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Orice postat de florinelu07

  1. Ca nu ai luat este alta poveste.... dar: Information is correct at the time of publishing (1st January 2016) New French Law from the 1st January 2016 – Reflective Jackets / Fluorescent Vest A New French Road Traffic Law has come into force for motorcyclists and scooter riders and three wheels vehicles i.e. Trikes regarding the requirement to carry a fluorescent vest, this must be in reach of the rider and pillion or passengers from the seat of the Motorcycle / Vehicle, “in other words you cannot get off your motorcycle then goto your luggage to put the jacket / vest on” So the best advise I can give is to wear your Hi Viz Vest or jacket while riding in France at all times. The Fine / Penalty Reflective Jackets / Fluorescent Vest: There will be a €11 fine if you get spot checked by police and you don’t have one with you, though the fine can rise to €135 per person if you are caught not wearing it at the roadside. So if you get checked by the french police don’t get off your motorcycle just wait for the police to come to you… Reflective Motorcycle Helmet Stickers: from the 1st January 2016: The EU commision response to MEP helmet sticker question. Regulation No 22 leaves the mandating of conspicuity marks to the discretion of individual Contracting Parties, allowing them to prohibit the use of helmets not meeting the conspicuity requirements. However, it is the Commission’s understanding that the obligation contained in the French legislation cannot apply retroactively to helmets already in use. As a consequence, foreign motorcycle riders carrying a helmet not containing these reflective markings cannot be obliged to bring their helmets in conformity retroactively. Only new helmet types placed on the French market must comply with the new requirements and bear this reflective material. But it is up-yo you? Comment: World Motorcycle Rider Graham Saunders and Owner of Toursareus World Motorcycle Tours has said, to be clear Just put these stickers on your helmet then you will comply with the french road traffic laws and not get prosecuted (Fined) by the police authorities and it will save you a lot of hassle and money, this also goe’s for the Fluorescent Vest Just ware it while in France…
  2. Si in Ro, fac sula mare pe forum.... Imi revizuiesc postarile vis-a-vis de acest subiect. Sanatate maxima rider-ului, sanctiune maxima pentru sofer daca nu iesim in strada ca la Oprea (ca tot pe intuneric si ploaie s-an intamplat) » Post actualizat in 12 Oct 2016 05:31 typo
  3. In alte tari iei amenda daca nu ai elemente reflectorizante pe echipament. Franta te frige cu vreo 60 eur daca nu ai reflectorizant pe casca (zi & noapte)
  4. Taman la noi.... in infinitatea asta de drumuri si autostrazi... te prinde noaptea, ploaia, frigul si Golfu' din spate...
  5. evident ca te manca in coor ... » Post actualizat in 11 Oct 2016 13:27 presupunem ca legal 100% vinovat este conservarul, dar: pana mea, era bezna, ploua tare (incat sa nu poti merge mai tare de 60-70 kmh), frig, autostrada ...
  6. iti dai seama ce conditii de trafic erau la ora si pre vremea aia, daca un Golf a luat pe faras un R6..... si l-a luat bine, deci nu au fost diferenta mica de viteza... a inflorit tot botul la masina... apropos, in conditiile in care este "aranjat" finut motorul la semnale si numar, poate iese oleaca de iures si ii mai si plateste reparatia lu' nea cu Golfu'
  7. bezna... umezeala... frig... autostrada... te mananca....
  8. Penibil de slab Thriller fain Slab... si greu de priceput ceva... Jenant, lipsit de credibilitate si 90% filmat in studio cu decoruri false.
  9. ce de bani.... » Post actualizat in 03 Oct 2016 10:34 » Post actualizat in 03 Oct 2016 12:31 putin off-topic
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