P T R Postat Septembrie 26, 2014 Autor Share Postat Septembrie 26, 2014 Valentino Rossi is riding better than he did at Yamaha when winning his last MotoGP world championship in 2009. That’s the view of Yamaha boss Kouichi Tsuji, who was full of admiration for the Italian after he returned to winning ways in emphatic fashion in Misano earlier this month. Tsuji said Rossi’s 2014 form has exceeded his expectations and he told MCN: “He has been very motivated and he has reached a much higher performance than we expected, even though we still believed he could win. "It is not very easy at 35 for him to change his style. We have to appreciate his effort to change and adapt even after so many years and be much more like the modern style of (Marc) Marquez. "It is incredibly difficult when you have ridden in one way to adjust but he understood this was the only way to catch his rivals. There is no doubt he is a better rider than he ever was, but it is just the competition is much stronger.” Rossi’s win in front of a passionate home crowd in Misano created history, with his winning career in the world championship now spanning over a record 18-year period. Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
PzKpfW Postat Septembrie 28, 2014 Share Postat Septembrie 28, 2014 Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
evil1 Postat Septembrie 29, 2014 Share Postat Septembrie 29, 2014 True story Am urmarit digi pe weekend, si veneau intrebari de genul: mai are sanse Rossi sa castige campionatul? Ceea ce ma duce cu gandul la faptul ca exista inca o gramada mare de oameni pt care MotoGP=Rossi.... Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
P T R Postat Septembrie 29, 2014 Autor Share Postat Septembrie 29, 2014 (editat) Adevarul e ca si eu am fost scarbit de cat sa insistat pe rossi.de parca ar fi castigat campionatul,dar a castigat doar o cursa.ce e prea mult strica.vor sa faca show cu forta,insistand excesiv pe rossi. Daca eram italieni intelegeam,dar asa..e un fiasco. Ps:A facut Antal un material digi cam slabut.dar e de apreciat ca au muncit la el. Editat Septembrie 29, 2014 de P T R Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
Nechifor Solitaru' Postat Septembrie 29, 2014 Share Postat Septembrie 29, 2014 (editat) Repet o idee pe care am postat-o și pe topicul cu cursa. Ce vină au Rossi sau Marquez că fanii lor sau cei din presă / tv sunt cum sunt ? La un moment dat te apucă sila și disperarea, dar nici Rossi și nici Marquez nu au nici o vină. Ei își văd de treaba lor, cum știu ei mai bine PS Bină că a scăpat Doctorul întreg, poate mai am o șansă să nu-i dau berile lui vampiria, deși, la cum merge Lorenzo în ultimele curse, va fi greu ... Editat Septembrie 29, 2014 de bibi.audiofil Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
unnamed Postat Octombrie 13, 2014 Share Postat Octombrie 13, 2014 inca 7 puncte si egaleaza numarul total de puncte de anul trecut campionatul sigur nu-l ia, si poate nici locul 2 (la cum merge lorenzo acum pe final), dar cred ca e pozitiv ca a avut totusi un sezon mai bun in comparatie cu cel de anul trecut Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
xt600 Postat Octombrie 15, 2014 Share Postat Octombrie 15, 2014 Buna casca... http://motorcycleracemag.com/all/motogp/rossi-survived-crash-helmet/ Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
evil1 Postat Octombrie 15, 2014 Share Postat Octombrie 15, 2014 Made in Japan ...si ceva placut ochiului Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
Jorge Lorenzo Postat Octombrie 15, 2014 Share Postat Octombrie 15, 2014 Aoleu... ce placut ochiului ca zici ca au 60+ . Asa picioare urate la un loc n-am vazut niciodata Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
violetbiker Postat Octombrie 18, 2014 Share Postat Octombrie 18, 2014 The Best support The Best Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
P T R Postat Octombrie 19, 2014 Autor Share Postat Octombrie 19, 2014 Una proaspata » Post actualizat in 20 Oct 2014 18:49 Am gasit. Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
xt600 Postat Octombrie 26, 2014 Share Postat Octombrie 26, 2014 Ranchiunos om... http://www.gqitalia.it/sport/motori/motogp/2014/08/04/casey-stoner-contro-valentino-rossi-subdolo-mi-deluso/ Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
adidas Postat Octombrie 26, 2014 Share Postat Octombrie 26, 2014 Stoner, un fatalau care mereu s-a plans! Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
P T R Postat Octombrie 26, 2014 Autor Share Postat Octombrie 26, 2014 Face cineva o sinteza?... ca eu nu inteleg atat de bine italiana.ms Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
xt600 Postat Octombrie 26, 2014 Share Postat Octombrie 26, 2014 Pai vezi ca este o optiune de traducere a paginii... "His Twitter profile reads "Former MotoGP champion, avid fisherman, father proud." The identikit it can be understood without much difficulty. Casey Stoner left the circuit two years ago, riding high after a fantastic 2007 on the Ducati imprinted in the history of the premier class and a 2011 graduate who was world champion for the second time. On May 17, two years ago after a fight shoulder to shoulder with Valentino Rossi at Le Mans, the announcement of farewell at the races. In September, released his autobiography, Inside Out , published by Mondadori, over 200 pages designed to cause controversy: to fifty times is mentioned Valentino Rossi and not to sing its praises. Indeed, the advances made by Republic are vitriolic; Stoner goes through he stages of his career early in Wongawallan, Australia, success with Ducati and Honda. A handful of episodes, then, to listen to the end . As the story of the Australian Southportfa the historic battle at Laguna Seca in 2008 . On the starting grid: he first, according to Rossi. After the traffic lights, passing and counter-overtaking losing the account, the wheel on the ground at the Red Corkscrew, the clumsy fall of Stoner to win Italian circuit in California. The memory still stings: "The famous brawl between me and Valentino in the next stage at Laguna Seca, a race that will probably always be remembered for the overtaking Rossi on me in the Corkscrew. Of course I was not happy with that particular maneuver, but worse things happened that were not taken by the cameras. " The story does not wait any longer to get to the heart: "My bike was very agile and had only one path to follow on that track, and he was so cute to see it. Today he understood all too well, but when you are facing a curve on a Ducati does not have a lot of possibilities. Valentino knew that putting in front of me whenever he had the chance he could make me very difficult to reverse the positions. When I was taking the lead, his only option was to strike back immediately to prevent me from taking off. " But there are things that can not be forgotten, things that go beyond the tacit agreement among drivers who want what happens on the track stays on the track: "It was mostly a clean race: I went through the brakes and acted within better than I do on most of the track. If it were limited to that, I would have taken it well, but a couple of maneuvers escaped the cameras were not at all correct. Valentino tried to throw me off the track by putting my safety in jeopardy, and that disappointed me a lot. " Events that inexorably undermine a relationship that until then lived in respect and esteem, little else. Stoner says disappointment at learning of the sides of which Valentino had not noticed before, behaviors that defines improper paraphrasing , "I was not aware of This sneaky side of Valentino in 2006, both in and during the tests, tried some overtaking maneuver which I felt was at least reckless. In my opinion, it was a guy who wanted to win at all costs. Over the years, Valentino and I, we measured several epic battles, but there have been occasions when, probably out of envy or despair, he tried different tactics just correct. Laguna Seca was one of the occasions when he was desperate. After winning three games in a row, I rode the wave of success and I arrived in America in great shape. Dominai the time sheets with a lead of more than half a second for all practice sessions and I won comfortably on pole ahead of Valentino, with a step-by-race better than a second faster than his. Race with a strategy that I consider openly aggressive was the only way that Valentino had to win that day, and he did. "As you scroll through the rows and pass the chapters, the acrimonious tone does not change, it rekindled to explode: "I want people to realize that I have always had great respect for all of my opponents, but not for Valentine's Day, as he showed it to me at all. Everyone had created an image of Valentino as genius of motorcycling. They considered him better than anyone had confronted him in the past ... It is only my opinion, but I honestly think that if he had passed the hardest moments, such as those we faced me, Dani, Jorge, Dovi and Simoncelli, would not have enjoyed the the same happened so quickly and as a result would not have become the same Valentino Rossi we know. " We wait impatiently replica of Valentino Rossi (and his fans)." Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
P T R Postat Octombrie 26, 2014 Autor Share Postat Octombrie 26, 2014 (editat) Ms de traducere. Nu inteleg de ce se plange.rossi a zis-o si atunci."This is racing" Altfel ar fi doar lupta pe timpii pe tur. Stoner ar fi trebuit sa treaca peste. Eu astept autobiografia lui Bautista Editat Octombrie 26, 2014 de P T R Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
xt600 Postat Octombrie 26, 2014 Share Postat Octombrie 26, 2014 Eu astept autobiografia lui Bautista Ce titlu ar trebui sa aiba?? Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
TETEA. Postat Octombrie 26, 2014 Share Postat Octombrie 26, 2014 Ce titlu ar trebui sa aiba?? STRIKE! Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
xt600 Postat Octombrie 27, 2014 Share Postat Octombrie 27, 2014 Sau Bautista strikes back ) Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
wtf? Postat Octombrie 27, 2014 Share Postat Octombrie 27, 2014 Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
io, bogo Postat Octombrie 27, 2014 Share Postat Octombrie 27, 2014 Nu stiam ca malaiezienii sunt atat de... galbeni. Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
evil1 Postat Octombrie 29, 2014 Share Postat Octombrie 29, 2014 Sa vezi la final cum scandau toti Vale, cand defapt cursa era castigata de MM @xt600: apai nici in engleza, eu tot nu inteleg ce spumega cangurul aici Pt mine cel putin nu prea e coerent... It is only my opinion, but I honestly think that if he had passed the hardest moments, such as those we faced me, Dani, Jorge, Dovi and Simoncelli, would not have enjoyed the the same happened so quickly and as a result would not have become the same Valentino Rossi we know. Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
Vizitator 9fingers Postat Octombrie 29, 2014 Share Postat Octombrie 29, 2014 @xt600: apai nici in engleza, eu tot nu inteleg ce spumega cangurul aici Pt mine cel putin nu prea e coerent... Uite o traducere mai curata: I wish that people realize that I have always had great respect for all of my opponents, but not for Valentino, because he did not showed any for me. Everyone had created an image of Valentino as the genius of motorcycling. They considered him better than anyone he had confronted in the past ... It is only my opinion, but I honestly think that if he had passed the hardest moments, such as those faced by me, Dani, Jorge, Dovi and Simoncelli, would not have enjoyed the same success so quickly and as a result would not have become the same Valentino Rossi that we know Se refera la diferenta de concurenta dintre generatia lui si cea a lui Rossi. Daca ar fi avut parte de aceeasi concurenta, statisticile la care fac apel toti suporterii lui, ar fi aratat cu totul altfel. Si nu e doar parerea lui Stoner. Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
P T R Postat Octombrie 29, 2014 Autor Share Postat Octombrie 29, 2014 E partial valabil ,si e pur ipotetic. Asa putem sa vorbim despre marq peste 2 ani,ca nu avut concurenta pe masura. Eu cred ca stoner nu il simpatiza pe rossi sub nici o forma,e exact genul de om pe care stoner uraste.rossi era in centrul atentiei,un showman. Din ce descria stoner ca urala curse, cam asta reiese. Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
Nechifor Solitaru' Postat Octombrie 29, 2014 Share Postat Octombrie 29, 2014 Rossi, despre motivația mutării lui la Ducati : The rivalry would play its part in Rossi's motivation to join Ducati at the end of the 2010 season, an ill-fated two year tenure that would see him return to Yamaha in 2013. With the benefit of hindsight, Rossi now accepts he was wrong to leave Yamaha for this reason.“Maybe I did a mistake in 2010 to move from Yamaha because I wanted to be the number one rider and when Jorge arrived he was treated equally to me,” he said. So I didn't like this [and left for Ducati]. But it was a mistake. » Post actualizat in 29 Oct 2014 12:08E un indicator bun și pentru motivul mutării de la Honda la Yamaha Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
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