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Habar nu am italiana dar google spune ca " Stoner could return to MotoGP, but only when Rossi will be "retired". mai zice acolo de ceva timpi neoficiali din testul cu Stoner...probabil ca nu e adevarat nimic dar pana vine weekendul mai este :)))

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Au lansat astia de la Yamaha/Movistar o aplicatie pentru Android (cred ca si pt iOS), se numeste Piloto 360. Nu am reusit sa o instalez pe telefonul meu, ca nu mai am spatiu (si nesimtitul nu vrea sa instaleze direct pe card). E filmat onboard de pe casca, la 360 de grade (in genul Google Street View). Si te poti uita in ce directie vrei, miscand telefonul.


Editat de Jorge Lorenzo
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Nu pierzi nimic daca n-o instalezi.


Am instalat-o eu ieri :)

M-am uitat la filmulet de 2-3 ori si apoi am sters-o.

La mine n-a mers cu 360 decat daca dadeam telefonul peste cap (nu stanga dreapta cum arata ei).

Nah, interesant, dar e o prostioara pana la urma

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Ce relatie exista intre Ducati Pramac si Ducati Factory? Imi poate explica cineva mai pe larg?

Multam :peace:

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Ce relatie exista intre Ducati Pramac si Ducati Factory? Imi poate explica cineva mai pe larg?

Multam :peace:


Pramac a fost la baza o echipa privata dar care a devenit o adevarata echipa satelit pentru echipa oficiala Ducati, in sensul in care este sustinuta financiar de catre Ducati Corse. Asta inseamna ca puterea decizionala in cadrul echipei vine de la la Bologna, iar Pramac poate fi asimilata cu "o echipa de teste", de dezvoltare pentru echipa oficiala. In acelasi timp poate servi drept "echipa junior", in care Ducati poate sa creasca piloti tineri, veniti din clasele inferioare si sa le judece performantele in optica unei eventuale promovari la echipa oficiala (tactica este similara cu ceea aplicata in F1 de catre RedBull Racing, vis-à-vis de echipa Scuderia ToroRosso). Tocmai asta au facut cu Iannone, care a fost un experiment reusit.

Editat de PzKpfW
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Ma asteptam sa-l gasesc pe Crutchlow in frunte. Ca doar nu degeaba i-a zis lumea Crushlow. Cand colo MM e mai sus ca el.

De Smith eram sigur ca e campion la capitolul asta. Eu tot nu m-am prins ce cauta in MotoGP si mai ales la Tech3. Poate are buzunarul gros.

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La Valencia a cazut in ultima zi la prima curba si a aterizat la a doua curba :-)) dupa cum a declarat chiar el. Ambii genunchi crapati si un deget rupt. Apoi s-a suit pe Honda si a scos cel mai bun timp al sau in teste.


Asta imi place la el, cade, se ridica, se scutura si se urca iar la fel de hotarat pe motor.

Are o toleranta psihica la durere de invidiat

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Jeremy e ferm


Speaking to MCN, Burgess said: “I have drawn a line in the sand and for me to come back into MotoGP as the crew chief of a young rider would be a commitment of a minimum of five years. I’ll be 62 next year and it is not what I want to do and I don’t think it would be in the best interests of a team. Honestly speaking, with Valentino signing a two-year extension, it would have seen me probably checkout. I just don’t like the pressure of it having worked my entire life for riders who are expected to win a championship. I can sit at home now and I don’t want to be there on the start line making the call that could change the championship for the worst for that rider

» Post actualizat in 26 Nov 2014 19:05

As a rookie to MotoGP™ next season, the team’s new recruit Jack Miller is entitled to extra test days in order to smoothen the transition to the premier class, and was joined out on the 5.543-kilometre (3.444-mile) circuit by various test riders. Temperatures were cooler than during the scorching October race at the track, peaking at around 32°C, but with only four riders testing the surface took a while to clean up.


The Australian, who joins the motorcycling elite after finishing as the championship runner-up in Moto3™, was able to put in 39 laps of the track on his new Honda RC213V-RS until light rain at 4pm brought a halt to any further progress.


Testing continues at Sepang for Miller and the CWM LCR Honda Team on Thursday and Friday, when the 19 year-old will hope for better conditions to carry on with his adaptation to the new bike.


Jack Miller #43 (2’04.92, 39 laps):

"Today we got a chance to learn another track on the new bike and it is a completely different style here compared to Valencia. It was actually quite a difficult day because the bike was slipping and spinning up quite a lot, with there not being many bikes out on-track.


By the end of the day, though, I started to really enjoy myself. I’m learning more and more about how to adapt my style to the CWM LCR Honda and how to set it up a bit better. The bike is still incredible, I’m really happy with the power it has and so to ride it here in Malaysia and to be able to use its full potential is great. Tomorrow we will continue working on my riding style and we’ll see where I get to in the end."

Editat de P T R
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Mah, ce complex sa aiba?


El a fost campion mondial nu loser de serviciu.


In istoria motociclismului din Spania probabil ca este un gigant. A fost un deschizator de drumuri si daca astazi Spania domina MotoGP poate i se datoreaza si lui.

Editat de DStar
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