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1 oră în urmă, TETEA. a spus:

Ei, vrea sa arate ca usa e deschisa, la o adica. 

Dar si eu cred ca viseaza.


Declaratia este foarte diplomatica, insa tonul s-a schimbat. "We have our riders and we believe in them." este propozitia cheie.. Plus: "with Marc we sometimes joke" sau " but there's a very good relationship with Marc Marquez as a person" . Desigur, avem relatii bune cu el "ca persoana", mai glumim in parc ferme, il mai intrebam de sanatate, dar cam atat... Diferenta mare, fata declaratiile de pe vremea cand il curtau pe fata. Numai in fund nu-l pupau... sit transit gloria mundi.. Daca dupa revenire va avea performante, nu estre exclus sa revina la vechile declaratii, dar in acest moment, MM nu se mai afla pe lista de prioritati a lui Tardozzi. De la Honda va pleca, cand va fi dat afara si asta va echivala cu  o retragere, pentru ca nu stiu cine l-ar mai dori (poate doar KkTM), daca nu mai aduce rezultate. Sezonul 2023 va fi decisiv in cariera lui. 

Editat de xt600
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What’s it like when you’re fighting with the V4s? The battle between the inline-fours [the Suzuki and Yamaha] and the V4s [the Aprilia, Ducati, Honda and KTM] is one of the big stories in MotoGP.

The V4s can stop in less metres and they accelerate more, while we have more speed in the corners. When you are behind them you see that you brake in the same place as they do and you stop a bit less and go a bit wider, then they stop and you cannot carry your speed through the corner. Then you open the throttle in the same place as they do, you open full and then they go. It’s difficult to manage!


This may be a leading question, because we have heard rumours about you going to Honda in 2023, but when you look at V4 MotoGP bikes do they look demanding to ride and do you think you could ride one?

I’ve never tried a V4, so I honestly don’t know if a V4 will fit my style well. But I’m quite aggressive on the bike – I like to brake hard, stop the bike and then be smooth on the exit. For sure, nowadays every bike you ride will take you a few months to understand everything, because the level of the technology is so high now that you always need time.




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The Portuguese Grand Prix at Portimao will become the opening event of the 2023 MotoGP season, on March 24-26.

The venue takes over from Losail in Qatar, which has hosted the opening round of the MotoGP season since 2007, although the premier-class did not compete at the event in 2020 due to Covid restrictions.

Qatar has stepped down from the coveted season-opening spot due to ‘extensive renovation and remodelling to the paddock area and circuit facilities’, which has forced MotoGP’s only night race to be held later in the 2023 campaign.

Next year's Portuguese GP will be only the third MotoGP season-opener held in Europe in more than three decades. It will also be the first time Portugal has ever hosted the first race of the year.

There will be official pre-season tests held at the Portimão circuit during the weeks before the event, the dates of which - like most of the 2023 calendar - are still to be confirmed. 


The date of March 26 for the opening round has raised some eyebrows, since it is three weeks later than this year's Qatar season-opener, even though the 2023 racing season is again expected to consist of at least 20 rounds.

As such, next year's world championship will either end later than this year's November 6 date (Valencia) and/or the summer break - extended to five weeks this year due to the cancellation of Finland - will be reduced. 


The 2023 season will officially begin with a one-day post-race test at Valencia in November, which will now be the only chance for Official track time before the start of the winter testing ban, from December 1-January 31.


After the ban ends, a three-day Shakedown test will take place, at a TBC venue, for factory test riders and MotoGP rookies.

There will then be two Official tests, one of three days and the other of two days, before the start of the season.

One of those official tests will now be at Portimao.

The other venue is still to be confirmed but Sepang in Malaysia has traditionally hosted both the Shakedown and opening Official test.

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La 02.08.2022 la 0:56, xt600 a spus:

mir a semnat doar pt 1 an. Intresant... dar nu stiu ce anume ae asteapta exact de la asta.

ca in primul an nu prea ai cum sa ai rezultate constante.

Oare Honda nu a vrut mai mult sau Mir?

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Acum 35 minute, damager a spus:

mir a semnat doar pt 1 an. Intresant... dar nu stiu ce anume ae asteapta exact de la asta.

ca in primul an nu prea ai cum sa ai rezultate constante.

Oare Honda nu a vrut mai mult sau Mir?

Unde ai gasit informatia? 

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Acum 16 ore, xt600 a spus:

Unde ai gasit informatia? 

Pe twitter, dar nu mai gasesc tweet-ul.

oricum, nu stiu cat de reala e ca nu a apatur pe nicaieri.


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Acum 4 ore, damager a spus:

Pe twitter, dar nu mai gasesc tweet-ul.

oricum, nu stiu cat de reala e ca nu a apatur pe nicaieri.


Pai tocmai de asta intrebam, nici eu nu am vazut vreo stire oficiala. Si nu ar fi indicat sa semneze pentru un singur sezon, cata vreme cam toti pilotii semnati au contracte pana in 2024. S-ar gasi din nou in situatia de a nu avea ghidon pt 2024. 

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Acum 1 oră, xt600 a spus:

Pai tocmai de asta intrebam, nici eu nu am vazut vreo stire oficiala. Si nu ar fi indicat sa semneze pentru un singur sezon, cata vreme cam toti pilotii semnati au contracte pana in 2024. S-ar gasi din nou in situatia de a nu avea ghidon pt 2024. 

Depinde dc el nu vrea sau honda☺️. Ca daca nu reuseste sa se inteleaga cu mobra, atunci risca sa piarda 2 ani incercand....

who knows...

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Acum 6 minute, damager a spus:

Depinde dc el nu vrea sau honda☺️. Ca daca nu reuseste sa se inteleaga cu mobra, atunci risca sa piarda 2 ani incercand....

who knows...

Vedem daca se anunta ceva oficial la Silverstone. Oricum suspecta tare tacerea asta, in conditiile in care se cam stie deja pe unde va fi fiecare.. Sper totusi sa prinda locul ala de la HRC... 

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Acum 13 ore, Speedy.K a spus:

Nu uitati ca Motogp nu e singura competitie in care se castiga bani ca pilot. Poate are vreo varianta prin alta parte, in caz ca nu se intelege cu mobra.

Plecarea lui din MotoGp ar fi ca o iesire pe usa din dos, plus ca in celelate competitii salariile sunt mult mai mici decat in MotoGP. Mir are si varsta si potentialul sa faca performanta in MotoGP. 

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Un interviu interesant cu Razlan Razali:


@Method uite ce spune Fogarty despre cat conteaza pilotul si masinaria, in ecuatia unei curse de GP:

Daca nici asta nu stie ce spune si nu stie ce inseamna binomul pilot-motocicleta, nush ce sa mai zic. Iar parerea lui o sustine direct pe cea a lui Stoner. Cum intuiam si eu, MotoGP devine (cu pasi repezi) F1.... 


Se pare ca Oliveira a semnat cu RNF Aprilia. Va fi interesant!


Nu zice rau:

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Acum 19 ore, xt600 a spus:

Un interviu interesant cu Razlan Razali:


Cum intuiam si eu, MotoGP devine (cu pasi repezi) F1.... 



din interviul de mai sus asa se doreste:


You mentioned earlier there are some things MotoGP can do to make itself more attractive to sponsors, does that include spicing up the weekend format or the show itself?

Razlan Razali:

I truly believe that MotoGP provides the better show than F1, still. But maybe MotoGP needs to evolve to have better hype, to get a new audience: A more female audience. A more younger audience.

It's very much still a predominantly male sport and it will always will be. But if we can close the gap with a female audience, it’s better. A younger audience would also be much nicer.

But we need to look at the analytics, the numbers.

To me the main things would be, what are the social numbers across all the platforms, compared to Formula One or whatever? Then you need to look at the TV numbers. Then look at the spectator numbers, although these are sometimes subjective.

Having been a promoter myself [as CEO of Sepang], that’s where I would start. Once we understand those three main numbers, then you can see what works and what doesn’t work.

It's easy to jump in and say, ‘we need to do this, we need to do more’. But to really pinpoint exactly what MotoGP needs, you need to take a deep dive and find out. And to me, we initially have to look at those numbers.

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:) mai multa presiune pe Mir, care a fost mai mult pe jos decat pe mobra anul asta :(.

Sper totusi sa semneze un ctr pe minim 2 ani, altfel si la Honda va face kktul praf :(

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5 hours ago, damager said:



A semnat anul trecut contract pe 3 ani cu KTM: două sezoane în Moto2 (2022-2023) urmat de unul în MotoGP (2024).


Se vorbește din ce în ce mai mult despre revenirea MotoGP la Kyalami:



Marc Márquez despre sezonul 2022:




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