free play at the gear teeth is about a tenth of a millimeter. If there's too much or too little distance between the gears, the teeth will wear.



3. Cover

Once the ring gear has been positioned in the housing properly relative to the pinion, the cover is installed so that it provides a certain amount of preload, or clamping force, to hold the ring gear in place.




This is done with shims between the cover and the ring gear bearing. The flat areas on the cover and housing with eight holes are the mating surfaces. The distance that the bearing protrudes above this surface in the housing is compared to the depth of the bearing recess below the corresponding surface in the cover. Shims are selected to make the bearing taller (or make the cover shallower, take your pick) so there is a slight amount of interfecrence as the two are bolted together.



Evo Paralever

With the R1200GS, BMW introduced a new design for the final drive. The EVO Paralever is recognizable by the large hole through the middle. Where have we seen this before? Yes, the twin-shock Airhead final drives had a hole in the middle, where the rear axle went. With the single-sided swingarm there is no longer a separate axle, of course, but design similarities between the Twin-shock final drive and the EVO Paralever go farther.


On the EVO, the small end once again has a needle bearing, so the ring gear bearing cannot be preloaded. Axial position of the ring gear is now controlled entirely by the ball bearing at the wheel, and the needle bearing does not (and cannot) contribute any axial load due as a result of the weight of the bike. Those axial loads on the main ball bearing, therefore, are eliminated. Furthermore, there are only two clearances to shim: the pinion and the backlash.


That ball bearing is held in the cover, and the backlash is controlled by positioning the cover with shims. Without preload on the ring gear, the inherent play in the bearings can be felt as a tiny bit of looseness in the wheel. This is normal; BMW specifies that up to 1mm of play can be measured at the rim before a final drive is considered defective.


The twin-shock Airheads also had a needle bearing on the small end of the ring gear, but axial position was controlled by a thrust bearing shim, much like the Airhead crankshaft is. Counting the pinion and cover bearing shims, these drives still had three adjustments to make upon assembly.


* The term "Bevel" means that the axes of the two gears intersect. A worm gear would be a different type where the pinion axis is tangential to the ring gear, and a hypoid gear is anywhere in between the two. Bevel gears (like BMW final drives) and spur gears (engine, transmission) have only rolling contact between the gear teeth. Hypoid and worm gears have sliding contact.


*Note: "Axial load" refers to loading which results from a force applied along the central axis of the gear. For example, the sideways loading on a car tire as you go around a corner. Forces which act perpendicular to the axis, or towards the centerline of the gear, are referred to as radial forces.

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Articole sunt destule despre subansamble moto, iar scopul nu era de a arata defecte, ci de a lamuri tipul de angrenaj folosit de BMW la cardane. Discutia a inceput la Crosstourer cu doi fani si nu avea rost continuarea ei acolo. Sper sa nu supar prea rau. Peace!

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Pt toti cei interesati si in special pt ERU@ si budd@



Da,..m-ai convins

E foarte nasoala treaba


Mai ai articole d-astea ?






tu n ai 200k :) deci e de bine


glumesc, vine varaaa(dero)

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Nu prea inteleg rostul a ditamai articolul despre roti dintate pe acest topic, cu atat mai mult cu cat ERU sau Budd nici macar nu sunt posesori de R 1200GS :scratch:


Noi obisnuim sa ne plimbam cu motocicletele ;) , asta am facut si azi:



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Am schimbat Stroama de 650 cu R1200 GS-ul de mai jos......

e un 2008 cu 8300km si-mi place din ce in ce mai mult pe fiecare zi....

Am sa urmaresc o eventuala urmatoare intalnire de-a voastra poate mai aflu si eu cate ceva.

Sa ne vedem cu bine!

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R1200 GS-ul de mai jos......

e un 2008 cu 8300km si-mi place din ce in ce mai mult pe fiecare zi....



nu vreau sa fiu rautacios...vreau doar sa discutam problema.

caut si eu un utilaj de asta dar am un DUBIU mare de tot cand gasesc motor de tura care in 5 ani a facut cate 1660 km/an.


cum e posibil?! proprietarul anterior nu a simtit ca nu e pentru el din primul sezon? de ce a mai asteptat n ani sa-i scada valoarea? la choppere si polizoare nu zic ca nu e posibil sa faca 1700 km/an dar la categoria asta de motor cred ca e exclus.


daca l-ai luat de la un dealer bmw e clara problema dar atunci la diferenta de pret mica dintre un motor cu 8300km si unul nou trebuia sa optezi pt ala nou, parerea mea.


daca l-ai luat de la persoana fizica sau handler intrebarea e daca ai verificat istoricul de service? a nu se confunda istoricul de service cu cartea de service, ca nu intotdeauna au legatura una cu alta.

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Nu prea inteleg rostul a ditamai articolul despre roti dintate pe acest topic, cu atat mai mult cu cat ERU sau Budd nici macar nu sunt posesori de R 1200GS :scratch:


Noi obisnuim sa ne plimbam cu motocicletele ;) , asta am facut si azi:




nu-or fi posesori dar poate vor sa invete

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nu vreau sa fiu rautacios...vreau doar sa discutam problema.

caut si eu un utilaj de asta dar am un DUBIU mare de tot cand gasesc motor de tura care in 5 ani a facut cate 1660 km/an.


cum e posibil?! proprietarul anterior nu a simtit ca nu e pentru el din primul sezon? de ce a mai asteptat n ani sa-i scada valoarea? la choppere si polizoare nu zic ca nu e posibil sa faca 1700 km/an dar la categoria asta de motor cred ca e exclus.


daca l-ai luat de la un dealer bmw e clara problema dar atunci la diferenta de pret mica dintre un motor cu 8300km si unul nou trebuia sa optezi pt ala nou, parerea mea.


daca l-ai luat de la persoana fizica sau handler intrebarea e daca ai verificat istoricul de service? a nu se confunda istoricul de service cu cartea de service, ca nu intotdeauna au legatura una cu alta.


Ok! din 2008-2012 sunt numai 4ani......insa atata timp cat poti verifica istoricul de service (si la BMW slava Domnului o poti face) totul este ok.

In cazul acestui motor pot sa spun ca am avut maaare noroc. Persoana in cauza are un cabinet de notariat, familie si copii....pur si simplu nu a mai avut timp de moto(a renuntat la moto complet).

De un an si ceva mototoarele(o capra KTM si GS-ul) nu au mai fost pornite (bateria este moarta). Ambele au fost scoase la vanzare pe 14 Aprilie si pe 16 erau vandute (omul a fost de Paste plecat la munte-adica pe 15)

Sincer am luat-o fara sa verific penca moto arata, suna si se comporta ca si noua (atat pot sa-mi dau si eu seama la o moto) - luata de la dealerul Autotransilvania din Cluj cu revizie la 1000 + alte 2 revizii la 1 an.......

Ca sa-ti raspund la intrebare:

1 - omul nu se impiedica de cateva mii de euro mai ales ca erau luate pe firma si nu-l interesa TVA-ul.

2 - persoana chiar renunta din lipsa de timp (mi-a dat tot ce tinea de moto, chiar si action camera..rolleyes.gif)

Totul este sa fi pregatit financiar, gata de actiune si cu putin noroc.....iti iei vaca noua la super pret biggrinbounce2.gif uitasem scapati de stereotipurile astea nascute pe forum......sunt tot felul de oameni si de situatii.... Nu trebuie sa fim paranoia si sa judecam inainte sa ne asiguram noi insine cum sta treaba.



Multam, voi fi acolo...

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  • Admin uitasem scapati de stereotipurile astea nascute pe forum......sunt tot felul de oameni si de situatii.... Nu trebuie sa fim paranoia si sa judecam inainte sa ne asiguram noi insine cum sta treaba.


Eu am luat in 2011 mobra din 2000 care avea 38.500 km.

Fostul avea patru mobre in garaj, nu prea avea timp insa..

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Felicitări pentru achiziție.


Nu judec pe nimeni dar cîntăresc. Prefer să fiu catalogat paranoic Âşi stereotipar de forum decât sa-mi dau cu tesla în bilute ulterior.


Abtine-te să Dai sfaturi fără să fi rugat.

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Nu judec pe nimeni dar cîntăresc.


Din pacate ai deschis o discutie ce face parte deja (cel putin si dupa parerea mea) din "stetreotipiile forumistice", care insa nu are niciun fundament logic.

Hai sa ne oprim aici cu asta ;)


Am schimbat Stroama de 650 cu R1200 GS-ul de mai jos......

e un 2008 cu 8300km si-mi place din ce in ce mai mult pe fiecare zi....


pai cum sa nu-ti placa? cel putin eu unul, te inteleg perfect! :wink:

S-o stapanesti sanatos! Vad ca ai fost norocos, jante spitate, km putini, ESA (?)...

De unde ai luat-o?

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Abtine-te să Dai sfaturi fără să fi rugat.


Pentru tine as avea mai multe sfaturi dar asa cum sugerezi am sa te las sa descoperi singur.........


Din pacate ai deschis o discutie ce face parte deja (cel putin si dupa parerea mea) din "stetreotipiile forumistice", care insa nu are niciun fundament logic.

Hai sa ne oprim aici cu asta ;)




pai cum sa nu-ti placa? cel putin eu unul, te inteleg perfect! :wink:

S-o stapanesti sanatos! Vad ca ai fost norocos, jante spitate, km putini, ESA (?)...

De unde ai luat-o?



Este luata din Cluj si are ESA, asa cum spuneam mai sus am luat-o de la un tip de nota 10.

Cred ca avut ceva noroc...probabil norocul incepatorului (in sensul ca nu am cautat mai deloc)

Eram impacat cu gandul la V-strom pentru acest sezon.

Pretul a fost 9500Euro

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Pentru tine as avea mai multe sfaturi dar asa cum sugerezi am sa te las sa descoperi singur.........



Eu am vrut discuție Âşi am avut intrebari. A fost decizia ta sa adopti un aer de superioritate si sa faci pe desteptul. Am inteles ca nu ai verificat istoricul inainte de a da banii. Cinste tie!

Eu am vazut carti de servis care nu aveau corespondent in istoricul uzinei, ca atare e dreptul meu sa am dubii cand aud de motoare de touring care au apartinut unei bunicute de mergea doar duminica pana la biserica cu motoreta.


Mai putina aciditate in exprimare ar fi mai de apreciat.

Editat de Sergiu_KB
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Wow!!! Pomana... ti-o mai fi dat si ceva topcase, ca vad ca are placa... si tankbag ca vad fermoarul... :D


smile.gif primit si un topcase de la GIVI + tankcase-ul original 1200GS.

chiar aveam o intrebare in ceea ce priveste instalarea topcase-ului - pare destul de firava coada originala (cea care se continua cu manerele) pentru un topcase de 10 uneori 12kg.

Am observat ca solutia optima ar fi un suport cu prindere deasupra stopului. Aveti cunostinta de ceva probleme din acest punct de vedere?



Eu am vrut discuție Âşi am avut intrebari. A fost decizia ta sa adopti un aer de superioritate si sa faci pe desteptul. Am inteles ca nu ai verificat istoricul inainte de a da banii. Cinste tie!

Eu am vazut carti de servis care nu aveau corespondent in istoricul uzinei, ca atare e dreptul meu sa am dubii cand aud de motoare de touring care au apartinut unei bunicute de mergea doar duminica pana la biserica cu motoreta.


Mai putina aciditate in exprimare ar fi mai de apreciat.


Sergiu, probabil (fara a fi constient, poate din instinctul de conservare) am fost usor acid in exprimare....insa ultima fraza spusa este pur adevar si nu vroiam sa aduc vre-o jignire ci doar sa punctez faptul ca trebuie sa fi deschis oricarei oportunitati si mai mult sa nu eziti foarte mult.

Mai exact un tip a venit la mine pentru a cumpara v-stromul cu cineva "avizat" destul de sceptic si carcotas (stroama avea 18000km si era impecabila dupa toata lumea) care in final mi-a stabilit si pretul corect pentru mobra( evident sub ceea ce cerusem eu)

In final la jumatate de ora eu vindeam mobra la pretul cerut iar baiatul in cauza (care apropo... cauta o stroama cu ABS de peste 1 an) a pierdut o noua ocazie sa se bucure de noul sezon.

Am considerat necesar sa adaug acea fraza fiind usor influentat de aceasta intamplare de ieri.......


Prin urmare daca te-ar mai interesa ceva pe acest subiect, nu o mai lua ca pe un afront.....discutam asa cum spuneai si tu beer.gif

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Misto clipul...

Ca mi-am adus aminte, pentru cine nu-l stie, cautati-l si pe cel cu 1200 RT prin Norvegia (tot un promo, ceva mai vechi)... stiu ca n-are legatura cu GS-ul, dar e foate fain. Pentru mine acela a fost momentul din care am inceput sa ma uit cu admiratie la BMW-uri :)




Am vazut ca se discuta acum cateva pagini de crash-bar-uri pentru 1200 GS (pentru motor). Desi observ ca majoritatea aleg alti producatori, o varianta care mi-a placut foarte mult ar fi cea pe negru de la Hepco, impreuna cu protectiile pentru cilindri, care cred ca tot de la ei sunt:


O sa caut o poza cu GS-ul unui prieten, pentru ca cea de sus nu ii pune in valoare cu adevarat.




Ok... si punctul 3 pe ordinea de zi.

N-am mai apucat sa trec pe-aici dar am rezolvat dilema GS vs GSA care ma bantuia acum cateva saptamani si am ales un GSA pana la urma. O sa detaliez eventual intr-un post viitor care au fost criteriile pana la urma si cum ma impac cu alegerea facuta. Ideea e ca nu o regret, insa asta nu inseamna ca ma impac 100% cu noua achizitie.


Foarte pe scurt, am ales GSA-ul pentru raportul de mase fata/spate mai pe gustul meu (roata fata mai grea si mai stabila) si protectia la vant, dar si pentru suportii si crashbarurile pe care le vroiam si sunt gata montate. Am ales sa platesc pentru asta la capitolul inaltime in sa, greutate (pe care o simt mai mult la accelerari decat la manevre, unde daca ating bine chiar nu ma deranjeaza),un comportament mai "de barca" la accelerari si desigur si la capitolul bani :)


Am avut doar 3 iesiri de o zi pana acum, insa ce am observat:

+ se inclina pe viraje superb (mai ales fata de TDM-ul meu care are un comportament anume si trebuie sa fortezi curba intr-un anumit fel)

+ suspensiile lucreaza exemplar pe teren accidentat

+ tractiunea si stabilitatea pe soft offroad mi se par impresionante, mai ales ca e incaltat cu anvelope de strada si destul de uzate (EXP-uri)

- am senzatia ca sta putin inclinata dreapta cand tine drumul drept, chestie care o resimt si in spate... simt ca ma stramb din zona lombara ca sa imi mentin trunchiul vertical. Am mers cu 7 in test in Germania si 5 au o usoara tendinta de a trage dreapta, chiar si scoase din viteza si cu motorul oprit, toate motociclete aproape noi sau chiar noi - de test. Cineva de la BMW Frankfurt mi-a explicat ca ar fi o tendinta normala a boxerului din cauza ca nu are rotile in acelasi plan (o "defazare" care ar ajuta stabilitatea la viteza) (!!) Evident, pe partea dreapta se si inclina mai usor decat pe stanga, desi diferenta nu e mare

- semnalele, despre care multi spun(eti) ca ar trebui sa ma obisnuiesc, si cu care m-am obisnuit, dar mi se par in continuare incredibil de dubios (ca sa folosesc un termen bland) gandite. Practic mana dreapta, care e infipta in manson si cu care trebuie sa dozez atent acceleratia si frana, trebuie sa se mai futa si cu rahaturile alea de butoane... o adevarata acrobatie sa ma repliez cu semnal dreapta in coloana dupa o depasire. Inclusiv claxonul, care nu poate fi dozat daca vreau doar sa atentionez un pieton de ex.

- suspensiile moi sunt un minus pe strada, chiar si pe SPORT. Ma refer la accelerari, nu la viraje, unde nu mi s-a parut o problema.

- frana de motor foarte puternica si agresiva (brutala); sunt obisnuit si de la vechea motocicleta sa dozez fin acceleratia, dar aici parca e si mai rau.

- alte minusuri, mai putin importante...


Bun, deja am intrat in detalii mai mult decat mi-am propus. Pe departe problema de care ma tem cel mai mult (pentru ca mi se pare destul de serioasa si nu stiu daca poate fi remediata) e cea cu inclinarea dreapta. Acolo insa e de sapat si investigat mai serios... trebuie sa ma asigur ca nu e si de la mine problema etc. Insa mai e o chestie pe care chiar nu o inteleg si poate ma poate ajuta cineva. Ieri, cand am venit pe ploaie in Bucuresti, cu valize si pasager (pe saua de GS normal), fara topcase si cu parbrizul la maxim, am ajuns cu apa cu nisip ("noroi" de ploaie) pe saua spate, spatele pasagerului, spatele si interiorul gentilor, chiar si pe capacele acestora. De la ce chestia asta? Picioarele le-am avut amandoi curate, parbrizul si fata motocicletei nu prea sunt murdare... nu inteleg cum ar fi putut sa arunce atata mizerie si pe unde? Este posibil sa fie o zona de aer / turbulenta care sa se formeze in spatele pasagerului si sa cauzeze chestia asta? Am cautat pe alte forumuri si nu am gasit nimic la capitolul asta. Poze:










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linx, felicitari pt achizitie, s-o stapanesti sanatos.

aceeasi chestie cu mizeria o pateam si eu la 1150 gsa. aripa de la roata spate e de design, dupa cum ai observat. eu am rezorvat problema cu o aparatoare supimentara.

am montat deasemenea o prelungire pt aripa fata (ceva de la wunderlich

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Cred ca iti arunca mizeria aia intre cadru si cutii ;) La fel pateam si eu cand aveam GS-ul. Fenda extenda de care zice Gabyshor e iar un must-have, care nu costa chiar asa mult - cam 130 ron cu tot cu shipping de la wemoto ;)


Daca vrei sa fi uscat complet, ia un RT :D

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