nike Postat August 31, 2017 Share Postat August 31, 2017 Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
P T R Postat August 31, 2017 Autor Share Postat August 31, 2017 Nu avea cum sa ajunga sus. E fake poza )) Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
io, bogo Postat August 31, 2017 Share Postat August 31, 2017 Mi-a scapat un detaliu weekend-ul trecut: 300 Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
nike Postat Septembrie 1, 2017 Share Postat Septembrie 1, 2017 Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
P T R Postat Octombrie 19, 2017 Autor Share Postat Octombrie 19, 2017 MOTORSPORT.COM: What's it like working with the guy considered as the greatest rider of all time? ALEX BRIGGS: I think this question can be answered with one word, or a book of words! One word would be ‘incredible’. As for a book I don’t have time, so I will try to tell you in a paragraph. For me I have always tried not to think of him like that, and when I started he was not the ‘GOAT’. But as time went on it started to become clear. This guy has won races and World Championships on everything from a 125cc, 250cc, 500cc two-stroke, to 990cc, 800cc & 1000cc four-stroke – plus the Suzuka eight-hour endurance race. But if you stop to think like that as a mechanic you can lose perspective of what your job is. So I keep those thoughts at the back of my mind and do the job at hand. One of the great things about working for Valentino is appreciation of your efforts and the fact that he has always taken the time to show interest in me, my family and my interests. What is it that makes Valentino different to the rest? If you mean why is he so good, I suspect it’s like buying a computer; some are just faster than others, some have bigger CPUs and more memory. He is the equivalent to the fastest computer that you can buy that keeps regenerating! If you mean something that you can see or understand it’s this: his love for the sport. I mean everything about it, not just riding. He enjoys seeing the young riders win, he enjoys helping them. He has finished races where he has not won, but loved the race so much he can’t hide it. How does a team deal with something like Rossi's injury earlier this season? You can’t prepare for an injury and when they happen you take each one as it comes. Our response is dictated by the rider. Do we need to modify the handle bars for the injury, make some adjustment to the setting to help, like modify the brake, gear shifter or foot pegs? Apart from this we just all keep positive and help where we can. What is the team culture like in MotoGP? Is there as much friction between teammates and crews as is perceived from the outside? I think a lot of this is media and promoter driven. Honestly, there is some friction between riders as you would expect and I believe that is heathy in any sport. With regards to mechanics I would say very little angst at all. We all know that we all work hard, we also know that we may well be working with each other in the future or have worked and made friendships in the past. What's the best race of the year from a mechanics perspective? Any race you win! But over the years particular races become favourites, it might be because of the area, the people, or the food. My favourite race of of all time was Laguna Seca in the United States, which is no longer on the calendar, because we stayed in Monterey where the hotel, food, and town was fantastic. The race fans in the US are very dedicated and polite. Oh, and the golf courses around there were are some of the best in the world. What's the worst? Any race that your rider gets injured or crashes in the race. What do you do next, after working with Rossi? People ask this question often – every year I get asked will you do another year. This has happened every year for 25 years, and every year I never really know. I sign year-to-year contracts. I work for the best rider in history, and I was there for the first race in the premiere class, and I intend to be there for the last race! Your home race is next – what’s the best bit about a rare trip home? I would say catching up with friends. People from racing that I see less than once a year but only ever at Phillip Island. I also like being there before it gets busy and walking around town and enjoying the seaside atmosphere, it can feel a little like Monterey because of the sounds and the weather. Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
nike Postat Octombrie 20, 2017 Share Postat Octombrie 20, 2017 (editat) Nu esti fan, daca n-ai o jucarie d asta in sufragerie. Editat Octombrie 20, 2017 de ZaiR Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
xt600 Postat Octombrie 20, 2017 Share Postat Octombrie 20, 2017 "I work for the best rider in history...." A spus totul!! Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
B.B. Postat Octombrie 24, 2017 Share Postat Octombrie 24, 2017 O poza cu Guţă cu casca in cap. Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
warlock Postat Octombrie 24, 2017 Share Postat Octombrie 24, 2017 Mdap, nu stiu ce cauta personajul asta in garaj si nici BB pe forumul Fan Club Rossi Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
P T R Postat Octombrie 24, 2017 Autor Share Postat Octombrie 24, 2017 Mdap, nu stiu ce cauta personajul asta in garaj si nici BB pe forumul Fan Club RossiIti zic eu ce cauta ,o parere sincera.E prietemul lui din cred ca are interese sa nu spuna lucrurilor pe nume. Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
Nechifor Solitaru' Postat Octombrie 24, 2017 Share Postat Octombrie 24, 2017 (editat) Iti zic eu ce cauta ,o parere sincera. E prietemul lui din cred ca are interese sa nu spuna lucrurilor pe nume. BB il cauta pe Zair pe topicul lui Rossi in timp ce Zair il cauta pe topicul cu Marc Marquez Prea mult timp liber Editat Octombrie 24, 2017 de bimbominkia Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
nike Postat Octombrie 28, 2017 Share Postat Octombrie 28, 2017 BB il cauta pe Zair pe topicul lui Rossi in timp ce Zair il cauta pe topicul cu Marc Marquez Prea mult timp liber Avem linie speciala pe whatsupp, feisbuc si Lync. Aici unu e galben de bolnav iar altul eliberat conditionat.. Nu riscam! In plus de alta, parca te eliberezi mai bine la altu acasa Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
Ribo Postat Octombrie 31, 2017 Share Postat Octombrie 31, 2017 hahaha Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
nike Postat Decembrie 1, 2017 Share Postat Decembrie 1, 2017 Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
xt600 Postat Decembrie 2, 2017 Share Postat Decembrie 2, 2017 Poate il vedem pe Rossi in CM de Raliuri sau in Rally Raid.. Vad ca le are si cu masinile la superlativ. Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
Vizitator john17 Postat Decembrie 2, 2017 Share Postat Decembrie 2, 2017 Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
P T R Postat Decembrie 2, 2017 Autor Share Postat Decembrie 2, 2017 Frumos.chiar frumos. Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
nike Postat Decembrie 3, 2017 Share Postat Decembrie 3, 2017 Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
Pandy Postat Decembrie 3, 2017 Share Postat Decembrie 3, 2017 Rossi a castigat Monza Rally Show 2017 Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
nike Postat Decembrie 3, 2017 Share Postat Decembrie 3, 2017 da,da,da.. si Marcel suge carnatul :10: Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
xt600 Postat Decembrie 4, 2017 Share Postat Decembrie 4, 2017 Rossi a castigat Monza Rally Show 2017 Tare batranul... Un talent polivalent. Pe de alta parte, vad ca ia tot mai in serios cursele pe 4 roti... zvonurile ca ar putea ajunge in WRC sau in Dakar, ar putea fi adevarate. Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
finu Postat Decembrie 5, 2017 Share Postat Decembrie 5, 2017 Rossi a castigat de 6 ori raliul asta. Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
Altair Postat Decembrie 5, 2017 Share Postat Decembrie 5, 2017 Văd că l-a bătut și pe colin McRae. Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
xt600 Postat Ianuarie 20, 2018 Share Postat Ianuarie 20, 2018 Ezpeleta recunoaste ca il favorizeaza pe Rossi. Evident, nu pe circuit (nici nu prea ar avea cum). O spune foarte clar si raspicat. Asta ca sa moara haterii de necaz. Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
Doctor X Postat Ianuarie 20, 2018 Share Postat Ianuarie 20, 2018 Păi e normal. Cine aduce banu'? Dacă se retrage Rossi, profitul Dorna ba scădea la jumătate. Cel puțin. » Post actualizat in 20 Jan 2018 20:39 Păi e normal. Cine aduce banu'? Dacă se retrage Rossi, profitul Dorna va scădea la jumătate. Cel puțin. » Post actualizat in 20 Jan 2018 20:39 . Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
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