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BMW R1200/1250 GS/GSA/RS/RT/R LC - 2013->

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Sincer să fiu nici nu cred că aș vrea să te cunosc, ... , deși văd că are ceva postări.

ceva ma face sa cred ca este vorba de Raul, care dupa mine intra la "baieti ok" :)

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Un al unghi, un alt balon. Asta ca sa poluam linia de porcaiala a topicului...



devazut-ule (_raul_), te urmaream cu placere pe vremuri. Deh, toti imbatranim, nici eu nu mai citesc ca alta data, si tu te-ai apucat de psihologie...


Apropos de indicatorul de nivel al benzinei - am crezut ca am pus-o! S-a dovedit ca sarise plutitorul (nu am banda magica) la o flotare.

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Nu imi aduc aminte o minima discutie serioasa pe topicul acesta despre Kevin Ash. Omul nu era decat un mic Dzeu pe doua roti in UK. Cand m-am dat cu 1200 GS la drive test si am spus ca are fata prea usoara, ghidonul prea moale si ca vobleaza usor la fiecare schimbare mai serioasa de treapta, s-a otetit lumea pe forum. In rest, uber alles!

Pai de ce pe topicul asta?? Au avut grija Harea & co pe topicul potrivit ;) Si, fara ca cineva sa fi dovedit inca ceva, eu oricum am sfatuit pe oricine cu GS din 2013 fie sa nu-l ia deloc, fie sa puna amortizorul de la TT.

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Un al unghi, un alt balon. Asta ca sa poluam linia de porcaiala a topicului...

attachicon.gif2016-06-24 19.22.21.jpg


devazut-ule (_raul_), te urmaream cu placere pe vremuri. Deh, toti imbatranim, nici eu nu mai citesc ca alta data, si tu te-ai apucat de psihologie...


Apropos de indicatorul de nivel al benzinei - am crezut ca am pus-o! S-a dovedit ca sarise plutitorul (nu am banda magica) la o flotare.

man ... da o si tu la PSIHOPUPU si zii ca ne au adus uleiul pentru BMWuri cu ...BALONUL CASTROL!!!!!

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BMW e din 2015 cu Shell, nu mai e cu Catrol :D

boSS.... meri tu la LC urile tale ......noi astai BALON tot cu CASTROL ne ungem......CLAR!!!!


asta inseamna sa fii mafiot .... sa pleci in TURA CU VLAD .... si sa iei si BALONUL CU ULEI dupa tine


restu e basini


pentru autografe si bere ....astept inscrieri...lada frigorifica e goala




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Apropos de indicatorul de nivel al benzinei - am crezut ca am pus-o! S-a dovedit ca sarise plutitorul (nu am banda magica) la o flotare.

ai iai iai ... nici nu stii ce ai pierdut!

sa-ti traiasca!





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topicurile astea de modele ar trebui sa aiba contributii de la oamenii care au modelul respectiv si au probleme / dileme, raspund la intrebari legate de el sau il vor... decent ar fi ca orice altceva sa se modereze... parerea mea.

» Post actualizat in 14 Jul 2016 21:33

pentru restul discutiilor sunt alte sectiuni / topicuri...

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Am vorbit de curand cu Harea si-mi spunea ca nu-i mai trebuie harjoneala pe topicurile BMW, ca s-a saturat, ca el nu mai zice nimic niciodata si ca si-ar dori sa-l lasati in pace.

Deoarece sunt un militant pentru pacea intre popoarele vecine :bandit: , hai sa-i dam o sansa si sa-l lasam in pace. Ia-o ca pe o rugaminte personala.

Daca-l mananca in fund si nu se potoleste, atunci sa fie jihad.

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» Post actualizat in 15 Jul 2016 07:56

GS urmasul vechi Dacii. Cu ele devenim mecanici. Care n-are alta treaba. :tomato:



Am vorbit de curand cu Harea si-mi spunea ca nu-i mai trebuie harjoneala pe topicurile BMW, ca s-a saturat, ca el nu mai zice nimic niciodata si ca si-ar dori sa-l lasati in pace.

Deoarece sunt un militant pentru pacea intre popoarele vecine :bandit: , hai sa-i dam o sansa si sa-l lasam in pace. Ia-o ca pe o rugaminte personala.

Daca-l mananca in fund si nu se potoleste, atunci sa fie jihad.



Cam cat de curand?

Editat de ERU
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R1200GS Torque Values


These descriptions and torque values (in Newton-Meters) are taken directly from the BMW REP-ROM for the 2005 model R1200GS (a CD-ROM provided to BMW dealers). The conversions to foot-pounds were done by a Perl script I wrote to multiply the Nm values by 0.738 to produce a ft-lb equivalent (with rounding up or down to the nearest integer value).

Apparently, in the past, BMW has printed some incorrect conversions for Nm to ft-lbs, and some of those have been repeated in other publications (including Clymers and Haynes manuals). If the Nm numbers from the REP-ROM are correct, and I have every reason to believe they are, then the ft-lb conversions shown below are also correct. The safest course, I believe, is to use a torque wrench calibrated in Newton-meters. Then there is no uncertainty.

I have shown the Nm values in BOLD, and the ft-lb values in RED, so you will be less likely to confuse the two. "Measure twice, cut once"

Engine Crash bar buffer to crankcase, M6 8 Nm (6 ft-lbs) Crash bar to engine, front right, M6 x 10, with loose washer 8 Nm (6 ft-lbs) Silentbloc to engine, M8 19 Nm (14 ft-lbs) Crash bar to engine, rear left and right, Hex nut M8 19 Nm (14 ft-lbs) Crash bar to engine, front left, M8 x 16 19 Nm (14 ft-lbs) Oil drain plug, M16 x 1.5 Initial torque, 23 Nm (17 ft-lbs)
Final torque, 32 Nm (24 ft-lbs) Engine block, M6 x 35 8 Nm (6 ft-lbs) Engine block, M6 x 50 8 Nm (6 ft-lbs) Engine block, M6 x 25 8 Nm (6 ft-lbs) Engine block, M8 x 60 19 Nm (14 ft-lbs) Engine block, M8 x 35 19 Nm (14 ft-lbs) Engine block, M10 x 110/130 Initial torque, 25 Nm (18 ft-lbs)
Final torque, 90° Cylinder to crankcase, left/right M8 x 55 19 Nm (14 ft-lbs) Cylinder to crankcase, left/right, M6 x 35 8 Nm (6 ft-lbs) Cylinder head cover to cylinder head
tighten in diagonally opposite sequence 10 Nm (7 ft-lbs) Cylinder head to cylinder Nuts of tie bolts, M10
tighten in diagonally opposite sequence Oil screw threads lightly
Initial torque, 20 Nm (15 ft-lbs)
Initial torque, 90°
Final torque, 90° Screw, M10 x 85 40 Nm (30 ft-lbs) Screw, M6 x 30 9 Nm (7 ft-lbs) Tightening cylinder head
Nuts of tie bolts, M10
In diagonally opposite sequence
slacken and retighten each nut in turn Initial torque 20 Nm (15 ft-lbs)
Final torque 180° Screw, M10 x 85, Slacken and retighten screw 40 Nm (30 ft-lbs) Starter cover to gearbox housing, M6 x 16 8 Nm (6 ft-lbs) Belt cover to engine, M5 x 14 5 Nm (4 ft-lbs) Belt cover to engine, M5 x 20 5 Nm (4 ft-lbs) Gearcase cover to crankcase, M6 8 Nm (6 ft-lbs) Belt cover to alternator, M5 x 16 5 Nm (4 ft-lbs) Clutch cover to engine, M6 x 16 8 Nm (6 ft-lbs) Crankcase breather
Vent connector to cylinder head, M6 x 16 8 Nm (6 ft-lbs) Belt pulley to crankshaft, M22 x 1.5 140 Nm (103 ft-lbs) Compensating weight to balancing shaft
Neck-down screw, M8 x 70 Replace screws
Initial torque 10 Nm (7 ft-lbs)
Final torque, 90° Gear wheel to balancing shaft, M8 x 50 19 Nm (14 ft-lbs) Camshaft Sprocket to auxiliary shaft, M5 x 16 Replace screws
8 Nm (6 ft-lbs) Pinion to camshaft, M10 x 1.25 x 25 65 Nm (48 ft-lbs) Chain sprocket to crankshaft, M6 x 16 8 Nm (6 ft-lbs) Housing for chain tensioner to crankcase, M6 x 25 8 Nm (6 ft-lbs) Chain tensioner to cylinder
left and right, M18 x 1.5 32 Nm (24 ft-lbs) Fastener of timing-chain slider rail
engine block, right, M10 18 Nm (13 ft-lbs) Rocker/follower with bearing
Locknut, valve adjusting screw, M6 x 0.5 8 Nm (6 ft-lbs) Timing-gear carrier, camshaft bearing, bearing cap left/right, M8 x 30 19 Nm (14 ft-lbs) Timing-gear carrier, camshaft bearing, bearing cap left/right, M8 x 40 18 Nm (13 ft-lbs) Timing-gear carrier, camshaft bearing, bearing cap left/right, M8 x 65 15 Nm (11 ft-lbs) Timing-gear carrier to cylinder head left/right, M6 x30 8 Nm (6 ft-lbs) Timing-gear carrier to cylinder head left/right, M6 x 60 8 Nm (6 ft-lbs) Oil supply
Cooling oil line (inside engine) to crankcase, right
Banjo bolt, M14 x 4.5 25 Nm (18 ft-lbs) Cooling oil line (inside engine) to crankcase, left, M6 x 16 8 Nm (6 ft-lbs) Oil pump to crankcase, M6 x 40 Initial torque, 4 Nm (3 ft-lbs)
Final torque, 90° Oil intake in crankcase, right, M6 x 25 8 Nm (6 ft-lbs) Pressure relief valve in crankcase, right
Screw plug, M20 x 1.5 42 Nm (31 ft-lbs) Oil filter, Sealing ring wetted with engine oil 11 Nm (8 ft-lbs) Air intake to cylinder head left/right, M6 x20 8 Nm (6 ft-lbs) Engine Electrical System Primary spark plug to cylinder head
Bosch YR 5 LDE, M12 x 1.25 Thread free of oil and grease
23 Nm (17 ft-lbs) Secondary spark plug to cylinder head
Bosch YR 5 LDE, M12 x 1.25 Thread free of oil and grease
23 Nm (17 ft-lbs) Cover, secondary spark plug coil to cylinder head, M6 x 12 8 Nm (6 ft-lbs) Alternator to crankcase, M8 18 Nm (13 ft-lbs) Belt pulley to alternator
Flange nut, M14 x 1.5 50 Nm (37 ft-lbs) Wiring harness to alternator
Flange nut, M6 6 Nm (4 ft-lbs) Wiring harness to starter
Hex nut, M8 10 Nm (7 ft-lbs) Starter with gearing to engine, M8 x 60 19 Nm (14 ft-lbs) Oil temperature sensor, M14 x 1.5 30 Nm (22 ft-lbs) Oil pressure switch 30 Nm (22 ft-lbs) Transmitter for control unit
Knock sensor to cylinder, left/right, M8 x 30 19 Nm (14 ft-lbs) Speed sensor, camshaft, to cylinder head, M6 x 20 8 Nm (6 ft-lbs) Temperature sensor in cylinder head, outside, M 10 10 Nm (7 ft-lbs) Exhaust system Exhaust manifold to cylinder head, Acorn nut M8 19 Nm (14 ft-lbs) Rear silencer to rear frame section, M8 x 45 19 Nm (14 ft-lbs) Torca clamp to silencer and elbow, M6 x 20
Note: some versions of the REP-ROM say this is an M8 bolt and requires 55Nm (41 ft-lbs) -- which is too much for an 8mm bolt. Optimoly TA
8 Nm (6 ft-lbs) Oxygen sensor to exhaust elbow, M18 x 1.5 Optimoly TA
45 Nm (33 ft-lbs) Clamp, elbow, rear, M6 x 20 Optimoly TA
8 Nm (6 ft-lbs) Fuel preparation Holder for injection nozzle to throttle-valve stub, M5 x 16 5 Nm (4 ft-lbs) Intake air silencer
Airbox to rear frame, M6 8 Nm (6 ft-lbs) Fuel tank and lines Fuel tank to front frame
rear left with bracket fuel tank cover, M8 x 40 19 Nm (14 ft-lbs) rear right with bracket fuel tank cover, M8 x 40 19 Nm (14 ft-lbs) Holder, fuel tank to fairing bracket, M8 x 35 19 Nm (14 ft-lbs) Fuel filler cap to fuel tank, M5 x 30 2 Nm (1 ft-lbs) Fuel vent Bracket
activated charcoal filter to rear frame, M6 x 16 8 Nm (6 ft-lbs) Fuel pump unit to fuel tank
Sheet-metal screw cap 35 Nm (26 ft-lbs) Radiator Oil cooler to fairing bracket, M6 x 30 8 Nm (6 ft-lbs) Oil cooler line, flow line, to crankcase, M6 x 16 8 Nm (6 ft-lbs) Oil cooler line, return line, to crankcase Banjo bolt 35 Nm (26 ft-lbs) Fastener for oil cooler line, flow line, M6 x 12 8 Nm (6 ft-lbs) Fastener for oil cooler line, return line, M5 x 16 5 Nm (4 ft-lbs) Exhaust system Manifold to cylinder head, Acorn nut M8 19 Nm (14 ft-lbs) Rear silencer to rear frame section, M8 x 45 19 Nm (14 ft-lbs) Torca clamp to silencer and elbow, M6 x 20 Optimoly TA
8 Nm (6 ft-lbs) Oxygen sensor to exhaust elbow, M18 x 1.5 Optimoly TA
45 Nm (33 ft-lbs) Clamp, elbow, rear, M6 x 20 Optimoly TA
8 Nm (6 ft-lbs) Clutch Clutch housing to crankshaft
Never re-use the original screws, M11 x 1.5 Initial torque, 40 Nm (30 ft-lbs)
Final torque, 40° Clutch housing cover to clutch housing, M6 x 20 12 Nm (9 ft-lbs) Clutch slave cylinder to gearbox, M6 x 18 8 Nm (6 ft-lbs) Gearbox mechanical Oil filler plug, gearbox 30 Nm (22 ft-lbs) Oil drain plug, gearbox 30 Nm (22 ft-lbs) Gearbox to engine block, M8 x 55 20 Nm (15 ft-lbs) Gearbox to engine block, M8 x 35 19 Nm (14 ft-lbs) Gearbox to engine block, M8 x 70 19 Nm (14 ft-lbs) Gearbox to engine block, M8 x 50 19 Nm (14 ft-lbs) Gearbox cover to gearbox housing 9 Nm (7 ft-lbs) Gear potentiometer to gearbox 9 Nm (7 ft-lbs) Selector lever to selector shaft, M6 x 25 8 Nm (6 ft-lbs) Locknut, ball socket on selector rod, Nut M6 8 Nm (6 ft-lbs) Foot-operated shift lever to selector shaft, M6 x 25 8 Nm (6 ft-lbs) Ball end to selector lever, Ball end M8 10 Nm (7 ft-lbs) Locknut, ball end to selector shaft, Hex nut M8 10 Nm (7 ft-lbs) Ball end to selector shaft, Ball end M8 10 Nm (7 ft-lbs) Front forks Telescopic fork, ball-joint fork
Leading link to engine, M12 x 20 Initial torque, 45 Nm (33 ft-lbs)
Final torque, 73 Nm (54 ft-lbs) Threaded cap, leading link to engine, M42 x 1.5 Lightly grease threads with Never Seez compound
6 Nm (4 ft-lbs) Spring strut to front frame, Hex nut M10 x 1.25 Loctite 243
34 Nm (25 ft-lbs) Spring strut, front, to leading link, M10 x 1.25 Optimoly TA
40 Nm (30 ft-lbs) Ball joint to leading link, M14 x 1.5 Replace nut
130 Nm (96 ft-lbs) Ball joint in slider-tube bridge, M34 x 1.5 Lightly grease threads
Optimoly TA
230 Nm (170 ft-lbs) Fork bridge, lower, to slider tube, M8 x 1.25 25 Nm (18 ft-lbs) Sealing screw in fork plug, M4 x 0.7 Always fit a new O-ring
3 Nm (2 ft-lbs) Fork bridge to front frame, M14 x 1.5 Replace nut
130 Nm (96 ft-lbs) Fork bridge, top, with fork fixed tube, M10 x 1.25 Replace nut
Mechanical thread lock
40 Nm (30 ft-lbs) Quick-release axle clamp screws, M8 x 1.25 19 Nm (14 ft-lbs) Steering Steel handlebars to fork bridge, M8 x 30 1st front, 2nd rear -> gap at rear only (as viewed in forward direction of travel)
21 Nm (15 ft-lbs) Handlebar weight to handlebar, M12 x 1.5 x 80 Micro-encapsulated
21 Nm (15 ft-lbs) Handlebar fitting to handlebar (perch), M5 x 20 8 Nm (6 ft-lbs) Pivot screw, handlebar-fitting lever, M5 x 30 5 Nm (4 ft-lbs) Rear-wheel drive Cover to final drive housing, M8 Loctite 542
30 Nm (22 ft-lbs) Hex nut, drive bevel gear, M24 x 1.5 Replace screws
200 Nm (148 ft-lbs) Threaded ring, M65 x 1.5 160 Nm (118 ft-lbs) Oil filler plug in rear wheel drive, M12 x 1, with O-ring 11.2 x 1.8 20 Nm (15 ft-lbs) Rear wheel drive to swinging arm, M12 x 1.5 100 Nm (74 ft-lbs) Strut to final drive housing, M10 x 55 43 Nm (32 ft-lbs) Reaction link to frame, M10 43 Nm (32 ft-lbs) Lock nut, swinging arm to main frame, left, M24 x 1.5 145 Nm (107 ft-lbs) Bearing stud, swinging arm to main frame, left, M24 x 1.25 7 Nm (5 ft-lbs) Swinging arm to main frame, right, M6 9 Nm (7 ft-lbs) Strut left to strut right, M6 x 16 Micro-encapsulated
8 Nm (6 ft-lbs) Spring strut to rear swinging arm, M10 x 80 Loctite 243
58 Nm (43 ft-lbs) Spring strut to main frame, M10 x 1.25 Replace nut
Mechanical thread lock
50 Nm (37 ft-lbs) Brakes (w/ABS) Brake caliper to slider tube, M8 x 32 30 Nm (22 ft-lbs) Brake disc to front wheel, M8 x 20 Replace screws
24 Nm Front brake caliper bleed screw 5 Nm (4 ft-lbs) Brake caliper, rear, to cover of final drive housing, M8 x 25 24 Nm (18 ft-lbs) Brake disc to wheel carrier, M8 x 15.5 Micro-encapsulated
Initial torque, 12 Nm (9 ft-lbs)
Final torque, 30 Nm (22 ft-lbs) Rear brake caliper bleed screw, counter-hold w/f 12 banjo bolt, if necessary 5 Nm (4 ft-lbs) Brake master cylinder to rear frame, M6 x 20 8 Nm (6 ft-lbs) Brake-fluid reservoir to rear frame, M6 x 10 Replace screws
8 Nm (6 ft-lbs) Brake lines -- Connecting piece to rear frame, M6 x 16 8 Nm (6 ft-lbs) Brake pipes and hoses to components, M10 x 1 18 Nm (13 ft-lbs) Brake pipes and hoses to components, M12 x 1 18 Nm (13 ft-lbs) Distributor to front frame, M6 x 12 8 Nm (6 ft-lbs) Brake hose cover to strut, M6 x 16 8 Nm (6 ft-lbs) Vibration damper to ABS pressure modulator, M6 5 Nm (4 ft-lbs)
Variant, BMW Integral ABS (partially integral), can be deactivated Vibration damper to bracket, Nut M6 8 Nm (6 ft-lbs)
Variant, BMW Integral ABS (partially integral), can be deactivated ABS pressure modulator with bracket to engine, M6 x 16 8 Nm (6 ft-lbs)
Variant, BMW Integral ABS (partially integral), can be deactivated ABS pressure modulator with bracket and clutch cover to engine, M6 x 20 8 Nm (6 ft-lbs)
Variant, BMW Integral ABS (partially integral), can be deactivated Speed sensor to final drive housing cover, M5 x 10 4 Nm (3 ft-lbs) Speed sensor to fork leg, M5 x 10 4 Nm (3 ft-lbs) Foot operation Brake pedal stop, M6 x 20 9 Nm (7 ft-lbs) Brake pedal to rear frame, M8 x 40 Micro-encapsulated
21 Nm (15 ft-lbs) Wheels and tyres Quick-release axle in axle holder, M24 x 1.5 50 Nm (37 ft-lbs) Rear wheel to wheel carrier, M10 x 1.25 in diagonally opposite sequence
60 Nm (44 ft-lbs) Nipple on spoke, M4 4 Nm (3 ft-lbs)
Variant, Cross-spoked wheels Initial torque, spokes, M4 1 Nm (1 ft-lbs)
Variant, Cross-spoked wheels Counter-hold spokes, M4 1 Nm (1 ft-lbs)
Variant, Cross-spoked wheels Motorcycle frame Rear frame to engine, bottom, M12 x 50 55 Nm (41 ft-lbs) Rear frame to engine, top, M10 x 40 38 Nm (28 ft-lbs) Rear frame to gearbox, M8 x 55 1. Hand-tighten all screws;
2. Tighten gearbox screw first;
3. Tighten remaining screws
28 Nm (21 ft-lbs) Front frame to engine, M12 bolt Replace nuts
82 Nm (61 ft-lbs) Frame strut to engine, M10 x 40 Replace screws
38 Nm (28 ft-lbs) Frame strut to front frame, M10 bolt Replace nuts
38 Nm (28 ft-lbs) Center and Side stands Center stand to main frame, M10 x 30 40 Nm (30 ft-lbs) Center-stand stop to rear silencer, M6 x 16 6 Nm (4 ft-lbs) Side stand to pivot mount, M10 x 1 Micro-encapsulated
56 Nm (41 ft-lbs) Luggage carrier Luggage rack to rear frame, center, M6 x 25 Replace screws
Mechanical thread lock
8 Nm (6 ft-lbs) Luggage rack to rear frame, at sides, M6 x 30 Mechanical thread lock
8 Nm (6 ft-lbs) Rear carrier to rear frame section, M6 x 20 8 Nm (6 ft-lbs) Luggage carrier to rear carrier, M5 x 16 2 Nm (1 ft-lbs) Lock, seat latch, to rear carrier 2 Nm (1 ft-lbs) Clamp, case holder to rear frame, M6 x 50 12 Nm (9 ft-lbs) Case holder through rear carrier to rear frame at top, M6 x 35 12 Nm (9 ft-lbs) Adapter plate to luggage rack, M6 x 40 8 Nm (6 ft-lbs) Adapter plate to topcase support, M6 x 14 8 Nm (6 ft-lbs) Topcase support to rear frame, M6 x 20 8 Nm (6 ft-lbs) Hook retainer to adapter plate, M6 x 14 8 Nm (6 ft-lbs) Retaining pin for seat, rear, M6 8 Nm (6 ft-lbs) Mudguard and splash guard Mudguard, top, to fairing bracket, M5 x 16 2 Nm (1 ft-lbs) Mudguard, bottom, to fork slider tube bridge, M5 x 12 2 Nm (1 ft-lbs) License-plate carrier to rear frame, M5 x 16 2 Nm (1 ft-lbs) Mudguard to frame, rear, M5 x 14 2 Nm (1 ft-lbs) Spray guard to rear wheel drive, M6 x 20 Loctite 2701
8 Nm (6 ft-lbs) Threaded bush for spray guard to rear wheel drive cover, M6 Loctite 2701
10 Nm (7 ft-lbs) Spray guard to threaded bush, rear wheel drive, M6 x 20 Loctite 2701
8 Nm (6 ft-lbs) Motorcycle trim panels Fairing bracket to frame front section, M6 x 16 11 Nm (8 ft-lbs) Lug to fairing bracket left and right, M5 x 16 5 Nm (4 ft-lbs) Bracket, fairing, to bracket, tank cover left and right, M5 x 16 2 Nm (1 ft-lbs) Tank cover to tank cover, center left and right, M5 x 14 2 Nm (1 ft-lbs) Tank cover to bracket, tank cover left and right , M5 x 14 5 Nm (4 ft-lbs) Tank cover, center, to mudguard, front, top left and right , M5 x 16 2 Nm (1 ft-lbs) Headlight carrier to fairing bracket, M5 x 16 5 Nm (4 ft-lbs) Windscreen and footrests Windscreen to windscreen holder, M5 x 12 Replace screws
Mechanical thread lock
2 Nm (1 ft-lbs) Hand protector to mirror base, M5 x 12 2 Nm (1 ft-lbs) Footrest plate to rear frame section, M8 x 40 19 Nm (14 ft-lbs) Mirrors and ignition Mirror to clamping piece, M10 25 Nm (18 ft-lbs) Clamping piece to clamping block, M10 30 Nm (22 ft-lbs) Ignition/steering lock to fork bridge, M8 non-removable screw Micro-encapsulated
20 Nm (15 ft-lbs) Seat Seat mount, front, to frame, Hex nut M5 4 Nm (3 ft-lbs) Wiring harness Wiring harness with cable duct to rear frame, M5 x 10 2 Nm (1 ft-lbs) Wiring harness with cable duct to front frame, PT screw K35 x 12 1 Nm (1 ft-lbs) Earth cable, wiring harness, to engine, M6 x 10 8 Nm (6 ft-lbs) Wiring harness earth to crankcase, M6 x 12 8 Nm (6 ft-lbs) Wiring harness earth to cylinder head left and right, M6 x 10 8 Nm (6 ft-lbs) Starter relay with relay socket to rear mudguard, Combination cheese-head screw K35 x 12 1 Nm (1 ft-lbs) Battery with holder Wiring harness +/- to battery, M6 x 12 7 Nm (5 ft-lbs) Battery retainer to air filter housing, PT screw 2 Nm (1 ft-lbs) Switches and relays Handlebar grip, left, to handlebar, Self-tapping screw M4 1 Nm (1 ft-lbs) Throttle twistgrip to handlebar, M5 6 Nm (4 ft-lbs) Multifunction switch to handlebar left / right, PT screw K30 x 10 1 Nm (1 ft-lbs) Cover for multifunction switch to multifunction switch left / right, PT screw K30 x 10 1 Nm (1 ft-lbs) Brake-light switch, footbrake, to footrest plate, M5 x 8 5 Nm (4 ft-lbs) Cover for side-stand switch to rear frame, M5 x 8 6 Nm (4 ft-lbs) Cap to throttle twistgrip unit, M4 x 30 1 Nm (1 ft-lbs) Cover for Bowden-cable relay, M4 x 30 3 Nm (2 ft-lbs) Clamp, M5 x 16 5 Nm (4 ft-lbs) Multifunction switch handlebar fitting to handlebar left / right, PT screw K30 x 10 1 Nm (1 ft-lbs) Horn Holder for horn to fairing bracket, Hex nut M6 9 Nm (7 ft-lbs) Horn to holder for horn, M8 19 Nm (14 ft-lbs) Instruments Bracket for instrument panel to headlight housing, PT screw 3.5 x 12 1 Nm (1 ft-lbs) Lights and turn signals Headlight to fairing bracket, M6 x 30 5 Nm (4 ft-lbs) Flashing turn indicator to headlight housing, M6 x 16 5 Nm (4 ft-lbs) Rear light to license-plate carrier, Hex nut M6 4 Nm (3 ft-lbs) Flashing turn indicator to license-plate carrier left / right, M6 3 Nm (2 ft-lbs) Anti-theft alarm Anti-theft alarm to rear mudguard, M4 x 12 8 Nm (6 ft-lbs) Crash bar Screws, top, M6 9 Nm (7 ft-lbs) Screw, bottom, M10 25 Nm (18 ft-lbs)
Editat de Dan Nastase
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Doreii mioritici folosesc doar chei... ”dinamânometrice”...

In principiu, cu placere!

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In principiu utila informatia.

Dar ma intreb oare cati mecanici mioritici strang un surub cu cheia dinamometrica? Iar in plus sansa ca cei cativa care o fac sa mai aiba si o cheie americaneasca este aproape zero.

..... sefuu, matele ai tinut o gheie' din asta in mana???

eu toate pe care le am butonat' aveau indicatii in 2 unitati de masura

deci e buna info!!!

am in talon un bilet cu diferite cote de strangere pe suruburile de la eteieri, roti, prezoane

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Vizitator john17


am in talon un bilet cu diferite cote de strangere pe suruburile de la eteieri, roti, prezoane

Ai si dinamometrica in topcase?

Oricum din cate citesc si aud in ultima vreme se pare ca la BMW e indicat sa ai permanent la tine manualul complet de reparatie, trusa completa de scule si dispozitive + o duba de piese... Freude am fahren reparieren! :rusinica:

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Ai si dinamometrica in topcase?

Oricum din cate citesc si aud in ultima vreme se pare ca la BMW e indicat sa ai permanent la tine manualul complet de reparatie, trusa completa de scule si dispozitive + o duba de piese... Freude am fahren reparieren! :rusinica:

la fiecare iesite din aria garajului plec cu SDV ul dupa mine si BALONUL cu ULEI!!!

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Ai si dinamometrica in topcase?

Oricum din cate citesc si aud in ultima vreme se pare ca la BMW e indicat sa ai permanent la tine manualul complet de reparatie, trusa completa de scule si dispozitive + o duba de piese... Freude am fahren reparieren!



N-a că și-a chemat Harea minionii în ajutor.


:troll: :plsdie: :yousuck:

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  • Vizitator changed the title to BMW R1200/1250 GS/GSA/RS/RT/R LC - 2013->

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