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Orice postat de xt600

  1. Faptul ca un motor, indiferent de marca, primeste mai mult ulei, mi se pare un plus, nu un minus. La bugetul de intretinere, nu stiu daca un litru in plus, inseamna un efort atat de mare, dar conteaza cand il ai in motor.
  2. Zilele trecute era in lista participantilor, acum vad ca, intr-adevar, nu mai apare.... Pacat. Este un pilot care imi place mult si as fi vrut sa il vad la treaba.
  3. Uite aici date tehnice care te-ar putea interesa, pentru problema ta: Avand in vedere ca tu nu doresti sa mergi in competitii, nu ai nevoie de cine stie ce motoare "ready to race", asa incat alegerea logica este WR250R. In alta ordine de idei, ma gandesc ca iti doresti un motor fiabil si usor de intretinut, ca vrei sa te dai, nu sa repari, ca nu ai buget nelimitat de bagat in motocicleta, asa incat alegerea logica este tot japoneza. Cat priveste consumul, in off road este foarte relativ... asa cum spuneau si altii aici, este ultimul lucru la care sa te gandesti.
  4. La clasa moto, merita urmarita, printre altele, evolutia lui Mattieu Lagrive, multiplu campion de anduranta. De asemena imbucuratoare revenirea in competitie a lui David Fretigne, dupa accidentul urat de anul trecut, care l-a impiedicat sa ia startul in Dakar. Ceea ce ma nedumereste, este absenta lui Carlos Sainz si a VW-urilor Tuareg de la start. Al Attiah vad ca merge pe H3. Stie cineva amanunte?? La clasa auto se anunta o cursa foarte interesanta cu Nasser si Gordon pe Hummer, Peterhansel, Holowczyc si Nani Roma pe Mini...
  5. Poate, momentan, nu este, avand in vedere problemele de sanatate si mai ales de material tehnic, avute in sezonul 2011, dar cu siguranta este number one all time si punctul de referinta la care se vor raporta toti pilotii, multe decenii de acum incolo, asa cum a fost si este Agostini. Ceilalti vor ramane doar nume intr-o lista de piloti sau, in cel mai fericit caz, intr-o lista de castigatori de editii de campionat mondial. Ce nu pot sa inteleaga sau sa accepte unii, este ca tipul asta chiar are geniu. Sunt convins ca talentul lui exceptional se va manifesta, daca nu la fel de stralucitor, in ceea ce priveste performantele (deh... varsta), macar in ceea ce priveste spectacolul facut, indiferent daca va alege sa mearga in WRC sau in orice alta competitie auto-moto.
  6. Omu' o fi vreun adolescent intarziat care simte nevoia sa isi posteze pe undeva polutiile nocturne. Din nefericire s-a lipit ca raia de fan clubul asta. In ura lui fata de tot ceea ce inseamna Rossi, individul nu poate sa inteleaga ca pentru fani, Rossi este "number one", indiferent daca mai castiga titluri/curse sau nu. Cat despre argumentele lui, o minte contorsionata de ura sau obsesii, nu poate emite judecati corecte si obiective.
  7. Pentru un fan al lui Rossi este o stire importanta (nu ma refer la linkul postat de tine). Ca si cea referitoare la o posibila cariera in WRC. Nu uita pe ce topic a fost postata informatia: Rossi fan club. In alta ordine de idei, stie Brivio ce stie. Daca stiai tu mai multe decat el, poate erai in locul lui. Asa doar iti dai cu parerea pe forumuri...
  8. Spectacol superb in prima zi a etapei Campionatului National de Hard Enduro de la Piatra Neamt. Felicitari organizatorilor si concurentilor. Pacat, insa, ca au fost atat de putini spectatori. Aici cateva poze "calde" pe care le-am luat in cateva puncte de pe traseu. Sper sa placa...
  9. Hai ca esti praf.. ca sa nu spun ridicol. Adica tu stii mai bine cat de buna/rea este o motocicleta de moto Gp, decat un pilot angrenat atatia ani in aceasta competitie si cu rezultate pe care tu nu o sa le ai niciodata, nici macar pe play station. Capirossi este unul din pilotii care, desi nu mai are rezultate(varsta iti spune ceva?), chiar stie cu ce se mananca dezvoltarea unei motociclete. Negativismul tau depaseste orice limita a bunului simt si chiar incep sa cred ca esti bolnav cu capul. De fapt ce sa mai zici si tu.. vine un "neica nimeni" care mai este si pilot in motomondial, cunoaste motocicletele Ducati si din doua vorbe iti darama toata teroria aberanta. Si mai "curios" este ca el spune aceleasi lucruri pe care intr-un fel sau altul l-au spus si Rossi, si Hayden si Melandri, chiar si "genialul" tau Stoner. Mai las-o moarta, prietene, nu de alta, dar risti sa devii mascota forumului, daca nu ai devenit deja. Eu cel putin mi-am pierdut rabdarea cu tine.
  10. Zvonuri, zvonuri... iata aici o stire cel putin interesanta: Si aici o stire si mai interesanta: Ceea ce spuneam de mai mult timp, anume ca conceptul motocicletei Ducati este unul gresit din start, este confirmat si altii, care stiu cu ce se mananca o motocicleta Ducati de Moto GP: The Pramac Ducati rider told MCN: “In my opinion Ducati is already working on making a different bike. We have asked Filippo to make a real chassis on that bike. The problem with the Ducati is the rigidity. You don’t make the rigidity with the swingarm and the front-end. "The most important part is the middle and the engine you can’t change rigidity. You can work a little bit with the front and rear but you can do nothing with the engine. There is no flex in the middle part of the bike.” Si mai jos: Ducati has used a carbon fibre monocoque frame since 2009 having abandoned its traditional tubular steel trellis frame it ran since it entered MotoGP in ‘03. But Capirossi said the current concept wasn’t working because of the lack of front-end feel, and he explained to MCN what the issue was. “You don’t feel nothing. You don’t feel the tyres and you don't feel the ground. I don’t know what is happening, I don’t have any feeling and I don’t know where the limit is. You try and think the feeling is not too bad but then you try a little bit more you lose the front. This is the biggest problem. "When you have a problem with the rear then you can control and slide but with the front you can’t do anything. And when you try harder the bike turns even less, “added Capirossi, who is expected to announce his retirement during the next round in Brno when the campaign resumes after a short summer break.
  11. Multumesc mult pentru informatii. Asfalt uscat si tie.
  12. Salutare tuturor, Pun si eu o intrebare aici (sper sa fi nimerit bine): Cum se prezinta drumul pe ruta Gheorgheni- Toplita - Reghin? Anul trecut era infect. S-a mai remediat cu ceva? Poate cineva sa imi dea informatii cat de cat actualizate? Multumesc.
  13. Asta imi doresc si eu, dar o sa vedem. Pana la urma,e foarte important ca inca sunt optimisti. Uite aici interviul cu Uccio: How did the friendship with Valentino begin? “It’s been a long time, it’s hard to remember! Vale’s been there since my earliest memories, our parents were friends and we practically grew up together. We’re from a little village and went to the same nursery, schools… we’ve always been very close.” What are your earliest memories of Valentino? “I have plenty! I remember that in nursery our friends often played football, but we would go to a downhill slope we knew and ride a tricycle down it! A group of us would go, me and three friends, one of whom was Valentino. It’s a memory that is well fixed in my mind, even at that age we were taking big risks – there was a big turn to the left!” How did the passion for bikes start? “I was born around motorbikes, I have always loved them since I was a child. I didn’t like football, I liked (Kevin) Schwantz. It’s thanks to my father. In Pesaro everybody was a fan of Graziano (Rossi, father of Valentino) and because of this two-wheeled sport was more important than any other. I did like F1, but I chose bikes because that was the path Vale took.” What do you do during a GP weekend? “My main role is to drive the motorhome to the races, even if this year it isn’t a motorhome but a truck used as a home as the old motorhome became too small. Over the winter we worked a lot on this new truck and I take care of it. It’s a big job as it’s more or less like a hospitality suite. I also take care of the leathers, gloves, boots, helmet… every detail so that Valentino can concentrate fully on racing.” What’s paddock life like? “My experience of the paddock is a very positive one. When I was a kid it was my dream to enter the paddock just once. I remember one time, with Valentino, we waited for four hours outside Mugello for two passes from Maurizio Vitali. Now life is perfect, I couldn’t live in another way. I get along well with everyone.” What’s changed in the past year, following the switch to Ducati in 2011? “My role hasn’t changed too much because I work for Valentino. Some of the personnel has changed in the team, but not too much because 15 people followed from Yamaha. The atmosphere in Ducati is amazing. I have met a lot of people with a great passion here, Italians with a fantastic spirit of victory and with racing firmly in their hearts, perhaps more so than at Yamaha because the Japanese have a different approach.” Valentino’s partnership with Jeremy Burgess has been a long and successful one… “Jeremy doesn’t speak a word of Italian, which annoys me a bit! I had to adapt myself to learn English and we speak in English. He’s known me since I was 20 and now I’m 32, and he’s seen me grow up. He’s given me a lot of advice and I have always listened because I admire him greatly. To me he is a legend.” And what about the future? “I hope to be here for another 10 years with Valentino. Without him here my motivation would be zero. I’m here thanks to him, and also for him. Having said that, I would like to remain here for the rest of my life, until the age of 60. That’s why I’ve started to look around, and I’ve had the chance to take part in this project with Andrea (Iannone, Moto2 rider). Perhaps in the future I’ll continue with him, but I hope it’s in the distant future because apart from the shoulder I see Valentino in great shape, both physically and mentally, and with this challenge here at Ducati the motivation is even higher.” Were there ever any doubts that Valentino had made the right decision to go to Ducati? “Honestly yes, most of all when he tried the bike in Valencia and said: ‘Crikey, this bike is complicated’. Then, in my opinion, he quickly understood that that shoulder was the real problem because he still hadn’t had the surgery, so I’d say the injury more than the decision to switch was what the issue was. Now he is thinking: ‘It’s not a bad bike, we can do it!’, but yes, you could say he was a bit concerned after the first test.” And what about the injury at Mugello last season? “This was a terrible moment, a difficult one. We had just gotten through a shoulder injury and then that happened. They were terrible days, especially the first two. When you see a friend suffering you almost want to put yourself in their place to take the pain off them. Vale is a legend because even on the Saturday evening he was already making jokes to try and relax everybody. It was him calming us down!” When do you think Valentino will be capable of winning his first race on the Ducati? “I think after the Sachsenring round. After that race there will be a big step up. I’m a realistic guy, he is not at 100% and to win you must be. He will be after Sachsenring, and I think then it will be possible to win.”
  14. Rossi a testat din nou modelul GP12, la Mugello. Declaratiile sunt, ca intotdeauna optimiste, dar nu spun mare lucru... "I’m pleased, because it was a positive test,” said Valentino at day’s end. “We took full advantage of the time we had, because the track and weather conditions were perfect. I liked the new asphalt a lot. The surface is smooth, those holes that I knew so well are now gone, and the grip is fantastic. I must say they’ve done a great job, because if it’s possible, riding here at Mugello is now even better than before. I’m happy to have come back here to test after my injury last year, because it was a nice feeling and a good day. We started around 11:00 this morning, and we completed sixty laps in all—many kilometers without any problems, either physical or with the GP12. We tested everything that Filippo had planned to try, and we’re satisfied because, although we’re still at a pretty early stage, we’re going in the right direction.” Si declaratia lui Preziosi: “We completed our second day of testing the GP12 with Vale,” said Filippo Preziosi. “I must say it’s a strange sensation, but also a really nice one, to be here at Mugello with Valentino, on a track where we’ve been rivals so many times in the past. We worked on the electronics and various other updates to next season’s bike, some of which were made following the requests that Vale and Nicky had given us during their first outing with the bike about a month ago at Jerez. It was a useful and positive test that will enable us to continue with the development of the GP12, which has some new details coming soon. Working with Valentino is always very nice from a technical perspective, and we were lucky with the weather, as we had perfect conditions. Vale also really appreciated the new asphalt: we have to compliment the folks at Mugello, because they really did a great job.”b]TAGS
  15. Daca ai citit postul meu ai putut vedea ca, desi am afirmat ca nu sunt adeptul, i-am sugerat colegului nostru ca totusi ii poate fi folositor. I-am atras atentia, insa, ca problemele ridicate de conducerea unei motociclete nu se reduc doar la franare si la existenta sau non existenta unui ABS si ca va trebui sa invete corect mersul pe motocicleta. Cred ca a fost un sfat de bun simt. As mai completa aici, ca daca in viata de zi cu zi, foloseste deja o masina cu sistem ABS, este cu atat mai indicat sa se orienteze spre o motocicleta dotata cu un asemenea sistem. Nu am condus si nici nu conduc nici motocicleta si nici masina cu ABS, astfel ca nu ii simt nevoia. Asta m-a facut sa fiu prudent in trafic, sa nu franez brutal si, in ultima instanta, am invatat sa franez bine cam pe orice suprafata. Dovada? Sunt inca viu si nu am avut evenimente rutiere. In plus, mie imi place adrenalina (in doze acceptabile),.. si un motor cu ABS nu cred ca mi-o poate furniza (sa merg safe, cand eu poate vreau sa fac slide-uri???). Eu folosesc mobra 60% macadam si iarba si cca 40% asfalt. Asadar, optiunea mea este o chestie de gust. Nu o impun nimanui. O sa imi spui ca sistemul se poate dezactiva. Ok. Si atunci, daca nu il folosesc, de ce sa bag banii in el??? Discutia asta, ABS vs non ABS, a mai inflamat un topic pe aici, pe undeva. Nu are sens sa mutam discutia aici.
  16. In cazul asta este buna si o motocicleta din categoria Transalp, ST, AT, KLE, DR-urile de cilindree mai mare (750-800cmc) etc..adica motoare mai inclinate spre touring, dar care au roata fata de 21, (sau de 19 in cel mai rau caz). Problema cu aceste motoare,este ca nu au ABS. Gama se restrange, in acest caz, la cateva modele mai recente, in special BMW,dar care sunt destul de scumpe. Acum, depinde si de ce buget dispui tu. Daca banii nu sunt o problema, atunci ai si posibilitati mai mari de a alege ceva pe gustul tau. Din punctul meu de vedere, as merge pe ideea unei japoneze. Toate cele bune.
  17. Depinde si ce intelegi tu prin off road. Daca doresti sa te dai pe un drum de macadam, de genul celor forestiere sau de tara, e una.. daca vrei sa te dai si pe o carare prin padure, pe o pasune, pe un teren cu pante mai abrupte, dar nu atat de abrupte cat sa intre in categoria hard enduro, lucrurile se schimba putin. In aceasta din urma situatie, iti va trebui o mobra mai usoara, mai versatila, cum ar fi monocilindrii din seria XT de la Yamaha, Dr-urile de la Suzuki, Dominatorul de la Honda, KLR-urile de la Kawasaki,etc. Nu spun ca una mai mare si mai grea, nu poate face aceleasi lucruri, dar trebuie sa stii sa o duci. Am vazut baieti cu ST sau AT, care urcaau si coboarau, pe unde altii nu se incumeta sa o faca pe cele doua picioare din dotare, dar aveau skill. Cat priveste ABS-ul, eu nu sunt adeptul, dar asta nu inseamna ca nu iti poate folosi, mai ales daca esti incepator. Insa trebuie sa fii constient ca ABS-ul nu iti rezolva decat o problema, din multele pe care ti le ridica mersul pe motocicleta.. aceea a franarii de urgenta. Daca nu stii sa negociezi un viraj, daca nu stii sa o controlezi din gaz, in anumite situatii, daca te pierzi cu firea, ABS-ul nu te ajuta cu nimic. Ce vrerau sa spun? Cu ABS sau nu, odata ce ti-o iei, trebuie sa pui mana sa inveti sa mergi corect, asa ca nu iti va strica putina teorie din niste tutoriale bune si multa, multa practica. Bafta si sa auzim de bine.
  18. Va ca a cam murit topicul asta, asa ca am sa mai postez cate ceva, poate revine la viata. O mostra de cum se mergea la Laguna Seca, prin anii 80: Si aici Randy Mamola in.. rodeo...
  19. Nu pot decat sa ma inclin cu respect. Imagini foarte inspirate si de foarte buna calitate, coloana sonora superba, montaj pe masura. De calatoria in sine, ce sa mai spun.. Felicitari!
  20. Ma mir, ca pe Yamaha nu ajungi cu picioarele jos, dar pe BMW 650Gs Dakar, da. GS-ul are inaltimea seii, undeva pe la 870 mm. Yamaha XT 600 o are la 855 si cred ca este si putin mai ingusta (de altfel este un model recunoscut ca fiind mai "accesibil" din acest pdvd). Yamaha 660 Tenere s-ar putea sa fie un pic mai inalta, dar nu cred ca sepaseasca inaltimea Gs-ului. Drept este ca GS-ul poti sa il mai cobori, daca nu ma inseala memoria... Oricum, ti-as recomanda sa te orientezi spre un model care are saua dreapta, fara "alveole", individuale pentru pilot si pasager. In felul acesta vei putea sa te muti mai spre spate, atunci cand incepi sa simti durere in genunchi. O spun din experienta, pt. ca si eu am probleme cu genunchii la drumuri mai lungi (am 1,90 m).
  21. Tare frumoasa este. Felicitari si la multi km fara evenimente.
  22. Multumesc pentru raspuns. Asta intentionez si eu sa fac, dar nu as vrea sa bag banii intr-o pereche de arcuri si sa ma trezesc ca nu am nevoie de ele. Un cunoscut a desfacut o furca la un model identic cu al meu si a gasit inauntru arcuri progresive. De aici indoiala mea. Ideea este ca va trebui sa desfac furca si sa vad ce este inauntru...
  23. Postez aici linck-ul la trailer-ul unui documentar despre Moto Gp: Poate unii dintre voi stiu deja despre el.. Trebuie vazut de unde se poate descarca. PS. Atentie la ce spune golanasul ala de Lorenzo despre Rossi.
  24. Salutare tuturor!! Intrebare: Furca stock de la Yamaha XT 600E, model 1995, vine cu arcuri normale sau cu arcuri progresive? Multumesc.
  25. Da, cunoastem site-ul. Multumim!!!
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