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Honda Vfr 750/800/1200


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Weekendul acesta ajung si eu prin Bucuresti. Voi sta 3-4 zile, exista vreo intalnire de VFR-uri zilele astea?

Normal ne strangem in fiecare joi la parcul Carol dupa ora 18-19 cum ne intelegem intre noi

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As aprecia un sfat din partea voastra cu privire la brandul si tipul uleiului care s-ar potrivi la VFR-ul meu( regim Touring dar peste 6800 rot/min :) acolo se simte bine ) ..An 2002..... Km 37 000 ...(mentionez ca nu stiu ce ulei a folosit fostul proprietar).

Si inca o intrebare...daca si-a instalat careva pe VFR ungatorul de lant Loobman sau orice alt merita investitia?



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As aprecia un sfat din partea voastra cu privire la brandul si tipul uleiului care s-ar potrivi la VFR-ul meu( regim Touring dar peste 6800 rot/min :) acolo se simte bine ) ..An 2002..... Km 37 000 ...(mentionez ca nu stiu ce ulei a folosit fostul proprietar).

Si inca o intrebare...daca si-a instalat careva pe VFR ungatorul de lant Loobman sau orice alt merita investitia?






Multi o sa iti recomande motul 7100 sau chiar 300v, eu personal folosesc semi sintetic motul 5100 si este suficient de bun, totusi il folosesc intr-un rc 36 II si mers touring.

La anul o sa incerc un belray 10w-40.


A testat cineva belray pana acum?


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As aprecia un sfat din partea voastra cu privire la brandul si tipul uleiului care s-ar potrivi la VFR-ul meu( regim Touring dar peste 6800 rot/min :) acolo se simte bine ) ..An 2002..... Km 37 000 ...(mentionez ca nu stiu ce ulei a folosit fostul proprietar).

Si inca o intrebare...daca si-a instalat careva pe VFR ungatorul de lant Loobman sau orice alt merita investitia?



ORICE ulei full sintetic este foarte bun.

Nu conteaza brand-ul, alegerea iti apartine, doar sa fie full sintetic.

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As aprecia un sfat din partea voastra cu privire la brandul si tipul uleiului care s-ar potrivi la VFR-ul meu( regim Touring dar peste 6800 rot/min :) acolo se simte bine ) ..An 2002..... Km 37 000 ...(mentionez ca nu stiu ce ulei a folosit fostul proprietar).

Si inca o intrebare...daca si-a instalat careva pe VFR ungatorul de lant Loobman sau orice alt merita investitia?




Despre ulei discutia e mult prea lunga. Eu am mers cu Castrol Power 1 in fostul VFR (2002) si un schimb sau doua de Motorex cand n-am mai gasit Castrol, iar in actualul (2008) cu Motul 7100 si 300V, dar in mod cert nu mai pun 300V.


Am montat un ungator Scotoiller V-system si mi se pare ca merita, lantul are acum aproximativ 20.000km si a fost nevoie sa-l intind doar o data. Din cand in cand mai trebuie curatat lantul daca mergi pe drumuri foarte prafuite, dar asta se intampla destul de rar, uleiul il curata destul de bine.



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Despre ulei discutia e mult prea lunga. Eu am mers cu Castrol Power 1 in fostul VFR (2002) si un schimb sau doua de Motorex cand n-am mai gasit Castrol, iar in actualul (2008) cu Motul 7100 si 300V, dar in mod cert nu mai pun 300V.


Am montat un ungator Scotoiller V-system si mi se pare ca merita, lantul are acum aproximativ 20.000km si a fost nevoie sa-l intind doar o data. Din cand in cand mai trebuie curatat lantul daca mergi pe drumuri foarte prafuite, dar asta se intampla destul de rar, uleiul il curata destul de bine.



Cred ca mi-as pune si eu ungator.

Ce ulei bagi in sistem acolo ?

Este greu de instalat?

Se vede urat sau e "mascat" cumva ?

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In general cam toate uleiurile moto 10W40 de diferite marci sunt semisintetice.


De ex la Motul, 300V - e full sintetic (cel putin asa sustin ei) si 5100 este semisintetic.


La orice ulei 10W40, daca pe langa "synthetic" apare si cuvantul "blend" sau "based" - atunci e semisintetic.

Editat de B.B.
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10w40 sunt si full sintetic la ORICE gama de ulei.

Castrol power 1 sau motul 7100 sunt cele mai populare marci si sunt full sintetic.

Pretul este la fel la amandoua aprox.

Undeva la 170 lei / 4 litrii.

Ce parere aveti despre ?



FUEL CONTROL DEVICE FOR VFR 800 F & V-TEC (including Interceptor)'98-'11 models



This listing is for one programmable ECU remapping unit for electronic fuel injected (EFI) motorbikes. (Fits the bike and model specified in the title)

*It will not fit any carb equipped models


The device can activate 15 different ECU maps which include fuel economy and power increase options.(ECU is the electronic unit that controls the fuel system of all fuel injected bikes and stores the fueling maps that are responsible for your bike's performance.)

+ Fully compatible with other fuel management devices, ECU flashers and Timing Retard Eliminators or de-restrictors of other brands like Yoshimura or Nikko.It does not affect or interfere with their functions.


What is the Nitro X Fuel Commander?

Nitro X is a simple fuel management control system that can help you select the best performance program for your needs and also resolve fueling issues that have been caused by aftermarket exhausts and racing air filters.

  • You can reset back to normal (factory settings) any time you want.





The device can manipulate the ECU by controlling some sensors of the bike and force it to change fueling maps.This way it can activate 15 different fueling maps that can provide for the fuel needs of most common mods like racing exhausts or high flow air filters or even for more uncommon mods like dry nitrous oxide systems for up to 20 HP gain.

- Activation of the different maps is achieved by turning on/off the buttons on the control panel of the device.

It is 100% safe!-The device works based on the factory standards of the ECU and it cannot cause any damage to your bike even in the long run.

It does not lean or overfuel the motorcycle in order to gain power.This is a common misconception but it is very unreasonable to believe that as both of the above situations cause loss in power and problematic function of the engine.In order to achieve power gain you need to adjust the fuel properly any exaggerations lead to power loss or malfunction.

It is more likely to cause damage with a computer programmed fuel management device with custom maps if you don't know how to make a custom map or program it on the laptop.

Bike tuning has been made simple and fun.

Nitro X Fuel Commander does not need computer programming and you don't need to have computer or other technical skills to use it.


  • Your stock or modified motorcycle will gain more power and torque.
  • All flat spots and fueling issues caused by aftermarket exhausts,air filters and other mods will be eliminated.
  • You save a lot of money as it is a really economical solution for fuel management.
  • Simple programming,easy to remember.Manual is included (English only).
  • 100% safe. No risk involved.You can play with the settings without worrying it can cause damage.
  • Fuel economy.By adjusting the fuel sprayed by the injectors properly to provide for your actual bike needs,the motor functions perfectly saving fuel in everyday conditions.
  • Adjust the bike's performance to your driving style.



The product comes with detailed installation instructions (in English only) and there is also support site with detailed installation pages with photos and troubleshooting section.There you can also receive full support for all Nitro X products.

You do not need advanced technical knowledge to install the device and very simple skills are involved.

The device comes with complete wiring and special flexi-pins or connectors(depending on the model) that plug in the factory connectors. There is no cutting wires or soldering or any other risky procedure involved in the installation.

PLUG N' PLAY -The device is activated at the moment it is plugged into the bike's harness.Just select the setting you prefer and you are ready to go.

Models/years: depending on the type of connectors and sensors involved a NitroX device might fit many models and years of a specific bike.That's why sometimes you may see on the listing title more than one models involved or the phrase " All years".



Nitro X Fuel Commander can increase the horsepower significantly on any injection motorcycle.This Horse Power gain depends on the engine's capacity and potentials as well as the other parts and performance accessories already installed on a bike.With proper mods the power increase can be up to 15% on some bikes.



1. Your bike will produce more horsepower throughout the whole powerband and the torque will increase significantly.

2. Performance increase is dynoproved and equivalent in most cases to other expensive fuel management devices but you get it only at a fraction of their price.

3. In some cases bikes already using a different brand fuel management device show an extra power gain of 1-2 HP when combined with the Nitro X Fuel Commander

4. It is reasonably priced.

5. It eliminates the flat spots and power loss caused by aftermarket air filters and exhaust systems.

6. Easy on course change of programs especially when installed near the handlebars or on petrol tank.

7. It can provide enough fuel to cover the needs of any mod including dry nitrous systems for up to 20 HP power gain.

8. 2 years manufacturer's warranty.

9. Money back guarantee if not satisfied.

10. Support site & updated info and troubleshooting page.

11. Easy programming, no need to have ECU programming skills.

12. Does not need a laptop or computer for programming.

13. 100% safe. It cannot cause damage to the engine.Not even long term consequences to the engine's lifespan.

14. Easy to follow installation instructions.


Pare veritabil ? sau bullshit ?

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Cred ca mi-as pune si eu ungator.

Ce ulei bagi in sistem acolo ?

Este greu de instalat?

Se vede urat sau e "mascat" cumva ?


Inca mai am ulei de la ei (nu e exagerat de scump, doar ca tb comandat din timp ca sa nu ramai fara), dar stiu ca merge si altfel de ulei (nu stiu acum exact de care si nu vreau sa spun prostii).


Initial am pus "bidonasul" sub sea, dar din cauza spatiului mic statea intr-o pozitie aproape de orizontala, iar cand nivelul uleiului ajungea la jumatate incepea sa traga si aer pe furtun. Acum am relocat "bidonasul" undeva pe aripa spate, oarecum sub numarul de inmatriculare si nu-mi place neaparat cum arata, dar macar isi face treaba bine.


O solutie mai buna mi se pare cu "bidonasul" montat in spatele scaritei pasagerului in partea stanga cum are @styx.

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Pare veritabil ? sau bullshit ?


Iti dai seama ca pare bulshit ... am vazut si eu produsul, ma intreb daca e veritabil care ar fi justificarea diferentei de pret fata de PC ?




A testat cineva belray pana acum?



Am pus anul asta 15w50 de la Belray ... brici ... cutia nu mai clancane ca la 10w40

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Nu inteleg de unde moda asta de a baga ulei gros in motor ca sa scapi chipurile de zgomotele, de altfel normale, facute de motor si cutie. Pompa de ulei lucreaza bine cand uleiul are o anumita vascozitate. La motor in general am bagat 10w40, o singur data am avut 15w50 ca nu gasisem altceva pe stoc si vroiam atunci ... pana nu inchingeam motorul bine cutia mergea ca un poponeata si motorul se simtea ca merge aiurea ...

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Am inteles.... orice 10 w 40 full-syntetic chiar si semi-syntetic e OK .Poate o fi bun si 15 w 40 dar ma gandesc sa nu fie prea gros si sa strice cu ceva.Cu privire la ungator Scotoiller ,Loobman sau orice alt brand rog sa postati si cateva poze cum l-ati instalat.... aici sau PM .Multumesc!

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va salut si eu. sunt de ieri fericitul posesor al unui vfr 750 din 1996 luat de la cineva care l-a adus din italia si pe care urmeaza sa il inmatriculez. va rog sa-mi spuneti cat ulei intra in motor (am inteles ca 3,1 litri, dar nu sunt sigur). As fi vrut sa va intreb daca pot si are rost sa bag 5w40 in locul celui recomandat 10w40. motocicleta nu pare sa aiba foarte multi kilometri.

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Nu, nu baga 5w40.

Baga 10W40 de care trebuie. De unde va vin ideile astea? 5W40 pt moto nici nu prea se gaseste asa usor.


Cat despre ce cantitate intra, cand iti cumperi o motocicleta, primul lucru cauti manualul de folosire sau de reparatie pe net!!! Si acolo scrie exact.


Cauta pe google honda VFR RC36 service manual - e acelasi pt 1994-1997! Exista pe toate gardurile manualul, e cu prima pagina scris cu rosu HONDA VFR.

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Am inteles.... orice 10 w 40 full-syntetic chiar si semi-syntetic e OK

Nu, nu e "ok".

Daca tot ai cerut parerea pe forum, de ce nu tii cont de ea?

Toate lumea iti spune sa bagi full sintetic si tu ai ajuns la concluzia ca si semi-sintetic e ok.

Diferenta de pret NU este mare si n-are rost sa-ti bati joc.

De ce nu bagi mineral ? :)

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Nu inteleg de unde moda asta de a baga ulei gros in motor ca sa scapi chipurile de zgomotele, de altfel normale, facute de motor si cutie. Pompa de ulei lucreaza bine cand uleiul are o anumita vascozitate. La motor in general am bagat 10w40, o singur data am avut 15w50 ca nu gasisem altceva pe stoc si vroiam atunci ... pana nu inchingeam motorul bine cutia mergea ca un poponeata si motorul se simtea ca merge aiurea ...


Nu stiam ca e o moda ... stiu ca sunetele sunt normale dar cu noul ulei zici ca tai in unt. In carte scrie ca se poate pune si 15W50 si dat fiind ca jumatate din drumurile mele sunt in oras si motorul e tot timpul incins nu vad care ar fi problema.

In afara de operarea mai fina a cutiei nu am sesizat absolut nici o alta schimbare ... crede-ma am simturile ascutite :)


In alta ordine de idei , vine vre-un vfr-ist la t-festival in Jucu ?

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Nu stiam ca e o moda ... stiu ca sunetele sunt normale dar cu noul ulei zici ca tai in unt. In carte scrie ca se poate pune si 15W50 si dat fiind ca jumatate din drumurile mele sunt in oras si motorul e tot timpul incins nu vad care ar fi problema.

In afara de operarea mai fina a cutiei nu am sesizat absolut nici o alta schimbare ... crede-ma am simturile ascutite :)


In alta ordine de idei , vine vre-un vfr-ist la t-festival in Jucu ?

ieri au facut o promovare foarte faina prin oras... un bus cu etaj fara acoperis trecea prin centru si sus cantau niste copii LIVE, cred ca de la academia de rock a lui costi camarasan erau. awesooome!

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ieri au facut o promovare foarte faina prin oras... un bus cu etaj fara acoperis trecea prin centru si sus cantau niste copii LIVE, cred ca de la academia de rock a lui costi camarasan erau. awesooome!


E inscris si un VFR "modificat" :)

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Acuma am ajuns de acolo, singurul VFR ... al meu :)

Bine ca n-am venit si eu ca ... nu mai stiam care al cui este.

Cum sa-ti iei VFR cu aceasi culoare ca si al meu ? Nu ti-e rusine ? :)

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