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Acum 5 ore, Penetru a spus:

Trist dar foarte adevărat.


Nu râdeți, pe ruseste înseamnă "a dreaq".


Acum 5 ore, Kristian K a spus:

Io stiu ca e pizdietz,nu pizdetz.



Literal meaning: damn it

How to use it: Another word hailing from ancient language; its original meaning of ‘vulva’ distorted over time. It is among the words that have existed in the Russian language for almost as long as the language itself. Pizdets is the general description of a situation that went very wrong, so it can be used on its own as an exclamation or in a sentence: Vot eto pizdets!




The word "pizdetz" (пиздец) is attributed to "Russian mat", a sort of Russian slang which is based on sexual content an is commonly banned from official use as well as considered inappropriate for use in conversation by general rules of conduct. The Administrative Code of Russian Federation even sets a fine for public use of „mat”, though this sanction is purely formal and its use is seldom. „Pizdetz” is originally derived from the word „pi...zda”, which is a „mat” term for vagina. „Pizdetz” may carry different meanings. Here are the most widespread:

1) Short description of a situation, usually negative. This particular use is probably the most widespread. A situation may be described as heavily negative by this sole word. For example, an answer „Pizdetz” to a question „Kak dela?” (How are you?) bears a meaning close to „Everything’s totally fucked up”.
2) A characteristic of an object. In this case the word also generally bears a negative meaning, though may occasionally be used in opposite, to describe something very good. For instance, „Pizdetz, a ne mashina!” („Pizdetz, not a car!”, something like „Hell of a car!”) generally means a total wreck, but may sometimes mean the opposite, a very fast or a very powerful car. The true meaning can only be defined by the intonation and overall context of the conversation.
3) An end to something or someone. „Yemu pizdetz” („Pizdetz to him”) means that the subject (a person or a subject – an item, a business, etc) is already or about to be dead/destroyed. For instance, „Vasye pizdetz” means „Vasya’s done for it”, „Vasya’s six feet under” or something. „Nashey organizatzii pizdetz” – „Pizdetz to our organization”, „Our organization is finished”. May also mean something negative that happened to a person or object, e.g. someone got fired from his job.

Most commonly used phrases with „pizdetz”:

1) „Pizdetz prishol” - „Pizdetz came to us”. Used to tell that a certain negative situation, circumstance, has arisen.
2) „Polniy pizdetz” – „A full pizdetz”, „Total pizdetz”. The word „polniy” (full) is used in this expression to further enforce the negative meaning of a characteristic. In English language, the closest similarity would be „FUBAR” (fucked up beyond all recognition) and „Total FUBAR”.

If Russian is not your native language, here are some basic rules for using „pizdetz”:

1) Use it only when you are sure that you know how to use it correctly. Inadequate usage of „pizdetz”, as well as „mat” in general, may turn out to be very insulting.
2) Don’t use „mat¨ when talking to women. It is considered extremely impolite.
3) Consider the situation. Correct attribution of „pizdetz” may raise you popularity amongst a group of Russian men in the army, when fishing or hunting, in private conversations with your male colleagues, perhaps, but NEVER say this word during official events, for instance.


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Mi s-a parut ca e fun. 🙂


Un bărbat se duce la psiholog. 
– Domnule psiholog, ajutați-mă.
Nu știu ce am dar fac pe mine noaptea. 
– Cum așa? 
– Simplu. Adorm și încep să visez iar în vis vine la mine un marțian și mă întreabă: "Ai făcut pipi?"
Și eu zic:
 - Nu!
Atunci el zice:
-OK, hai să facem pipi.! 
– Dragul meu, zice psihologul, nu văd decât o soluție, una simplă: data viitoare când vine marțianul, spune-i că ai făcut pipi. 
Se duce omul acasă, adoarme și începe să viseze. Vine iar marțianul, îl bate pe umăr și-l întreabă: 
– Ai făcut pipi?
 La care bărbatul zice mândru: 
– Da! 
Marțianul zâmbește și spune: 
– OK! …Atunci hai să facem caca!

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