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lume lume soro lume, tot am primit de la forumul asta zic sa mai si dau, am gasit niste "filme" documentare  sa le zicem asa:




deci care vreti dati un PM


is maricele, 1h si 10-20min, ala cu lorenzo e mic.

Chiar acum, frigider a spus:

ala cu lorenzo e mic

sa fie coincidenta? :grinbandit:

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O adevărată premieră de business a avut loc recent în România, după ce compania autohtonă CryptoDATA Tech a devenit de curând acționar majoritar și strategic al echipei RNF MotoGP Team, pentru o expunere de aproximativ 50 de milioane de euro în patru ani a brandului de IT românesc.

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Acum 23 minute, damager a spus:


O adevărată premieră de business a avut loc recent în România, după ce compania autohtonă CryptoDATA Tech a devenit de curând acționar majoritar și strategic al echipei RNF MotoGP Team, pentru o expunere de aproximativ 50 de milioane de euro în patru ani a brandului de IT românesc.


o sa aiba niste piloti tari si o moto decenta...

dar yama si honda vor veni cu upgradeuri majore.. de ducati nu mai zic.

sper sa fie cel putin la fel de buna aprilia sa aiba sanse la victorii.

ma tem ca se vor ridica mult ceilalti concurenti si aprilia iar va ramane underdog. :(



nu pot sa nu ma intreb:

fiind actionari majoritari oare au voie sa o arda si ei putin pe circuit cu aprilia lor? :grinbandit:

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Acum 28 minute, frigider a spus:


o sa aiba niste piloti tari si o moto decenta...

dar yama si honda vor veni cu upgradeuri majore.. de ducati nu mai zic.

sper sa fie cel putin la fel de buna aprilia sa aiba sanse la victorii.

ma tem ca se vor ridica mult ceilalti concurenti si aprilia iar va ramane underdog. :(



nu pot sa nu ma intreb:

fiind actionari majoritari oare au voie sa o arda si ei putin pe circuit cu aprilia lor? :grinbandit:

☺️. Eu inca astept comunicat oficial. Astia din presa ii fac actionari majoritari si daca au cumparat pachetul premium de sponsor.

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20 hours ago, damager said:

O adevărată premieră de business a avut loc recent în România, după ce compania autohtonă CryptoDATA Tech a devenit de curând acționar majoritar și strategic al echipei RNF MotoGP Team, pentru o expunere de aproximativ 50 de milioane de euro în patru ani a brandului de IT românesc.


Cred că Toma este fan MotoGP. Altfel nu prea-mi explic. Oricum, foarte bine.


20 hours ago, damager said:

Eu inca astept comunicat oficial.


Today marks a historical milestone for the team. I'd like to thank CryptoDATA for putting their trust in me and the team for the future. In a short period of time, discussions have evolved into a long term commitment. We have extended our partnership, and as I previously stated, this is a fantastic collaboration. The union of the two companies will drive the team to not just perform in racing, but also to grow the business aspects of the team, and this is where both parties join forces to share expertise and experience. My main focus is to ensure the team fights for the championship while CryptoDATA’s team consisting of young, smart, innovative, and ambitious individuals will develop strategies to strengthen our position off track.


Razlan Razali - Founder and Team Principal, RNF Racing



We are delighted to extend our partnership and become the majority shareholder of the RNF MotoGP Team. The MotoGP World Championship is an exclusive and international showcase, a special universe where the starting grid is a stage for heroes in which CryptoDATA has found its space by sharing its values and objectives. We became the first Romanian company to Title Sponsor a Moto Grand Prix at the Red Bull track this year, and we are now more excited and motivated than ever to become the majority shareholder in the RNF Team. This represents not only a historical milestone for CryptoDATA, but also a new beginning and a significant incentive.


Ovidiu Toma - CEO and Founder, CryptoDATA Tech



The agreement that Razlan Razali has reached with CryptoDATA allows him to maintain the viability and presence of his project in MotoGP. We are delighted to see a new sponsor supporting a team, especially one that Dorna brought to the championship. We were happy with the relationship with CryptoDATA at the Austrian Grand Prix, they have the idea to develop and the idea to put things together with Aprilia next year which is the stability needed for MotoGP, it’s a very warm welcome for CryptoDATA to MotoGP. The fact that they are not just limiting their participation in the sponsorship area but in an entire team shows the importance of Motorsport and of MotoGP in particular. We know that Razlan had many requests, and we believe he has chosen the best option for the future and to consolidate his structure.


Carmelo Ezpeleta - CEO, Dorna Sports

Editat de PzKpfW
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Acum 5 minute, PzKpfW a spus:


Cred că Toma este fan MotoGP. Altfel nu prea-mi explic. Oricum, foarte bine.


In timpul Marelui Premiu al Austriei a intrat in direct la Prima Sport si a povestit de unde ideea de a participa. Inca de atunci a zis ca vor sa se implice la/cu echipa in sezonul 2023, dar nu a zis concret. Ma asteptam sa fie vorba despre o echipa de la Moto2. Tot atunci a zis ca vizeaza si intrarea in F1 in anii urmatori. De urmarit. 

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Acum 12 minute, PzKpfW a spus:


Cred că Toma este fan MotoGP. Altfel nu prea-mi explic. Oricum, foarte bine.



Today marks a historical milestone for the team. I'd like to thank CryptoDATA for putting their trust in me and the team for the future. In a short period of time, discussions have evolved into a long term commitment. We have extended our partnership, and as I previously stated, this is a fantastic collaboration. The union of the two companies will drive the team to not just perform in racing, but also to grow the business aspects of the team, and this is where both parties join forces to share expertise and experience. My main focus is to ensure the team fights for the championship while CryptoDATA’s team consisting of young, smart, innovative, and ambitious individuals will develop strategies to strengthen our position off track.


Razlan Razali - Founder and Team Principal, RNF Racing



We are delighted to extend our partnership and become the majority shareholder of the RNF MotoGP Team. The MotoGP World Championship is an exclusive and international showcase, a special universe where the starting grid is a stage for heroes in which CryptoDATA has found its space by sharing its values and objectives. We became the first Romanian company to Title Sponsor a Moto Grand Prix at the Red Bull track this year, and we are now more excited and motivated than ever to become the majority shareholder in the RNF Team. This represents not only a historical milestone for CryptoDATA, but also a new beginning and a significant incentive.


Ovidiu Toma - CEO and Founder, CryptoDATA Tech



The agreement that Razlan Razali has reached with CryptoDATA allows him to maintain the viability and presence of his project in MotoGP. We are delighted to see a new sponsor supporting a team, especially one that Dorna brought to the championship. We were happy with the relationship with CryptoDATA at the Austrian Grand Prix, they have the idea to develop and the idea to put things together with Aprilia next year which is the stability needed for MotoGP, it’s a very warm welcome for CryptoDATA to MotoGP. The fact that they are not just limiting their participation in the sponsorship area but in an entire team shows the importance of Motorsport and of MotoGP in particular. We know that Razlan had many requests, and we believe he has chosen the best option for the future and to consolidate his structure.


Carmelo Ezpeleta - CEO, Dorna Sports


yep, tocmai ce am vazut. e oficial.

Dar, vezi subtila diferenta? 

We became the first Romanian company to Title Sponsor a Moto Grand Prix at the Red Bull track this year, and we are now more excited and motivated than ever to become the majority shareholder in the RNF Team

Inteleg ca vor sa mergeurasca cumva in viitor  RNF cu CryptoDAta, dar in momentul asta, CryptoData nu e major shareholer la RNF. cel putin eu asa inteleg nu?

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3 minutes ago, therocketscientist1 said:

De urmarit.


Cum toți forumiștii vor deveni brusc fani Miguel Oliveira și Raúl Fernández /s


@damager - nu cred că am sesizat vreo nuanță. Vezi ce a zis Ezpeleta:


"The fact that they are not just limiting their participation in the sponsorship area but in an entire team (...)"


Se vorbește la prezent. Este done deal.

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Acum 4 minute, PzKpfW a spus:


Cum toți forumiștii vor deveni brusc fani Miguel Oliveira și Raúl Fernández /s


@damager - nu cred că am sesizat vreo nuanță. Vezi ce a zis Ezpeleta:


"The fact that they are not just limiting their participation in the sponsorship area but in an entire team (...)"


Se vorbește la prezent. Este done deal.

Nu inteleg de ce atunci Toma vb de "to become". Ma rog, oricum ar fi este un mare pas inainte. 

eu  zis dinainte ca abia astept sa-l vad pe Oliveira pe aprilia. Am feelingul ca i se potriveste, si pana acuma lucrurile merg in directia corecta, e in timpul lui Vinales si Esp. Deci a inteles destul de repede mobra

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Acum 38 minute, PzKpfW a spus:

Ar fi foarte fain o Aprilia cu adevărat competitivă care să se bată constant pentru victorii și titlu. Am impresia că anul ăsta i-a depășit situația. Au început bine dar s-au pierdut pe parcurs. Mai au de învățat.

Au mers bine unde au avut date. Unde nu au avut date din teste mai greu. Au svut si niste pb de fiabilitate si greseli.

pacat ca au pierdut locul 3.

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Acum 4 ore, damager a spus:

Au mers bine unde au avut date. Unde nu au avut date din teste mai greu. Au svut si niste pb de fiabilitate si greseli.

pacat ca au pierdut locul 3.

Se da urmatorul enunt: in ultima etapa, Aprilia a pierdut locuri in toate clasamentele, cu urmatoarele diferente fata de locul superior din clasament:

- piloti  7p

- constructori 8p

- echipe 3p

Se cere: calculati cate puncte a pierdut Aleix in celebra cursa „incheiata“ cu un tur mai devreme 😀

Editat de ilarionciobanu
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Acum 17 ore, therocketscientist1 a spus:

Pentru ca toti suntem fani SRT/RNF de mici va recomand aceasta mini serie:


foarte interesante unele discutii. pacat ca aceste mini serii se pierd printre multele video-uri de pe pagina MotoGP. 

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Morbi: "I think I improved the feeling especially with the new chassis which is more similar to Fabio’s. I like that type of frame so that was positive. "


 Sa inteleg de aici ca Morbi nu a mers, pana acum, cu aceeasi specificatie de sasiu, ca cea a lui  Fabio? Stie cineva detalii, in legatura cu aspectul asta? 

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La 08.11.2022 la 22:45, ilarionciobanu a spus:

Se da urmatorul enunt: in ultima etapa, Aprilia a pierdut locuri in toate clasamentele, cu urmatoarele diferente fata de locul superior din clasament:

- piloti  7p

- constructori 8p

- echipe 3p

Se cere: calculati cate puncte a pierdut Aleix in celebra cursa „incheiata“ cu un tur mai devreme 😀

cumva fix 9 daca tin bine minte? :grinbandit:

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