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13+14. Gran Premio Red Bull di San Marino e della Riviera di Rimini + Emilia-Romagna Grand Prix


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Acum 19 minute, xt600 a spus:

Ghinion de nesansa... dar una peste alta, pe circuitul asta, el si Yamaha au prestat bine. Parca se misca putin lucrurile in echipa aia, insa ramane de vazut cum se vor descurca pe circuitele celelalte. 

Da, dar e un circuit fara linii drepte lungi, cu putine viraje stop-and-go, au testat acolo mult.

dar da, a mers bine Q, chiar a avut si 2 depasiri la Bez.  Insa mai are mult yamaha pana sa se bata cu ducati. 

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Acum 24 minute, Speedy.K a spus:

Nu merere linkul. Cica e stil processing.


Da.i download.

Altfel tre sa stai pana poate sa l ruleze googleul.

Acum 1 oră, damager a spus:

W se pare ca a ramas fara benzina in ultimul viraj si a terminat pe 7 de pe 5😂😂😂😂

Cine e W?

1 oră în urmă, B.B. a spus:


Pecco a zis in interviu la TNT ca i s-a facut pneul spate bun de drum abia dupa 15 ture, lucru nemaiîntâlnit la nimeni tot weekendul.

Conspirația Michelin continuă!!!

Michelin tine campionatul strâns la vârf, nu piloții :)

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Acum 4 ore, xt600 a spus:

Si ce plm te doare pe tine cum vad eu cursele? Baga-ma la ignore, daca nu iti place ceea ce afirm. Trebuie sa scriu doar ce iti este tie pe plac? 


Ramai cu ea la acelasi nivel fara sa intelegi ce se intampla, atat moale cat si tare:haha:

Acum 4 ore, damager a spus:

Cu diferenta ca JM lua virajul. Dar, this is racing... greseala lui JM ca nu a inchis virajul. Mai avea o sansa in tramonto ca si acolo era mai rapid Bes, dar acolo e si mqi usor de inchis...

daca inchidea virajul cadeau amandoi. Bestia vroia victoria cu orice pret.

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Acum 35 minute, nike a spus:

Ramai cu ea la acelasi nivel fara sa intelegi ce se intampla, atat moale cat si tare:haha:

daca inchidea virajul cadeau amandoi. Bestia vroia victoria cu orice pret.

Bes  ni mai putea sa inchida virajul. A lasat frana ca sa-l blocheze pe JM. Martin putea sa ia virajul.

1 oră în urmă, frigider a spus:

Da.i download.

Altfel tre sa stai pana poate sa l ruleze googleul.

Cine e W?

Michelin tine campionatul strâns la vârf, nu piloții :)

Qua.....tastatura de telefon.

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Mi s-a parut mie sau am vazut un gest obscen la Martin pe linia de sisire?!

LE Ooo da! Am vazut acum reluarea. Urat, tigane!

Acum 2 ore, frigider a spus:

Da.i download.

Altfel tre sa stai pana poate sa l ruleze googleul.

Cine e W?

Michelin tine campionatul strâns la vârf, nu piloții :)

Merci frmos, rezolvat.

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Ce zice MM


Enea was out of the track too. So, for me, it’s not good for the championship - looking at our interests.

“But for me, if Enea was out of the track too, then [he should] drop one position.

“Because when you do an aggressive overtake, when you are inside the track then it’s not a problem.

“But when you go out of the track, then it means you should drop one position. I’m not agree with that decision [for the stewards not to investigate].

“But, one more time, it’s not good for our interest in the championship. But it’s like this.”

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Acum 10 minute, wolfybv a spus:

M-am uitat pe reluare, imi pare ca a iesit de pe track numai pt ca a intors capul pt a vedea ce s-a intamplat cu JM89. Daca nu intorcea capul, statea pe vibrator, nu iesea in afara lui. Cred ca asta a si fost motivul pt care race direction nu l-a penalizat, dar e doar o supozitie.

a iesit chiar si cu sprijinul lui JM. Dar nu zic ca tb penalizat. A fost agresiv, dar na, this is racing..

JM putea sa inchida mai devreme, dar s-a bazat ca franeaza mai tarziu.


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Doar iesirile pe verde atrag avertismente/penalizare, nu?I-am avzut de multe ori iesind pe albastru pe multi, inclusiv Peco, dar primeau avertisment doar pentru verde, in reluarile respective erau iesiti pe verde...Stiu pe verde sunt senzori, pe albastru nu-s?


fotografia zilei

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Acum 6 ore, Lup69 a spus:

Doar iesirile pe verde atrag avertismente/penalizare, nu?I-am avzut de multe ori iesind pe albastru pe multi, inclusiv Peco, dar primeau avertisment doar pentru verde, in reluarile respective erau iesiti pe verde...Stiu pe verde sunt senzori, pe albastru nu-s?


fotografia zilei

pista se termina cu vibratorul, indiferent de culoarea de dupa. In curvone nici nu exista verde, designul de la Misano ae cu albastru, rosu si portocaliu.


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Acum 9 ore, damager a spus:

Ce zice MM


Enea was out of the track too. So, for me, it’s not good for the championship - looking at our interests.

“But for me, if Enea was out of the track too, then [he should] drop one position.

“Because when you do an aggressive overtake, when you are inside the track then it’s not a problem.

“But when you go out of the track, then it means you should drop one position. I’m not agree with that decision [for the stewards not to investigate].

“But, one more time, it’s not good for our interest in the championship. But it’s like this.”

Nu prea înțeleg,e bine pentru mm ca JM a luat cu 5 puncte mai puțin.

Acum 7 ore, Lup69 a spus:

Doar iesirile pe verde atrag avertismente/penalizare, nu?I-am avzut de multe ori iesind pe albastru pe multi, inclusiv Peco, dar primeau avertisment doar pentru verde, in reluarile respective erau iesiti pe verde...Stiu pe verde sunt senzori, pe albastru nu-s?


fotografia zilei

Cred ca pe albastru dacă ieși pierzi timp garantat? 
Vezi poza cu Peco, albastru e super la interior :D

Tare poza, care probabil e screenshot la video.
Sau o fi fost vreun fotograf super rapid și în poziția aia? 
Nu vom ști niciodată.

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Acum 11 ore, damager a spus:

Ce zice MM


Enea was out of the track too. So, for me, it’s not good for the championship - looking at our interests.

“But for me, if Enea was out of the track too, then [he should] drop one position.

Because when you do an aggressive overtake, when you are inside the track then it’s not a problem. :crack:

“But when you go out of the track, then it means you should drop one position. I’m not agree with that decision [for the stewards not to investigate].

“But, one more time, it’s not good for our interest in the championship. But it’s like this.”



MMizeria ar face bine sa taca, e ultima persoana care ar trebui sa judece astfel de depasiri. In schimb ar putea sa-i dea lui Bastianini meditatii in privinta justificarilor.


Ceva din trecut 🏆


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Acum 11 ore, damager a spus:

Ce zice MM


Enea was out of the track too. So, for me, it’s not good for the championship - looking at our interests.

“But for me, if Enea was out of the track too, then [he should] drop one position.

“Because when you do an aggressive overtake, when you are inside the track then it’s not a problem.

“But when you go out of the track, then it means you should drop one position. I’m not agree with that decision [for the stewards not to investigate].

“But, one more time, it’s not good for our interest in the championship. But it’s like this.”


100% de acord cu ce zice Memelu dar 2 note : stiu daca e ok sa se pronunte despre alti rideri,de obicei nu vorbea despre actiunile altor rideri mai ales cand nu il priveau si 2.el dupa cum am zis are mare dreptate,dar sa se uite si la finalul de la Assen 2015...unde a facut la fel ca Bastianini - nu a mai franat...doar ca Rossi a fost mai vulpoi decat avea si unde sa se duca la perfect ca sa ia victoria,Martin s-a dus in balarii.

Acum 10 ore, wolfybv a spus:

M-am uitat pe reluare, imi pare ca a iesit de pe track numai pt ca a intors capul pt a vedea ce s-a intamplat cu JM89. Daca nu intorcea capul, statea pe vibrator, nu iesea in afara lui. Cred ca asta a si fost motivul pt care race direction nu l-a penalizat, dar e doar o supozitie.

Oliveira zice exact ce zice colegul mai sus - ca Bestia nu a fost penalizat pt ca l-a depasit (si fortat afara de pe circuit - e limpede ca lumina zilei sper faptul ca Martin a fost impiedicat grav sa ia virajul) intr-o zona unde nu exista "green" ci cica in regulament scrie doar ca daca il fortezi pe celalalt rider sa iasa pe green te penalizeaza :

Oli : "That was smart : Enea knew exactly where he could carry out this overtaking manoeuvre.As soon as you push your opponent into areas marked in green,you have to give the position back.However,Jorge was not pushed into a green area because the run-off zone is not painted green at that point.The rules are clear.Enea was not penalised because the run-off area was painted the wrong colour.If he had overtaken in another corner and Jorge had come onto the green,Bastianini would certainly have been penalised."

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sa vedem ce zic baietii mai apropae de fenomen:


Simon Crafar, who will lead the MotoGP Stewards next year, observed: "When I first saw it, you're always going to be angry if you're on the receiving end.

"I personally loved it! It was proper hard racing!

"If stewards take that away, and make it not legal to pass on the slowest, safest part, where there is run-off, then we're damaging the racing.

"I am not talking as a future steward. As an ex-rider, you want to pull a move off on the slowest part, push the guy wide, not make him crash."


TNT Sports’ Neil Hodgson said: “Was there room? Yes. Just. It’s a race.”

Michael Laverty added: “A beauty from Enea’s point of view. Horrible from the receiving end.

“It’s one of those where it’s close to the bone. When you lead the race the whole way, and protect every line, then someone comes up the inside and takes you off the track.

“It doesn’t give Jorge a chance to fight back. He deserved to be able to retaliate later in the lap.

“You can see why he feels hard done by. Five points missing, when he feels like he earned it.

“Bastianini, with a chance to win your home GP, you’re going to put it all on the line.

“There should be no penalty. It’s a racing incident.

“It was dirty, filthy, and I love it!”

Hodgson described the move: "He pulled it towards the apex, he let the brake off. It's a tight first-gear hairpin.

"He makes contact, pushes him wide...

"Is it dirty. Yes, it is, a bit. But at this level, that's sort of what it takes.

"Would Martin have done the same? Yes he would. Would Valentino Rossi in his prime have done the same? Yes he would.

"Mick Doohan would have pulled that move, Kevin Schwantz would have.

"It's a fine line between a disgusting move to a really firm, hard move on the last lap to win the grand prix."

Laverty admitted that, if Martin crashed out due to Bastianini's move, a penalty would have been warranted.

"That would deserve a penalty," he said. "It was a block pass, it was hard, over the line.

"But he stayed on the race track."

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Amuzant faptul ca i se acorda circumstante atenuante lui Enea ca a intors capul sa vada ce s-a intamplat cu Jorghe. :D:D 

De parca daca se imprastia oprea si se ducea sa-i acorde primul ajutor..  :crack: 


Asta e ca si cum impingi o baba pe scari intentionat si apoi te intorci sa te uiti sa vezi daca si-a rupt gatul sau daca mai misca.. uau, cata compasiune!!! :crack:


I don't give a fuck.. eu din perspectiva de fan MMel ma bucur ca i-a mai taiat 5 puncte lui Jorghe.

Cum va spuneam, astia doi, Jorgel si Pecconel iti dau singuri la gioale, MMel isi vede de treaba. 


Editat de B.B.
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Acum 4 ore, ioio_viola a spus:

sa vedem ce zic baietii mai apropae de fenomen:


Simon Crafar, who will lead the MotoGP Stewards next year, observed: "When I first saw it, you're always going to be angry if you're on the receiving end.

"I personally loved it! It was proper hard racing!

"If stewards take that away, and make it not legal to pass on the slowest, safest part, where there is run-off, then we're damaging the racing.

"I am not talking as a future steward. As an ex-rider, you want to pull a move off on the slowest part, push the guy wide, not make him crash."


TNT Sports’ Neil Hodgson said: “Was there room? Yes. Just. It’s a race.”

Michael Laverty added: “A beauty from Enea’s point of view. Horrible from the receiving end.

“It’s one of those where it’s close to the bone. When you lead the race the whole way, and protect every line, then someone comes up the inside and takes you off the track.

“It doesn’t give Jorge a chance to fight back. He deserved to be able to retaliate later in the lap.

“You can see why he feels hard done by. Five points missing, when he feels like he earned it.

“Bastianini, with a chance to win your home GP, you’re going to put it all on the line.

“There should be no penalty. It’s a racing incident.

“It was dirty, filthy, and I love it!”

Hodgson described the move: "He pulled it towards the apex, he let the brake off. It's a tight first-gear hairpin.

"He makes contact, pushes him wide...

"Is it dirty. Yes, it is, a bit. But at this level, that's sort of what it takes.

"Would Martin have done the same? Yes he would. Would Valentino Rossi in his prime have done the same? Yes he would.

"Mick Doohan would have pulled that move, Kevin Schwantz would have.

"It's a fine line between a disgusting move to a really firm, hard move on the last lap to win the grand prix."

Laverty admitted that, if Martin crashed out due to Bastianini's move, a penalty would have been warranted.

"That would deserve a penalty," he said. "It was a block pass, it was hard, over the line.

"But he stayed on the race track."

Sunt curios atunci ce li se pare "a dirty move" demna de penalizare - sa ii dea si asta o ciubotica in ghidon?Sau? :bounce:

Deci sa inteleg ca dupa ei diferenta intre penalizare si ne-penalizare e cat de bine s-a tinut Martin in sa?Ca de lovit clar a fost lovit.

Genul asta de justificari..."daca cadea era motiv de penalizare,asa daca nu a cazut nu e"....e ca si cum ai da peste unul pe trecere si daca ii rupi piciorul iti ia permisul,daca nu,e ok.

Si aia cu block-pass'ul...bai nene,sa o lase moarta cu block-pass,ala nu a fost block-pass,a explicat colegul damager foarte clar ce e block-pass,la block-pass ii tai trasa franand tarziu si astfel nu mai poate sa isi faca linia pe iesire,nu dai in el.Asta a fost dive din ala disperat a mai zic cui ii e caracteristic,ca se stie.

Acum 3 ore, ENEOS a spus:

Deci totul se rezumă la culoarea cu care e feștit pe jos?!? :moron:

Văd că toți sunt de acord că a fost dirty. Probabil dacă rolurile ar fi fost inversate pe JM l-ar fi penalizat.

Se pare ca da.

 Hah,good point,asta e o buna intrebare - daca ar fi facut-o Martin la un exponent al echipei oficiale Ducati,lua penalizare?Hehe...

Acum 3 ore, B.B. a spus:

Amuzant faptul ca i se acorda circumstante atenuante lui Enea ca a intors capul sa vada ce s-a intamplat cu Jorghe. :D:D 

De parca daca se imprastia oprea si se ducea sa-i acorde primul ajutor..  :crack: 


Asta e ca si cum impingi o baba pe scari intentionat si apoi te intorci sa te uiti sa vezi daca si-a rupt gatul sau daca mai misca.. uau, cata compasiune!!! :crack:


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Acum 18 ore, damager a spus:

Ce zice MM


Enea was out of the track too. So, for me, it’s not good for the championship - looking at our interests.

“But for me, if Enea was out of the track too, then [he should] drop one position.

“Because when you do an aggressive overtake, when you are inside the track then it’s not a problem.

“But when you go out of the track, then it means you should drop one position. I’m not agree with that decision [for the stewards not to investigate].

“But, one more time, it’s not good for our interest in the championship. But it’s like this.”

Cu teoria vad ca sta bine... practica il omoara.. :D Dupa ce se retrage, va fi o propunere foarte buna pentru Comisia de Siguranta  :crack:


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