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MotoGP presezon 2020


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....e un Ilie Dumitrescu al motogp'ului :crack:

Acum 5 ore, john17 a spus:

Pt asta le trebuie Marcel! 

Da stiu si ei asta,si il tot curteaza,dar bulangiul cel mic nu se da dus de la Honda.

Sa mai puna si ei 5 meleoane peste cat i-au dat lui Lorenzo ca na...e vorba de un smecher natural.Alti bani alta distractie.

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Neah.Toti pilotii profi se apropie la 2-1.5s ba chiar Rossi in tinerete la 1s/tur de timpii pilotilor de F1...dar dupa aceea se taie.E imposibil sa scoti timpii celor din F1.Hamilton ala pare (si pe alocuri este) un manelist,dar ca si meserie....jos palaria.Sunt speshiali.La fel ca cei din gp pe "ramura" lor.

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La 18.12.2019 la 16:47, Method a spus:

M-as mira sa accepte.Vorba lui Rossi,Lorenzo tine la bani,iar Yamaha e chitra mare,si-a facut echipa de teste precum a vrut Rossi,dar are tot piloti japonezi care scot cu 4 s/tur mai slab decat normalul.

Eu spun ca pot sa imbunateasca ei cat de mult,cu Dovi nu vor reusi sa aiba pretentii la un titlu,iar cu Petrux nici atat.Pentru ca ma gandesc ca asta vor nu?Sa se bata la titlu.Ori pentru asta tre sa treci de Marcel.

incep sa apara zzvonuri


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Acum 55 minute, megamotoreta a spus:

Cu ce-l ajuta drogurile pe pilot?

N auzi ca mușchi? 

E o chestie fizică dat capăt la moto de gp.

Acum 3 ore, damager a spus:

Lol o sa scoată timpi mai buni decât piloții de uzina 

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Acum 9 ore, megamotoreta a spus:

Cu ce-l ajuta drogurile pe pilot?

Ajuta la recupersre si la dureri de articulatii

Jarvis explained with Yamaha hunting vital top speed and traction gains. “One of the problems we found last year was the way we did our testing in Europe was different to the way they did it in Japan.

“So, it was difficult to compare the same information, the same feedback and interpretation because you had different ways of working and different ways to approach it.

“We decided to use the same test team, the Japanese team, they will do the European testing as well. It is a testing team that will travel to European circuits and also work at circuits in Japan.


Cum sa te dezvolti intr-o directie anume cand astia testau cu o echipa in japoina si cu alta in europa 🙈

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Vizitator john17
La 24.12.2019 la 6:14, P T R a spus:

Cum sa te dezvolti intr-o directie anume cand astia testau cu o echipa in japoina si cu alta in europa 🙈

Multilateral..? 🤓

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Acum 9 ore, damager a spus:

Pana la urma se pare ca Lorenzo se duce in wsbk cu Ms Racing :)

Explica te rog,ca nu am gasit nimic legat de wsbk






"Next year will be crucial," he said. "At the end of 2020 my contract ends, so unfortunately I will have to decide soon what to do, whether to continue or not.

"Logically, the decision to continue or not will depend a lot on the results. We have made changes in the team [including a change of crew chief], so we will see if we are able to be more competitive and faster. 

"To renew we must be stronger than we have been this year. If we are not, better not to renew."

Read Also:'s Top 20 bike racers of 2019: Who missed out

One factor that could impact Rossi's decision is if his former teammate Jorge Lorenzo becomes a Yamaha test rider after ending his grand prix racing career.

The Spaniard is understood to have been made an offer by Yamaha in the wake of the Iwata marque's split with previous test rider Jonas Folger.

“If he got back on the M1 he would be strong," Rossi said of the possibility of Lorenzo joining Yamaha during the Valencia GP weekend. "The problem is that he wants a lot of money and for Yamaha it is a bit difficult!

"I would love to have Lorenzo as a tester because he is a very fast rider and he could help us."



Editat de P T R
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Acum 2 ore, P T R a spus:

Explica te rog,ca nu am gasit nimic legat de wsbk






"Next year will be crucial," he said. "At the end of 2020 my contract ends, so unfortunately I will have to decide soon what to do, whether to continue or not.

"Logically, the decision to continue or not will depend a lot on the results. We have made changes in the team [including a change of crew chief], so we will see if we are able to be more competitive and faster. 

"To renew we must be stronger than we have been this year. If we are not, better not to renew."

Read Also:'s Top 20 bike racers of 2019: Who missed out

One factor that could impact Rossi's decision is if his former teammate Jorge Lorenzo becomes a Yamaha test rider after ending his grand prix racing career.

The Spaniard is understood to have been made an offer by Yamaha in the wake of the Iwata marque's split with previous test rider Jonas Folger.

“If he got back on the M1 he would be strong," Rossi said of the possibility of Lorenzo joining Yamaha during the Valencia GP weekend. "The problem is that he wants a lot of money and for Yamaha it is a bit difficult!

"I would love to have Lorenzo as a tester because he is a very fast rider and he could help us."





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Ce va zicea mandea,ca nu are nimic,ca totul a fost o manevra sa scape Honda de el!Facuta mai soft,cu implicarea lui Big Boss!!

Lorenzo a marcat banul pe inca un an (de la Dorna/Honda) si acum isi cauta de lucru!Probabil are vreo clauza sa nu se dea un an in motogp

si atunci cauta ca pilot de teste,wild card sau WSBK!Nu a fost niciodata rupt sa fie pus in pericol real de paralizie si alte minunatii(cum credeau unii pe aici)!

Nici Honda si nici Dorna nu ar fi riscat o secunda sa se intample o nasolie cu el si sa ramana paralizat!La fel si acum,nici Yamaha,nici nimeni nu risca sa se intample ceva cu el!

Deci e bine ,baiatul,stati linistiti!Festivitatea aia lacrimogena a fost o comedie prost regizata!

Daca se duce in WSBK e foarte bine pentru competitie,e un  nume greu,care va atrage atentia!

Apropo,ca pilot de teste esti mult mai expus la cazaturi decat un pilot de cursa!

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5 hours ago, Doctor X said:

Cine și l-ar fi imaginat pe Georgel coleg cu Maria Herrera, călărind o motoretă de 321 cc?


Cum cine? Vezi mai sus.

Eu am auzit "pă surse" că vine în RoSbk... 😂

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