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» Post actualizat in 05 Nov 2014 08:32


All black...




Mama... cat de criminal arata pe negru... :ok:


Despre sistemele electronice nu se vorbeste, fiindca nu le-a testat nimeni deocamdata (piloti, jurnalisti, etc.) sa ne spuna si noua cat de bine sunt puse la punct. Mai asteptam. Oricum, e excelent ca japonezii au inceput sa puna asa ceva pe motocicletele lor.

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Hazlie descriere! :crack:


Da,da uite ca ia fani de la alte marci, mie imi place, aduce chiar bine cu motoreta de curse, daca si merge mult mai bine eu zic ca au nimerit-o! Oricum acolo in fata unde trebuia sa fie farul o sa stea stikerul cu 46 sau 99! :)


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Inca o data, farurile le dati jos, si aveti un fel de M1. Asa a fost si cu 1000rr 2008, la ce mecla avea, toti o huleau, dar avea o ciclistica etalon.

Lumea face caterinca, dar daca ar fi maine la vanzare si ne-am permite toti, cred ca am face coada la reprezentanta mai ceva ca la alimentara in 89.

Sa zica cineva ca nu-i asa.

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Ba se face, ca daca vrei sa-i pui la alt moto acest sistem, te costa de te rupe.

» Post actualizat in 05 Nov 2014 13:25

In alta ordine de idei, stie cineva de asta: ?

Si asta

» Post actualizat in 05 Nov 2014 21:19

O sa sun maine eu, acum e tarziu.

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» Post actualizat in 05 Nov 2014 13:25


In alta ordine de idei, stie cineva de asta: ?



Si asta

» Post actualizat in 05 Nov 2014 21:19

O sa sun maine eu, acum e tarziu.

Eu zic ca sunt anunturi la oha, e acelasi nr de tel, una e postata de constanta, una de bucuresti, numele dezvaluie totul. R1-Vasile (mail Sticloioieru), R6-Gheorghe (mail Gheorgheciobanu69) si au acelasi nr de tel.

Probabil posesorul numarului de tel i-a deranjat/refuzat cu ceva...


Dar pana la urme e destul de ieftin un tel.

Sa ne zici si noua care e varianta,sunt curios...

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@ Jagi :


Per total m-a impresionat mult mai mult structura ei,de la airbox,cadru,partea de sub sa din magneziu,rotile din magneziu,evacuarea de titaniu si bascula spate.

Mai mult decat electronicele.A,nu zic,electronicele sunt o mare smecherie si a venit inarmata pana-n dinti.Aprob pozitiv.


Dar parerea mea e ca trebuie sa arate cat de cat ca sa vanda.

CBR-ul 2008 mie personal imi placea foarte mult ca look.

Parerea mea este ca BMW-ul a introdus uratenia la clasa motoarelor sport.Dar BMW-ul a vandut si vinde in continuare pe baza performantelor superioare.Deja si-a facut nume.

Deci,prin urmare,va trebui sa mearga al draq de bine R1 asta ca sa vanda.

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va zic doar atat, aprox 8 cai in plus fata de hp4

detalii mai multe cand lucram pe ea in 2 saptamani, poze si multe alte detalii.

cred ca in WSTK concurenta nu va avea nici o sansa, pilotii am inteles ca sunt buni dar nu le cunosc numele (in 2 sapt aflu)


in sbk nu va participa in 2015 sigur, 2016 e incert, dar aproape sigur nu


R1M contine niste "chestii" care sunt interzise in racing deocamdata, se va participa cu R1 normal

motorul contine si el niste mici avantaje pe care nu le foloseste nimeni in prezent (legat de vibratii, rezonante, frecvente)


Se lucreaza deja la evacuarea completa acolo au sosit primele informatii despre ponei.

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va zic doar atat, aprox 8 cai in plus fata de hp4

detalii mai multe cand lucram pe ea in 2 saptamani, poze si multe alte detalii.

cred ca in WSTK concurenta nu va avea nici o sansa, pilotii am inteles ca sunt buni dar nu le cunosc numele (in 2 sapt aflu)


in sbk nu va participa in 2015 sigur, 2016 e incert, dar aproape sigur nu


R1M contine niste "chestii" care sunt interzise in racing deocamdata, se va participa cu R1 normal

motorul contine si el niste mici avantaje pe care nu le foloseste nimeni in prezent (legat de vibratii, rezonante, frecvente)


Se lucreaza deja la evacuarea completa acolo au sosit primele informatii despre ponei.


:ok: Daca nu ma insel, o vom vedea in superbike-ul american.


Referitor la electronica, am gasit mai multe detalii si le pun aici (in engleza). Pachetul electronic este denumit YRC (Yamaha Ride Control) - The entire Yamaha Ride Control System has four customizeable presets, allowing the user to set each system specifically in each varying preset, allowing for four totally customizable electronic rider setups.


PWR (Power Mode) - is the R1's version of fuel maps, which allow the rider to choose between four different settings that modify the throttle valve opening rate based on the degree the throttle grip is open. The idea being you can have them correlate directly (50 percent open gives you 50 percent throttle) or some variation of more throttle at a smaller opening (race settings) or less throttle at a larger opening (low-traction conditions).

IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) - The IMU measures six axes of movement and includes both a gyro sensor and an accelerometer to measure position and acceleration in all three directions: fore-aft, up-down, and left-right. The IMU system is part of what helps tell electronic rider aids what to do.

TCS (Traction Control System) - The 10-setting Traction Control System (TCS) calculates and manages the speed differential between the front and rear wheel while taking lean angle into account.

SCS (Slide Control System) - The four-setting Slide Control System (SCS) is taken directly from the M1 MotoGP bike and adjusts engine power if a slide is detected.

LIF (Lift Control System) - The four-setting Lift Control System (LIF) measures the front-to-rear pitching rate and helps keep the front end down under hard acceleration.

LCS (Launch Control System) - Three-setting Launch Control System (LCS) limits the engine to 10,000 rpm while the bike is at standstill, even with the throttle wide open, and makes sure the engine output is at optimum levels in conjunction with the TCS and LIF systems.

QSS (Quick Shift System) - the three-setting Quick Shift System (QSS) detects movement in the shifter to briefly cut engine output for upshifts without the rider having to use the clutch or close the throttle.

UBS (ABS - Unified Braking System) - The ABS system on the new R1 now includes a Unified Braking System (UBS), which lightly activates the rear brake when the front brake is applied harshly. Yamaha claims the UBS system works with information from the Inertial Measurement Unit to help dictate how much rear brake is applied, based on the lean angle and available traction.


Astea de mai sus se regasesc pe R1. Varianta limitata, R1M, are tot ce scrie mai sus, dar la capitolul electronica mai are in plus urmatoarele:


Ohlins Electronic Racing Suspension - the system takes information from the Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) 125 times per second and then controls the front and rear compression and rebound damping accordingly. It comes with three pre-set levels of intervention, as well as three rider presets, allowing for further customization for rider preference.

Communication Control Unit Rider Machine Interface System - is composed of a GPS antenna and data logger which measures and records things like engine rpm, throttle position, speed, fuel consumption, braking pressure, and coolant temperature, while also recording your physical position and track times. It connects to your phone or tablet via wifi and sends all of that info to Yamaha's Telemetry Recording and Analysis Controller (Y-TRAC) which lets you look at all of the measured fields on an overlay of the track and tinker with the electronic rider aids.



Editat de Jorge Lorenzo
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