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MotoGP presezon 2020


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La 16.04.2020 la 16:21, Kiki a spus:



Nu stiu ce sa zic, mie deocamdata nu vor sa imi returneze banii pe bilete

Sunt in aceeasi situatie ca tine.
Am doua bilete la 'VIP Pellouse' platite pt Jerez.
Sper sa-mi faca refund caci sunt ceva banuti..

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Da, da, sunt ceva bani. Oricum nu cred ca voi mai lua bilete vreodata la MOTO GP, mi se pare de-a dreptul halucinant sa refuzi oamenii, pe diverese motive

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Acum 1 oră, Kiki a spus:

Da, da, sunt ceva bani. Oricum nu cred ca voi mai lua bilete vreodata la MOTO GP, mi se pare de-a dreptul halucinant sa refuzi oamenii, pe diverese motive

Sunt camtepari,incepand de la modul cum incearca sa te forteze sa iti extinda subscriptia  si iti ia banii de pe card,aplicatia e de rahat ,nu raspund la emailuri etc,

Parca ar fi ceva site rusesc suspect,desi nu e

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Acum 4 ore, ioio_viola a spus:

ati citit termenii si conditiile? alea la care dati(dam) agreed fara sa cititi de fiecare data? :))))

da, de ce?

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Acum 19 ore, Kiki a spus:

da, de ce?


ce optiuni ai pentru retur? din ce stiu eu scrie ca nu se face retur daca se schimba data cursei.

Acum 18 ore, john17 a spus:

Eu nu le-am citit, oare de aia mi-au dat banii inapoi pe videopass? :huh:


cred ca cei care au cerut la inceput banii i-au primit mai usor decat cei care ii cer acum. cu cat cresc cererile de retur cu atat au pierderile mai mari si incearca sa se acopere "legal" de orice chichita

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Vizitator john17
Acum 8 minute, Buggy a spus:

anul asta e compromis

Eu tot spun asta de cand a inceput nebunia, inclusiv unor motosportivi autohtoni! Nu prea apasat unora pt ca le pregatesc masinile.🤭

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Da, asa se pare ca fara public pt începutul verii. 

Tehnicianul Prohaska(stiam ca ăsta se ocupa de fotbal totusi),

a mentionat astăzi in interviu radio, ca pe circuitul Spielberg vor fi doua weekenduri competiții, mai exact cu pregatiri incepand cu datele 15 si 22 Iulie. 

Fără public si numai după ce toti participanții vor fi testați. 

Rămâne sa vedem ce ne mai rezerva pandalia cerebel Co Vidă. 

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La 23.04.2020 la 14:38, Buggy a spus:

Eu mi am cumparat mereu bilet de la casa in ziua cursei...clasic 😀 la cinema😂


Eu asa am facut de fiecare data. Singurul moment din viata cand am cumparat bilet cu un an inainte a fost un concert Rammstein. 

Asa patesc prevazatorii care isi cumpara bilete cu 50 de ani inainte, loveste neprevazutul si ei raman fara bani si fara cursa vazuta. :D 


Eu in cativa ani la rand nici nu mi-am luat bilet!  :kick:

Editat de B.B.
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Vizitator john17

Noroc că nu e plăvanis președinte acolo, că s-ar fi ținut în 2024...🤬

Oricum dpmdv nimic nu va mai fi cum a fost. 

Bani înapoi au dat cuiva? Pe bilete zic. 

Acum 55 minute, thesaw a spus:

E insulta la adresa creierului sa ma uit la 10 copii cum se joaca pe PS.


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Razlan Razali despre posibila trecere a lui Rossi la Petronas SRT: ` 

Petronas SRT boss Razlan Razali has confirmed to Autosport that talks have been held with Yamaha about signing Valentino Rossi for the 2021 MotoGP season.

Seven-time MotoGP world champion Rossi is out of contract at the end of this year and has lost his place at the factory Yamaha squad to Fabio Quartararo for 2021.

Yamaha had asked Rossi to decide his future at the start of the year, but his insistence on waiting to evaluate his performance in the opening races of the now-delayed 2020 season forced the Japanese marque's hand to make a move for the sought-after Quartararo.

Rossi has been guaranteed full works support from Yamaha should he choose to stay for 2021 with SRT, which he indicated last month is now likely owing to the current situation surrounding the 2020 season.

In an exclusive interview with Autosport, Razali confirmed talks have been had with Yamaha about a 2021 Rossi deal, though the finer details now need to be worked out.

"We met with Yamaha and we already know their proposal," Razali said.

"But now we have to sit down with all the parts and begin to deal with the details.

"That has not been done yet. So far we have been analysing technical issues.

"We must not forget that Valentino should be matched with our sponsors.

"We have to balance the disbursement of hiring him for a single year and see what we can get in return, be it performance on track or results.

"It is clear that it would benefit us in terms of exposure, and that having Valentino is a great value.

"At the moment, everything looks good, but we have to start analysing the details."

Razali (above) says one of the main points that has to be ironed out is who Rossi is able to bring with him from the works Yamaha squad, while not 'dismantling' the current technical structure at SRT.

"Normally, when a rider arrives at a factory he takes with him the pieces of equipment with which he is most comfortable," Razali added.

"We are in favour of that, because we also do not want to deny his chief mechanics and technicians that he chooses the possibility of signing for a factory and of being in a position to fight for the title.

"We made it clear to Yamaha that at Petronas we have our technical teams and we prefer not to dismantle that structure.

"Surely only two or three of Rossi's technicians would join him, but we still have to talk to him."

Of Rossi's core crew, new crew chief David Munoz and long-time mechanic Alex Briggs are the most likely to step over to SRT with him.

Rossi will likely be paired with protege Franco Morbidelli (below) at SRT next year, after Razali confirmed to Autosport that it was looking to re-sign the 2017 Moto2 world champion.`

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Acum 4 ore, linoleu a spus:

Eu sunt curios cat de mare va fi salariul sau si cine il va plati


Sper ca realizezi ca omul  nu sta pentru bani

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Vizitator john17

Și ne-am întors la șepcuuuuuțeeee...

Plm, se mai tine gp anul ăsta ori ba? Că se agită unii cu iulie, dar până nu demult era iunie, a fost și mai când ceream eu banii de videopass indărăt... 

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MotoGP confirms plans to start the delayed 2020 MotoGP season with two consecutive rounds at Jerez; a Grand Prix of Spain followed by a new Grand Prix of Andalusia.


The first is set to be held on July 17-19, with teams and riders from the various classes then remaining in place for a follow-up event on July 24-26. A WorldSBK round is then planned for the weekend after (July 31-August 2).


It will still depend on Spanish lockdown restrictions continuing to ease over the next two and half months, but all sides are confident the events can go ahead. 

"Once authorisation from the Spanish government has been given, the three events will be proposed to the FIM for inclusion on their respective calendars," said a MotoGP statement. "The first MotoGP event would be the Grand Prix of Spain, becoming the season opener for the MotoGP class, and the second would be the Grand Prix of Andalusia."


mai multe aici:

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