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Lucruri interesante,cică Pramac negociază cu Yamaha, da' și cu MM, caz în care rămân cu Ducati. În prima variantă primesc bani, în a doua dau...Să vedem ce iese...

Editat de Le Mertois
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Astonishing twist as Yamaha tipped to acquire Gresini.

"Taken for granted" in the Spanish MotoGP paddock that Gresini will join Yamaha.

Yamaha are now being sensationally linked with acquiring the Gresini team.

“It is beginning to be taken for granted” in the Jerez paddock at this weekend’s Spanish MotoGP that Yamaha’s search for a new satellite team will lead them to Gresini, Spanish newspaper AS report.

It would mean Marc Marquez would search for a new team and bike in 2025 - he would not follow Gresini to Yamaha.

Yamaha boss Lin Jarvis is quoted by the bombshell new report: “From next year there will be two more Yamaha M1s on the grid, and a satellite team will take care of them.

“I can't reveal the name of the team, but rest assured that the goal of having four Yamaha riders will be achieved.”

The latest twist is remarkable because Yamaha have been strongly linked with Ducati’s other two satellite teams, VR46 and Pramac.

VR46 reportedly rejected Yamaha despite the link of Valentino Rossi.

Pramac were in “advanced talks” to join Yamaha next year, Speedweek had reported.

But now Gino Borsoi, the Pramac team manager, has “smiled mischievously” when asked about the link between Yamaha and Gresini in the Jerez paddock.

Gresini reportedly have a release clause in their contract with Ducati which would require a new suitor to buy out.

But Yamaha have proven that they still possess deep pockets after signing Fabio Quartararo to a new deal which makes him the highest-paid MotoGP rider, at a time when it seemed likely he would seek a more competitive bike.

The struggling Japanese manufacturer has also been desperate to add a satellite team to its ranks for 2025, so that they can benefit from double the data.

After weeks of assumptions that VR46 or Pramac might move, it is now unexpectedly Gresini in line.

The knock-on effect would be that Pramac and VR46 would sign new deals to stay at Ducati.

The rider market, particularly surrounding Marquez, would explode in a completely new direction.

Marquez has spoken about his desire for a factory bike in 2025 and insisted “all doors are open”.

But he would not go with Gresini to Yamaha, meaning other teams may sense the perfect time to swoop for him.

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On 4/28/2024 at 5:39 PM, ENEOS said:

Că visează el factory, dar factory nu știu dacă visează la el.


Visează și are șanse. Alegerea se va face între el, Bastianini și Martín.


1 hour ago, xt600 said:


N-am mai văzut o Yamaha atât de diferită vizual de pe vremea lui Biaggi.



La HRC, băieții nu sunt prea impresionați de noul prototip pe care a mers Bradl.

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Acum 2 minute, PzKpfW a spus:



N-am mai văzut o Yamaha atât de diferită vizual de pe vremea lui Biaggi.

Da. Insa se pare ca nici Q nici Rins (mai ales Rins), nu sunt foarte entuziasmati. Desigur, poate nici nu vor sa dea din casa mai mult decat este necesar. 

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Nu stiu cand mai pot sa-l bage anul asta in calendar. Doar daca anuleaza alt circuit (India?)


The FIM, IRTA and Dorna Sports announce that the Grand Prix of Kazakhstan has been postponed until later in 2024


The FIM, IRTA and Dorna Sports announce that the Grand Prix of Kazakhstan has been postponed until later in 2024.


Unprecedented weather conditions have led to flooding across Central Asia, causing a national emergency in Kazakhstan and displacing much of the population. It would not be responsible for MotoGP™ to add any additional burden on the authorities or services as they work to help the tens of thousands of people affected across the country.



Sokol International Racetrack will therefore not host MotoGP™ on the dates previously announced, and any further updates will be published once confirmed.


As our utmost priority, MotoGP™ sends our condolences and support to the people of Kazakhstan and all those affected by the flooding in Central Asia. We hope the nation, region and communities affected can recover as soon as possible.

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Sunt mai curios ce o să se întâmple cu regulamentul WSBK. Dacă rămân lucrurile ca acum, superbike-urile vor deveni mai rapide/tur decât prototipurile de GP. Nu cred că Dorna ar lăsa să se întâmple asta.

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Acum 23 minute, PzKpfW a spus:

Sunt mai curios ce o să se întâmple cu regulamentul WSBK. Dacă rămân lucrurile ca acum, superbike-urile vor deveni mai rapide/tur decât prototipurile de GP. Nu cred că Dorna ar lăsa să se întâmple asta.


La cum merge piata moto, curand nu o sa mai vezi miare :)

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Piața moto merge ok, ceea ce nu se mai prea vinde sunt superbike-urile japoneze de 1000cc. Dar BMW vinde S/M1000RR destul de bine, Aprilia vinde RSV4... decent, iar Ducati vinde foarte bine Panigale V4. De văzut ce se întâmplă și cu MV Agusta acum, sub KTM.

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1 oră în urmă, PzKpfW a spus:

Piața moto merge ok, ceea ce nu se mai prea vinde sunt superbike-urile japoneze de 1000cc. Dar BMW vinde S/M1000RR destul de bine, Aprilia vinde RSV4... decent, iar Ducati vinde foarte bine Panigale V4. De văzut ce se întâmplă și cu MV Agusta acum, sub KTM.

la miare ma refeream ca ele sunt subiectul wsbk. R1 parca era scos din productie si se vinde doar versiunea pt curse sau confund?

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Acum 5 ore, PzKpfW a spus:

Piața moto merge ok, ceea ce nu se mai prea vinde sunt superbike-urile japoneze de 1000cc. Dar BMW vinde S/M1000RR destul de bine, Aprilia vinde RSV4... decent, iar Ducati vinde foarte bine Panigale V4. De văzut ce se întâmplă și cu MV Agusta acum, sub KTM.

Ce inseamna "destul de bine", "decent", "foarte bine"? Cateva zeci? Sute? Mii? Zeci de mii? La nivel mondial, desigur. 

Acum 6 ore, PzKpfW a spus:

.....superbike-urile vor deveni mai rapide/tur decât prototipurile de GP. Nu cred că Dorna ar lăsa să se întâmple asta.

Dorna, nu cred ca mai are vreun cuvant de spus, in sensul asta. 

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La 28.04.2024 la 16:36, damager a spus:

Astonishing twist as Yamaha tipped to acquire Gresini.

"Taken for granted" in the Spanish MotoGP paddock that Gresini will join Yamaha.

Yamaha are now being sensationally linked with acquiring the Gresini team.

“It is beginning to be taken for granted” in the Jerez paddock at this weekend’s Spanish MotoGP that Yamaha’s search for a new satellite team will lead them to Gresini, Spanish newspaper AS report.

It would mean Marc Marquez would search for a new team and bike in 2025 - he would not follow Gresini to Yamaha.

Yamaha boss Lin Jarvis is quoted by the bombshell new report: “From next year there will be two more Yamaha M1s on the grid, and a satellite team will take care of them.

“I can't reveal the name of the team, but rest assured that the goal of having four Yamaha riders will be achieved.”

The latest twist is remarkable because Yamaha have been strongly linked with Ducati’s other two satellite teams, VR46 and Pramac.

VR46 reportedly rejected Yamaha despite the link of Valentino Rossi.

Pramac were in “advanced talks” to join Yamaha next year, Speedweek had reported.

But now Gino Borsoi, the Pramac team manager, has “smiled mischievously” when asked about the link between Yamaha and Gresini in the Jerez paddock.

Gresini reportedly have a release clause in their contract with Ducati which would require a new suitor to buy out.

But Yamaha have proven that they still possess deep pockets after signing Fabio Quartararo to a new deal which makes him the highest-paid MotoGP rider, at a time when it seemed likely he would seek a more competitive bike.

The struggling Japanese manufacturer has also been desperate to add a satellite team to its ranks for 2025, so that they can benefit from double the data.

After weeks of assumptions that VR46 or Pramac might move, it is now unexpectedly Gresini in line.

The knock-on effect would be that Pramac and VR46 would sign new deals to stay at Ducati.

The rider market, particularly surrounding Marquez, would explode in a completely new direction.

Marquez has spoken about his desire for a factory bike in 2025 and insisted “all doors are open”.

But he would not go with Gresini to Yamaha, meaning other teams may sense the perfect time to swoop for him.

O echipa va fi distrusa, pe termen scurt spre mediu, sper.

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Dupa ce motoarele de 800cc nu au fost chiar crema si cea mai mare placere a pilotilor, chiar sunt curios ce se va intampla cu 850cc. 


Probabil o sa urmeze o schimbare de regulament si in WSBK in caz ca o sa mai existe.

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Acum 23 ore, Le Mertois a spus:


asta o sa fie destul de interesant: 



To level the playing field even further, GPS data from all riders will be available to all teams after each session. Providing data to all competitors offers better opportunities to progress for the less performing teams and riders, and at a controlled cost. Access to this range of data will help make the sport safer, and it will also increase the level of insight available to fans around the world.

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Să le pună și avertizoare de coliziune ca la Dakar, să țiuie când se apropie crashquez!

Editat de ENEOS
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Acum 19 ore, ioio_viola a spus:

To level the playing field even further, GPS data from all riders will be available to all teams after each session.

atunci se pot vinde paravanele din boxe :) :)

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Sa obligi echipele de uzina sa puna la dispozitia echipelor satelit/client datele, sa zicem ca este ok. In definitiv si echipele satelit pun uzinelor la dispozitie tone de date. Insa sa obligi echipele sa ofere moka tuturor celorlalti, datele obtinute, nu este deloc fair. Pana la urma este munca acelor echipe, este modul in care fiecare echipa isi pregateste cursa si incearca sa obtina un avantaj fata de concurenta. Mi se pare comunistoida treaba. Daca se doreste egalitate de sanse, pentru toti participantii (ceea ce este un lucru foarte bun), sa se faca un regulament tehnic care sa nu mai poata fi ocolit d'alde Jiji. De ce ar trebui sa puna Aprilia la dispozitia celor de la Ducati toate datele adunate de ei? Valabil si invers, desigur. 

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Acum 4 ore, xt600 a spus:

Sa obligi echipele de uzina sa puna la dispozitia echipelor satelit/client datele, sa zicem ca este ok. In definitiv si echipele satelit pun uzinelor la dispozitie tone de date. Insa sa obligi echipele sa ofere moka tuturor celorlalti, datele obtinute, nu este deloc fair. Pana la urma este munca acelor echipe, este modul in care fiecare echipa isi pregateste cursa si incearca sa obtina un avantaj fata de concurenta. Mi se pare comunistoida treaba. Daca se doreste egalitate de sanse, pentru toti participantii (ceea ce este un lucru foarte bun), sa se faca un regulament tehnic care sa nu mai poata fi ocolit d'alde Jiji. De ce ar trebui sa puna Aprilia la dispozitia celor de la Ducati toate datele adunate de ei? Valabil si invers, desigur. 

Datele de gps... trasa, viteza, accelerare/decelerare si cam atat. Nu alte date

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Acum 5 ore, xt600 a spus:

Daca se doreste egalitate de sanse, pentru toti participantii se face competiție monomarcă și se trag la sorți motoare, calculatoare etc.!


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