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Intoarcerea lui Abraham :D


Batalie mare intre Redding si Petrucci ; cine iese deasupra prinde GP17 :) O sa fie interesant de urmarit.


14 Scott REDDING Ducati GBR 72


15 Danilo PETRUCCI Ducati ITA 71
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  • 2 weeks later...


Nu e chiar atat de buna. Eurosport isi bate joc de transmisiile moto. Vezi WSBK. Vom regreta Digi Sport..

Avantajul eurosport este ca putem schimba canalul audio pe english :)

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Pai din cate stiam eu,ordinea de aprindere a unui V4/90° cu arborele la 180 e 180-90-180-270,deci in nici un caz nu poate fi screamer.

V4 screamer nu am auzit,aia e smecheria la V4 si de aia il pun pe motoare,ca nu e screamer.

Yamaha cu R1 crossplane exact asta incearca (si reuseste cu arbori de contrabalansare si niste mici alte tertipuri),sa simuleze un V4/90° in "pielea" unui L4.Deci sa aiba ergonomia si packing-ul unui L4 si modul de livrare a puterii si comportamentul unui V4.

Ori un V4 cu comportament de screamer mi se pare fara nici o noima,ca asa ar face un screamer L4 ca ar fi super usor...zic eu ceva gresit?


Chiar imi placeau tramnsmisiunile si comenatorii de la Digi, stiau ceva meserie. Plus ca imi mai auzeam numele pe post cand dadeam mailuri, de ma sunau neamurile sa ma intrebe :)


Dar din cate tin minte, la Eurosport erau foarte bune transmisiunile, acuma depinde ce comentatori vor baga, sau daca vom putea selecta comentariul in Engleza.

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Chiar imi placeau tramnsmisiunile si comenatorii de la Digi, stiau ceva meserie. Plus ca imi mai auzeam numele pe post cand dadeam mailuri, de ma sunau neamurile sa ma intrebe :)



Victoria Davies, VP, Country Manager Central and Eastern Europe, Eurosport:“This new agreement is part of our long term commitment to the Romanian market aimed at offering relevant, premium content to all our Eurosport fans. We are delighted to consolidate our local offer with MotoGP™ for the coming three years. This is a great example of how Eurosport is able to bring fans a complete live viewing experience when it comes to the greatest sporting events. Our coverage is extensive, with the live broadcast of all races each season, as well as an immersive and entertaining experience with our multi-feed service. It’s what fans expect today and exactly what Eurosport is capable of delivering.”


In traducere libera : Astia de la Dorna considera ca RDS sunt prea slabi pentru a le transmite produsul lor, realizeaza ca Dorna nu da doi bani pe numele tau auzit la televizor si ca asteptarile lor erau altele din partea contractorului. Interviuri, prezenta pe pista.. samd

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Chiar imi placeau tramnsmisiunile si comenatorii de la Digi, stiau ceva meserie. Plus ca imi mai auzeam numele pe post cand dadeam mailuri, de ma sunau neamurile sa ma intrebe :)


Dar din cate tin minte, la Eurosport erau foarte bune transmisiunile, acuma depinde ce comentatori vor baga, sau daca vom putea selecta comentariul in Engleza.

Vezi ca iti poti surprinde neamurile cu dedicatii la etno


Daca a fost un minus mare la rds ,a fost citirea de emailuri idioate.

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Vezi ca iti poti surprinde neamurile cu dedicatii la etno


Daca a fost un minus mare la rds ,a fost citirea de emailuri idioate.

Da, si mie mie se parea ciudat sa citeasca toate mailurile primite cuvant cu cuvant.....cu nume cu tot. Desi cred ca vroiau sa se conformeze cu noul curent de social networking si interactionare cu publicul ceea ce e ok, insa se putea altfel.


Care nu ati inteles glumita cu auzitul numelui la tv, imi pare rau pt voi :)

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  • 8 months later...

Tito Rabat’s 2014 championship winning Moto2 bike stolen in Brussels, Belgium


In the early hours of the morning on Wednesday 16th August thieves broke into the Marc VDS workshop in Gosselies, Belgium and stole the Kalex Moto2 machine on which Tito Rabat won the 2014 Moto2 World Championship title.

The theft happened at around 2am and the championship winning bike, which was on display in the workshop reception area, was the only thing of value taken.

The bike is in the team's 2014 livery and features the #53 plate that Rabat ran that season.

If anyone is offered the bike for sale, or has any information on the theft, then please call +32 (0)71 35 69 32. All calls will be kept confidential.




Oare ce-or face cu ea? Apare pe la track-days?

Edited by gabitzu
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

in caz ca va intrebatice buget are o echipa de moto 2 / motogp privata:


Forward's Moto2 Budget (main picture)

Riders: €200,000

Rider 1 = €80-100,000

Rider 2 = €20-30,000

+ bonus

"Our philosophy is that we are in Moto2 to try to build champions, not just take riders with money," Cuzari began. "I'm not here to try to do business because I know very well that racing is not business. My target is to try to not lose money.

"So, if we have one strong rider, let me say around €80-100k. And the second rider, a young rider, can we say needs at least €20-30k just to survive. Plus bonuses, that means around €200,000 for the two riders."

Bikes: €550,000

3-4 Kalex = €400,000

Crash damage = €150,000

"You need 3-4 Kalex, because you have a bike for each rider, one spare, plus parts. This is €400,000. Then crash damage I can tell you, unfortunately, is about €150,000."

Staff: €570,000

"Now we need crew chiefs, mechanics… We have twelve staff here, plus the office staff."

Travel: €500,000

"We spend about €35,000 per person. 15 people… let's call it €500,000."

Hospitality: €250,000

Box: €50,000

Truck (fuel): €60,000

Office: €50,000

Team H.Q.: €40,000


Total Moto2 costs:

"I tell you when you do all the 'plus, plus, plus'… you arrive at a total figure of about: €2,600,000."

Money from Dorna: €150-180,000

"Dorna give us between €150-180k per season."

What a Moto2 team needs to raise:

"€2,600,000 minus €150,000 from Dorna gives a figure of €2,450,000.

Money from Title Sponsor: €1-1.2 million

"But for the same price you can now be a title sponsor in MotoGP. Let me explain…"

A MotoGP Budget

Total MotoGP costs: €7.5 million

"I know very well because I was in MotoGP [until the end of 2015]. The MotoGP budget is about €7.5 million."

Money from Dorna: €5 million

"Dorna pay €2.5 million per rider."

What a MotoGP team needs to raise:

"€7,500,000, minus €5,000,000 from Dorna, gives a magic number of €2,500,000.

"It's almost the same as a Moto2 team."



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Foarte interesante cifrele.E ok,e ieftin sa meri in moto fata de auto :P

Cu o mica adnotare totusi pentru motogp - da,e aproape la fel de "ieftin" sa participi la motogp pentru ca Dorna da mult mai multi bani,dar problema e ca Espeleta a spus ca grila de motogp e inchisa,nu se mai primesc echipe noi.Se vor face exceptii doar daca Rossi vrea sa isi faca pe viitor o echipa.

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Nu vreau sa fiu carcotas dar daca ne uitam la Yamaha, doar Vale costa 10 mil. pe an si la Ducati, Lorenzo, costa chiar 15 milioane.

Am dubii mari ca cifrele au vreo treaba cu realitatea. Poate ca se pupa cu situatia de la o (una) echipa si nimic mai mult.

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Nu vreau sa fiu carcotas dar daca ne uitam la Yamaha, doar Vale costa 10 mil. pe an si la Ducati, Lorenzo, costa chiar 15 milioane.

Am dubii mari ca cifrele au vreo treaba cu realitatea. Poate ca se pupa cu situatia de la o (una) echipa si nimic mai mult.

Eee,colegul se referea la "desculti" la astia gen Pramac,etc la entry level nu la de-alde Yamaha,HRC si alte echipe de uzina.Aia baga in R&D gramada,dupa aia pilotii dupa cum ai zis nu costa 3 lei,hostingul e enorm la ei,au foarte multi oameni in staff,alte miscari de trupe.

Era vorba aici de minimul necesar pentru a sustine o echipa de moto2/motogp.Asa ca se ne facem si noi o idee de costuri desigur,in linii mari.

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